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Tir M. Quab. ! There hm- - h amongst sporting men as to v. \ . v ;ht Mr Henry viouH put on Uniform foi m- Midsummer Handicap. It was the genei-al opinion that he wou'd not atk the Wellington Cup winner to carry mofe than 10 0, but even with 10 5 Mr Stead's horse must have a chance second to none Had he got in lighter it would have been no race at all. lam well aware that a few pounds makes more difference than is apparent from the mere poundage sc^.le when welter weights are reached, but Uniform's record is so good under heavy weights that Mr Henry seems to me to have done ths right thing in placing Uniform at 30.5 Ou weig'it theiv are .several in the lace who h.ive little cLance on form vith the Hotchkiss horse. For instance, at Dunedin Unifoiin curried 912 and defeated Epaulet 84 ; the latter only receives 6!b for his defeat. In this race S^uminhet hid 7. 13, so he now meets Uijifoim on Sib belter terms It is v <safe, hoAvevev. to argue diiTeseace in poundage so f»r as. Skirmisher is coiiCisrned, bub on that basis he cannot Lave a hope against Uniform. Afc Wellington Mr Stead's hor.«e gave Leda 1.6 and Haria 1.8, and simply lost them. The winner now meets them on 111b and 141b worse terms, ■which would appear to give th"iv a chnuce ; but ih mu^.t not be forgotten thit Wt. Pavsl 10.2 simply undo hacks of both Le^a and H.irU ia the Pie^idriiit's fla' at Wellingvon, tho weights being Iveda 8.4, Haria S3. .Seeing that Uniform defeated St. Paul in the Cup, it must be assumed that the former would probably have beaten them just as ea&ily as did Sr. Piul, and ought to beat them now. Red Lancer 7.11 ought to have a show, os he is evidently an improving hoise and raa ieraaik->b!y well at the Otago Cup meeting. If both cm stay he sshould Requin 7.7. Culveriu 7 11 is nicely tieated, as she is much better now than \vh' v last ojipeared in pu'dic. Black and Jled 7.10 I have not much fancy for, not knowing how he is, and on Wellington form Guldleaf 7.7 can h<)ve no chance. I like the look of Starshot 7.9. She has been liiuning fairly well since the New Zealand Gup meeting. At Dunedin she carried 8.2 and defeatea SkiiinisLer 8.0 over a mile and a distance, after flni^hii g second to Uniform in the Otago Cup. Now Skiimi'-her has to give Sturshot 91b. Bloomer 7.6' is travelling fieely eniugh in her work, but she may ni>t be ready. Of Mountebank? 5 J know nothing, though on his best form he i.sfairlv well in. Rangeflnder 0.7 has won the Oh oka Hjndicap and Christcburch Racing Club Handicap, defeating Skirmisher in the la-.t-naiiied, but at the Tinwnld meeting the Vanguaid horse ran aw<ty from Rangefindeiv As previously stated, it is unwise to take Skirmibhei's, form as a quide — indeed, it would be impossible to size him up on that basis— but Rangefinder has laced c insi^teutly, and may urn well in the Midsummer Handicap. I think Uniform can win with all his weight, and of the others I prefer Jtpaulet, Red Lancer, Culverin, and Starshot.

There is a poor lot iv tbe Halswell Hurdles, and Clarence may be found quite good enough to win.

Of the Lyttelton Plate entrants Allair 9 5 has received all be cleseived — perhaps a little m >se, as his AuikLinrl form scarcely wai ranted it. Lepanto at ;■- biou*' Jess has been givsn a chance, as als-'o his Motto. Djiu Djin may run better than ho did at Wellington, as also may his stable mate Cornea. I no faHcy for First Venture, but Proposal is fast, as also are Jb'alka and lien Fat ley. Of Mr Slead'b p^ii I prefer Motto, who may win. Saiacen has been out of tiviuing a o long that he may not be ready to cai ly 10 9 prominently in the Honibby "Welter EUidictp, but Cannonshot JO 7 has bjon miming well of late. Marino 9. KJ is a Meiftlit-curier, but on nortlie 111 1 form is none too well tieated. Of Jewel 9 12, Black and Red 9 11, Muiser 9 11, and Vandyke 9 11 I prefer Mau-er, whilst Slai&hot 95 is sure to iuii well. Curab&ow 9.2 is an unknown quantity, but if as good as lejioiteri ought to have a big chance. Of Marlin 9 0, Fulmen 8 13, Rangt-rindei S 11, and L^id btanbuiy 8.10 theie is not much to choo»e between. Of the lemaiuder I like ouly Bi&ley. fitarshot may win if lescived.

If Bracelet has recovered her foim the Craven Plate may be considered as all over. Her foim of late has been all wroug, and if she is well on the day I fail to see what is to beat her. Seeing that Arhne gave R-sd Lancer lib and easily defeated him over this distance at the Otago Cup meeting, she should again beat him at a difference of 41b. Ou the same form A^anilla should also be beaten by Ailine, Culverin I rather like at 7.11, but I don't fancy any of the others. Biacelet is my first choice, with Arline and Culverin nexi. iv order.

The nominations received by the Plmnpton Club for its two days' meeting on TTebruaiy 12 and 17 are only moderately good, but the quality of the trotters eugaged is, as a whole, good. The following will show the number named for the va'ious events :—: — First Day — Satvuday, February 32. — Maiden Handicap (saddle), ot 2Gsovf (two miles), 16; Pony Tl>indic<ii> (harness), of 20sovs (two miles), 11; hockbuin Handicap (saddle), ot 50bovs (two mil. s), 6; Pio^re&sive ILuidicai) (barnes 0 ), of 40-ovs (two mi^), 11 ; Selling Uandicap (saddle), of 2550v.-s (two mile 5 .), 17 ; Plump ton Handicap (haiabSb), of SOsovs (two miles), 15; Electric Handicap (saddle), of 35sovs (one mile), 9 ; Dash Handicap (harness), of 35sovs (one mile), 10 ;—; — total, 105. Second iJay— February 17. — Maiden Handicap (harness;, of 25sovs (two miles), 13; Pony Haudicap (laddie), of 20sovs(two miles), 10 ; Hornby Handicap (saddle), of SOsovs (two miles), 7; Selling Handicap (haines«), of 25sovs (two mile&), 13 ; RiccarfcGU Handicap (harness), of

2osoys (two miles), 10 ; Middleton Handicap (saddle), of 40s>ovs (two mile*), 10 ; Telegraph Handicap (harnesi), of 35sovs (one mile) 21 • .Final Handicap (saddle), of 35sovs (one mile), 10;— total, 100. Tiie Heathcote P^rk Racing and Trotting Club's meeting was held on Saturday ou the old Heathcote course. About 130 persons attended, but what they witnessed could not be described by the name of sport. The events were run without the consent of the racing poweis, consequently all those taking part theiem will be debarred from running horses at any reg;stered gathenng, or of taking part at legitimatp meetings. The proceedings were occasionally decidedly humouiom. The first event was advertised as a Pony Hurdle lUce, but as neither of the two contestants could be got o\er the obstacle* it was agreed to run the race on the flat. The hurdlt-s (battened platforms turned -up on edge), which were about 12ffc wide, were therefore removed. The two riders gave an exhibition of riding which would diogi-2.ce a butcher boy, although many mnst have envied the muscularity of the lider of the second pony, whose mouth must be still soiv. The Heaihcote Cup was a gift tothe Vanguard gelding Parole, lidileu by KMly, who, bythe way, has had the misfortae to lose one of hi^ legs. la the preliminary for this race one of the hor£O3 went lame, but this fact did not inconveni-nce the push in the slightest, as they quietly we&t outside and got another horse to take h^s place. No noh.ce whatever was taken of the little gime. Wianie V won the Pony Flat Race, Ally Slower the Maiden, and Woolston the Ilan-dkap; while Eve, a well-known Ohristehurch cab hursc, got home in the Tradesmen's Trot. I sincerely trust that this meeting will prove the last held under such conditions. Ey the way, Mr F. J. Fuchs, who was the principal promoter of this meeting, has been ecting as a deLigate on the South Island Trotting Associatian for some time. Ha informs me that he intends to send in his resignation to the Southland Tiottins Club.

Bookmakers had all the worst of the deal on Saturday over the Takapuna meeting. Betting on the Miduimmer and Craven Handicap double lias not been very bri*. Uniform has s.i far tcaicely been asked for, backers evidently being uuder the impression that he will not be sent. ITioni inquiries made I gather that the quettion is as yet undecided.

Mr F. Mulholland has been appointed to represent the Plumpion Park Club on the South Island Tx'otting Association Mr 3?. Beverley having resigned

So far do one has been appointed to fill the position of delegate to the South Islaud Trotting Association vacated by the resignation of Mr M'lntyte.

A meeting of the committee of the Canterbury Trotting Club was held on Wednesday evening. Messrs V. and J. Harris foiwarded their resisraatians as the club's delegates to the South Island Tiotting- Association, and no other members could be ieduced to acept the position. Ihe programme for the club's May meeting was passed, tbe sum of j£r.]OO being gweii iv stake*. The events are as follows :— First Day, May 19.— Maiden Handicap (in saddle), of COs^vs ; two Tnil<-s. Pony Handicap (in Jiarne s), of 4' soya ; two miles ; smin, with SOsec limit. Winter Handicap (in <-addle), of lOOaovs ; two n.iks ; S&sc limit. Addinglon Handicap (in harness), of IGOsoys ; two nule3 ; ]osec limit. Opea Handicjp (in harness), of SOsovs ; two miles ; sarln 25^ec, with 25sec limit. Da^-h Handicap (in hsrness), of 70soys ; one mile ; loser limit. JUectiic Handicap (in saddle), of 70-stns ; nne imle ; likec limit. Second Day, May 21 — Maiden H andi<-ap (iv hainesi), of 50tQ vs ; for horses that have not dene better than smin4osec ; t.vo miles. Pony Handicap (in saddle), of 40aovs ; two miles ; smin 35^0, with 36=sec limit. Juvenile Race (in harues-O, of 240sovs, with conditions; one mile. Queen's Birthday Handicap (in saddle), of 100.->ovi3 ; two miles ; 25sec limit. Free-for-all Handicap (in harness), of 140sovs ; one mile. Open Handicap (in saddle), cf EOsovs ; two miles ; 25sec limit. Telegraph Handicap (in harness), of ■76 ovs; one isiilo ; 15=ec limit. Final Handicap (in harness), of 70 3 ovs ; one mile ; 15=ec limit. I .should like to see our leading clubs hang up a weighty purse to be taken by the owner of any horse capable of lowering any existing record. I feel sure there are several horseo who would be sent in an attempt to beat existing records if sufficient inducement were offered.

The Riecaiton tracks and tnclosures, though showing the effects cf the preloi<g«d drought, are looking much better than 1 expected to see them, Given a few decent showerd the ground should bear an attractive appearance for the Summer meeting. A. few blackboard totalisatora were run at Heathcote on Saturday ; but their proprietors did not make much. The few visitois present prefeired to hang on to their coin rather than entrust it to the care of some of the gentlemen who were prepared to bet in "silver, golrl, or notes."

The annual meeting of the Akaroa Racing Club will be held on March 10. The progTas-aiae is very similar to that of last year.

The stallion Dictator, by Imperious, is in work again after completing a season at the stud. The South Island Trotting Association declined to endorse the president's action in approving the Hfatbcote programme.

Regent and Three Cheers have been turned out of training. There is no faster horse in New Zealand than this sanae Three Cheers, who is by Victor ; but he has grown cunning, and will not try when he is wanted. Edwards, being unable to do anything with him, sent the horse home.

It is notified that no nominations will be received by the secretary of the Canterbury Jockey Club unless accompanied by the necessary fees. This couise is a step in the direction of keepiog down the unpaid forfeit list, and bhould meet with universal approval,

The Cuirassier — Radiant colt purchased by Mason at the Auckland sales is now an inmate of the Middleton stable.

Manawanui does not look at all well after his West Coast tiip. M. Hobbs returned from his trip to 'Australia last week, and was given a hearty reception by Pdccartonites.

JStrathbraan and Powder Monkey are both looking weli.

'J he reported pa'c of the trotter Sing-Sing by M'Miilan to G. Holmes is scarcely correct.. The horse was sold by the owner, not by M'Millan, who tiaiued the horse. It is understood that i-'CO was the sum paid.

Cantprbury tiotting men did not make much by their tijpto the Johnsonville meeting. On the second day Lassie won, but this was all our horses managed to wiu. The anarg-jraenTs at the meeting have not impressed Cinterlmiy visitors.

A St. George— Roseneath gelding aad a bay colt by Phaeton — Take Miss, in charge of WynnWilliiims, are regular attendants at Riccaiton. Telemeter is also occas onally seen out. B Edwards, who but recently started training, has an Artillery — Mattie gelding and Maybud in work.

Bharpsbot (Chainshot — Becky Sharp) is again in commission. Skitrnisher, in the tame -fctable, is going very wall. A Chainshot — Mayflower gelding has been added to Sheenan's lot.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 32

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CANTERBURY DOINGS. Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 32

CANTERBURY DOINGS. Otago Witness, Issue 2292, 3 February 1898, Page 32