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Chapter XXX. Honour Among Thieves.

In brilliant sunshine, with the larks singing merrily in the oloudless vault of blue and the air heavy with the scent of hay, I drove from Horsham station along the old "turnpike road to Wxrnham Hall. A carriage bad been sent for rue, as usual, and as I sat back moodily I fear I saw little of interest in , the typical English landscape. The joys of the world were dead to me, consumed as I " -was by the one great sorrow of my life. My mind was full of the tristful past. I bad reached London from Pariß on the previous Bight, and in response to a telegram from the Earl saying he had left Osborne and gone to the Hall, I had travelled down by the morning train. As we entered the park and drove up the broad well-kept drive, the startled deer - bounded aw*y and the emua raised their small heads with resentful inquiring glance, but dashing along, the pair of spanking bays quickly brought me up to the great grey portico. Ab soon as I alighted I banded over

my craps to one of the servants and walked straight to the great oak-panelled dining room. As I paused at the door it suddenly opened, and a man emerged bo quickly that he almost stumbled over me. Oar eyes met. I stood aghast, staring as if I had seen an apparition. In the semi-darkness of the corridor I doubt whether my face was quite distinguishable, but upon his there shone the slanting rays of light from an old diamondpaned window. In an instant I recognised the features, although I had only seen them once before. It was the foppish yourjg man who had been Ella's companion on that lonely walk in Kensington Gardens. Why he had visited the Earl was an inscrutable mystery. He regarded me in surprise for a single instant, then, thrusting both hands negligently into bis trousers pockets, strode leisurely away along the corridor, a straw hat with black and white band placed jauntily at the back of his head. I watched him until he had turned the corner and disappeared, then I entered the great old-fashioned apartment. "Well, Dsedes," exclaimed the Earl in a voice that was unusually cheerful. He was standing at the window gazing across the park, but my presence caused him to turn sharply. " Back again, then 1 " " Yes. I think I have f alfilled the mission," I managed to exclaim. Truth to tell, this extraordinary encounter had caused me considerable perplexity and annoyance. "You have done excellently,".he said. " A telegram this morning from Lord Worthorpe shows with what tact you put matters to him, and I am glad to tell you that his interview I with the President proved entirely satisfacI tory. I wired the news to her Majesty only half an hour ago." " I did my best," I observed, perhapß a trifle oarlessly, for there was another matter upon which I was anxious to oonsult my ! eccentric benefactor. ! " The task was one of unusual difficulty, I I admit, Daedes 1 , and you have shown yourself fully qualified for a post abroad. You shall have one before long." I At other times I should have warmly wel- | corned the enthusiasm of this speech and thanked him heartily for the promise of a | more lucrative position, bat now, crushed and hopeless, I felt that joy had left^ my soul for ever, and merely replied : "I am quite satisfied to be as I am. Ido not care for the Continent." " Why 1 " he inquired, surprised. "If you remain in the service here you will have but little chance of distinguishing yourself, whereas in Rome, Constantinople, or Berlin you might obtain obances of promotion." " I have been already in Petersburg, you remember," I said. " Ah, of course. But you didn't get on very well there," he laid. "Itis a difficult staff for younger men to work amongst. You'd be more comfortable in Vienna, perhaps. Viennese society would suit you, wouldn't it 1 " " No," I replied very gravely. " I fear that henceforward I shall be, like yourself, a hater of society and all its ways." " Oh ! " he exclaimed, placing his hands beneath his coat-tails, a habit of his when about to enter any earnest consultation. " Why ? " " Well, if you desire to know the truth," I said, " it concerns my marriage." " Ab, of course 1 " he observed with deep sorrow. " I had quite forgotten that unfortunate affair. Yet time will cause you to forget. You are young, remember, Daedes — very young, compared with an old stagar like me." j " It is scarcely likely that I shall forget so easily," I said after a slight pause. " Since I have been in Paris I have made a discovery that has bewildered ms. I confide in you because you are the orJy person who knows the secret of my wife'e flight." " Qaite right," he said, regarding me with those piercing eyes shaded by their grey shaggy brows. ' " If I can assist you or give you advice I am always pleased, for the romance of your marriage is the strangest I have ever known." " Yes," I acquiesced, " and the truth I have accidently learnt still stranger. I have discovered that my wife was never Ella Laing, a» I had believed, but that she really is the Grand Duchess Elizaveta Nicolayevna of Russia." "The Grand Dachess ! " he cried, amazed, hia eyea afUme in an instant. "Are you certain of this — have you absolute proof 1 " " Absolute. I have seen her, and she has admitted it, and told me that she masqueraded in England as Ella Laing because she desired to avoid Court etiquette for a time," I said. " Grodekoff lied," he growled, ia an ebullition of anger. " I recognised her at the Embassy ball when you pointed her out, yet the Ambassador assured me that her High1 ness was at that moment ia Russia, We

have both been tricked, Deodes. But ha who laughs last laughs longest." He had folded bis arm 3, and was standing resolutely before me, gazing upon the dead green carpet, deep in thought;. " The mystery becomes daily more puzzling," he said at length, seating himself. " Tell me all that transpired between you." I sank into a chair opposite the renowned ohief of the Foreign Office, and repeated the conversation that had taken place at our interview, while he listened attentively without hazarding a single remark. " Then again she would tell you nothing ? " exclaimed the Earl when I had concluded. "She refused absolutely to divulge her secret 1 " " Yes," I said. " I promised to forgive if Bhe would only tell me the truth. She refused; so we have parted." " And what do you intend doing 1 " " I intend to seek the truth for myself," I answered with fierce resolve. " How 1 " " I have not yet decided," I said. " The reason she tooksuoh infinite pains to conceal her identity is incomprehensible, but her firm resolution to preserve her secret at ail hazards appears as though she is in deadly fear of exposure by some person or other who can only be conciliated by absolute silence." " Then we must discover who that person is." I nodded, answering: "l intend to do ao." Presently, after he had crossed and recrosaed the room several timeß with his hands behind his back, murmuring to himself in apparent discontent, but in tones that were undietinguishable, I turned to him and said : "As I entered, a visitor left you. Who is he?" " Cecil Bingham. He is staying with me for a few days." " A friend 1 " " Well — yes," answered his lordship, halting and regarding me with no little surprise. " What do you know of him 1 " At first I hesitated, but on reflection resolved to explain the circumstances in which we had met, and slowly related to him how I had encountered him with my wife in Kensington Gardens on that wall-remernbsred wintry afceraoon. The Earl grew grave, and after observing that Bitgham had arrived on the previous day to spend a week, he fcr some moments stood looking aimlessly out of the window upon the broad park and the great sheet of water that glistened in the sunlight beyond. Then, muttering something I could not catch, he walked quickly back to the fireplace, and touched the electric bell. " Ask Mr Bingham to see me for a moment," he exclaimed, when the man answered the summons, and in a few minutes the Earl's guest came in with that affected jaunty air that had caused me to class him as a cad. When he had entered, the Earl himself walked to the door and softly closed it ; then turning, said in a hard, dry voics : " This, Cecil, is my secretary, Deedes, the husband of the woman known as Ella Laing, with whom you have, I understand, been in correspondence, and have met clandestinely on many occasions." •• What do you mean 1 " he cried resentfully, glancing from the Earl to myself, " I know no one of that name. T?ou are mistaken." " There is no mistake," answered the great statesman coldly, at the same time taking from an old oak bureau a large linen-lined envelope of the kind used in our department. From a drawer he took one ot bis visitor's letters, while from the envelope he drew forth a second letter. At a glance I saw that the latter was one of those mysterious missives Bigned " X" that had bden received by my wife. Opening both, he placed them together, and handed them to me without comment. | They were in the same handwriting. II Do you deny having written that letter ? " : asked the Minister sternly, at the same time showing him the note. He made a motion to take it, but suddenly drew away his hand. His lips contracted, his face grew pale, and with a gesture of feigned contempt he waved the Earl's hand aside. " Do you deny it ? " repeated my chief. He was still silent, his face a sufficient index to the agitation within him. " You have endeavoured to deceive me," continued the Ejrl harshly.' "You have some fixed purpose in accepting my invitation and coming here to visit me, but you were unaware that already I had knowledge of facts you have endeavoured so cunningly to concaal. It is useless to deny that you are acquainted with Daodes's wife, for he recognises you as having walked with her in Kensington Gardens, while I have ascertained at last who she really is — that her name was never Ella Laiog." He started at this announcement. His lips moved, but no word escaped him. That the Earl should have learned the true name and station of my wife apparently disconcerted him. His complexion was of ashen hue; all bis arrogance had left him, for he saw himself cornered. • I stood glaring at him fiercely, for was not I face to face with the man whom my wife had met times without number, concealing from me all motive or duration of her absences 1 Some secret had existed between them — he was the man whom she apparently feared, and whose will she had obeyed, I felt that now at last I should ascertain the truth and obtain a key to .the strange perplexing enigma that had held me in doubt and suspicion through so many weary months. His shifty gaze met mine ; I detected a fierce glint in bis eyes. " Well? " exclaimed his lordship, as determined as myself upon seeking a aolution of the problem. " Now that you admit these mysterious meetings with Highness, per- - haps you will explain their object." " I admit nothiag," he answered in anger, knitting his brows. " Neither have I anything to explain." " See ! " the Earl said, drawing Ella's photagrapa from the envelope. " Perhaps you will recognise this picture 1 " and his bony hand trembled with suppressed excitement as he placed it before him. At sight of it my wife's strange friend drew a long breath. He was white to the lips. Never lief ore had I witnessed such a ! coniDlete change in any man in so short a ' period, and especially caucus ib eeemed when

I reflected that he had been charged with no very serious crime. " You may allege whatever it may please you," he eaid afc last, with affected sarcasm, " but a woman's honour is safe in my hands." "My wife's honour I " I cried with fierce indignation, springing towards him threateningly. I could no longer stand by in silence when I recollected what Ella had said about being compelled to act according to the will of another. She had no doubt been under the thrall of this overdressed dandy. " Now that we have met," I exclaimed, " you shall explain to me, her husband." With a quick movement he strode forward as if to escape us, but in an instant I had gripped him by tho shoulder with fierce determination, while the E*rl himself, apprehending bis intention, placed his back against the door. " Speak I " I cried wildly, shaking him in my anger. " You shall tell us the true nature of the secret between you and my wife, and prove your statement to our satisfaction, or, by heaven, I'll thrash you as a cunning, cowardly cur ! "

(To he continued A

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Otago Witness, Issue 2254, 13 May 1897, Page 44

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Chapter XXX. Honour Among Thieves. Otago Witness, Issue 2254, 13 May 1897, Page 44

Chapter XXX. Honour Among Thieves. Otago Witness, Issue 2254, 13 May 1897, Page 44