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Messrs Dalgety and Co. (Limited) repoit having held a sale of horses at Brtlclutha on Tuesday, 4th May. There was a large attendance, including buyers from "* apanui, Clinton, Milton, and surrounding districts. The sale was an eminently successful one, the competition from firtt to last being animated, and, with a few exceptions, all the horses offered changed hands. What no doubt contributed to the success of the sale was that all the broken-in horses were from farmers in the immediate locality, and were known to be honest workers. The feature of the sale was, however, the draft from Mr Alexander Douglas. ' of East Taieri, which was comprised of well-bred draught mares, one and two-yeai -olds, and'foals. j All the young horses were by Mr Douglas's famed sire Royalist, a horse which has alieady proved himself to be one of the best stock-getters the Taieri has yet seen. As an indication of the favour in which he is held by the breeders of the Plain, it m*y be mentioned that, although he has already had four seasons in the Taieri, Mr Douglas has had requests for his services next season. However, no better proof of his success as a sire could be wanted than the splendid lot of youngsters submitted at the sale, for, although rather low in condition, they were the admiration of all, and when brought under the hammer buyers showed their appreciation of their breeding by competing for them with the greatest keenness. Mr Douglas's draft realised ths following prices :— Aged mares by Laird of Kilbrido to £27 10s, two-year-old colts by Royalist to £27 10a-, two-year-old fillies by Royalist to £25 10.*, yearling fillies by Royalist to .£lB, yearliDg colts by R-,yalist to £16 lOj, foali by loyalist to £10 10s. We also sold for Messrs George Harvey (Stirling), Walter Nicol (Kaihiku), A. Allison (Milton), IS. F. Palmer (Clarksville), A. H. Anderson (Stirling), A. Waite (Stirling), R. Tulloch (Romah&pa), useful draught mares and geldings at the following range of values :— Three and four-year-old draught mares and gelding?, £2« to £20 10s ; aged do, £21 to £25 10d ; medium and light draught?, £14 to £17 ; aged horses, £9 to £12



Fat Cattle.— l 64 head yarded— about half of the j number fair to good quality, the other half little ' better than stores. There was a demand for best | pens, but bidding for all others was very Rlack and prices again easier. Best beef brought 17s 6d t to 20j per 1001b ; medium, 15s to 16s ; inferior , cow beef, abcut 12s Gd. We sold 61 head as follows : For Mr Gerald Brown (The Meadows), 2 very prime bullocks at £9, 4 prime heifers at from £0 to £7 2s Gd ; for Mr T. 6. Robertson (Spylaw), 12 Kinal! steer- and heifers (nice quality) at from £4 12s 6d to £7 7s 6d ; Mr Robert Charcers (Ury Pork), 4 steei-3 at from £6 10s to £7 2s 6d ; Mr Alexander Smith (Woodlands), 6 cows at quotations ; Mtssis John Wix (Puiakanui), J. W. I Tepani (Otago Heads), J. O'Connell, Thomas j Godfrey, Hector M'Caughan, Peter Crawford, j Thomaf) Shale, Thomas Ho worth, H. M'Neill, J. P. Gardener, John Casey, and Mesdames Aitcheson and Jackson, 33 head at market rates. Fat Sheep.— 2B62 penned The proportion of ewes was excesiive, and in consequence values for I this cla«s of mutton suffered a decline of fully Is ■ per head. Wethers were well competed for, and maintained "late rates. Best crossbred wetheis brought from 13s to 14s ; two p»us extra heavy 15s 3d and 15s lespectively ; medium, lls toll's b'd ; light, 0a to Loi ; bet e«-e=s, Us to 12s Id ; oidiuary, 9^ to 10s 6d ; light and aged, 7s b'd to 8s Pd ; merino wether*, (is 3d to 7s 9J. We sold 1353 as follows :— For Mr William Nelson (Koseneath), • 30 extra prime ciossbred wethers (very heavy) at 15s, and 20 very prime crossbred ewes at 12s ; ' New Zealand and Auslmlian Laud Company (Moeraki station), 31 prime Lincoln ewes at 12s id, and 77 do (smaller) at li)s 6d to lls ; Mr Robert, Aitken (Gleniffer), GO prime ciossbred ewe 1 ! at from 10.? to lls 'M ; Messrs W. and N. Reid (Broomfield Wains), 19 prime crossbred ewes at lls 9d ; Mr W. Baird (Southla d), 5G prime crossbred ewes at from 10-, 10 lls; Mr Wsitson Sherman (Conical Hills), 01 prime crossbred ewes at from 10s to 10-3 S)d ; Mr F. W. Joner- (Waimate), 58 crossbred t wes at from Ss 9d to 10= 93. ; Mr A. li. Kitchener (The Grange), 120 ciossbred wethers at lls to 12s ; Mr P. Upborne (.Southland), 56 crossbred ewes at from 83 !)d to 10s (id; Mr Benjamin Puny, jun. (Waikou iiti), 65 crossbied ewa and wetbeivs at from 10s to 12- (id ; Mr Thuinas Muir (Waihemo Mains), 6d cro-i^bied ewes at from S^ 3d to 9a Gd ; Mrs Catherine Milkr

(Braemore), 36 crossbred ewes and wethers at Sa 9d and 13s (5J respectively; Colonel. Chalmers (Mount Linton), IS7 ineiino wethers at from 6s 3d to 7s 9d ; Mr G. Macphersou (Mossfield), 80 prime croEsbred wethers at 143 ; Mr Richard Mitchell (Portobello), 2SO halfbred wethers at quotations.

Fat Lambs. — 1299 penned, including very choice drafts from Ida Valley (Mr Rutherfoi'd's) and GraEsmere Freezers were keenly competed for, and brought slightly enhanced values. The two consignments referred to brought from 11b to 12s 3d. We sold 40 for Mr John Elder (Grassmere) at lls to 12s, and 12 for Mr C. Miller (Braeniore) at 9s.

Pigs. — The supply was much below the requirements of the numerous buyers present, only 132 penned. The sale was a very animated one, all classes, suckers excepted, participating in a general rise of from 2s 6d to 5s per bead. Bacon pigs, porkers, and grown stores are in strong demand, and consignments of these classes coming forward would meet with ready sale, and give satisfactory returns to the senders. We sold 79 as follows :— Bacon pigs, 1 at 525, 2 at 4Ss 6d, 3 at 4Ss, 2 at 47°, 7 at 465, 5 at 435, 1 at 41s, 4 at 395, 6 at 375, 10 at 365. 10 at 345, and 3 at 33s ; porkers, 15 at from 28s to 31s ; slips, 10 (small) at 7s 6d. Store Cattle.— Piacfcically no demand, excepting for very forward bullocks for turnip feeding. These find sale at from £5 to £b".

Store Sheep. — Business is confined principally to very forward conditioned three-quarterbred wethers for finishing off on turnips, and a considerable number of this class has been sold during the week at from 10s to lls ; extra good lines up to lls fid. \ Good crossbred lambs also find a market at from 6's to 7s.

Wool. — On Friday last we offered a catalogue of a 1 out 100 bales, and a large number of bags, fadges, &c. The attendance was exceptionally good, and the bidding spirited throughout the sale. We sold nearly every lot at prices quite on an average with those ruling at the regular sales; last season.

Sheepskins. — At the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday we offered a large catalogue, composed for the moat part of quarter and half-wooiled skins. The attendance was good and bidding animated, and prices were on a par with those ruling last week. We quote : Green croesbreds. Is 9d to 2* 6d ; extra good, 2s 9d to 3a 3d ; lambs, Is 9d to 2s 4d ; dry crossbieds (best), 3s 8d to 5s 3d ; medium, 2a Id to 3s ; pelts and inferior, 7d to Is 6d ; dry merinos (best), 2s 9d to 3s 6d : medium. Is 6'd to 2a 6d ; pelts (small or damaged), 3d to Is each.

Rabbitektns.— We did not offer any this week. Hides. — Wo held our sale yesterday, when we cleared out all forward at satisfactory prices. We quote : Prime heavy ox, 3£d to 3Jd ; medium do, 2?d to 3d ; light and inferior do, )$d to 2}d. Tallow.— Market shows no change. We quote : Best rendered mutton, 14s 6d to 15s 6d per cwt ; medium, 133 6J to 14* ; rough fat, 83 to 11s. Grain. — Wheat : x We have done a large business in this during the week at prices which show a considerable improvement on those ruling a fortnight ago. We have good inquiry for prime lines (Tuscans and red sorts), and can place these at satisfactory prices. We quote : Priino Tuscan and red sorts, 4s to 4i OJd ; medium to aood, 3s lOJd to 3>i 11 Jd ; fair to medium, 3b 9*d ti» 3s 10d ; whole chick wheat, 3a 3d to 3s 6d ; prime velvet, 4a 2{.d to 4s 3d per bushel (sacks in, terms). Oats : Although a fair business has been done in these during the week, prices show no improvement on last week's quotations. Bright heavy feed linen are in demand and realise up to 2s Id. We quote : Good to prime feed, 2s to 2s Id ; fair to medium, Is lid to Is ll}d ; best milling seed, 2s 3id to 2i 3d psr bushel (sack.-] extra, net). Barley : We have a special outlet for this and C4n place any quantity of prime malting at good prices. We quote : Good to best malting, 3s 9d to 4s : extra superior up to 4s 3d ; fair to medium, 3s 3d to 3s 6d ; feed and milling, 2s 3d to 2s 9d per bushel (sacks extra, net).

Ohaff.— Mtaiket continues firm. Prime oaten she»f i* somewhat scarce and in good demand, while bidly cut off-coloured chaff is difficult to place. We quote : Prime oaten sheaf. £3 2i 6d to £3 7a 6d ; fair to medium. £2 15a to £2 17s 6d per ton (ex trucks, bags extra). Note.— Wo have a huge stock of specially selected agricultural seeds, and shall be glad to send samples and quotations to intending buyers. We aye now Belling specially prepared "Challenge " wheat fertiliser of the highest guaranteed analysis', which we can. confidently recommend. Particulars on application.


Messrs Samuel Orr and Co., Stafford street, report for the week ending May 5 as follows :—: —

The weather continues fine, enabling threshing in the south to be almost completed. Oats.— These are in much the same position as when we last reported on them, and though some small craft have been loading here coastwise they take away nothing like the quantity that is arriving. Sydney advices are firm, but no advance. Melbourne advanced in sympathy with this market. We quote : Heavy bright Sparrovvbills and Sutherlands up to 2s l§d ; very special (for seed), 2s 3d ; ordinary Sparrowbills, 2s ; discoloured, Is lOd to la lid. Wheat — The markets all round are firmer than they were, still hardly so active as last week. In "the north, 100, the market is firmly held, farmers holding off from selling in anticipation of prices hardening s>till further. We quote : Prime Tuscan and velvet up to 4« 3Vd ; other sorts up to 4s 2d ; fowl feed, 3s Id to 3s -id. ' B-ivley. — The ma-rkefi continues firm, prime quality selling best. We sold 1800 sacks during the week at top prices of the market. Chaff.— Supplies coming forward sufficient for demand, and prices same as before. Potatoes. — Market well supplied, and prices same as last week. We sold during the week 120 tons for forward delivery. Seeds.— ln cocksfoot the demand is fairly eooo, but sales of ryegrass is over, and likely to be for a : month or so.


Messrs Moritzson and Hovkin, Dunedin, report (wholesale) as follows for week ending M*y 5 All quotations subject to market fluctuations :—

1 Ws would ask farmers when sending samples always to put a piice on them, as buyers do Hot feel inclined to make offers. Wheat —Market fairly brisk for prime sampleß. We quote : Best velvet— Oamartt 4s 2d, south 4s ; best Tuscan— Oamaru 4s, south 3d lid to 4s ; red chaff 3s lid to 4s ; fowls' wheat, 3j to 3a 6d. Oats': Not many offering; nearly all for storage. We hare sold a few lined of prime Sutherlands at 2s 3d, and can place more at same price. Bngh* short feed, 2s to 2s Id. and have an order to execute for 20,000 sacks. We have placed several thousand sacks during the week. Barley : Feed sorts are quoted 2s 2d to 2s 4cl ; malting, from 3s fid to 4s 2d. llyecoin (in. pood demand, and we can place ,i large quantity at quotations; ERiid in samples), 3» to 33 3d. Flour : We quote .£ll. Oatmeal in 25'?, £12. Pearl barley, .£l4. Bran, £3 5?. Pollard, £4. Nelson hops are quoted at lOVd to Is. Chaff : good old, £3 ss; new at £2 17a 6d to £3. Ryegrass : There is a. good deal offering. The ODly demand, however, is for small snotty seed, other descriptions being at piesent only saleable at very low prices, which owners are not inclined to accept in the meantime. During the week we have placed a l.u-ge quantity at from 2s to 3s Id per bushel (sacks extia) ; for farmers' dressed, 2s to 2s 10d ; machined, 3s 3d to 4s — a gocd inquiry for ski all seed. Cocksfoot, 3d to 4Jd for farmers.' Jots, and 4\d tos'.d for michined. Pressed straw, 27s OM. Ofovßi- hay, £2 12-, fid to £2 35s Nitrate of soda, £15. iCaiuifc, £5 Basic slasr, £5 Clovers, rape, &c, just landing. We can offer all classes of steels pure snd fresh. Potatoes.- Kidneys wanted for seed purposes, £3 to £L Derwents, £3 to £3 ss. llabbitskin«.— Wo offered a good catalogue on Monday, and cleared the lot at late rates. We quote : I'rime winters, 10d to 12d ; autumns, 6d to Sri ; .summers, 3-3 to B\d per lb. Sheepskins.— We quote : Butchers' green crossbredy, Is Cl to 3s 3d; diy crossbred", 2s 5d to 5* b'd ; diy merinos, 2s 3d to 3o Od ; medium do, Is Cd to 2s. ' rr _ 1 _ Hide,, lid to 3Jd, according to weight and condition. , , , n Tallow : Rough fat, 9s Cd to 11s ; rendered. 12s to 15, Horsehair, Is to Is 3d, ,



Cornsacks. — We have just landed s. large shipment of 4(sin and 4Sin sacks, and shall be pleased to quote on application. We are now storing oats at Bluff, Gore, and Invercargill, and would ask farmers, if not intended for Dunedin, to consign to us as follows :—Moritzson and Hopkin, Bluff; or, Henderson and Batger. Invercargill and Gore, with whom we store, and who advise us. We pay all railages. FRUIT AND I'HODUCE HEPORT Butter : Prime salt — Dairy-made, 8d to SJd ; good, 7d ; milled, 7d to 7Jd per lb. We have buyers tor all good quality at quotations. Cheese : Good Akaroa, 3Jd to 4d ; factory, 4d to 4Jd. Pig 3, 3Jd to 3Jd for good quality ; wanted. Poulisty received for sale any days but Satur- ■ days. Roosters (young), 2s fid to 2s 9d ; hens, 2s 6d ; ducks (young), 3s to 3s 6d. Beeswax la 3d, according to quality. Fruit.— We, receive consignments of all kinds of fruit and garden produce, which we sell either by auction or privately, as we think best in the interests of consignors. Italian lemons, 16s per case ; of 300. Tomatoes, Id per lb. Tahiti oranges, 9s per case. GRAIN AND SEED REPORT. Messrs William E. FvEykolds and Co., Bond street, report for the week ending sth May as follows :— There is no change of any consequence to cote, • though lines are more readily sold to-day at recent , quotations than they have beeu for a week or j two. We repeat quotations : — Prime northern velvet, up to 4s 2d ; Tuscan, up to 4a ; southern velvet, up to 43, and Tuscan up to 3s lid ; red sorts, 3s 8d to 3s lOd ; fowl feed, 2s lOd to 3s sd. Oats.— As is usual at this time of the year large quantities are daily coming forward over line, and many farmers being desirous of selling keeps prices about a par with those ruling a week ago. \ Sutherlands are in rather more request at up to 2s 2d ; extra good feed, up to 2s Id ; really good sound, 2s ; ordinary quality. Is 9d to Is lid. j Barley.— There is a goo^l deal of business doing , in this grain, and prims lines command as much attention as when last reported. We quote : Prime, 4s, Lakes grown rather more ; good sound _ quality, 3s 3d to 3a 9d -.damaged grain, 2s 6d to 3a 3d, according to quality. Potatoes. — There seems to be rather move arriving at present than are required, and as outside markets are dull it is hard to s-ay how prices will go, but we think to-day's prices will be maintained, and quote : best northerns, £3 to j£3 5s ; souther*-, £-2 103 to £2 17s Gd. Chaff has a good sale, if special quality, at up to £3 5s ; while medium is not so easily placed at £2 15s to £3, and inferior is very hard to quit at very low prices. A. LORIE AND CO.'S PRICES CURRENT. May 6, 1897. • A good catalogue of poultry at our' weekly sale last Friday. Every lot forward^pld, at following quotations : — Hens and old cocks, 2s 4d to 2s 6d ; young cocks, 2s 9d to 3s 6d ; ducks, 3s 3d to 4s 3d ; geeae, 4s 6d to 5s ; turkey hens, 4d to 4Jd ; turkey cocks. 6d to 7d. Birds should reach us on Thursday if possible. FRUIT AND PRODUCE REPORT. The Otago Fruij and Produce Agency (agents for the Teviot and Alexandra Fruitgrowers' Compauy, Limited), 182 Princes street South, Dunedin, report for week ending sth inst. as follows :— Fruit of all sorts is in short supply. D.E. Tahiti oranges, 10s per case. Apple 3: Prime dessert, 2d to 3d per lb ; cooking, l£d to 2d perlb. Pears : Dessert, 2JiJ to 3Jd per lb; cooking, 2d to 2JdTomatoes : Hothouse, 3d per lb ; outdoor. Id to 2d. Pie melonß, 4s per cwt. Grapeß : Hothouse, 9d to lOd per lb. New shipments of dates and fig 3 .just landing. Peanuts, 2d to 2id per lb. Cocoanuts, 8s per sack. Produce. — Eggs very scarce. Butter : Fresh, *6d to 8d per lb ; salt (prime), 7d. Pigs, 3}d to 3Jd per lb. Potatoes : Derwents, £3 to £§ 10s per ton ; seed kidneys wanted. j We sell poultry by aurtion every Friday morning. Hens, 2s 4d to 2s 6d per pair ; roosters, 2s 6d to 3s 3d ; ducks, 2s iki to 3s 6d ; geese, ss. • FRUIT AND PRODUCE REPORT. > Messrs Thomas Paterson and Co.. fruit and produce agents, Manse Rtreet, report May 5 :—: — Fruit.— Market remains very barely supplied. Apples and pears in strong demand. Oranges : » Tahiti, 9s to 10s (scarce). Lemons : Italian, 20s to 22s 6d. Plums and peaches, doie. Tomatoes : Christchurch, IJd to 2d. Grapes (short supply), 8d to lOd. Apples : Dessert, 2Jd to 3d ; cooking, ljil to 2d. Pears: Local, 2Jd to 4d ; imported, 14b to 15s Bananas, 2*d short supply). Produce. — Hggs, wanted. Fresh butter, 6d to 8d ; prime salt, 6)fd to Bid (wanted). Bacon : Roll, ' 5Jd to 6d. Hams, 7d to 7£d. Cheese : Old factory, 3d to 4d ; prime, 4icl to 4&d- Pigs, 3id (wanted). Poultry, in fair demand; we receive any day for sale. Onions : Locally-grown, £A 15s to £5 10g. Honey, 4d to 4Jd (wanted). Potatoes : Derwents, £3 to £3 10s. We receive consignments of grain, fruit, farm and dairy produce of all descriptions. Highest prices realised. MARKET HEPORT. Messrs Edward Thomas and Go., Bond street, report :— Rabbitkins. — We are pleased to advise little change#in last Monday's Bale 8 , best clas.-ei bringing about the same as the previous week, while autumns and racks brought in come instances slightly advanced values. Horsehair remains unchanged at 15d. RABBITSKIN MARKET. Messrs Bemshardt and Co. (near railway station) report as follows :—: — In sni f e of a slight fall in the London market last week, the local demand continues good at the following prices :— Lately caught skins up to 9}d ; "autumns, 7d to 8d ; early do, 6Jd ; summnrs and racks 5d to 5Jd ; small and suckers. Id to 3Jd. These quotations are net cash, on delivery, liAgs returned if desired. If consignments are bonked and addressed simnly to " Remshardt and Co., Dunedin," they will reach us safely; the same applies to letters, no need to add the street's name. We require a big quantity of skins again this season.


MONDAY, 17th MAY. ' ■ At half-past 12 o'clock. At Rooms, Manse street. 318 Acres Farming £<aaid, Berwick, Maungatua District. PARE, REYNOLDS, & GO. are instructed by the owner to sell by Auction on above date — Sections 15, 17, 40, 1 of 41 and 2 of 41, Block 11, Maangatua. containing 318 acres — 100 acres in English grass, 50 acres in stubble, 20 acres bush, balance tussock. Eight miles from Outram, three miles from Berwick ; adjoiniag the properties of Robertson, Sinclair, and Heenan. Terms at Sale. 6my "" THURSDAY, 13th MAY. CLINTON. THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED) will hold a Sale as above. Present Entries : " 200 crossbred Ewes and Wethers 100 crossbred Lambs. Farther entries with R. J. IRVING, Waiwera South ; Or ANDREW TODD, Manager, «m« Dunedin.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 26

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IMPORTANT SALE OF HORSES AT BALCLUTHA. Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 26

IMPORTANT SALE OF HORSES AT BALCLUTHA. Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 26