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The ordinary meeting of this County Council was held in the Council Chambers, Hawksbury, on Friday last, ab which there wera present—The Chairman (Cr A. S. OrbellJ, Crs A. Graham, J. Foote, J. Porteous (Merton), J. Porteous (Mansfozdtown), and W. Souter.


Mr T. Pratt. M.H.K., and IS other residents in the Merton Riding, petitioned the council to take the necessary steps to have the road leading from Seacliff round to the Cemetery at Brinn'* Point opened, as at present they had to pass through private property. — Referred to the inspector for a report. Mr B. Bray and 15 other settlers at the Maori Kaik, petitioned the council drawing attention to the necessity of taking immediate steps to have the road between J. Muir's property and the jetty widened and metalled, the road being practically impassable. — Referred to the inspector for a report at next meeting.


Accounts for the month amounting to £397 3s 2d were passed for payment.


The Inspector reported as under :—: — Port Chalmers and Blueßkin road. — This load, from Mrs Hitchcock's to the boundary of the county, was very much in need of metal in several places, and tenders were recommended to be invited for the work. — Tenders to be called for at next meeting. Lower Harbour road.— With regard to the road referred to in Mr Lightburn's letter, which he applied to have opened, the Inspector reported that he could obtain no information in reference thereto, Mr Lightburn alleging that he had made the application at the .request' of other persons who had called afc his houae, without giving hisn any idea of the particular road referred to. — The council expressed surprise that an application should be made to the council on matters of which the writer was absolutely ignorant and knew nothing. Run 121c— The length of the bridge over the Waikouaiti River, leading to Mr Chapman's small grszing run 121 c, would be about 70ft in length and about 4-ft in width. The approaches to the same would not be on the present road, but Mr Chapman was willing to give a deviation of road line from the bridge to the surveyed road without any cost to the council. — The council having examined the plan prepared by the inspector of the proposed bridge, resolved to call for tenders for the construction of the same at the August meeting, ccsb to be charged to the land fund

CORRESPONDENCE. Mr George Clark, Moonlight;, wrote asking that any funds accruing from small grazing run 121 a should he spent ou the road along the northern boundary from the mining reserve towards section 20, block 11, Budle, the bank previously made having subsided and required filling up. Several small culverts were also required, and some repairs done on the road leading to small grazing mn towards the Main road, Macraes. — The council agreed to expend the money as suggested. Messrs Lindsay and M Cullam, Flag Swamp, wrote drawing attention to the road leading from Flag Swamp over Hosie's Hill, which in wet weather was impassable and unsafe. The* culvert at the foot at Hosie's house required widening — Referred to the inspector to examine and report on the necessary improvements required. Messrs Drake and Co., contractors for the Waikou&ibi bridge, appiied for an extension of time for completion of their contract, owing to the difficulty of obtaining the necessary timber. —Extension of time granted for one month. The Assistant Surveyor-general, Wellington, forwarded agreement re vote of £4-00 for repairs to the Waikouaiti bridge, and "asking to have the same signed by the chairman and returned to the Surveyor-general. — Request to be complied with. The Secretary of the Treasury, Wellington, wrote applying for a retura of the receipts and expenditure of the county for the year ended March 31, 1897 — The clerk was instructed to forward the information applied for. " The Clerk of the Waitaki County Council wrote inviting the co-operation of the council In obtaining legislation to enable county councils to levy a tax on t bicycles, in the event of their favouring the proposal. — The Council agreed to co-operate in the matter. Mr John Reid, Dunedin, wrote (through Cr Porteou*) in reference to a road line through Corner Bush estate from the Native Reserve to the Main North road to connect wrth the public road between lots 1 and 2, stating that he waR willing to allow the County Council to lay off the best grade obtainable from the native boundary near the Corner Bush estate homestead to join the public road, the council fencing the same with a substantial sheep and cattle-proof fence, and conveying to him free he old road line. — Consideration de-

of ccst tl

ferred. Mr W. Heath, Lower Harbour, wrote informing the council that the road through sections 21 and 22, block V, Lower Harbour, was not opened, and pointing out that the road connected two district road?, and he could not get through for barb wire fences. He asked the council's interference in the matter.— Reserved, Messrs Hamlyn and Harris, Lower Harbour, wrote stating that seeing the road line through sections 21 and 22, block V, North Harbour and Blueekin district, had not b«en surveyed nor the bush cleared off, they could not comply with the request of the council re removal of fences or erection of swing gates. — The clerk was instructed to see the surveyor and ascertain what the cost of a survey of the road would amount to, and if he would be bound to adhere to the dotted line as marked on the map of the district.


Senders were opened, and the lowe3fc accepted

for the following worka : — Contract 6^3 : Supply of 150 yds of metal on Main road, North-East Valley Ridiug— J». Collins, £32 2s 6d; -J. Campbell, £37 10s. Contract 635: Supply of 100 yds of metal on Seacliff-War-rington road— J. Allen, £25 13s 4d ; Campbell and Downes, £27 10s ; J. Campbell, £28 19s. Contract 636 : Formation and culvert on Hayward Point road, Purakanui — J. Golightly, £19 10s 6d ; \V. Fargie, £23; J. Campbell, £23. Contracb 637 : Formation and gravel on road Soonebucn to Macraes — Ward and Thompson, formation £13, gravel Is 9d and Is 4d per yard ; Samuel Griffiths, formation £6, gravel Is 5 J and Is 3d per yard.


Cr Graham moved, and Cr Souter seconded — " That the inspector be instructed fco put a msn along with the Furfaceman for a week to break the boulders on the Port Chalmers-Sawyers' Bay road." — Carried.

Resolved, on the motion of Cr Graham, seconded by Cr Sodteb — " That the council -. will be willing to speud £2 in gravelling the road from Mawson'a to M'lntoEh's, provided the ratepayers interested subscribs a similar amount by labour or money pound for pound."


The monthly meeting of the above council was held ab Clinton on Friday afternoon ; present — Crs Robertson (chairman), Johnston, Wallace, M'Lachlan, Cumtciug, M'Neil, Hay, Mitchell, and Bradfield.


From the Clerk Waitaki County Council, asking the council to co-operate with his council in securing a tax on bicycles. — Received. Several councillors remarked that it would pay better to subsidise the bicycles, as they took a certain amount of traffic off the road. From Kenyon and Hajking, stating that Mr J. B. Logan had decided t.o give two chains in width along the river bend as a site for a road to serve proposed ne^ bridge at Kelso. — Received.

From Mr J. B. Logan re the same matter, and referring the council to Mr J. Beattie for any inform ation. — Received .

From Town Clerk, Balclutha. enclosing copy of a resolution passed by the Borough Council to the effect that the County Council be requested to invite tenders for ali works required in connection with maintenance of Balclutha traffic bridge. — The Chaihman paid good black pine could not be procured at; the price Mr Thomson was reported to have etated. It was now delivered at 12s per 100 ft. — It was resolved to call for tenders for all the timber used by the county for repairs.

From Alexander Brock^ Glencairn, asking that Mr M'Rorie be asked to take a piece of the hill near Glencairn and fill in a hollow of the road. — To be attended to.

From J. A. Thomas, Puerua, asking for an increase of £5 on his contract price, as he had come across rock in. his side cutting. — Referred to the engineer with power to act if necessary. From ABhhurton Drug Company soliciting orders for poisoned wheat for "destruction of birds. — Received.

From Mark Coomber. sen., applying for a slaughtering license at Chaslands. — Granted.

From Thomas Wilson, Ahuriri Flat, asking that tbe council have trees felled and removed from road line as he wanted to fence there. — Referred to the engineer to deal with if funds in hand.

From John M'Nutr, Tahatika, complaining of council not grantiug his applic»tiou for removal of obstructions to his property, and saying he was under the impression that the council was composed of gentlemen but found he was mistaken. — (Laughter;. — The further reading of the letter was stopped, and it was agreed that it be> not received.

From F. M'Keown, Owaka, applying for increase on his contract price on contract 688. — Consideration deferred.

From Mrs Jones, Tahatika, asking council to pat small bridge over river near her property, as it was the only way to get out of the property. — Referred to engineer.

From T. Telford, Otanomomo, asking that certain roads in the estate be closed ; they simply led to portions of the old Lansdowne estate, which had been purchased by him. — Necessary steps to be taken to close roads. .

Prom the Chairman and Cr M'Neil detailing the arrangements they had made with regard to letting the county 'offices, a, and enclosing £6rrent for the two months now due. — Received and adopted.

From James Rodgers, Tahatika, alleging that councillors were interested in certain county works. — The council decided not to receive the letter.


R. Grigor, returning offictr, wrote stating fully his. position in connection with the recent licensing elections and drawing attention to section 16 of "The Alcoholic Act, 1895," which was his authority for incurring the expense. His appointment as returning officer was made by his Excellency the Governor, and he was bound by statute to take all necessary steps for the conduct of - the election. He would only have been too glad to have received instructions frqm the council, but he received no instruction!, and his duties were obligatory. The Chairman said the question was • Had the returning officer power to incur the expenses without the authority of the council ? The magistrate was empowered to settle any dispute, and he thought the council should go before the magistrate. He submitted that the couucil had to do all things necessary for the conduct of the election, and not the returning officer. He would move— "That the clerk return the accounts to Mr Grigor and inform him the Governor could only appoint the Clutha County Council lecal authority under section 9 of the Alcoholic ILiquors Sale Control Act of 1893, and under that section the local authority is appointed to have control, and not the return-

ing officer ; (2) and as the Colonial Secretary and the returning officer ignored this couucil as the local authority till after the expenses were incurred, we decline to pay the expensee incurred ; (3) Mr Grigor hag incurred unnecessary expense by advertising the election in papers outside of the licensing district ; (4) his own fee is excessive for any clerical work done — viz , 10 guineas. '-

Cr Wallace seconded the motion. (Section 16, which was referred to, contemplated the County Council appointing its own clerk as reluming officer.

Cr Cujiming objected to going to law. He believed they would have to pay in the longrun. They tried to get out of being the local authority, bub failed ; so the best thing they could do was to pay the account and be done with it.

The Chairman Cr Camming was wrong altogether. The clerk to the licensing cornmittse was now incurring further expense, ... which the council would hava to pay. The whole question ought to be settled.

Cr M'Neil objected to the terms of the motion. He did not think £10 by any means too much for the returning officer. The best way would be to simply pass a motion declining to pay, and let the returning officer take liis own remedy. He was entirely opposed to thw terms of the motion, even granting he was opposed to payment of the account.

The Chairman said it was just a question whether the returning officer wss worth £10 to put advertisements in certain papers or not.

Cr M'Neil said the same question would arise -whether the Premier was worth the money paid to him.

Crs Bradfield and Mitchell considered that the fact of there being no election did not appreciably lessen the work of the returning officer.

The Chairman said there was a question of principle to decide.

Cr M'Neil : We'd better proceed to the next business, I think.

The Ohaiksiax: Well, you've heard the motion. Those iv favour say "Aye."

In response there were tyro or three " Ayes," and several " Noes."

The Chairman : The " Ayes " have it. Motion carried.

Cr M'Neil: The "Noes" have, it, but it's , not worth while wasting more time over it. — , (Laughter.) -


Mr G. W. Wood, Toiro, wrote forwarding a supplementary petition of 60 names to petition pat ia at last meeting asking that the county offices should be removed back to Balclutha. Ho thought the petition showed that the majority of the Richardson ratepayers were in favour cf Balclntha

The Chairman said the matter rested with the council, and if Cr Johnston wished to change his mind the matter was in his hands.

Cr Johnston said that he had been somewhat taken by surprise in this matter, the petition only having been placed in his hands across the table. It did not seem, to him he had been treated in a very friendly way. He would move that the council meet at 15 minutes to 1 next meeting to consider this matter. Cr Hay : The question is, is Cr Johnston going to represent the ratepayers of Richardson Riding in this matter or himself ? There is nothing to be gained by postponing the matter. Cr Johnston : You are trying to browbeat me.

, Cr Hay : Oh, no, not in the slightest ; but ; that is the position. 1 Cr M'Neil did nob see anything to be gained by meeting earlier to consider it at next meeting. If Cr Johnston proposed to do anything in the matter he had to give statutory notice of ruotiou.

Cr M'Lachlan said Cr Johnston had not had time to verify the names. He should have time to consider the matter, and his request was only reasonable.

Cr Hay said the matter came up at last meeting, and it was decided to consider the matter at this meeting. Or M'Neil seconded Cr Johnston's motion. .After further discussion it was agreed to consider the petition at next meeting. Cr Johnston said that in the event of the meetiugs being held in Balclutha he would move that each riding pay an equal proportion of travelling allowances.

ROADS AND WORKS, &C. Tb,e Engineer's monthly report was read and adopted. The putting of rubble stone round the piles of the Pomahaka-Clydevale bridge was finished. The contractors for Kelso bridge had ordered piles, arid would made a start soon. He estimated it would take four months to complete the bridge. The Waipahi bridge would be finished in about six weeks. He attached letter from Tuapeka County agreeing to tender being accepted for Kelso bridge. The monthly pay sheet (£298 63 6d) was passed for payment.

Cr Cctmminq moved—" That tenders be called for next meeting of council for earthwork of approaches to Waipahi traffic bridge." — Seconded by Cr M'Lachlan, and carried. Contracb 713. — The committee appointed to deal with this contract reported that they had let same to the lowest tenderer, John Taylor, at £28 10s —Approved of. At this stage our reporter and Cr M'Neil had to leave to catch the express, there being still several tenders to open and other business to transact.

Physicians often say to their patients, " You need a tonic," knowing only too well that tonics revive the stomach, invigorate the nerves, regulate the liver, and thus build up the constitution. Bonnington's Liver Tonic

is designed for this purpose. — Advfc,

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Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 17

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WAIKOUAITI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 17

WAIKOUAITI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2253, 6 May 1897, Page 17