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, Business Notices. , Business Notices- . •• Business Notices. "" '" " " D ' Fl m°r! GHS ° H.F.PLOUGHS. oxlao PMZ ? E MACHINERY. «» -r^^ DRAPERY COIPANY, ir over two hundred & fifty prize medals, -wi 12,000 Jj^^^^W^TO 12 9 000 Under the Entire Manwement of ' ■-.- —^ — =s MADE \-®^^^^^«S^^&li V A nIT W " G " DI * UMMOND ' ROYAL AGRICULTURALIUAJJLI \ JMAJJJIi. Would invite the attention of ladies and gentlemen I^>^_ SOCIETY Oi" ENGLAND,! •" • " to our isrese, Kemnant, Household, ami other Par- 'iT^s^t > >«fc. N _____ -„__ ce^- Among them will he found all the Latest }®**-~<?w* a s*i_^'-» ' >v IMPORTANT MPROVESVIE^TS Ift PLOUGHS THBS SEASOM. Fashions in Materials, DewgnF. and Colour, for JH®^^^^*. 7k/T S. AND CO have ait -»r in t the coming season. We feel couhdent that Our JBSs^2S^S&-£S^«B W| » ™„v^ v • iV All Mouldboards are now made to duplicate. The beam where the land-lever Goor.« and Pri-e List will Surpass auythi.. X now #„'.,rTS#!!. ,"7 n m , f*f stud is bolted on to Plough is made broader to compensate for bolt holes. R^iS^SrioJiSralTei^ W(^^^^^^' ' We aieacki.ow lodged by thou>ands to be the most tj|^'-%^'"'^4ii^^^^2jL n^ c^ since 1887 at B^&jS^^^^^^^^^^^^M 1 TfeT-TlrfZl.T'T^QS TBr%«T ß 'Er 'SSTTST^T T* A "RTT> Tn>rfe¥T!>?T T* prompt and Eel iablo Firm for the parrel post V^gVili2#^#^ > i''^fi2r which their classes of Machin- p^a^^^^^^^S^^^ J-P_HbrVrJC._e&&, JtSS-eiia. ibiSsisrJLal-i _a.X^JJ JJOU J-SJjJEs, business in the colonies. To show that we me m err were test- d B-foro that %J®Sl^SMw business and, to give the Very Pest Value for I, ,i \f7' v p^ ii * l '"'s fc xiiff"i ■ "time they did not comne'e ' ~ :^ :;^^? J %Si£^/l^)^'' : 3 (Fitted with Either Hard Tempered Steel or Diamond Chilled Mouldboards.)" l^^V nr m ° lto J s : -'<^^r^.'- !y " " -^-i-^^a_Siw_v 1 ' MONEY KEriiKNifiL) IF NOT APPROVED. T —r-.>^— DALZIEL'S PATEKT DUST-PROOF PLOUGH WHEELS supplied when ft 4. ao , A 'Hll^'WflWfH I l^'WflWff l| M'WW^WW FIRST PRIZE OF £40 AT THE LAST GREAT TRIALS at Cardiff for Finishing Threshing required at an extra COSt of 15§ per Set of Three Wheels ** «^b -* A J WUliipftJtly . Machine ; also PRIZE OF £10 ab Taunton for Self-feeder ; Melbourne Exhibition, TWO FIRST * No. 1-DRESS PARCRL-contains 12yd. heavy PiIIZE S AND TWO » SPECIAL MENTIONS "; New Zfaland Exhibition, SIX ONLY r^l4s_HT* LI A OO^\%/i#€s AmazonGlotb.especiallyrecomiiiendedforhard FIRST AWARDS AND SPECIAL MENTION. L-9-C&W nMOiIIvVVSi wearaud warmth, in navy, myrtle. brow>, grey, * T p /jp, . 1O n. .-, ■ T? .,, j „, , , -„ . , - „ . maroon, and black : also a full dre»s of pivtty IN STOCK AND TO ARRlVE— Traction Engines (Single Cylinder and Compound), Portable Jn Sizes trom btt to 12tt Wide. lotted With patent adjustment tor equalising mottled or llak«l weed, in th. most, fashion- and Vertical Eogines, Threshing Machines, Saw Benches— of all Siz^fl and Latent Improved the weight, so that the discs cut uniformly deep all over at any angle. The only rtoui>le.width" I LininT 1 TToMn "Buttons Types> Seoond -i"»id Portable and Vertical ENGINES and Threshing MACHINES For Sale. *eally good disc harrow in the market. The bearings will not cut the axle, Reel and Twist to m'a-ch dicsse*, WhaVeimne nntl VnirlliT- ovpr vomiivo van*winrr ■ ann "Webbing to complete furnishings. Scut ana Hardly e^ei lequue lene wing. to jour door for 20s. DAIRY FACTORIES AND • iiwaMj-^^-i--*-^.**^^ t^JT CREAMERIES AND ELECNo. 2— nREhS PARCEL— consists of filyt's all- , / — » i'^ TRIC LIGHTING- /r^i^^?^ lirUf nfIOITBUC CCCfi -.OffIAfBI^ACT OCCn Cftl£J£De F wool, double-width, superior Coatiußherge, ill W __________JS&- ' fa B^rM " NCW rUdInVC rEtSJ DrtUflybfl^! OCeLJ dUW^nd I »*vy brown, myrtle, bronze, marouii, electric /^|^]f Tf 7f^ .^ P,,ri nP s «smci-llv A^anlod for ferfp?*l blue, black, and eminence ; or, if prctcrrtd, a f 1 •••! Li'!il_3;.J.,?-ffi>'\«3hv tepEGiaiij A-apvea ior _Pasj^B& v!s?3rv !5?3r THIS IS UNDOUBTEDLY THE ONLY GOOD BROADCAST SEED SOWER. heavy '1 weed in heather mixtures ; (iyds nHM^K^iM^ thrsc purpo>e=i (with or without fmßSmflst double-width Lining 2 dozen Buttons, Braid, J^^^lMjOS^nlM^' boiler), fitted with Crank Shaft, WlffimSMk • • Silk Reel, Whalebone, and Twist to match. &--^»^'S^^^^ii'fe|il Governor, ami Special Oiling jMl^itreasffir OUR. PATF\T '* EffJR.EUV'V" This magpiflcent dress, carriage paid, 15a 6d. /^.-r-'-^as^^^^^^^^, > , Arraugements. W/wM&^ COMBINED GRAIN, MANURE, & TURNIP DRILL. %*&J!*s*g CC ° m^^; T^tfT^ c —~% mEB - . Ih t&JMIL ' * -No. .I— DliJiSs PARCEL— couiains (H>ds all- Compound Dredsintr Engine Compound Fixed Engines, with M rAM !y^^^i>i!^sl g^M/ Greatly improved for this season. Made in all combinations and to sow grain bhclc Xt.i^blue emintncJ rnvftie'Vown' 1 andßoi i er '- or ; vith bo!lcr Separate Locomotive -BoilerJ , * .„ " ... „, j . j m, • • .i i iin 8 ,i oiaciv, eiecuic Dine, , unuitnce, myrtle, prown, feparate. Snecially Suitable for Dredges. V§£vFfflsp&^? ---'^ rr -- or turnips at will, with or without manure, as desired. This is the drill tor the maroon, bronzy and lawn ; ako ejyds double- l Winding Engines, with gear, &c. -^^^^i^'-r?^^--^ ■ times. m Made any size from four to eight coulters, and 14in between the mottled" flaked-both ofthlJfe dreLs mSe ORDERS FOR 1895-96 NOW BEING BOOKED. EARLY APPLICATION REQUESTED drills; and for grain 7in. Fitted with new patent adjustable coulters. up moststyhahvostumes; I2ydb double- width ' t> x j Lining 4 dozen .Burtons to match, and all ! ■ l '~ - » — . other I'm-ni'-hicgt. Post or rail tree, £Bs. CHAFFrUTTIEKLS A^O BAGGERS. IF. !_£%• Illlffi-d^iECTIWII-CW'CS'-or oyas aouiile-wiatn iieavy Serge, extra «* OFAPPOUTTERS (AI.I, SIZES). ____J!¥*™™^^ motiled or liake Tweed, ill navy, blown, grey, * ii'hii-iii-iiiii ■-■ ■■miirig^-mv-«-i--aaja«agr»iiiiiMi«iLiKygwaM-^»nn«ihMr ii inTA»j^f-rjjiii«^ , maroon, heather, aud various other mixtures ; ~"** .__ a iKT-n-D m « >t iTrr, nT\Tn«- tUTTCTnP TSTOTTPXIO _>Q inc. WAPST -W3l marooD, grej', black, or mjrtle. These three's !sl}^^ii& _j^*^^^^_|i Ut~ AMERICAN WOODEN HILLSIDJ- rLOUfcrJlb, k.6 lOS JSAO-l. beautiful drepsea with 18yds double-width g| ffl fflf ifm XBIPOD HARROWS, GRUBHERS. DXAYS, CASIBRIDGE HOLLERS, TURNIP JSLICERS Liniug, G dozen Buttont, and all other neces- M l^k W |» m PULPERS, WIRE STRAINERS, BINDER'S, OILS, HORSd) NAILS, BAR IRON, I 1 i S ft AND ALL BLACKSMITHS' SUNDRIES. ___the chance. _Caniage paid— 32s 6d. ffl J& M M — ' Otago Drapery Company. mkm^ 0 © o prices :t IROW FEUCmQ STAWDAROS) prices. 1^ V n V . all other liece^ary furnisliings to complete i___~_V ■ — -■■■,—, '■' ■ t'^ — ;; — ', : _^) ' • ' dre=s. A\ c defy romoetitinn. Ladieri, try " s l^ st* T^~ ■■'•■wj- r SPRING-TOOTH CULTIVATOR AND COUCH DESTROYER, y^^-^^^y^ a^n^-O-S-B-J-gw? 1 Wifli or -ithoat Seedboxes for (irain and Grass or Canister for Turnips. No . u-i^mnant^akoe l. J^'^J^ iff fhl I[l f~l A 8 We make it it IS lertect. cheapest and handiest parcel ever fiflVred— fi I j Sv,/ 1 i j Iff C 3 containinß 4] to 47yds of various useful rem- f^___. !L, iL,_ t ,J'lj/^, 'J Ji- JI lie r^, * fit - — ■ • nants, including Dress Materials, Flannelettes VSr" — :^-^^'^^^^- J^'^^^^—^^'^£Sy^__ ____^-__---- TIPPRINPr PONY ANII ALT.-STEEL HARVESTERS AND BINDERS. STl^v^S^^bi^xtiSk I .S ft ~T~IBT {f^T^^TTT'W Jj£ll.-tli\lr lUl\ I iIWU -ILL OllJl-L XlaliVl-OlJj-lU _--ll» llliSWiJiVßi Muslina, and CreponJ. Post or rail fiee— 2o« iW <v^__ --. -^ .<^_J-v - H,^_>H -.-^S 4 H ■ LIGHTEST DEAUGIIT AKD BEST BINDER IIN THE WOKLJX /^^^ Illustrated Catalogue on Application. no.^™ns^s co^n^avkbd fe^^ I „ j "^ ! I - MPM ____ eM>MW B-___BMgBMCMBP_Ma«i----gtggtg3«i-»iiL fi— ■■mnijiim-s— Baal imi i i-niMn *■■*»«-— «*.»-■««--— JJoslyn. in good colouin. This parrel for 3"s o"d. J ' li I '!'! I !,' ;■ !ii Jj p." ' T?- > " s^ l| '"' ' 1" "'~ 5' Ti " :~: ~ ! *"" ! I"'-^. il L ~~~ AKO 1 Boj-'s colonial sac Suit, from tixe 4to jw-s.'■>J''. '■>J''l I 'r,f'""'ilV 11.11 1.1" 1 ] h 1 ! B *~~-- rMj jm _. 12; Knickers for lls !M; or jouth's trouser Tj| j, i.;|;.";li .;|;.";lj r i ; ' 1 ,' 1 ' 'P^^ '1 I | I 1 l!l < - **__T^*_r_fc W^ -A «F W^B-£ __I^^ I^"^****~«<. _wiacag-B»BaaCTiCTW4.ei»i«ißiM>uUifcvj_i^^ *Sfl • l i» l "*'|i l T ' ' ""'fi'" ''ii| f^Sl 1 ' 'A', »l '//^f' |'^''! i''J|'jl ''' '''.V' 1 I'i''''!'!!''!' 1 ill'V t i'l''V' A' I '*'"'''''' ''"^^ t #»T 7®* JL?!&>- striped RugCsuitable for heH^ofd. or carnage); "^ ' ' • fe^^^^E^^c-P^^S^^fcS^^ * • /AUUVAtt y&rjTrV^' m tt'V&A2 u !f^V*iT J W&f a s*?B ß W^^ w^W^ 1 larfre coloured Counterpane, fnnsed or nlam X\ '"i- '"gn* ' .-I ► " <CS2 ?^ A/_t_Jjli!!±Liyfißii : lUii l J3L{iiofl4lJi( •l5 l l_3O'<BnLliiiß\.A *! border- all suitable for double bed-;. What- V,^ Jg&\ , ' \ /' ' - - „ ,'i, „.'"'•" I- - Ji' 1 " i ■$» «• A^^^T^^^fMwS*B^««^®f#^^ ever you do don't miss -thi.s. parcel, as we are Nls- 1 " «£3» V j, 1 'r , 'l f i\; ' I' H k ' „' i .- '■> r,, /"' ": ---''e_|» ' VHnWfH .V? > I tM l-firffi M-^34JArVA i^*4i4-V'jip^^^ s>ti)l rho Leadiiiß Virm for this parcel. Car- '''ff^T,,,, l 'VJ»'.',aJ;»f,,i, l . l « l -«.,i,,m 1 ,' !1 &i' < 'ii "n«,»LaJbt,ftir \ ■ / riage paid for _!s~. ' •"•—I 1 "" -™" '»i».!-— -imiJ — '" >■,! ' -_• ut9M- H _!- -■ uumunuJ^ «'_!_-_^-!t-U__/ LI6HT:BROWN COD LIVER OIL Otago Drapery Company. SAM p LE BEDSTEAD 4ft 6in i? Bft Sin 5 y -J V. 1 No. 9-THE LITTLE KTJIANGER'R PARCEL for Wii_«Ji7_i_f __.isl ii_»_____<iy it &d£b&J , W-tii WJ W-W WAA4 J (LBSOIiTJTELT PURE, NATURALLY PALATABLE, AND EXTEAOKDINAEILY EFFICACIOUS °,"^ h ( 0 -" W ns J °s" fi J^^iHirVo^vn' I ' l^ TT* "Q'TI "Q "R/f J, A IN CONSUMPTION, THROAT AFFECTIONS, AND DEBILITY OF ADULTS AKD CHILDREN. «'?»"/ ?ame S 3 h^^ Vyif^ ixlH JrlUclZ 1 ; JSraSS JXLOUHt6CL! ! Shut-, swathe and safety 1 111=; — the wiiole for ' Dr. SINCLAIR COGHIT-1.. / " lu Tubercular Disease, possesses greater the- 255 ; or with handsome white \yool oarrymg __^a _^^| . Physician, Hospital for Consumption, Ventnor. ( rapeutic efficacy than auy other Cod Liver Oil." SJiawl or chustening Eone carn:>trc Tree, ior , raJTsj* _S____atf Sir G. ntTNCAN GIBB, Bart., M.D., f "A remedy of great power in the treatment of thp Tilt le strui-er ™* a ' C^^^Lj^ -I^S&iSr _____32^_W Physician to the Westmiiister Hospital. \ many Affections of the Throat and Larynx." _j-___a..^l-. - ?r.«^i!^^^lTO^-saaifcwrTOOT*»3_TOT -*_^l___w JOSE-PH J. POPE, Esq., M.R.C.S., f "In all debilitated states of the system, a ln po\"TAT\ T R 1 n,i,» m : w o XiHitilrpss-nB o £a£e Staff-Suraeon, Army, India. \ reliable and valuable remedy." • -°pl[i« of KniVk™ n?i\vt«: 1 pSir of?^r\.ta ALSO LARGE STOCK, HANGING jJJIOM 27s 6d Ji'Oß 3ft WIDE UP i- ? r^ G ?°? G _?. SAUNDERS, C.8., ?f. "A valuable remedy, especially in the Wasting (please state size)— all of good quality and , m j?i,i u D irr^T-? I?TTT 1 <i]7W Xiate Dtputy-Insjfkctor-General, Army BospitaU.\ Disoasss of Childi-en." -- prtttili' tiiinmed— also 2 pair of Cashmere ! *-^ _b!4 148 1! Uxt ±' UXjlj oi/C/C/. Bold ONLYin Capsuled Impebial Half-Pints, Pints, and Quarts, by all Chemists and Storekeepers. Hose, for 20-,, Carnage iree. * »T«m?rti>T /-*l~4 fTITTPTS SeleConsign ee ß-ANSAR,HARFORD& CO., Limited, 2lo,High Holborn, London fi+fl'ffft BrflttPW CnTnnflTl'W' FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 01" TMJE. CAUTION.— Resist mercenary attempts to recommend or substitute inferior kinds. W UCV^ w _«» A CIjJC-i Jr WUAIijJCvAAjy ■ "lUTACfm DTTTADTr f*T ASf C . No. 11 -HOW A MAN SHOULD DRESS TO JjflUlS 1 Jti-bliliiJjJaii- i/llii»fe« j. , L ! — I " '■ ■ ■"■ ■w W »iw,i ll ii llL i BE cpiMFORTABLK.-This valuable parcel j\ t ow is the time to make money out of your "shZS oV^hit^Sne^^ndeSiinrs Household Iroinnon scerv Crocker?, Glassware, Carpets, heavy Crimean Shirts Cwith or without ■-■*«**»-«**«_,«. m>«wa*._-v* _)» jj ji • - ■ /%m A _P* _?* ■"■ _"■ r~_ A B&l v~t npamabi p« a _^% n-k s _«_ collar-— any .size), 2 pair Rolyn knitted wool - T "i -n ni ftiTm C< O"H rl H-CTI GST"^ I nll Til 1 HTH CS GRASS SBESEO AB\BD SEICQ&MDS GRASPS Sox, I pair good BraJe.-, and a handsome Tie. lllHOieUliiS, OliU. Wryi.eicLi £ UlUldlUUgi.. ~_MI^J--.V«w w-----.--^ _-4BWfc*' W-aWVBVW_t > i^.IE'UD Thia wonderful parcel gives such comfort tint v . , we make a full line or clea*ers. %o™&*sL° r c£te wl?**^™ HOUSES FORSJISHEO COMPLETELY THPaOUQHOUL door, rarnase paid, for 32« 6d. The Liitile "Wonder — Grand machine for Cocksfoot or Stripped Rye- ««»"»»- M^"^"-»" ll »""" vwiivwityimfft--wi-i ...-...-...» ,-,»<-. T --^--->^^^--^--"w-^-^ l grass, and is the Cheapest Cleaner on Market. J No " p £t™ woNDKRF^LjTELViirrKEN — — . * superior quality \ olveteen, in navy, biown, ~tm»ftLHaß3i-^ --miyai^ >«^^* a^_S _al JFa_'l-iei*S' Cleaiiei' — A very lonp; way the Best All-round Farmers p o1 ' j brown, myrtle, bronze, Miitan, grenat, X* &BX * Machine. ALL other cleaners will do, and l^X&^^g^? l^^ ® JIL © @ a lot more. Sieves double the are a* of other cleaners. h e " - "" in addition to ordinary cleaning .vili take wild ' q, Drfl-nwrCnw-nflTiTr HIGH AND RATTRAY STREETS. DUJNTEDIN. Turnip out of Ryegrass, W lid Oats out of ordinary. W W^gO rWI c^per|y WQl&jJajliy, • UXVJiJ - -^- J -'«-^ -'-^ . J This year you can soon pay for it by putting No. 13— OUii KVERY-D \.Y PARCEL-contains p H&LLtMSTEIN P» LAING. thrniiDTi vnnv KPormr]* WT-TTTT7F TTTI^V ARW - 12j els Shetland pink or white best colonial ™* "»«■«■»■"» ILI "' ?vn??AT??wVv Til niriTTTiiii Eiannel; 12yds heavy winter Flann-lettein CHAIRMAN OF DIRECTORS. MANAGER. KAOWJN THEY ARE VALUED. pretty stripes or plain colours; 12yds extra quality Shirtine (nice patterns); al-o 12vds »-iiiiNiiiiii-iiM.iJiiij_wjfwi<Mid-«uuu--j>au-wt»L»«ii«-»ii^^ miuhi t«» ...-'>■->«---• MERCHAKTS' MACHINES ARE MADE BY. US OF THE MOST COM f?.?;?^ ' cure foballim PLETE CHARACTER. ' the'coiony, 80s. sasßwr ••'^sa^^v»^^^r*^r3astSßSsS "We hold stocks of every conceivable size of perforated zinc and woven wire, so No. u—J™ 0 F^-J^.^fc^T'ible Cr vci^ari^t 1 SWI '^ Pu Hi rf^^w §S^fe * that any requirements can be supplied. grTen^o^rntroon': 2 1 iar(?e t An e timacHßsars fi S:^^S.-i ■^Mt l MJ^^^M^^ ;^^MM^^m^3^3-^^^^^^ m. %tT?^T% "tt'H l^ -_^i _5 "W^A 'TST'I A "WS^ "S™^ TSiT" Towels— for SOs. * '"__»'' ~* . /m |%| I 9 It &*i WW _^» .V IhC S" 1 . Z_a «/ ll 111 . g^J MONEY RETURNED IF NOT APPROVED. Is an infallible remedy flft Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. XJL-Lv ■JL^JLv-aL-' WW KJr J-U-ir ______ E-^Sia « ■__-_£ .dLii It is famouß for Gout and Rheumatism. _^_ -_--_--_-_. TC_rnr°l-rTTX3> rf->«ic_r V AU 9r le " n"r fc l« ,ace, aceo ™P a » ied 0^ 1 FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST, SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, CHRISTCHURCH. _ o Zs^; aid 1 mffi Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal; for contracted and stiff joints ' ' * j '■ ' payable to it acts like a charm. ChTnr.» Ye DaTingth e el-sfc century it h*B chafed belonging to the R. O u BS irD ? mtn.o°f"war e ßurik, n for W- C- DRU S^ «A,!JI . i,,, Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET gate 533. OXFORD STREET), LONDON, and sol* its coarse 22 times, and now flows into the sea trespassing en the fortifications at Hongkong, OTAGO DRAPERY COMPANY. by aU Medicine Vendor, throughout tl»e World. through a mouth 300 miles distant from th»b of his been remitted by the Government, which jv * **" v «-01T,,* -niTTV^riTV ' O" Puxchasew iliould look to the Label on the Pots and Boxm. r mAnn uusy are »purtou», 100 years »g«. considered that the mau acted innocently. * 96 GEOJiGE feBEET, DU-Ni^DliN. l if the address w not 533, Oxford Street, London, they we »_raiwu*.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 2