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The match between the Second Fifteens of the Invercargill Pirates and Alhambra Clubs took place at the Carisbrook grouuS on Saturday, and resulted in a win for the visitors by 15 points to 5. Mr W. II Haydon was the referee. The Pirates kicked off, snd * few minutes after H. Rogers, securing the leather in a favourable position, pobled a goal. After a fast bit of play Whittaker, getting tho ball in a passing tush, crossed the line and scored, a. goal being kicked from the try. Alhambra kicked off, but ill-fortune again awaited them, for a dribbling rush ended in Thompson scoring near the corner flag, the try, bowerer, nob being euhnnced. The first half thus ended : Pirates, 10 points ; Alhambra, nit. The game in the second half was much more evenly contested till near the close, when the Alhambra were onca more put on the defensive. By some good following up Ritchie got the ball and scored, Rogers placing a goal. Jugt ab tho last moment the Alhambra made a sharp attack on their adversaries' lines, and it ended in Whitburn getting across. Elliott took tho kick, and placed a goal, the score thus standing at call of time — Pirates ... 15 points Alhambra .„ 5 points MERIVALE v. ALHAMBRA. The match between the representatives of the Merivale ;vnd Alhambra Football Ciubs, which was played at Carisbrook on Saturday, attracted a fairly numerous gathering. The match resulted in a draw, neither side scoring. Mr F. H . . Campbell acted as referee. The game was somewhat slow for the first quarter of an hour, bub things livened up a good deal when M'Kewen headed a dribbling rush into the Merivale's territory. After some loose play M'Cree, by a dodgy run, equalised matters, carrying the leather to mid-field. Phillips improved the position of the visitors, and the game eventually rested a few yards from the Alh.imbra's lines. After a short, sharp tussle the Reds wore forced, but a differeut result might have eusued had not Austin kicked the ball hard over the line. Five minutes after the Blues were awarded a penalty kick without tho twenty-five flag, and Austin made a good eisay .it goal but tailed. A lot of loose play was then witnessed in the Alhambra's twenty-five, till Pimm endangered his side's lines by tailing to return. Tbe Reds made repeated attempts to score, but tha good defensive play of their opponents averted disaster, and the half-time whistle went when the leather was ouoe moie in the middle of tbe field Immediately after resuming Hebden wa« instrumental in locating the game ia front of the Alhambra's lines, and after a long succession of scrums the Reds carried the leather to mid-field, almost immediately .-fter invading their opponents' quitters. P. Meazies saved his side by a capital kick, which neutralioed the game The Blues -.cxt got away with a splendid dribbling rush, nit were called back for ofl'-side play. "Give and take " was the order of (he gime for the next 10 or 15 minutes, after which Phillips broke away and dribbled the ball well iuto the Reds' -wenty-five. Hebden, intercepting a pais, still further. improved the Blues' position, and Daggan obtaining a mark, attempted a goal aud failed. Forbea, Habdeu, and Meczies soon afterwardi made themselves prominent by a ,;cod passing rush, but very little opportunity was given the visitors to score, although they succeeded in keeping the game within tbe Alhambra's twenty-five for a considerable time. The game in the last quarter of an hour livened up considerably, and at one time, thanks to the excellent play of Watson, Moir, and M'Keweo, the Vlhambra were within an ace of scoring, P. Menzies saving by kicking over the line. -Afterwards, when the game was shifted to the other side of the field, the same player securing the leather transferred, after a short run, to Austin, who took a pot shot at goal. The ball struck the cross bar and bounced back into play. When time was called neither side had scored. ""' THE SEASON'S FIXTURES. A meeting of secretaries of ciubs affiliated to the Otago Rugby Union was held in the City Hotel last evening, when the following fixtures were arranged for the current season :—: — May I—Dunediu1 — Dunediu v. Union, North ground ; Alhambra v. Caversham. at St. Clair. May B—Kaikorai8 — Kaikorai v. Union, at Bishopscoui'h ; Pirates v. Caversham, at Carisbrook ; Dunedin v. Alhambra, on the Caledonian ground ; ZingariRichmond v. University, at Montecillo. May 15— JCaifeorai v. Caversham, at St. Clair; Dunedin v Zingari-Richmond, on the Caleoonian ground ; Union v. University, on tbe North ground ; Alhambra v. Pirates, at Curihbrook. May 22— Kaikorai v. Zingari-Richmoud, ground to be arranged ; Alh.iinbra v. University, at Tahuua Park : Duu&din v. dversham, on the Caledonian ground. May 24— Union v. Oamaru, at Oamaru ; Pirates v. Christeburch, at Carisbrook ; Zingari-Richmond v. Athletic, tit Dunedin. May 20— Kaikorai v. University, at Tahuna Park ; Zingari-Richmond v. Caversh«m, afc St. Clair ; Dunedin v. Pirates, on the Caledoniau ground ; Union v. Alhambia, at Opoho. June s— Kaikorai v. Dunedin, on the Caledoniau ground ; Union v. Pirates, on the North ground ; University v. Caversham, at Tahuna Park; Zingari- Richmond v. Alhambra, at Montecillo. June 12— Kaikorai v. Alliambra, at Bishopscourt ; Dunediu v. University, on the Caledoniau ground ; Union v. Caversham, ut St. Clair ; Pirate 3v. Zingari-Riclimond, at Carisbrook. June 19— Kaikorai v. Pirate.-., at Bisbopscourt ; Union v. Zingari- Richmond, at Montecillo ; Dunedin v. Caversham, at St. Clair ; Alhambra v. University, at Opoho. June 2(s— Kaikoni v. Ziugari-Richmond, ground to be arranged ; Pirates v. Uuiver.sity, at Tahuna Park ; Dnnedin v. Alhambra, on tbe Caledoniau ground ; Caversham v. Owaka, at Si Clair. July 3— Kaikorai v. Alhambra, at Opoho ; Dun. edin v. Union, on the Caledonian ground j Pirates

July 3— Kaikorai v. Alhambra, at Opoho ; Dun. edin v. Union, on tho Caledonian ground j Pirates

v. Caversham, at St. Clair ; Zingari-Richmond v. University, at Tahuna Park. •July 10— Kaikorai v. Caversham, at Bishopsi court; Union v. Alhtinbra, on the North Rrouud ; j Dunedin v. University, at Tuhuun Park ; ZingariI Richmond v. Pirates, at Montecillo. 1 July 17— Kaikorai v. Dunedin, at Bishopscourt ; i Union v. Zingari-llichmond, on the North 1 ground ; Pirates v. Alhambra, at Opoho ; Unij versity v. Caversbam, at St. Clair. I July 24— Dune-din v. Zingari-Richmond, at i Montecillo ; Union v. Pirates, at Carisbrook; Alhambra v. Caversham, at Opoho. July 31 — Kaikorai v. Pirates, at Carisbrook ; i Union v. Caveisham, on the North ground ; IZingari-Riehniond v. Alliambra, at Opoho. August 7— Kaikorai v. Union, on the North J ground ; Zingari- Richmond v. Caversham, at i Montenillo ; Dunedin v. Pirates, at Carisbrook ; j Alhambra v. University, at Opoho. August 14— Pirates v. Univeisity, at Caris- ■ brook.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 35

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INVERCARGILL PIRATES II V. ALHAMBRA. 11. Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 35

INVERCARGILL PIRATES II V. ALHAMBRA. 11. Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 35