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A JLWIII WA-AXXtesJ-f JseJJsaifafl^sl &W WU^y WUAw XXUCjI IWU

I Late Advertisements. f abour and estate agency JLj dunedin, always to the front. i Enquirers please seed btnmps for reply. J ASTK O-M ATHEMA TIC I A N.— -tjL Questions on all Important Matters, on j Speculation, Travelling, Business Transactions, : Mining Speculations, Marriage, &c, forward to i Mr Heath, Afctro-mathemauieiau, Ross's Build- ; ings, Octagon, Dunedin. Answers returned by j post. ! Also copies of testimonials can be forwarded ; on application, free of charge. 22'ip NOW ON SALE, MEMORIES OF THE LIFE OF J. F. H WOHLERS, MISSIONARY AT RUAPUKE. | AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY (Translated from the German, by Joun IIouohton). nnHIS BOOK is a History of the Life and JL Work of the Rev. J. F. H. Wohlees, Missionary at Ruapuke, written by himself — the original Work having been published iv Bremen in 1883. Coming lo New Zealand in 1843 he establishes himsclt as a Missionary amongst tbe Maoris at Rnapuke. He converted communities, to | use hi 3 own worde, of loathsome savages, hunk in poverty and degradation, into comruunitieo ef prosperous, civilised human beings, receiving for many years no remuneratioa whilst so doing, but providing his own food out of the i soil, and teaching the Maoris to do tho Fiimcafter a civilised manner, thus saving i^sople's souls and their bodies as well. Ho preserved and fully records the old Maori mythology (a sub- | lime one), the custodians of which all died | before his own demise. His Book is a valuable record of the Early History of New Zealand, and is written with great literary tacts and poetic and pious feeling. Can be Ordered Fbom Booksellers. Price, in Cloth, 3s tf&cß. Government * SotiSeations mOKORAHI AND MOMONA ESTATES. The Attention of intending APPLICANTS for ALLOTMENTS on the Tokarahi Eitßte, near Oamaru, and the Momoua Estate, near Allanton, is particularly directed to the following Instructions relative to Deposits :—: — "Applications must bs accompanied by a deposit of a half-year's rent :ind £1 Is lease fee, Otherwise They Will Not Be Considered, and iv cases where the application is for a section on which buildings are situate the amount of the fir-it half-yearly instalment of the value thereof and the interest , thereon, must be deposited. If an application comprises more sections than one, it will be sufficient if ene deposit is made in respect of tbe section whose required deposit is the ; largest." N.B. — Deposits may be made by bank draft, ' marked cheque, or post office order, and ehouli bo p&y&ble to Receiver of Lund Revenue, Dunediu. j Post office orders oan be obtained free of i charge. J. P. MAITLAND, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Crown Lands Office, j : Dunedin, April 15, 1897. 22ap j Crown Lauds Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FIFTEEN ALLOTMENTS in Blcck j IV, Maungatua District, and West Taieri River I Sections adjoining, will be OPEN for APPLICATION at this Office on the LEASE IN PERPETUITY SYSTEM, under "The Land for Settlements Act 1894 " and its amendments, on MONDAY, the 10th of May 1897. The areas vary from 5 acres to 23 acres, and the annual rentals per acre from 12s to 17s. In cases where more than one application is received for the same section priority of selection will be decided by BALLOT on WEDNESDAY, the 12th of May 1897, at 3 p.m. Applicants will require to Appear Personally at the Land Board meeting at Dunedin on the 11th MAY 1897 to Answer any Questions the Board may put to them. Full information can be obtained ab this office. J. P. MAITLAND, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Grown Lands Office, Dunedia. 7th April 1897. 8»p

Public Notices. - - THE - - MOST INTERESTING BOOK OF !' THE DAY: *» lid uyF «vj a.! !£ 7& ■ O Being tlie narrative of tlie Voyage and Kxploration of the jf 1 q Fram, 1893-96, and the Fifteen Months' .Sledge Expedition by H! i s>& ££ Di> ftfansen and Lieiuenant Johansen. The first edition of this •», «^° , °£» interesting work HAS ROW ARRIVED, and, as the demand is S9 *^ S* 1 "S! enormous, orders should bo sent immediately. **, =» BBS © ™ «mJ| •^ Q 1-UiICES : — Paper, -."Ss 45a1 ; cloth, Gil ; including postage. ©»« WHICH SHOULD BE IN EVEJIY SINGER'S COLLECTION. Acroßß the blue Fea (Scmerset) ; suit all voices Light of tha world (Adams); all voices 1 ' Adieu, Miria (Adams) ; tenor \v fty o f peace (Lloyd) ; all voices Asbhoie (Trotere) ; all voices j fcrUßfc stm (Barnard) ; all voices HS±* '^ m y); ° r meZZ °" Wttle fan Midler (Hollo,); me^o or alto 1 Bid me to leve (Barnard) ; baritone or tenor jMy memories (Tofti); Boprano or tenor By the waters oil voicrs ! Ob, uroinise me (Dv Kov<'n); all voices The carnival (Molloy); ladies' voices Pilgrim's prayer (Bouheur) ; all voice 3 Dinah (Byars) ; popular plantation song ; Pray for me (Somerset); alto or mezzo Echo (Somerset); all voices , Promise of lite (Coweu); all voices Fiona (Adams) ; baritone or teiior | Retolve (Las-en); all voices First spring day (Somerset) ; mezzc-soprano ! All souls' day (Lassen) ; all voices Flight of &£es (B^van) ; mezzo or aito ! Song of sleep (Somerset) ; mezzo or allo Genevietre (arranged by Adama) ; alto or bari- ! Summer niftht (Goring, Thomas) ; ulto, mezzo, tone i or baritone Hush me, ob, sorrow (Somerset); tenor or 1 Sunshine above* (Jrnep) ; baritone or tenor soprano I 'Che swallows (Covren); soprano or mezzo To the front (Adam?) ; bass or baritone I The sweetest story ever told (Slult); baritone I What iniglit have been (Walton) ; tenor or bass i Under the snow (Packer); alto or baritone. PK&CEs £s I<l each, post ifree. I VIOlalM s^? w^:i^<Gl-^. m jSP A fresh supply of the famous "PADUA" STHIKGS just to *n {J w hand— 9d each; also the favourite " VICTORIEUSE" ACCRI- §$» . E § BELLE STUiKGS at 6d each. o 3 , < 6 - .^^^^-^ s II J CHRISTY MINSTREL CONCERTS. g | I E! O Tambourines, 2s 9d, 3s 3d, 4s, ss, 6s, 7s 6d, and 8s ; post free. » § Best Ebony Clappers, 2s 8d per set ; post free. m r| U All the latest Favors, Dialogues, Jokes, Song Boolcs, &c, price, " Is 6d each ; post free. 1 DUNEDIN. " Spring- Blossom Ointment and Pills." -. fl «g ™m p* maa riOliA^ PHARMACEUTICAL AND DISPENSINQ Wm^W PEICE'S ASTHMA POWDER has been reducedl @1! B 1 § fl^ lil §§^?li 'in price to la and 2s per tin, and the large demand %L2oi MI r k mBl • BtM V. kSj PpT "Sh| I for tbis marvellous remedy if. daily incrriasinp. tklii/i^kP i^^ PIUCE'S COMPOUND PHOSPHORUS PILLS Lior Nervous Debility and all kindred ailments Pttrtto nxiiT-m i Tvra nu a -nm?r> tr.vna provad their value in hundreds of cases. co U T f£nS H S ILsL^R^i!S1 L sL^ R^i!S SSS £Si^ niPhlot - ABJI V AKJS^ I© FEJIALE PILLS. — Gibsons Steel and PennyIS If 1. 7 OIJ A6«&J» Ibi royal, Hs Cd ; Boniean's, 4i Gd ; 131aud's Iron Pills, Chemists, Grocers, and S+ores. 6d per dozen (4s per gross) Full particulais reWholesale agents— N.Z. Drug Company. garding these Pill:* given freely on application. ■— «».»mjui»jti.uw)i»L».«i M^miiaMintiiigmnriwpiiM Fieucl) and Amot ic.ui Rubber Goods, Enomas, Tius3es, Klectric Belte, Sponges, Combs, Tooth, MIX TflTTT^fi 'HA¥J r ITTN < l'^ Nail - and llair Brushes, Toilet Soaps. ViliO liVUlttii Oil Vrli 11X0 a Letters and teleßrams replied toby eailicst post, FEMALE PILLS, a never-failing remedy for all and medicines delivered to any part of New ZeaFemale Irregularities : Corrective Pills, 3s (id and land. ADVICE VREE. 5s ; Steel and Pennyroyal Pills, 3s Gd : Tansy Pills, Al g« s*» «» m «uo nn |A>5s ;Dr Bonjean's, 4s 6d au-3 10s ;Dr Blaud'a lion ALF3t&O T« PRICE. Pills, 2s Gd box of 12 dozen. . ■—. DR BLOOM'S RELIABLE LADIES' PILL 3, 10s box. [a ca.kd.l DR BLOOM'S '.'WIFE'S FRIEND," 2b Gd box PRAIRIE FLOWER COMPOUND, a moil T} ROT TOTTOR " N '' powerful jud effective mixture, 7s Gd bottle. "^ uuijjlwivu. Either sent by post, free frGm observation, on * _„ receipt of piice in Stamps or Postal Note. Temporary Oince: ADDRESS-MRS L. HAWKINS, ALBERT BUILDINGS, 106 George Street, Dunkdin. 148 Phikces stbeet, Dunedik. I^"fT»TTT^¥!!S ♦ Money to Lend on Freehold and Other Security "SEPOY'S PRAIRIE CURE" or "SEPOY'S IFpm A , rr nt<T Peso Fach Issue —The PRAIRIE OIL." I'ojt free, 2- Brt in stamps. i^ lß £P L w? N f « t »vJ« Circula-ADDKESS-C. W. HAWKINS, \J Otugo Witness has the Largest OiromaHerbaltst. 10G George Street. Dunedin. tion of any weekly paper in the Colony.

Government Notifications. Crown t.jassds Sale. TVTOTIGIS 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the JL.NI Subdivisions of the TOKARAHI ESTATE, situated in North Obago, about 25 miles from Oamaru, will ba OPEN for APPLICATION at this Office, and at the Office of Mr Henry Mackintosh, Tyue street, Oamaru, on the Lesisp iv Perpetuity Syrtem, uuder "The Land for R.iUlcrapntß Act 1894 " and its amendmett", on TUESDAY, the 11th of May 1697. The Farm Areis vary trom 1 seres to 655 acrt;s, h.t.d the annual rentals from 2s 2d to 11s per acre. In addition to the foregoing thf re are a few one,-acre sections at rentals oi 17s to 20s > per acre. Iv ernes where more than one application is , rc-oeivf d for the same gpction Priority of Relecj tion will bo decided by BALLOT on FRIDAY, I the 14th of Muy, at the Weir street Hull, j Oamaru, at 2 p m. j Applicants will require to Appear Personally ' at Uip Land Bjard meeting nt Dunedin on ! WEDNESDAY, the 12th May, or at the Weir ' street, Hall, Oamacu, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 13Lh and 14th of May, to Answer f.ny Questions tbe Board may put to them. Full information can be obtained at this office. J. P. MAITLAND, Comn-.issioner of Crown Lanes, i Crown Lands Office, Duncdio, 12oh April 189?. 15ap ; Ca*©was ?jsm«Ss 4>s>cu for ■^TOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that SecX^ tions of Rural Lands iv the undtrm^iitioned districts will be OPEN for SELECTION at. this Office, either for Cash, Occupation with Right of Purchase, or Lease in Perpetuity, on and after WEDNESDAY, the 12th 'of May 1897, at price* varying from 7s 6d to £1 10s per acre: — GLENKENICH GREEKVALB TUAPEKA WEST KANKLEBURN TUAPEKA EAST RIMU WOODLAND SHOTOVEK WARE PA. Pooler? containing plaur. and full particulars will shortly be available for distribution, and will then be exhibited at the. various post offices, railway stations, &c. i HaL-yeady rentals, lease and registration j fees, and valuations for improvements (if any) j must be lodged with applications, or paid immediately the result of the ballot i 3 declared. Forms of application and full particulars ; can be obtained at this office. J. P. MAITLAND, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Crown Lands Office, Dunedin, 7th April 1897. 3xp T AND*FOR SETTLEMENT. An AREA of about 30,000 acres of country, ! suitable for holdings of from 200 up to about j 1500 acres, is now being prepared for aettlo- ! ment iv the district lying on the coasb between i "Kaikoura. and the Conway River, and it is expected that, a good deal of this country will b2 ready for selection about the middle of JUNE. The land is good, and carries excellent" grass on the parts that have been cleared of the light bush growing on it, whilst a large part of the country is in good native g-a«s already. An opportunity is here offered to people to secure lauds ia a district where the climate and soil are good and the access to markets is very fair. I Plans -Vf ill not be ready for some time, but intending settlers are advised to examine this district. C. W. ADAMS, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Blenheim, March 16, 1897. lap . Public Notices TWrORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. WELLINGTON BRANCH OFFICE Of the OTAGO DAILY TIMES OTAGO WITNESS, And NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE, MINING AND FINANCE JOURNAL, 13 CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY, Near G.P.0., Where Files can be referred to Copies obtained and where Advertisements, Subscriptions, and Accounts will be received by MR J. ILO TT, ManagiDg Agent for North Island*

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Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 28

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Page 28 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 28

Page 28 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 2251, 22 April 1897, Page 28