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■» The third of this season's series of wool sale 3 was held at the Choral H*ll on Tuesday. The catalogues submitted were comparatively small* the total number of bales offered being less than a half of the number offered at the previous sales. The attendance of buyers w >s scarcely so large as usual, the Tiiuaru and Gamaru mill* not being represented. On the whole the sales passed off very satisfactorily, and only a small proportion was withdrawn. The catalogues submitted were-* as follows :—: — Bales. Wright, Stephenson, aud Co. ... 1622 Donald Reid and Co 784 Farmers' Aeency Company 709 Ndw Zealand Loan and Mercantile Ageacy Comp»ny 636 Stronach Bros, and Morris 474 Mutual Agency Company 432 Daleety and Co. 369 William IS. Reynolds and Co. ... 225 Moiitzson and Hopkin 207 Total 5458 Prices for bright light clean halfbred > and crossbred were on a par with those realised at the previous sales. Heavy and diogy crossbred and halfbred and heavy conditioned merino sold at par to id lower, and pieces aud locks sold at prices slightly in favour of buyers. The next sale will be held on February 25. The following are the reports of the brokers :—: — Thi; New Zkamnd Loam and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) report having held their third of this *enson'.J series of . sales at the Choral Hall ou Tuesday, 2nd iust., when the attendance of buyers was again very full, and all present evidently desired to operate, and did so with a good deal of more especially wnen tempting lines of bright lustrous line cros3 or hilfbred wrre otferM. Such maintained quite last calf's values, while earthy off-colour and wasty i >ts lud perhaps iesi attention than at the previous s»les Th.«s •lewaud for merino was also Icjs keen th<*n on the former occasions, and prices were iv favour of buyers. Pieces and locks of all descriptions were not so keenly competed for, prices for such being al«o le-e satisfactory. The uumber, of biles catalogued for this series was about f»00, of which we submitted 858, the bulk being placed under, the banimer, and the balance will no doubt be disposed >.f era the week is out. The following marks made the highest prices in our catalogue —via. : — R unde» half circle, greasy halfbrod ewes BJd, do Incgets Bid, do crossbred B^l, do Lincoln hoggets Bi<i, do Liucolns 8d ; P, halfbred Bid, orosahred Sd ; J A over bar, croisbred 71.1 ; RS, half bred 7J-I, merino 7Jd ; K2, crossbred 7}d ; AS over bar, crossbred 7id. Daujetv an*d Co. (Limited) report as follows : We held our third sate for this season at the Chor*l Hall on Tuesday, when we offered v, catalogue cirmprining 368 baled. There was a very large attendance of buyers, including one or two new to the sales hore. The greater portion of our catalogue consisted of medium quality halfbrods and crossbreds, but we also offered a few fairly bright wools from the south. Competition throughout the sale was good, but more particularly for bright, clean halfbreds an.! crossbred*, which wer« eagerly swigafc affer and which fully ma:ntaine I the price established for ibese sorts at tho last sa^ With the exception of low quslity crossbretis and merino*, pieces and lacks, values for whii*n were slightly easier, all sorts sold on a p%r witti prices ruling at the- January tales. Our nu,-it sale will be held on. the 27th mst. Our caWloßue did not include auy really firat-clasa lot« r but tbe following brands realised the best prices : — Ciossbreds : Al, S bales 7Jd. 7 do 7id; 2H, 3 do 7J.1 ; J5, 14 do 7id ; M 7, 2di 7J.i ; D, 2 do 7Ji. Halfbieds : 18, 5 bales 7id; DO. 4do 7id ; tftaL 3do 7id ; Al, Bdo 7Jd. Tha following is the range of v.vluej :— Superior halfbred, 8d to 83d ; medium do, 7d to 7id ; shabby and off coLiur, fijd to 6}d ; inferior, 5d to 6d ; superio'- crossbred, 7id to Bid ; mediiim do, 6'2d to 7id ; earrhy and discoloured, 5Jd to 6'id ; superior merino, 7d to 7Jd ; medium, Od to 6id j inferior, 5d to 5Jd. Messrs Wit.liaji ~E. Reynolds and Co. report as follows :— Weaeldour tbitd sale of the season on Tuesday iv the Choral Hall, Moray place, before a very large atteadince of buyers, including representatives from, various woollen mills throughout the colony and all our local buyers. Competition was keen and even throughout, but there was very little disposition shown to advance in prices at all. We think the better class wool* were more sousht after, and in some cases realised higher prises th*n those of last sale ; but. on ths other hand, heavy and dirty qualitie* suffered a alight decline. Merino, if very good, was unaltered, but if ordinary quality rather lower, prices bad to be accepted. The quality of the wool offered was by no means good, moat of it being dirty and heavy, as is geu>jrally the case at the late sales of the seison, and this may incline growers to judge that the prices were lower, but Kanerally speaking we can report value 3aa unaltered from those of last sale. "Wright, Strphenson, and Co. report as follows :— The tuint aeries of Dunedin wool sales wu held in the Choral Hall on Tuesday, when 5431 bales were submitted by the various selling brokers, of which our cata'ogue contributed: 1633 bales. There was a good attendance of the trade, all the local buyers being present, besides a few new buyers representing Yorkshire houses. Competition throughout was brisk, especially for tbe better classes of bright, hght-condition-d wools suitable for America ; while for pieces, locks, and heavy-conditioned wools bidding was not so free as at last sales. Prices, ag compared with last series, slmwei little or no chauge, any alteratiou being noticeable was with regard to fine halfbreds and merino', which may be quoted at from par to id per lb easier, while pieces and heavy-condi-tioned woolh ure quotable at f rom par to Id per lb lower. Current pi-ip-s are a» follow :—: —

The following are a taw of the highest prices obtained by us : — Halfbr^ds : H in circle^ 5 bales at 7Jd ; P, 5 at 7Jd ; bar over 11, 3 at 7id; ML, 2 at 7Jd ; JCJ, 5 at 7*d! Crossbreds : TT, 7 at S}d, 20 at Sid; double box, 3 at 8d ; bar over JT, 17 at 8.1 ; 71, 8 at 7id ; M. 4at 7*d ; Lochindorb, ?. at 7id. Longwools : Tl', 5 Roraney ewe at 7?d ; bar over 11, 4 do at 7Jd. Pieces : TT. flrsn pieces C'-oasbred 6Jd ; JT, do 5iJ ; bar over 11, pieces crossbred sid. JfORrTZSOx and Hopki:* report ■'laving held their third sale in the Choral Hall on Tuesday, when there was a very large attendance of buyers pre-ent. Competition for the better clasaes of wool was very bri>-k, and prices for such were quite equal to last sale, but medium and inferior qualities were in poor request and suffered a decline of id per lb. Bellies and pieces were equilly well competed for, and prices showed no alteration. The following were the ruling values : Greasy extra suner halfbred, BJd to 9d per lb ; super halfb-ed 7M to Bid ; medium, 6Jd to 7id ; inferior, 5Jd to tijd ; greasy super crossbred, 73d to BJd ; medium, 6Ji to 7}d; iaferior, sid to 6Jd ; greaßV super merino, 7id to 8d ; medium, 6d to 7d ; iiVerior, 4}d to sid ; bellies and pieces (best), &id f'i <5Jd ; goud, sid to s|d ; medium, 4d to 5d ; infeiwr, 3d to 4d. Stuonach Eros, an^ Morris report as follows :— We held our third sale of the season at tfce Choral Hall on Tuesday, February 2, when we fcubmitted a catalogue of 474 bales to a large attendance of buyers. Some of the northern mills were iiot represented at the s.ile, but in their places we were pleased to notice some foreign buyers, who made their fir3fc appearance in Dunedin Th* bulk of our catalogue was made up of medium wools (which is usually the case at the third sale), there being few clips forward of special m*-rit. Competition all round was about eqiul to last sales, superior wools being the most sought after, and these realised prices fully equal to Lisr. quotations. Heavy-conditioned and discolonred eriwsbreds on the other hmid, met with Ires demand, and wo auoto same id below Janu-

ary rates. Pieces were also a s.haae easier, and nißvino, ulJcss superior, fuily id below values rulius; at our last sale. Included iv our catalogue wfti'e * few lines of superior scoured bnlfbred? and ciossl>rcd>, which realised prices equal to those obtained at second serieo. Values rnlinj? were as under : Greasy halfbred super, 8d to BJd ; medinm, 6Jd to 7}d ; inferior, sid to 6d ; crossbred super, 7}d to Bid ; medium, 6Jd to7id ; inferior.' »id to 6Jd ; merino super, 7jd to 8d ; medium, 6d to 7d ; uiferior, 4|<l to 5Jd ; good srreasy piece?, balfbrad and crossbred, 5Jd to Bid ; medium, 4fcd to 5d ; inferior, 3Jd to 4Jd ; super do mei-ino, 4}d to 5Jd ; medium, 3|d to 44d ; inferior, 2d to 3Jd ; greasy locks, ljd to 3d. Donald Beid and Co. report as follows :— We held our third sale of the season's series at the Choral Hall, Moray place, Dunedin, on Tuesday, February 2, 1897. There was the usual- full attendance of buyers, and a fair gathering of woolgrowers, speculators, and others interested in the proceedings. 5412 bales of wool were catalogued for this series by the various selling brokers. Bright, clean, light halfbred wools, and the finer sorts of lustrous crossbred wools, were again in good demand, and sscuied animated bidding, and these sorts sold up to BJd per lb. Competition for the finer sorts of merino wools was also brisk up to buyers' values, and for thi« claaa prices ruled about ou a level with the last sales. For the lower grades of wool, both crossbred and merino, and for lat; shorn, sail stained, and burrv lots, there was a poor demand and little competition, and prices for these sorts wore somewhat; lower than those ruling at our second sale. We submitted a catalogue of 784 bales, which included some very nicelj' got up dip*, and with, the exception of a few lots which did not reach onr valua~ tions we cleared everything at full current values. At auction on 1 uesday and privately siuce our last sale we have disposed of 877 bi_lei». The following favourite brands made t"p prices at our sale' on Tuesday ; — JT, 5 bales halfbred ewe fcjd ; triangle over RU, 10 halfbred BJd ; — over Fovar — , 10 do 84d ; JT, 4 do Bid ; Sb, 3 crossbred B^l ; — ovev P over - , 2 do 8d ; JT, 2 do 8d : L id dimionrf, 9 do 7}d ; 25, 6 halfbred 7=h ;2,3 do 7{i ; Jt, i Leicester 7?i. The following table show s current vnlues :—: — Description.! Superior] Good. Medium 1 Inferior. (3rea»y— d. 4. Id. Ad. d. d. d. Halfbred 8 to 8* 7 t*Ji 6 to 62 5i to fij Crossbred 7* »- 8i 7 « 71 6 t. 6} 5 » 5jMarino ... 7 ii 7i[6 .■ 6J 5 ■■ 51 ii « 5 Pieces and t bellies... 61 h 6? 51 m Si '-H » 5 3i r, 4 Locks ... 4j. ■■ 5 (4 ■■ 4t :<i " 3? is ii 3 The full reports of sales can be inserted by •wcolbrokers on payment of a specinl charge for same. The following are detailed reports :— The FammerV Agency Oompanv (Limitrd) report having h'-ld Ihrir third wool sale to-day (Tuesday), 2nd tVbruarv, at the Chor»l Hal), Dusedin, and C'lTumencad the proceed ioga by averting at 9 o'clock sbarp. The attendance of buyers was increased considerably by the appearance of some new :md welcome faces. The cs.tali.gues off. red by the different firms made np a total of 5400 bales, ranging in .quality from inferior and earthy to medium, with a few lots of showy, bright, lustrous paicfls. The Utter were in bmk request, and were all sold at prices fully equal to those of last fcale^. Other sorts were also well competed for, and in some instances show y, slight improvement ; but taking tho salej as a wnole we ihiu'k. we are safe in saying prices- were just about the same as these ruling at tke JaßUoiry sales — possibly due to thugood news conveyed by cable telling in prices for best aorts are firm. It must, however, be remembered that on tho opening 'day of the present aeries of the London sales all sorts -declined 5 to 7J per cent., and although they aie quoted by to-day'<! cahle'as firm, we have no evidence of n rt'coveiy excepting in the cass of super quality. Taking- these factd into coa^ideratiou, no doubt the prices paid to-day will be accepted as satisfactory. Our catalogue comprised 717 bales, of which we sold 658 bale?. The balance, not coming up to our icle* of values, has been held over. To-day's values may be given as follow : —

Among our top prices wo sold the following well-known brands:— Jß Waitahuua, 9 bales crossbred 8d ; H in diamond over Milrfg, 4 balfbrsd Bd, 4 crossbred Bd, $ ciossbred wetter Bd, 4 Crossbred hogget 8d r JN CHnton, 5 crc^shred Bsd, 1 merino 7i<i ; JS Keilor, 7 crosibred 7id, 2 do 7id ; WV, 8 do 7id ; HA, 9 do 7id ; Compass. 12 do 71d ; TD Annia Hill, 3 do 7Jd. Ido 7id ; KO Clinton, 2!) do 7J<l ; MB, 10 merino 6J.1 ; HD, 5 halfbred 7i* ;GB 2 crossbred 71«t ; AOB. 11 do 7Jd, 3 do7id ; D, 3 Leicester 7d ; H iv diamond, 1 merino 7d. 4 first pieces 6Jil. Appended wo give catalogue prices :--JK, 2 bales greasy merino sd. & halfbred ttjd, 1 pieces 2Jd, 1 bellies 3d ; JS over Keilor, 7 halfbred 7id, 2 crossbred 7Jd, 1 do Gid, 1 bellies and dead wool 4£d, 1 pieces do 4sd ; JD. 8 crossbred hogget s?d, 5 hallbred ewe (N->. 5 part h.>:gg*t) 6d, 1 merino sd, 1 pieces 2£\ 1 bi Hied 33 !; GA, I crossbred and merino 5a ;.X4, 1 fleece and pfecea 4W ; — over JMI. 'i crosabied ti£fl ; ?, 3 do- wether Bid ; WM over Kin triangle. S merino 5Jd ; HA, «.) crossbred 7Jd; CJ, 1 locks 3d; TW over tV, 8 halfbred GJd, 6 do hogget GJd, \ do and l-aiu 64, 1 do pieces 4id, 1 bellies 3Jd ; WV, S crossbred 7id ; WJj, 6 do 7d ; Jl 1 conjoined, 1 merino sd, 1 crossbred ewu Cd ; WP conjoined, 4 crossbred 7d, 1 fleece, bellies, and pieces 5Jd ; SJ, 4 crossbred hogget Gfi, I merino and pieces CJd ; JT conioined, 1 merino ojd ; Compass, 2 crossbred 7jjd ; LI, 3 do 7£d ; IA, I do 7JH ; JN, 1 ra.eriuo 7W ; (Ui), 10 merino s}d ; 4M, 4 crossbred 7d, 1 bellies 4d ; T over TT, 3 crossbred hogget and wether sd, 4 merino (No. 7, part cro sine") 4Jd, 1 crossbred Cd ; ~ under W, 7 do (No. 6, firat crossbred hogget) 7d, 6 do hogget (No. 16, three-quarter-bred hogget) 7d, 3 three-quarterbreu ewe 7Jd, 2 do and first pieces 5Jd, 1 b-llies 4Jd, 2 second pieces and bellliea 2|d ; C 5-, C crossbred ewe Bid, 3 Uo hogeret 6Jd, 1 pieces, 21d, 1 ballir- s3Jd ; (GI), 7 moriuo aid : 18, 5 crossLred ewe (No. 4, part hogget) O^d, 3 crossbred hogget 6sil ; HL, 2 merino (No. 1, part crossbred) 5d ; JM conjoined. 2 crossbred o ', 1 first pieces 3Ad ;X, 4 crossbred 7d ; X, 2 merino ewe 6id, 1 fleece, bellies, and pieces 4id ; TD over Anise Hill, 3 halfbred ewe (No. 6. part crossbred) 7£d,. 3 halfbred hogget (No. 4, part crossbred) 7d, 1 first combing halfbred wether 7J<3, 1 bellie* and pieces 5d ; over JF, 7 halfbred ewe 6£d, 15 do hogget Hd;' — over O, 7 do ewe 7d, Bdo hogget 6d ; CM, 3 three quarterbred. do 6}d ; 55, ll halfbred 6Jd,3 crossbred t>Jd ; KO, 29 do 7£d ; WL ia diamond, 1 cros*bred and merino6£d , 1 matted and sandy sd, 2 first pieces 4d, 3 second do 4.i ; — over JH, 2halfbreddingyed,ltaalfbred6Jd; MP conjoined, 8 crossbred (No. 8, part merino) <5H ; (01), 1 halfbred 6Jd ; JR. 9 crossbred 8d ; WM over E in triangle, 1 locks and pieces 2d ; TR, 3 crossbred 7Jd ; — over D, 1 merino fleece, second crossbred piece* and locks 33d ; LD conjoined. 2 merino 6d, 1 flsece, bellies and pieces 4Jd ; X, 2 merino 5Jd, 1 locks i!£d ; AO, 1 mixed 3sd ; — over WAI, 1 f adge pieces 3fd ;XA, I bellei and pieces 3d "; over J, 11 halfbred b'ld ; 55, 1 dingy crossbr«d 5d ;MB,lstained pieces 2Jd; (OI), Leiceaterewe6id; BT, 6 halfbred pieces 4\d, 7 crossbred pieces 4fd : NZL, 1 pieces 3id ; MM, 2 do 3?d, 2 locks 21d ; 18, 3 pieces :ijd ; PR, 2 do 3id, 1 locks 2Jd ; T, 1 do 3Jd, 1 black and flead wool sid ; PC, 9 merino ewe 6d, 1 first merino piecei 3J'l, 1 merino and first pieces 4Jd, 1 bellies 3id. 1 locks l|d ; Eff, _ti crossbred 7d ; DW, 3 do 7d ; JL, 1 mixed fleece SJ-!, 3 crossbred neck pieces 5Vd, 1 merfno do 4Jd, 1 do pieces and ciossbred bellies 3Jd, 1 merino bellies and pieces 3}d, 2 second pieces ljd ; TW over IV, 4 halfbred fijd, 5 merino ewe sid, 1 merino and black 51d, 1 bellies .*Hd, 1 pieces 3JI ; Z, 3 crossbred hogget 6d, 2 merino 6d ; SX-P r 1 halfbred and black fid, 2 halfbred dingy 61d, 2 do pieces 4d, 1 do and rams i\(\, 2 piec-.-* aud locks 21d ; H in diamond over Millrig, 4 halfbred ewe (No. 3, do hogget) Bd, 4 crossbred eweßd. 3do wetberSd, 4 do hoacet Bd, 3 do dingy 7d, JL Eomney 7d, 1 merino

awd quarterback 7d. 4 first crossbred pi«cen 6}d r 2 crossbred bellies Cd, 1 htauied piocettjii ; PE over tjlydc, fl halfbred ewe 6Jd, 12 merino do old, 1 ram. 6Jd, 2 bellies (No 22, part pieces) 3&d, 2 pieces 3Jd, 1 1»ick3 2d ; Greenfield over X, 1 dead wool 3}d, 1 floflce, bellies and pieces- 3|d ; TX, 3 first crossbred 7Jd, 1 qußrtcrbrcd 6}d, 1 bellies and fleece 76, \ pieces ond lock 3 JJid ; 6, 9 crosabied 7ii; KO, Ido &}'} ; j I through ~, 4 merino ewe 6Jd, 1 crossbred fleece, merino bellies and pieces 3£d ; D in circle, 3 merino, N«i. Z part halfbred sd; 6, 1 crossbred 6d ; WS, 1 merino 5W ; RM, Ido sjd, 1 merino and halfbrcd sfd ; X over Lauder in triangle, 1 merino 5Jd, 2 orosabred 6d. Sold privately since last sale : — through wine* glosf), 13 bales greasy crosibred 7Jd ; IK over — , 8 halfbred 6}d ; D over — , 2do 7id ; D, 3 Leicester 7d ' T ACB, 11 crosabred 7?d, 3 sacond combiug7Jd; GB, 2 crossbred 7Jd ; V, 1 pieces 4J*; 818, 10 merino «ld ; Pin circle, 3 crossbred 64d; Hfl (Clinton), sdo 7Jd ; CJ. £ff do 6Jd; 4 (in Heart), 15 do 9}d, 8 hogget 6Jd, 3 merino 6Jd, « pieces 5Jd, 6 bellies 3id. The Mutuai. Agency Company oj? New Zealand (Limited) report having held their third sale of the season in tha Wornon'si Christian Association's Room", Moray-piece, <>n Tuesday, when they offered a catalogue of 432 balas, 36J of which were cold under tbe hammer, the balance being passed in on accouut of owners' reserve;). There was a capital attendance of buyers, and we were pleaded to notice one or two new facei. The bidding was spirited all through, but specialty to whenever anything very good came undernotiee. Ho far as we cm judge pricea all rooud wert quite on a par with last sale*' ratfiM.

Deacript'oD.'Superioi'.l Good. jrreasy— Id. cl. d. 6. Halfbied 7i to 81 7 to 71 Uiossbred' t\ v 8? 7 .■ 7i Merino ... 7 n 74 0 " 8} Piecaa ... 6 t. fij 4J ». 5^ Belliea ... 4J t. 5} 4 .. 4i Locks ... 3 it 3i 2\ ii 3 Scoured — Fleece ...11 nil* !0J ..10} locks ..J9 ii 9A| 8J ii 9 Medium. | Inferior. .1. d |<T d. hi to G\m to dj «j .. e-iie .- Bi 5i » Jrl'*J .. 5 4: .. 44 3 .. 3| H » 3112J m 3 IJ .. a I .. Ii 9} .. 109 .. S»J 74 n 8 IBJ ii 7i

ISuperior.l Good. Medinm.ilnferior. d d Id" d~ til to 71 Bt to 6i -ij h .7i 15} " «i 6 ii fij 5 i. 5} 4 .. 43 3 .. 3} ffalfbrKd Crossbred Merino .. Pieces . . A. d. 84 to 9 8t .. m 7* .i 8 rfl H 7 , d. d. 71 toBY 71 ii H tii - 7i 5 .. tJi

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Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 24

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THE WOOL SALES. Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 24

THE WOOL SALES. Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 24