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HOLIDAY G-X-QVESS. tm&Eß&r E203La113-A.75r XT IMEiBS&SESXj.XjiwA.S. a THE ALMA— a fine French tan Kid Glove, with four fl»S9«Br ' Tho reconti shipments of Umbrellas in value, j^^_ oQV gold buttons and fanoy braided backs, 2s 6<l- BaafflWlj variety, and quantity excel anything hitherto im- , JBk tS A w^kw wV THB DORINCOURT— a heavy Austrian 4-button wWBwS p6rted into this colony. They have been specially ,Ta ff •- ME i^^w N^v^^"^k. tan K ' d Q' ove > in taQ &Q d brown, with pretty aBBBEMfc selected by T. ROBS to meet the requirements of v '^X vw il lE JBv G&Jx^^^A^V braid backs, 2s 6<l- WBaWwßk the New Zealand trade, and combine elegance and ' " « v/ff ,ff j^T i • THE MOSCOW-a strong Dogskin Glove, in tans, wHB& durability with perfeot taste. ; The handle, ari '% ffl fll 'tt If +. ■^^Eaa^i browns, and blacks, with bwid backs, with four KV?SSg& in many instances works of art, and make a hand- 'H WL I\| W* . »i M W^^^ Patent clasps or domes, a« 11d W^aSsS L ome acquisition to any wdl-dressed ladj's ontflt. ■ V A\ - ikVl M ffj| JfA JT THfi MALTA-a very supeiiorVrench Kid Glove. HflH ?, h^ r W^lfi 5 f^ 2s ?J S"A W^SJ' X»WL M 4 » fl" ff* *JT \ jtll g r^^^^^mu^^^S>^^^m in tans, browns, and black., four domes or clasps, §^ ?6d Maefd f lto 6d^*to 22s 6d Nearl all o?«r ****-«03l vl V fl /f Gw*"~**^ ' ■ TH#lßbtTß - superior Dogskin Glove, four 8s 6d arc mounted with real silver, many of then, "^^vZ^^H^i^B^M^^^^^ 9 THE ROUESBL_-a fine French Kid, tenT, browns, lSsljf extra"" 11 ' * Dy P * - W ' ff^^^r^^W tt 1 llj&^^jS^^Sl ■ i^|^ "^| y^CT THE FLORENCE— the finest Kid Glove in the • I^^* STOO3ES.IIWGB-SJ. ' ' market, tans, browns, and black, four domes or NnSnS Black Cotton Stockmgs sanitary dye, pure and 1011- . .^dß***'^^ hSSf ig^^^^fcfck.- 1> jftli HET%s!§m!i patent clasps, gs 6tl. lln^L Jess, lid, ls 3d, ls 6d, ls lid, 2s 3d. » TOsßjag? y^*# &MWiM Taffeta Gloves, tans, drabr, and black, 7*d, lid, ls 6d ffIKSfV Beautifully finwhed extra soft black Cashmere Stock- _^SF*\ Jaf\Mß%^ W W itv / Wsms®i Silk Gloves, black and coloured, Is 6d, la lid, 2s 6d JSeSaff) ings, plain or fanoy ribbed, with double heels and ! »ik JF^ Sfflf fffisSmia Evening Gloves a Speoialty. natSifA ankles, at la 3d, ls 4d, ls 6d, ls 9d, Is lid, ' *•• J ISg L/ ft^^^^l "*■ ™»B n .'fic'Qfc range of pure silk in white, black, f§l&^\J d> 3d|s •d> " A ' I^ ' *^^^^m cream, gold, lilac, primrose, sky, pink, and apple N^ / aD Cashmere Stockiugs from ls 6d. , dWV - <lvx^. ■ . v \ wm&)M green— elbow leDgth, 2s lid ; shoulder length, T&/ Black Cashmero Stookings, with cardinal, blue, ' " '«mT Ik' Ml ft "" V^jfc" ' * • ■K3T*^Tr TTTT* /&. "^7" *=« "g"?> TC" ir^« TT /% "H* TTTT- . Black and Tan Cashmere Stockings, with open lace ,fj \m\ . SSCJI-BJLiJj^. S»Jt J 'iiCSJL-^3LJL J i"A"l±3£^. work fronte, 2s lid, 3s 6d. -*«..r%.i.« m , V.«^v«.<v^.^ .- Comprising a choice nd W: 1-aelectedl stock of Parses at lid, ls 3d, ls 6d, Is lid, 2a 6d, 2s Ud, 3s 6d, 4s Od, and 5s 6d. Black Silk Stockings, 2» 3d, 2s 9d, 3s 6d. SHBRTS AS^ii , BLOUSES. Pragrant Perfumes— .>. *u& lat«sb and sweeiest scents pub up in most artißtio bottles or pretty porcelain jugs, jars, rases, &c, A large stock of Children's Cashmere and Worsted Light Cambrio Shirts, with red and blue tpots, l«ild • froui6dtost. . . . . „.... „ . . . . . ... „.«.., Stockings, with four-fold knees and heels, sizes ' W hite Shirts, with, plain-dressed .or soft-pUited fronts, Handkerchiefs — A very fine stock of plain, hemstitched, drawn thread, and band einbrolddered handkerohiefa ; alno with benuti- j 00 to 7. price from 9rt pair. g, aud 3s lid fully handworked initials (any letter _. -g-,,^, fi=aXTlVrTVr"B=»-a^? GSi'W'V^T g^tTW lF"T t <SS. White Shirtt, with embroidery fronbf, 3s lid aiul *s lid. fromAtoW)9de*ch. Aj-^.^^jf-S^iaS »S» U 2»a.JSa.±3iTk. «3"i-«JtSM »»• Superior White Oamb»i<? Shirts, with pink, blue, 'and Lace Collarettee, Veilings, Laces, Ribbons, &o. heliotrope embroidered fronts, 7s Bd. ,^*^""""7 I >s v\. ' , .. - , .« L•• Heliotrope, fcink, »ky, and yellow Giogham and Cambric — : S^^Zr- ss — -n \\ 3 - Cream-knitted with pretty heliotrope, Shirts, 3s Ud, 4s 6d, 5s Ud. . * liynCDPI fITUBMn /fJ^*^'^ sky, or pink stripes, eid each. tit rwTava Ladies' machineandhand sewn Undergarments f/./ vtf&k #&k Vfe^^C. ' 2'2 ' B Jifk LifhtSbS^&.ncy s ;^ in calico «nd flannelette,, trimmed with //y ' fVM \^^^K c 5 £@*^ JttTi Sfcrip<d Crepbn^ind black and wWtoOambrkon«&,2i fid. f«ll« TWhorrhu* or embroidery Best 111 W^J ' \W^^>O > «S^% 4PV braiding or laced cord fronts, Is. P«tV Trilby <Jambric Blouies, 2s 9d and 4s Ud. falls, Torchon lace, or embroidery. Best y^ 2IL S L W K)XRA\If.J Cream Figured Blohses, with pretty coloured frills, 3s Bd. materials, best sewing, and good fitting l|gpj j{Sf&, JpL «^ q& J ffl f, 1/ >^%,^% W^W 3 - Pick or cream ribbed, prettily finished A grand range of styjish Blouses, in drill, orepon, muslio, garments guaranteed. fT^* /^^^^Wft 'M^^i^fflX » > \^ s '/ l^aft^iPil \(r with coloured embroidery and short ohine, and silk^ with lined sle' tes and Bhouldem, 6s 6d Nightdresses at 2s lid, 3s 6d, 3s Ud, 4s 6d, ; tj^~s^^S ISf AW fwW^ !l I ' natural « and wnifce> ls 3d " ' "' "\ "7 ladies' White Skirts, with deep Torchon lace, \j^Ss^ ' JJ^K^C^J^K Wf^^M^'^^^^ JII 6 " Fine . Rib * VV ° 01 . Singlets, with fanoy wool ti& \ A large stock of Corsets, Camisoles, and Com- 1 pv \ C \ %jjWffi| iHBf »y^/ a ° d Whlte ' 6d ' 1 M " XwffiffiMaMLhl/iff ANY OF. THESE GOODS SENT SAFELY AND SECURELY BY POST. FOR GLOVES AND STOOKINGS, Id EXTRA ; *j|§i HI »^y f^y^^^^l SHIRTS, BLOUSES, AND SINGLETS, 2d EXTRA. sKlv ifliH

TT^k HKZSJI "SST «. a a a LAVAL ALPHA SPPAPATORS , J«l\^^^^(V^S (WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS), PARCELS FOR SPRING & SUMMER. /%V| J I - * Obtained First Prize at Every Competition during "T* OW PBIOEB are not bargains unless quality- is there ; quality amounts to little unless 1/ BH w t Vlltf • „ _ , _ „ JLJ the price be fair. We combine them, and guarantee satisfaction in both. Our Paroeli V Q| \J^r^bfy*\.ib* %} tllS LfiLSt rOUT 162i1S have won the appreciation of the public and stood the test of time. Send for one and prove it. ALL PARCELS CARRIAGE PAID BY POST OR RAIL. BUY MILWARDS ONLY - f g : 1 £3 JL „„- P NO l-DRESS PARCEL -contain, a full -\T°- 9-LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING PAR «° oUeJIOO JwliS O 11'.^..J 3^ dress length of now Summer Beige, double KM CEL-has a complete outfit of really nice *~ b *^* ™^™?V^ ator v »^ S iiaqf ilAf PI4A • SO width, in very pretty mixtures of urey, brown, Undergarments in soft pure Calico, trimmed l£!* 2S&2J2F3*^ ti? Wade "'J^2v »5 m&tSIW MORE iiM*- rn V Ota. WK«K h i a r, fc as BrMViaftwaarsss SSH^-HLSFw'rS 5 § %# butter Pb §§ Nn o qTTTWT A-Kin •nT*»TTRH! pawppt TVJG- 10— LAD1B5' JACKET PARCEL. Send 4uoh a remarkably oaay and _^flSS®rO ris . "^CTBUJjf ffi , H *tf h«"^ti.n^.f nll^ni Moot nVnaC^ W los and bust measure, and we will send one fwrfoetlyluxurlou. shave S i^MßikjwßSSM^k f «fflr P- S W G^u^^^of^Uoß^lKJdaS ov double-braced. Fit guarantee. .fa JJ^ j!^ "i* _ f^H^^^^SSi^^fc ■ <BBH^^ S^" Irle (beet quality), for 15a, freo by port. "j^O. U-SmgSEr AND BLOUSE PARCEL. JS^vtog^fSStad g " I bSSI^, ** Na o T>RK«!«S -oa-RPWT !• n.d. im «f t»n /"* Onen«|ouseofPrintedCambricorCrepon, mark " A "Tntjwisflcroiw for flrbt quality, and "B" EHB^®^teaSaSSßtad2!^^ WEESraT^i^ E5 t? b "AKCELr-U made up ox two , n neat B ty)i^ftwlterns. with stiff Collar and a Swiss ctob« for second (or cheaport a uaUtv Qi -, WSSr^T Tfra&F&SEMmPr && «fl^ffl - r^k bm» CO' Dressc., one of all-wool black or navy Serge Cuffs, or sof^Hft-and a pair of useful Drab Pnacipal Importers q^ mfWliJZ&timK * fl[ B Ml^ and one of a now diagonal or speckled Tweed in Corsets, with IJBFbusk or Rouble busk (state P"^i3- MißP^ _^^^^*"W tS S flark fancy mixtures; two firstcla-s Dresses. B i zc ). Post paidf^Vii 6d-woaderful value at the C!» Xiiiila S Carriage paid for 20s. money. • i , —* CO A %f |BWk Hlllij '■TV H E-* (B» . NO. 4-DREt=S PARCEL-ii our standard "VT°- 12-LITTLE STRANGER'S PARCEL— \PROVED $V IOO,.Y£A&9 X if SEW eGgtfJwWmXwk I BSillf/»e S oce. It contains 7yds Invicta all-wool Coat- JJ^I is a bleasing where required. It contains 3 DRRQRFRTS' t « SS &£%£& I -I II W. vw rasV L ll§PJ&y lW ?^ C 3 inf. Serge, in black, navy, brown, grey, dark green, fin« lauelin Daygowns, 3 fine longcloth Night- »T iT^^^«VM *C l*wifcl»** I S K&tgZ ' 'VwiWmk ' IM Hr Mr S or electric blue ; or the same length of new roixtd gowns, all beautifully trimmed with lace and OirtslK bVi^B''** * --ii^O"* l^ rv» ffl^T Wl WWW™ ■ SB jam J^l Costume Tweed in fashionable light or dark mix- embrodiery ; 2 large-sized flannol Barries ; 1 cream, wW^na ▼«. • ■kBV'gUSgMXS Eg w^^VTftl Av\ %M " l MiP* ' § £-• turtt, with all Lininßß, Buttons an 5 complete cardinal, pink, or blue Headsquare nicely em- a / OBW ■ ■▼■■" • #. I l "* lt Klffl^? V^T ■* \ r \\\\\ Mi 1 - \Mek B ————— *^^ C^ Fumishingg. Post free for 20s. broidered ; 3 White Shirts of fine lawn trimmed Viir*«B&*^L %^f r OJfS/f///i?JS£rASES WS fftlaW \* • I. 1 - A\V v*\W . . - » "~Z VgSS Dl -^ — iL TuirrT am^ ciTTi^r .^p^t" with Valenciennes' lace; 1 linen Swathe, and 1 »~f T<a>^ W/ T flH||B« > || v **■ » "^B^ffl SV V CD lVr O -,, s '^l ACKET » AI^ D SKIRT PARCEL, box Safety Pins. This outfit in best quality for And lons-standing Soms, PHe«, Eczema and |>g j ||i \ \ > Wn ' WL W '^Lfia ( . \ OS ii\ lor 25s we will send an all-wool black ser«e 3q 3; or in No. 2 quality, 24s 6d ;or if with large, Wounds, of eTery description. , i-^ I | '.IV 11 - ilttftW '" W^^^L^ \ M Costume Skirt with open front Jacket all ready to white WO ol carrying Shawl or l ichly-embroldered fiD RnRFRT<i' fll TFRATIVP PU I <v CQ I" ! \\\ iV> iV\ ■=*******•*■ \ W v/ear with blouse. Both garments well made, of christening Robe included, 10a more. In every UK. HUDtlild MLItKMIIVt PILLd J) \\\ ffi|^ 'l\ li .■.■■■■■■'^' S good auality, and the correct thitiK for the season, home where the little one is expected this parcel f^^ ll ?? urlti ?' of > hh T °, Blot>i '^ l J d 80 /^ Ha ' * ' \'- ''I? MV '^ 'jtate length of skirt at front and bust measure. wil be welcomed with unfeigned delight. of tho Stomach and Liver. Prices, 1/1 i & 2/9 *3 * limimTTTTmill " X- ° &*ch, of all Patent Hedicino Vendors. . an^"wiS^. Jf^oi nf ikj£ fWHm«S?. IVT 0 - 13-COLONIAL TWEED SUITS - Beach ft Barnleott, Ltd., Brldport, Eng. . ana best) — has a total of 45yds. Oddments r\ u -... nncT j.-t ii an f ni Twooilb Tin™ 1 ifni^t^ — ~ ~ •• r of Dress Stuffs. Flannelettes. Shirtings. Prints, 4lt« ffi'S &^l2b fid i? YonS? W, sBo A fr T TBTTPT* A n-on+C« -Pai* fl+ o <m Calicoes, Cretonnes. &c., suitable for Frocks, Pina- £ "Jfe ffif • Men. Sac' Suits w^th best linines and *&" ** ■ J*wJ*lj AfifeiitS IOP Utafi^O. fores, and Underclothing-aU for 20s, raU or post S^ft^S^^ aHS^ T^^ ° N FREB N° vlßcVFnd aßfX2*?£22ffi 0 J? Afo. 14-men's underclothing par. In Lftr « e « Ba-uto tor iig or short MASON. STRUTHERS, & CO., AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND. JPAKIiEL, and still our most successful one. l^y oft— ha« twn larim «•» flann«l TTniW penoas, at ' * S^K^^ft^Mi-'BSSSJfiSr/ lowest current rates of fTarg°e SS^J^aBSS^tSSS ?MSM {£3 ferS wfclXut'coni'andl INTEREST. — — ■ g3gSW«ffi SSSSS Calla " I*™*1 *™* MRS M-QUEEN, umyiios, carnage paio. 'free by post for gSs. Beat it who can No 2 Jettt Stbket. DnNEDIN 12d LADIES' HAIRDRESSER. ANALYTICAL AND CONSULTING XTO- 8-DRESS PARCEL-is wonderful value. T\TO 15 IS KVKHY LADY'S PAKCML, Con- JMQ. ovrrr otbeet, uunzdis. jwu .^ COMBINGS and CUTTINGS A ouvmiSp COWbUIiIIWU XX It has three useful dresses for 20i : one of J>| tains a first-class Umbrella, with either _ nrnAT r -o. mt>rr, t m |-| AUt M»H« ,Tn at OUIXIJNUH -£*■ CHEMIST, plain Melton Cloth, in navy, black, or maroon ; black 4v fancy handle, and a pair of 4-claap kid H/fB DICAL ELECTRICITY, -■-»- "aae up at COLONIAL MUTUAL BUILDINGS, t>n« of a serviceable double-width dark Tweed, Gloves in black or brown, both of reliable dnra- AjJL I LONDON PRICES. ' _ and the third of summer Ecarte Beige, These sent bility and good appearance. No rubbish remem- MEDICAL BATTERIES and every desorip- Theatrical Wies Supplied ', Phihces Stbeet. free to destination for £L ber-lOs, free by post. tion of Electro-Medical Apparatus made to BO KSwm I tiboratory Open DaUy for Private Tuition. V^vvwvvs^wvwmvvww order or repaired. 52 and 54 GEORGE STREET, Lggommerdtl Analyses and InTMtigations Battenes lent onb on hire by the month or _ , , _, 1 "' \^Mm Undertaken 19« ILU orders must be accompanied by Money Orders, Postal Notes, Bank Notes, or Cheques— longer. Orders byJPost punctually attended to. j^mjil unaerna«fln. i«g if the latter, with 6o exchange added, and made payable to the For 'particular* apply ~ j^^P~~" GEO. LE LIEVRE, Electrician, TVAILY TIMES SUMMARY PQ^^VTAGO DAILY TIMBB AND IWITNESS JrtDA'B'P'BV OffCDTV A OOA^T AfHTftiVT (Above J. NeU, Herbalist, 76 George Bfcreet) AJ EUROPE. Published every four w^^VJLP JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT. Job ■UXVAf AJiVdb WwJtJiJUX AwwUwAAiXUJM ■ 17q Dunedin. for transmission via San Francisco. Af^^rPrinting of ©very description done with Sfl & fIS QEOEGE STEEET, DUNEDIN, &85 LONDON WA£L. J? S ARB lb HEADSTONES, h B> == -X/USJDOJBL E.O. Cheap. Under colt price. Printed for the Otago Daily Times and Witness Newspapers Company (Limited) by Josiah Lye, «x *>s-. nnn , nn .n«.T of Elgin Road, Mornington, and published by Robert Noble Adams, of Carglll street, 1 D. ROBERTSON. Dunedin, at the Registered office of tb* Company, Dowling. HifL, and MftC»ndrew streets'

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Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 56

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Page 56 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 56

Page 56 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 56