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Chapter I.

A State Secret. HOSE urgent despatches — have rhey come in from Berlin, Deedes ? " "Captain Hammertou hts not jec arrived," I answered. i " Eleven . o'clock 1 Tat, tat 1 Every moment's delay means greater risk." And the Karl of Warnham, her Majesty's Principal Secretary of Btate for Foreign Affairs, strode up and down his private room with his hat still on, impatiently Knapping his bony flDgers in agitation quite unusual to him. "Hammerton wired from Berlin yesterday, when on the point of leaving," I observed, taking a telegram from the table before me. " In cipher 1 " « Yes." " No accident is reported in the papers, I suppose ? " " Nothing in Tbe Times," I replied. " StraDge, very strange, that he should be so long overdue," tbe Earl said, at last casting himself into his padded ohair and lounging back, his hand* thrust deep into bis pockets, as he stared thoughtfully into space. I resumed my writing, puzzled at the cause of the chiefs excited demeanour, bat a few momenta later sharp footsteps sounded outside in the corridor, followed by a loud rapping, and there entered tbe messenger, clad in his heavy far-lined travelling coat, although a July morning, and carrying a well-worn leather despatch box, which be placed upon my table. " Late, Hammerton, Very late 1" snapped the Earl, glancing at his watch. "There's a dense fog in tbe Channel, your Lordship, and we were compelled to come across dead slow the whole distance. I've driven straight from the station," the captain answered good-humonredly, looking so sprnoe and well-groomed that few would credit he bad been travelling for nearly 24 hours. "Go and reifc. You must return to-night," hifi Lordship said testily "At 7.30?" " Yes, at my house in Berkeley square." Then taking up the receipt I had signed for the despatch box, the messenger, to whom

a journey to Constantinople or St. Patersburgh wai about as fatiguing at a tide on the uncierground railway is to ordinary persons, v/alkad jauntily out, wishing us both goodday. When the door had closed Lord Warnham quickly opened the outer oase with his key - Aud drew forth a seoond box oorored with , red moroooo and seourely sealed. This he also opened, and after rummaging for some moments among a quantity of papers exclaimed in a tone of satisfaction t "Ah! Here it is. Good I Seals not tampered with/ Withdrawing from the box a large official envelope, doubly secured with the teal of the British Embassy at Berlin and endorsed by Sir Ptiilip Bmden, our ambassador, he walked . hastily to one of the long windows overlooking the paved courtyard of the Foreign Offioe, and for some moments closely scrutinised both seals and signature. " Did you fear that the papers might have been examined in transit ? I inquired of , my grave- faced ohief In surprise. ! "No, Deedes, no. Not at all," he an1 swered, returning to his table, cutting open the envelope, and giving a rapid glance at its contents to assura himself that it waathe same dooument he bad sent to the German capital a week before. "Hammerton is ! trustworthy, and while despatches are in his I care I have no fear. Tit* only apprehension I had was that an attempt might possibly have been made to ascertain the nature of this treaty," the great statesman added, indicating the document beneath his hand. "The result would be detrimental!" I hazarded. " Detrimental I " he cried. « If the clauses of this secret defensive alliance became known to our enemies war would be inevitable. Russia and France would combine against us, and the whole of the powers would become embroiled within a week. Exposure of these secret negotiations would be absolutely disastrous. It would, I verily believe, mean irretrievable ruin to England's prestige and power." He uttered the ominous words slowly and distinctly ; then carefully refolding tho preoious document with its string of sprawly signatures, he placed it in another envelope, sealing it with his own private seal. The great statesman, the greatest Foreign Minister of his time, upon whose taofc, judgment, and forethought the peace and prosperity of England mainly depended, was tall and thin, with scanty white hair, a pale, refined face slightly wizened by age, deepsunken steely eyes, shaggy brows, a sharp straight nose, and a breadth of forehead indicating indomitable perseverance and an iron will. His reputations s brilliant orator and shrewd and skilful diplomat was a household word throughout tho civiliued world, whilst in our own land confidence always increased when he was at the head of foreign affairs. As bis confidential private secretary I, Geoffrey Deedes, bad dally opportunities of obierviDg how conscientiously he served his sovereign and his country, and how amaiiog was his capacity for work. With him duty was always of paramount consideration ; he worked night and day to sustain England's honour and welfare, for times without number I had gone to his great gloomy hoaso Id Berkeley square in the middle of the night and roused him from his bed to attend to urgent despatch es. Although a perfect martinet towards many in the various departments of the Foreign Office, he was to me always kind and generous. My father, Sir Reginald Deedes, had, as many will doubtless remember, represented her Majesty at tbe Netherlands Oourt for 15 years until his death. Hewaatbus an old friend of the Ear), and it was this i friendship that caused him to appoint me, ! five years ago, his private secretary, and, much to the chagrin of young Lord Gaysford, tbe under secretary, repose such implioit confidence in me that very frequently he entrusted to my care tha keys of tba ponderous safe wherein were deposited the State ssorets of the nation. " You'd better register this, and we'll look it away from prying eyes at once," Lord Warnham said a few minutes later, handing me the envelope after ha had sealed it. Taking it, I went straight to my own room across the corridor at the head of the fine central staircase. It was part of my duty to receive the more important despatches, number thote that were sealed, and, prior to them being deposited in the safe, register the number in my book, stating the source whence they came, tbe date received, and the name of tbe messenger who brought them. Alone in my room I closed tbe door, took ■ tbe register from my own small safe, numI bered the precious envelope with the desig- ' nation " B 27,893," and carefully made an | entry in the book. Having finished, a clerk ■ brought me two letters from other depart- ; mentß, both of which needed immediate re- • plies, therefore I sat down and scribbled them while he waited. Tbeo, having been absent from tbe ohief's room nearly a quarter of an hour, I went back with the despatch in my hand. In the room I found Lord Gaysford, who, in reply to my question, stated that the Earl had been compelled to leave in order to attend a meeting of the Cabinet, ■ which he believed would be a protracted . one. j To me this was provoking, for tbe great statesman had taken with bim the key of the safe, thus was I left with this important document in my possession. Bat I said nothing of the matter to the under *ecrei tary, and returning to my room placed the , despatch in my inner pocket for greater security, determined to keep it there until his Lordship returned. I feared to look it away in my own safe lest anyone elte might possess a key, and felt that in the circumstances my own pocket was the safest place. For nearly two hours I continued my work, it being Friday, an unusually busy day, until just as tbe olook at the Horse Guards chimed 1 o'clock a clerk entered with tbe card-of Dudley Ogle, my college ohum, with vrbom I was now sharing, daring the ' summer months, a cottage close to the Thames, at Shepperton. On the card was ■ tbe printed query, " Oan you come and lunch with me 1 " For a few moments I hesitated. I was busy, and I was compelled to deliver the despatch in my pooket to Lord Warnham before he left for home. I knew, however, that tbe ' meeting of the Cabinet must be a long one, and recognising tbe fact that I remit innoh 1 somewhere, I gave the olwk a bumm that

I would join ilr Ogle in the waiting-room ltd a few momeuip. Then, looking my safe, fj assured myself that the despatch was atill ftf my pooket, brushed my hat, and joined my friend. Dudley Ogle was the best of good fellow^/ Affcr a rather wild college career It had beerf his fanoy to roam for about two years on the* Continent, and on his return his father, with whom he was not on the best of terms, oon? reniently died, leaving him possessor of about £40,000. By this time he bad, howr ever, sown his wild oats, and Instead of spending his money as most young men of bis age would have done, he invested it, aad now lived a careless, indolent existence, travelling where he pleased, and getting as muoh enjoyment out of life as was possible. He was about my own age, 2S, well set-up, smart-looking, with rather aquiline featured, dark hair, and a pair of merry eyes that were an index to a oontented mind, •'Didn't expect me, I suppose, old fellow," he ezolalmed breezily when we met. "1 found after you'd left this morning that I waa compelled to come up to town, and having nothing to do for an honr or so, it ooourred to me that we might lunch together." " I thought you intended to poll up as fat aa the Nook," I said, laughiog. ' " So I did, but I received a wire calling me to town on some rather urgent business. Where shall we lunoh ? " In descending the stairs and taming into Downing street we discussed the merits of various restaurant*, and finally decided upon a small, old-fashioned, unpretentions, oat well-known place a few doors .from" Obaring Cross, in the direction of Whitehall, known as " The Ship." Here we ate our meal, spent an hour together, and then parted, he leaving to return to Shepperton. I to finish my work and rejoin him later at our riparian home. On my return to the Foreign Office the Earl had, I found, just come Id, aud I handed him the secret dooument which some day, sooner or later, would control the destiny of an empire. 11 This has, of course, not been out" 1 of your possession, Detdes?" inquired bis Lordship, looking keenly at me with his grey eyes as he stood before the open door of the great safe. " Not for a single instant," I replied. "Good. I trust you," he said, carefully plaoing the sealed envelope in a pigeon hole to itself, and, oloiing the door with a loud clang, locked it. "I think," he said, hisasoetio feature! relaxing into a self-satisfied smile — " I thiok ! we have once again checkmated our enemies, . and swiftly, too. The whole thing bas been arranged and conoluded within a week, thanks to the olever diplomaoy. of Smden nfc Berlin." "And to your own forethought," I added, laughing. "No, no. To Emdonalloreditisdue— none to me, none," he answered modestly ; then turning he gave me some instructions, and a few minutes later put on his hat and left for home. At 4 o'clock I alto left, arid driving to Waterloo oattgbt my train to Sheppertoo, where I found Dudley Ogle awaiting me. Ours was a pretty oottage. Faoing the' river, it was oovered with creeper*, sweet-smelling jasmine and roses, with a rustic porch in front and a large oldworld garden around. Life was delightful thereafter the stu finest of London chambers, and as we both had with us our men in addition to Mrs Franks, my trusty house' keeper, we were prevented from being troubled by the minor worries of life. " Hulloa, old chap I " cried Dudley heartily, rousing himself from a lazy attitude on the couoh in our sitting room as I entered. " Stifling hot, isn't it? There's a wire from the Laings on the table. They want us to dine with them to-nlgbt. Going ? " I hesitated, and my reluotanoe did not escape him. "Isn't Ella's company sufficient inducement 7 " he asked obafflngly. " Going ? Of courso I am," I said quickly, glancing at my watoh. "We h«wo a full hour before dressing. Let's go for a row. It'll improve our appetites." Within a few minutes I bad exchanged the frock coat of officialdom for flannels, and very soon we were pulling up-stream towards a delightful back-water that was our goal. As we rowed, the silence being broken only by the sound of the oars • in- the rowlock^ I calmly reviewed the* situation. Why the Laingt invited me tbat night puzzled me. Truth to tell, I loved Ella Laing with all the strength of my being, and I had foolishly believed she reciprocated my affectidn until two nights ago, when I bad called at the nous* near Ssaine*, where she lived with her mother during the summer months. I had discovered her in the garden walking in lover-like attitude with Andrew Beck, 'a retired silk manufacturer, who bad lived in France so long that he had become something of a cosmopolitan, and who had lately entered Parliament at a bye-election as representative of West Rutlandshire. I confess to baYing conceived an instinctive dislike to this man from the very first moment we had been introduced by a mutual friend in the lobby of the House of Commons, for he was a parvenu of the most pronounced type, while his grey beetling brows and flat broad nose gave bis face an expression anything but pleasing. Nevertheless he walked jauntily, spoke loudly in bluff, good-natured tones, gave excellent dinners, and, strangely enough, was voted a good fellow wherever he went. Yet there was an ostentationsness about bis actions tbat was sickening; h}s arrogant self-assertive manner was to me extremely distasteful. The discovery that be was endeavouring to supplant me in Ella's ' affections filled my cap of indignation to the fuU. I had left the garden unobserved on tbat fateful night, returned at onoe to our riverside cottage, and written her an angry letter, charging her in plain terms with having played me false. In reply, next morning she sent by the gardener a long letter full of mild reproach, in which she asserted that she had no thought of love for anyone beside myself, and that I had entirely misconstrued her relations with Mr Beck.

" Strange Indeed it is that yea, of all man, should declare that I lov« him," fhe wrote. " Love 1 If you knew all, yon would neither write nor utter that laored word to me ; and a? an though you are the only man for whom,

I have a thought, It may, after all, be beat if we never again meet. You say you cannot trust me further. Well, I can only reply that my future happiness is in your hands. I am yours." Deeply had I pondered over this curious, half-hysterical, halt-reproachful l6tte% rereading it many, many times, and becoming more and mere puzzled over its vague, mysterious meaning. On several occasions I bad been upon the point of calling and questioning her, but had refrained. Now, however, this formal invitation to dine had oome no doubt through Ella, and I saw in it her desire to personally explain away my jealousy. So I accepted.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 41

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Chapter I. Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 41

Chapter I. Otago Witness, Issue 2240, 4 February 1897, Page 41