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s This is specially the Department in which no firm, in INew Zealand can compete with us, for the following reasons : — 1. We buy our Tweed direct from the mills in quantitief and at times to suit them, but at our price. This suits both of us, as they prefer occasionally to keep their mills going at cost ratker than shut down, and a quantity o plain Tweeds is no object to us. Just now our Wholesale Store is blocked with Tweeds, but as they came to us when the price was down, and it is up now, they are good stock' 2t2 t We pay no middlemen, but, unless we have more work than we can do, make up our own stuff. This ensures Economy, Faithful Work, Stud Good Linings, and no\? we are using even better linings than ever. We have no expensive managers to pay, our workers are paid by the piece and earn good wages, but we have no deadheads to providi for. Every man and woman earns their wages, and so it is that We Can Sell Our Clothing at Less than Most Traders Pay For It. SPECIAL* —^ y ou * a^ e a s fc° c k s i ze > an( * should fancy any of our Tweeds which are not made up, we will make a Stock Size for you in six hours without extra Charge. This will thus give you an enormous choice of patterns. LOT 1 LOT 2. LOT 3. LOT 4. LOT 5. - LOT 6 • ' 70 Men's Tweed Suits. 40 Men's Saddle Tweed Suits. SPECIAL. 35 ° E^ a ?f 7. Su P erior 452 Double-milled Colonial 45 Men's Diagonal Suite, ' *nn m » 3 • Mosgiel Suits. Saddle Tweed Suits. -.-Navy— sizes 4, 5 only. Medium Colour. Dark Colours. 600 Men s Tweed Suits. Stylish darkjpatterns. Our very best. Extra heavy. Black, all sizes. Stylish and Durable. Very durable. Neat, dark patterns. Eecommended. Light or dark. Sale Price, 32s Od. All sizes. All sizes. All sizes. All sizes. " There is nothing better. These are tailor-made, and Sale Price, 16s 9d. Sale Price, lOs Od. Special Sale Price, 255. • Sale Price, 32s 6d. All sizes. Sale Price, 39s Od good. . ißflciEs&r^ tpje&o^tsebi^s «gz> 'vaEgg^^. I iMEEjaarg vests LOT 7. I LOT 8. LOT 9. LOT 10. LOT 11. LOT 12. 30 MEN'S TROUSERS and VESTS. SPECIAL. 60 MEN'S SUPER MOSGIEL 90 MEN'S SADDLE TWEED 120 MEN'S ODD VESTS. - 70 MEN'S ODD VESTS. Medium coloura. 200 MEN'S TROUSERS and VESTS. TROUSERS and VESTS. TROUSERS and VESTS. Own make from remnants. Own make from bent remnants. All sizes. Heary dark tweed. All atees. Extra heary. D»rk. All sizes. Double-milled and extra heary. Light All lizea. All »ize«. Sale Price, 9s lld. Sale Price, 12« 9d. Sale Price, 16s 9d. or dark. All sizes. Sale Price, 19i lld. Sale Price, 4s Bd. Sale Price, 5» 6d. LOT 13 LOT 14. LOT 15. LOT 16. LOT 17. LOT 18. LOT 19. inn PATP« mpw'* rwppf 80 PAIRS MEN'S TWEED SPECIAL. 180 PAIRS MEN'S MOSGIEL 300 PAIRS MEN'S SADDLE" MEN'S MOLES. MBN'S CORD TROUSERS. 100 PAIKB WiiJN » fcUKUU TROUSERS. 300 PAIRS MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS. TWEED TROUSERS. Tnese are our own make, and These are dark, and we strongly Aiiuufctttto. Medium colour. Good wear. TROUSERS. Extra heayy. Dark. Double-milled and extra heavy. cwraofc be eqaalled at the price, recommend them For wear, esAtt sizes. All sizes. Heavy dark fcweed. All sizes. AU sizes. . Light or dark. All sizes. All sizes. Sale Price, 3s 9d, peoially the better quality. Sale Price, 4s 6d. Sale Price, 5s 89. Sale Prioe, 7a lld. Sale Pri«, 10s 9d. Sale Price, 13b 9d. | 4s 9d, 5» 9d, 8s 9d, 7a 9d. AU sizes. Sale Price, 6s 6d, 7s 6d. . :na[E:parg> mACiJffTOSHES. LOT 20 - i LOT 21 LOT 22 ' LOT 23 LOT 24. LOT 25. MEN'S TWEED MACINTOSHES, MEN'S BLACK DIAGONAL MAC- MEN'S BLACK CHEVIOT MAC- MBN'S BLACK CASHMERE MAO- MEN'S TWEED MACINTOSHES, OUR BEST MACINTOSHES, with good capes. INTOSHES, lined Italian cloth. INTOSHES, lined Italian cloth. INTOSHES, extra quality. with good cape. with cape. Were 32* 6d. Were 35». Were 47s 6d. To clear odd number at 29s 6d. Were 32s 6d to 39s 6d. Were 42s 6d to 555. Sale Price. 19s 6d. . Sale Price, 25». Sale Price, 30». * Were 425. Sale Price, 27s Bd. Sale Price, 37a 6d. LOT 28. LOT 30. LO T 31. LOT 26 LOT 27 ' MEN'S TWEED COATS. MrMfO miOT ' T _ VERY THIN SUMMER M EMS LIGHT STRIPED LOT 32 ' MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS MEN'S COVERT COATS We can do these in ail .izes. MEN'S DUST COATS. COATS. MAT ANn TROUSERS ODD LINES. MEN d bUVCKI bUAIdi SalePrioesi rcnta -Rxmv stttc rr ats 3— Now 5s lld bUAI AND IKUUbEKb, """ ■ ""' ' eiz.3-32.-6d ~ serge, 7. 6 d LONG BUFF SILK COATS, JJJ'JJi^ 7glM . Suitable for Sport, or Sleeping MBN'S DUNGAREES. „ 4-JL9* 6d, 22s 6<1. 255, 30«, 35s Size 4-ZZs 6d , Dark Twesd> lOa 9d 5, .6, and 7 only. s_4s5 _ 4s lld ' Gi lld ' ■ Suits. *' fi— l? 6d> 3 ° B'32S8 ' 32S 6d> ' 3sS " b ~ Z2i 6a '" 353 Special Heavy Dark Tweed, 12s 6d Were 19a 6d . 6-3s lld, 4s lld ' sizeß 3 and 4 only Overall, 3s Bd. j; 7-353 „ 6-35s ' - siddll^et'l^nd Special Price, 13s 9d. THESE ARE WORTH TWICE Special Price, 7s 6d. Jumpers, 3. lld. Black Diagonal, 16s 6d THE MONfeY. - r Stout Men and Thin Men, we can fit you no matter what size you are, during 1 the sale only, at the same prices as quoted above. ' • cs-giyEa -iroxTs& 3me:e.a.^tj:r,es. „___ CSll^lJy confidently draw attention to Lot No. 3, Men's Dark Tweed Suits at QEL C £ij I jPftSL These same Suits frequently sell for 425. Can also do them on Boys at 20s > Youths, 22s 6fl- feUS LOT 23.-BOYS' THREE-GARMENT KNICKERBOCKER SUITS. ' LOT 3 *-- BOYS ' NAVY SAILOR SUITS. Size 10— Heavy Dark Tweed, 16s ; MongieJ, 20s. ■ • Size 00— 4s 9d, 6* 3d. Size s— 4s 9d, 6s 3d, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 13s. „ 11— Heavy Dark Tweed, 17a ; Mosgiel, 21s. Bfi'lM^' it MA IJ^ MIT Xl " °- 4b 9d > 6a 6dl . „ 6— sj, 6s 6d, 7s 9d, 8s 9d, 13s 3d ]', 13— Heavy Dark Tweed', 19j '; Moagiel', 235". OO | U i\ |» 1 1^ BtL SB KvL VB IV " " %—**, * s> 9d - Ss> 6d < 6^ 9d - I>2s - " 8~8l8 ~ 8l 3d - 13a 9d - '„ 14— Heavy Dark Tweed, 20a ; Mosgiel, 245. „ 3— 4s 3d, 5s 9d, 7s, 12s 6J. „ 9— Bs 6d. „ 15-Heavy Dark Tweed. 21a ; Mosgiel, 255. „ 4— 4s 6d, 6s, 7s 6d, 12s 9d. LOT 35.— BOYS' KNICKER SUITS. LOT 36.— BOYS' KNICKER SUITS.— SPECIAL. LOT 37.— BOYS' KNICKER SUITS. LOT 38.— OUR CORDUROY SUITS. Our Own Make, from Strong Tongh Tweed. Our Own Make, from Extra Heavy Dark Tweed. Oar Own Make, from Super. Extra, Heavy Mosgiel Tweed. Size 2. Salo Price, 6s 6d. | Siae 2. Salo Price, 7s Gd Greys and Drabe. Very handsome. Best Poisible Wear. . 3d extra for every size larger. S'ze 2. Sale Pric», 6a 9d. Size 2. Sale Price, 9s. Size 2. Salo Price, 12s. 3d extra for every size larger. 3d extra for every size larger. 3d extra for every size larger. Try Them, and You Wilt, Bur Theji Again. WE ARE MUCH OVER STOCKED IN LOT 39. 200 Dark Galatea Washing Sailor Suits, sizes 0 to 6, price (any size) Is ll^cl _-. , ___ _ , _. , n »i LOT 40. 120 Dark Galatea Washing Sailor Suits, Bizes oto 9, price (any size) 2s 11 |d A T JjOyS W&SlllIlg S&llOr SUItS. i^ir* LOT*!. 70 Washing Sailor Suits,. assorted colours, sizes .00 to 8, price (any BUT MEAN TO CLEAR THEM AND SO Any of these Suits are worth double the money ; many of them four times the preseni QUOTE THESE RIDICULOUS PRICES. price. Also Special.— 2 Small White Serge Sailors, were 255-^-Sale price, lOs ©ll: ; BOYS' A3Xr:P YOUTHS 1 nVWEEID TX^O^d^SESI^ STTITTS. T n , v .„ LOT 43. LOT 44. LOT 45. LOT 46. , . LOT 47. LOT 48. JjUl ** SPECIAL. BOYS' TJATITT TWPFn BOYS' MOSGIEL TWEED YOUTHS' STOUT TWEED SPECIAL. YOUTHS' MOSGIEL TWEED BOYS' STOUT TWEED SUITS. BOYS' STOUT TWEED SUIT?. " Kb ■ UAUK - -^VViiJiU buixs. SUITS. xuvxno X *-™* a " YOUTHS' DARK TWEED . SUITS. T nnor frnniPM Long trousers. Long trousers. Long trontern. ' SUITS. Long trousers. S,V P « Qto 12 Pries' 13s 6d Size 10 only. Very heavy. The Very Best. Long trousers. Long trousers. Very heavy. " The Very Best, oizes »to i.t. jrnuc, ijs ou. Pf . jce to IQg 6d> - g;zeg n &uA g;zeß v lg Pf . ce^ 23g 6(J ss jzeßj zeB 13 to prsce>p rsce> 15g Bd> sizsß 1S to 2 £. Prp r j ce , 22s 6d. Sizes 13 to 2£. Price, 27s 6d. Boys' and Youths' Trousers, Moles, B-eefers, Overcoats, Knickers. _..._.!.« - .... ' — ' «,.',, o S°7t A *i D c Y , ( !? T S S> t °, I J? HR . S i oOJ BOYS' AND YOUTHS' MOLE CHILDREN'S REEFERS. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' MACIN- BOYS' 3-LENGTH OVERCOATS, Size 11— StroDg Dark Tweed, 5s lld ; Very Besb Mosgtel, 8s 6d TROUSERS. TOSHES, BOXS *-ijliJNUfJ.ti uviinwAio, „ 12 — Strong Dark Tweed, 5s lld ; Very Best Mosgiel, 8s 6d " Only a. Few Odd Onp« Aav size <ai««o Q« fir? 13-Stronl Dark Tweed, 5i 9d and 6s lld ; Very Beit Moigiel, 9* 6d Slzes 10 *° g-|» M, *s 6d, 5s 6d. Onl 7 aew Odd ° ne «- A»y B, ze , SJze 2-9* 6d. „ I— Strong D&rk Tweed, 5s 9d and 6i lld ; Very Best Mosgiel, 9s 6d •' 13 fco 2^~^ 9d » * s 9<*, 5*5 * M. sizeß oto 3 _ 4g lld> SI 8. „ 3-9s 6d, 10s 6d. " . „ 2— Strong Darjc Tweed, 6s 9d and 6s lld;. Very Best Mosgiel, 9s 6d „. ,_ . ,ft „,- For the Sale Only. „ 4— 9« 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d. •' „ 2£-'Strong Dark Tweed, 5s 9d and 6s lld ; Very Best Mosgiel, 9s 6d Tfc ese are all Our Own Make. Sizes 1, 3, 4, and 6-7s lld. ± Really Qood Line .. " , * BOYS' AND YOUTHS' OVERCOATS. ~~~~"~~~" BOYS' ODD KNICKERS. Size 00—9s 6d. Size 7— l4s 6d. 1"o2 ,£ Sale Pkice. Sale Pkicb. „ o— 9s 6d, 13s 6d. „ B— l4s 6d. -g*.S ■__. Size o— 2s 6d Size 7— 2s 9d, 4s 9d, 5s 3d „ I— 7s 6d, 9s 6d, 10s 6d, lla 6d, 13s 6d. „ 9— lßs 6d. Ztm 4^» I I I 1^ »• I— 2s 6d „ B-2i 9d, 4s 6d, 4* 9d, 5s 3d, 5s 8f „ 2— 7s 6d, 9s 6d, 10s 6d, lls 6d, 12s 6d. „ 10— 21s. I* * S ~ |™1 I f^r I «» zz ~ 2s 9d " 9~5"3d9 ~ 5 " 3d „ 3— lls 6d, 12p 6d, 13a 6d, 15s 6d. „ 12— 225. ( g -*M 1 II I V I \^ 1 „ 3 -2s 9.1 „ 10— 5s 3d - „ 4— los 6d, lls 63, 13s 6d, 15s. „ 13— 23s 6d. o^-S „ 4— 2s 9d „ 11— 5s 3d. „ s— Sold out „ 1— 21«. «a 8 „ s— 2s9d, ss3d. „ 12-«6i 3d, 5s 6d, 61, 6a 3d- „ 6— l9s 6d. „ 2— 2ls. Jbm 0 ' „ 6— 2» 9d, 5» 3d ; „ 13^-5s 6d, 6s 6d • MEN'S FLANNELETTE SHIRTS. MEN'S LEATHER SHIRTS. MEN'S DARK CHEVIOT SHIRTS. MBN'S GOOD UNION SHIRTS. MEN'S SCOTCH TWEED SHIRTS. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHIRTS, Our Own Make, Double Backs. Oar Own Make, Double Backs. Oar Own Make, Double Backs. Our Own Make, Double Backs. Oar Own Make » Doxxbl ° Backs. Flannelette or Cotton*, a aim >iia A3 a /ii a aia a.3 a a i 4s 9d, with Collar s. We make this _, „„, IS 9d, 2S 44, 2S 93. 2S 4d, 2S 9d- 3S 9d 3S 4S 6d ShirtspedaUyforMmersandOutside Size 1, lld. With or without Collars. With or without Collars. With or without Collars. With or without Collars. . Workerß - jJJ fl^TS*** ■ld exfcr * ever y " ize I*r«e1 * r « er * JS^^ESOIjfV-Ij. GENTS' WHITE SHIRTS. Sale Price, GENTS' REGATTA SHIRTS. " GENTS' REGATTA SHIRTS, COLLAR ATTACHED, GENTS' REGATTA CAMBRIC DRESS SHIRTS, s%_^ <>^ « IM i *^* n Two Collars. Light Patterna. n Two Collars, Pinks-and Blue?, •. **S OD *»v« *jS «3D - <JS ' C3S BOYS' AND YOUTHS' * ' -Bale Price, SIZES, 14£ to 16. Be early for these. Or Six for 20s. These are a Splendid Quality^ ' ZJ^S. ' fffls^P^ Please note that this Catalogue only embraces the Leading Lines of the Stock. There are hundreds of others too numerous to mention. Country orders must be accompanied by remittance, which i£ hj cheque must have exchange added. Postage on parcels must also be prepaid. This -will come to about a halfpenny pep yard on materials and 1b 6d for a suit oi clothe*. If too much is sent balance will be returned, •

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Otago Witness, Issue 2239, 28 January 1897, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2239, 28 January 1897, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2239, 28 January 1897, Page 15