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«. '- '. . , v*^r BVIANCHESTER GOODS. . MANCHESTER GOODS-Continued. ] BLANKEW-Cmtim*d. Molliaon and Co. have for years past been noted for Sterling Value in Flannels, White Honeycomb Quilts, 4fi lid, 6s 6d, 7a 6d ENGLISH BLANKHTS Rn«ft!,i f i • i ,-,„,, „ .-, Blankets, Shirting, Flannelettes, &c , and this season more >han ever shall wo Large Wadding Quito, for double bod*, 10s 6d, 14a 6d, 17a 6d 11« 6d fie? g6 ""^ '?S 1W ' 9fl Ud ' deserve the name of giving the best value*. Coloured Quilts, for single beds, 3s lid _, „.„,', IB £- _t I ttSSriSV& lw 5H ** 7W **■ 9|d s i» s ' 835 te &S it t, fU v. g "» »d bßrt nl " ™*' *• tor 1~1 ~ l * u> ea - XSI "• "• 6a - itSfSSSiSS^SR£:SSi^ * UM BLANKETS ' BLANKETS I ! "•SftSSftSKS:- I'-*1 '-* *** » M - to ta — * 50 pieces New Oretonnei, 4fd, s|d, 6|d, 7^, 9Jd ■■■^_- ■v > _*-_.*-». w.^a_ m« a m COLONIAL BLAJTKHTB.-Theprk»B are the lowest. The Blanket, the bnrt 20 pieces White Sheeting, for double beds, Is l£d, la 4d Now is the time to lay in a stock of Bhnkets, and Hollison and Co.'s is the Colonial Blankets, for large single beds, 15s 6d and 17s 6d |!5 piecf s Grey Sheeting, 72in wi<3e. In o£d, Is 3jld Honse to boy thfm at. Colonial Blankets, for large donbla beds, 19s 6d, 23b 6d, 25s Q&, 29i 6d JUST TO CAUSE A SENSATION WE ANOTHER LINE OF SHETLAND PINK AND WHITE 10 PIECES Ol? DARK E IaNCY ER FLAN H °ETTE TWILL I^NELS ~IAL FLANNELS, COLONIAL FLANNELS, COLONIAL FLfINMELS, "NKJOEGIELJLMNIL, AT / 33«nWide, | 8 Q<\, | 8 4}fl, | 8 3d, 1< 4£d, 91^, 11|d, p 3<i, To be sold at 3|d— worth ll|d. 4|d— worth 6d. Is 54. j* Qd. |s 4|d, fls gd. |s worth Is 6d, ' hollison & co. ijg gs jsjs ° 0 ; 7 / y d / 8 SfflSffi^ £ I SS : B ™*« the Mo^ of m * ™ ofler at-if"- Tweed> - ™* - d « -i— INTEND TO OFFER A Fall Dress Length of 7yds Fashionable Tweed foi 9* lid • ' SUOHL BARGAINS IN TBE DRESS DEPARTMENT THIS IJSj^^2^KJ^sSJ£;£|_ -igS Ud DOTiblO Width. MONTH To-day we ofEer 20 Fancy O- stume Lengthß, last season's goods, for 24s 9d— mi,«»- ~ n ~A. ... -«v — ,^.l, o«i0 in j » • »!, ,-- t worth 30a. 3 casea of Navy and Black Wool Serges. Theao goods ar« well worth 2s 6d to 2s Ud per yard. In e.ght drfEerent -- A 8 WILL KEEP THE COUNTER Special value in Cheviot and Coating Tweeds, Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3b 3d, L>oioariDg«. *nd Z* 8d . Special line of 25 pieces of Wiuter Drea« Tweeds, at " THRONGED WITH CUSTOMERS. • 50 ( .iecei Coloured and Black "Bon Ton" Velveteen, Is 6d, 2« 6d, and 3s 6d. Is sd— Double widths— *orlh Is lid S,j'cial good value. 1« Ud - Double widths — worth 2* 6M to 3s Ud We Kindly Invite Your Inspection. New Trilby Velveteen, and New Back and White stripe Velvetetn. 0 / 2s 3d— Double widthe— worth 2s 9.i to 3t 3d. S3T' "TRY & OOi'S 25 dozeu Tan Kid GloveB » 4 hoob8 » St\tshed Backs, slightly damaged, 3s 3d— See our Umbrellas at 2s 6d, 2s Ud, 3s lid, 4s lid, 5a 61 up rf-ft «T ATTTI " worth 4s Ud Flannelett* Embroidery ia Great Variety, 2fd, 3Jd, 4d, 4idV bid, 6id per yard. __fl£s CtJuU V — <■ 10 dozen 4 button Chamois Gloves, Silk Lined, 2s 6d— *old elsewhere, 3s 6d Pink Blue, and White. HOSIERY.— »'he Bent Value in the Market This Glove i a iudeed a rare kind, and we are anxious that every lady who is 10 dozetl *- buttoD Ch.mois Gloves, Silk Palms, 2* 6d-so!d elsowhr-re, 3* 6d Ladies' Bibbed Cashmere Hose, Is, la 3d, U 6i1, 1« 9d per pair looking for a Cheap and Good Glove should at least sample this, lot. We arc -largely stocked in Ladies' and Children's Handkerchiefs, Coloured g . „, , L , f_,. , R , ._, , - In Finißh, Style, and Colouring, the Glove leaves nothing to be desired, while Borders and White, and we are making a big cut in prioes to clear. Sl £6d6 d ' P«r-worth th«y are nearly as soft and pliable as our Beit Kid Gloves. Children's Coloured Bordered Handkerchiefs, 7£d, Bid, 9£<i, ll£d the half 4 Buttons. Stitohea Backs. s dozen 5 dozen Ladies' Colonial Hose, Is 9d— worth 2t 3d ; Hair Nets, 9d per dozen wr j. ** s ji White Handkerchiefs, 6id, 9£d, Is, Is l^d, Is 4£d the half dozen. Whalebone, 9d dozm Strips ; Tapes, 9d dozea ; 1500 Needle Owes, 3Ad ... J^Ote tlie price: # Hem-stitched HnndkorclnVfi., Is, Is 3d, Is 7£d, and 2s 6d the half dozen 50 Cords and Tas-old, 2* 3d— worth 4« 6d . YOU SHOULD SEE OUR HYGIENIC UNDERWEAR LADIES' GATEBS LADIES' GAITERS. INTERESTING TO PARINT3 We have just received, per s.s. Otarama, 1 Case Hjgienic Underclothing for TO-DAY we have oue»*-d Ladies' Gaiter«, Wool Shawls, Golf Jackets, Dress- Special purdase of B .y»' Clothing, to fit Bojs 3to 10 >eiri Winter wear. These sensible ga-mente have too often hitherto been wanting in ing Gowns, superior stock of Flannelette Underclothing, and Bpecial job of 50 B >)«' Imitation Colonial Twend Suite, *\Z"* 2t05, 4s 3d, all one price elegance, but the problem has now been solved. You oan now get the useful Ladies' Jackets. 50 B >ys' Imitation Colonial Tweed Suits, *iz s6to9, 4« 91, *11 on« price with the ornamental. - Girls' and Boya' Fisher Hats, Is 6d and 1» 9d 100 Boys' Navy Sailor Suits, Trimmed Gold B<-aid, HYGIENIC VESTS , L a^ e . S^ ck ° f Woc>l Vcßts and Bodices - sizss 000 123456 TTVfITFSNIP Tmn!PTC«a ' ' Ladies' Ribbed Wool Ve-t-, Is 6d % ivj 1 iv » 1, < o3 . »i r «j * vi - «. HYGIENIC DSAWERS Children's Wool Combinations, 2s 9J up 3s M * , 4s 3d 4s 6d 4s 9d 5s M 5a 3d 5a 6d HYGIENTC COMBINATIONS J^W' Cardinal, Black, Navy, Ruby, and Sky, 8a Ud ' Boys' Sailor Suits, Is 9d aud 2s 6d TTVfII RNrTP TJIOHTnPKRSKS Stylish Golf C*pe". newest shapes, cheap lines, 16n lid Meu's Heavy Flannt-lette Shi't--, 1« Ud . Sp^oixl Liup Nsvy Serge Macintoshes, newe-t shapen, 32s 6d Men's L W. Pants, 4< 6*! We are, now making up Garments as recommended by Dr Rjder. ' A ft w only Black Macintoshes, 2 capes, to clear 15" 9d Meu's Co'oni*l P^i.ts 5- 6d Having made tpecial arrangement! with Messrs Ross and Glendining to make Jnat opened, 70 Jackets, newest shapes, at job price*, 12a 6d, 18« 6d, 25s 6d, Men's Faucy Mnffl ts, 91, 1», aud Is 3d up Equestrian Tights and Jerseys, we have now a full stock. 29a 6d. \ M^n's Caiua Silk Tip«, 9d. ':: • MOLLISOU & Co. for- Stylish Millinery at Lowest Prices. MOLLISON & Co. for Men's and Boys" Clothing.

J«— — ! niiri - - -_w .~t.-.-_~~— — _™— a AND There is probably no Branch of Trade wherein greater " Professions and Pretensions " are made than in the sale ©f TEA, because comparatively few can assess the value of the article to one penny per lb. Some profess one thing and some another. As to ourselves, we make neither Profes sions nor Pretensions, preferring that you judge our Capabilities in Practice, Hence we fear not how strong a " Comparative Test " you apply to our •Blends, and confidently invite you to make comparison of the following : — NO. 1, BLUE AND GKANITE LABEL „ Is 9d per lb) NO. 2, RED „ „ • „2s Od „ V w^ ™ a WO. 3, GOLD „ „ „ 2s4d „ J WEIGHTS ' (Packed in pt>, lib, 51b, and lOlb Air-tight Tins.) ♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦^♦♦^•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦»« TO BE HAD OP ALL GROCERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND TEA DEALERS. PROPRIETORS AND BLENDERS: MPII I & Of! BBUBTPH

T%t&r B B lillS llu^" rLe^ * Magnificent lUogd of £ iTWs^^^^te^ !£'VjEW i TjE3_-_ GOODS Consisting of the very latent n v«l i«s. all bought ah keenest cash price.-. a.nd marked at the very fi ° ' '-fit compatible with scran' 1 trading. B^l nifST^ "/»IiMA," four-i-utton, kio, U. » and browr* _fi^^^^ J§«if&>B&B ll L U H KO a with fancy stitched backs, 2s 6d. "MOSCOW," Four-clasp dognkin, black, and browns, juJ^^^wml MssfbaSM heavy stitched backs, 3s Ud. tfiS^P^^^il "LISETTE," Four-dome superior dogskin, tans and brown- *_i Mw^wr stitched backs, 4s lid **^ l^^^i WgS&Br "MALTA," Four-clasp or dome fine French kid, tans, ttle^^US Bar browns, and black, 4s lid. H^m|fl a_r " FLORENCE " Four-d-isp or dome superior French Md, I^^l^Bkb Be 7 black, and all colours, 0s 6d. l^i^%3^_W "ROUSSEL," Four-clasp or dome superior French kid wralllPjlJiEusil • / glove, tana, browns, and black, 5s 6d LINED KID GLOVES, tan,, brown, nr.d Mack, with pretty MP^g^li beaver cuffs, and «tr •■i\r rl^sp f ■ 'p>-ptg j s fj 3, \\^ JfflWati&sHm 4s lid, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, and 7s Gd JtiMgmWgS »• Evening Gloves, in pure silk, cieam, white, pink, coral, sky, tx»a ffl&Bm&Sm I^^ green, primrose, gold and black, 20in long, 2s lid ; 2710, MESByB&t ' TAFFETA GLOVES, ia evening shades, 33, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is lid. Postage for Gloves Id extra ; for Jackets Is extra. TO /"\ OO 1 DIRECT IMPORTER, |*C \B p*% m^ I 130 PRINCES STREET and HIGH STBEEfc B I % *+& j DUNEDIN.

SCOTT A WILSON, of VENETIAN BLINDS, fffjffi/ *r^y 'hf r f^p VENETIAN I jp^g^^ ™ HS^j m BLINDS. Of EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE and REPAIRED. 9 ST. AMDREW STREET, DUBIEDIW. THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, AND.AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited). With which are incorporated the Firms ofGiixies, Street, and Hislop, and Connell and moodie. Subscribed Capital £108,340 Paid Up £24,279 DIKECTOBS : The Hon. W. H. Reynolds, M.L.C. Hon. W. Downie Stewart, M.L.C. Thomas Moody, Esq. Walter Hislop, Esq. Manager: Walter Hislop. Offices : Corner of Rattray and Vogel streets, Dunedin, This Company is empowered by Special Act of Parliament of New Zealand to act as Executor and Trustee under a will ; as Trustee under Marriage or other Settlements ; as Trustee in place of other Trustees wishing to be relieved from their trusts ; as Age>>t for Executors, Trustees, or Administrators, and as Attorney or Agent for persons resident in the Colouy or abroad. The Company undertakes the Invest- . ment of Money on real or other securities ; the j Collection 'of Rents, Interests, Dividends, or other income ; the Negotiation of Loans ; the Sale and Purchase of Properties, either privately or by auction; and the Management of Estates. The Company has For Sale and To Lease Properties in all Par. b of the Colony, full particulars of which can be had on application ar the office. Money To Lend at Lowest Current Rates. J. W. FAULKNER & SONS, DUNBDIN, T7INGINEERS AND IRONFOUNDERS, WIRE J_ WEAVERS AND GENERAL GALVANISERvS. Manufacturers of Wire Netting for Sheep, Pig, and Rabbit-proof Fences (any width or guage). Galvanised after Madk. Ornamental Iron Grave Railings and Concrete Kerbiug. Also, Front Fendngß, Garden Seats, &c

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Otago Witness, Issue 2205, 4 June 1896, Page 46

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Page 46 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2205, 4 June 1896, Page 46

Page 46 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2205, 4 June 1896, Page 46