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DUHEJHN JOCKEX CLUB. The Otaso Witness has been appointed Ha Official Calendar for the publication of all pro* grsiumee ia tha Provincial District of Otafo, ia tcinia of Rnle 17 of tho Rules of fiaciug. JRule 17 reads :— " The programme ot each meet" iag in which the added money is .£l5O or upwards must be advertised in full once at leaat In tho Official Calendar. The advertisement shall ehovv that the programme has been approved by tht Jockey Club, shall state tie days on which the meeting is to begia and end, and the names of the steward*, judge, starter, clerk of sculeN, and handicapper." All notifications for the future published in this column are so published under the authority of the Suaedin Jockey Club, and are binding on country clubs and others, who mu»t therefore duly note the s*me. The committee of the Dunedin Jockey Club meet on the last Thursday is each month to pass programmer and transact general business. . SYDNEY JAMES, Secretary. PROGRAMMES PASSED. North Otago Jockey Club, April 2? and 24, 1890. Tahuna. Park Trotting Club, May 22, 1886. REGISTER OF DISQUALIFICATIONS. B. Brof>n»n, by Dunedin J. C, 22/2/1893. Turin* pleasure. (Breach of rule 3.) W. A. Johi. stone and b m (trotting) Tot, by Bexburgh J. O, 6/1/1894. During the pleature of the club (For " ringing in " the b m Tot as a b ra entered as Minnie.) Thomas Robertson, Hay Chapman, John Oolemaa, Frederick Harris, — Leggait, John Higgins, by Dunediia J. C, 24/2/1894. Darin* pleasure. (Breach of rules.) George Smith, George Smithson, William M'Coa* nell, Bosco Wilson, Charles Mack, James Newman, D. Rosa, Robert Pric«, by Danedin J.C., 21/2/1891. During pleasure. (Breach of rules.) Peter Mitchell, Harry Tanner, by Taieri A.T.0., 31/5/1894. During pleasure. (Breach of rules.) James Godfrey, J. M 'Guinness, A. Oudaille, by Dunedin J.C., 31/5/1894. Burin? pleasure. ' (Breach of rules.) . Paton, by Dunedin J.C., 28/9fLSM. Daring pleasure. (Breach of rules.) George Hyde, James Watkin, Tom Olive*. Taia Smith, by Dunedin J.C., 3A2/1894. During pleasure. (Breach of rules.) John M'Naugbton, by Cromwell Tradesmen's R.C., 29/12/1894. Three years. (Foul riding.) Robert M'AlftHter, David Simpson, George Wilson C&leuian, by Dunedin J.C., U/3/1595. During pleasure. (Breach of rules.) Robert Parsous, alias Frederick Wilson, Edward Brown, Alfred Doable, alias Doufiall, Alfred Lewis, Barnard Allan, William Noel, Alfred Oudaille, Timothy Hayes, James Connor, by ! Dunedin J.C., 14/3/1895. Five years. (Breach of rules.) Alex Smith, by Dunedin J.C., 26/9/18J5. During pleasure. (Breach of rules.) John Robertson (owner), William M'Rae (rider), and eh m Silver Mane, by Tahuna Park Clnb, 12/10/1895. Twelve months. (Suipicious running.) John H. Brown, William. Bright, Charles Trayera, James Nelson, Charles Myers, by Duaedin J. C, 2/12/1895. During pleasure. (Breach of rules.) — Parsons and F. Morisco, by Gore Racing dab, 1/30/96. Daring pleasure. (Breach of rules.) Joseph -Warn and eh m Jessie, by Cattle Flat Club. Twelve months from 28/12/95. (ff O r eotei iug and running when not qualified.) William M'Lennan (owner), John Butler (nominator and rider), andg g Rugby, alias Silver-wood, by Lake County J.C.; 27/2/96. For life. (Corrupt practices ) B m Jess, alias Elian, by Cromwell J.C., 27/2/96. For life. (Corrupt practices.) Robert Sutherland (owner), Edward Dclargy (rider), and brg Ranger, alias Seadown, by Waikaia Racing Club, 27/2/96. For life. (Corrupt practice?.) Bin Amelia, by Maniototo Jockey Club, 27/2/96*. For life. (Corrupt practices ) Joseph. Bles, jockey, by Wairio J.C., 7/2/96. Three ; months. (Misconduct.) ■ B. Curtis, jun., v Joseph Dixon, Wm. Herbert, J. Fag An. W. Edwards, Geo. Newnian, O. I Biker. Wm. Boardman, W. Williams, A i Smith, Geo. Campbell, H. Mooney, N. Smith, Geo. Barker, by Dnnedin Jockey Clab, 12/3/96 During pleasure. (Breach of ruleß.) James Wilton, by Duaedin Jockey Club. During pleasure. (Breach of rales.) Alex. Covrie and blk g Fashion alias Redkap, by Lumsden Hack RaciDg Club, 3fll/96. Tvw years. (Corrupt practices.) UNPAID FORFEIT LIST. Jas. Stewart, lonic, 15s, Gore R.C7; 26/5/1892 Jas. Stewart, lonic, 15«, Wairio J.G.. 26/5/1892 Mr Hemmings, £4 15", Tu^peka J. 0.. 29/6/1893 Mr Hemmings, £3 15s, Gore R. 0., 31/8/1893 J. M. Bums, b g Game, £1 7s <sd, Ettrick J.C., 31/8/1893 A.Macali»ter,Brunett«,W»,LumsdenJ.C. < 28/9/1893 Mr Hemmings, Adventurer, £i 10a, ■Mandovillo R.C., 28/12/1893 F. R. White, Conjuror, £7 10s, Southland R.G* 29/3/1894 W. Marahall, Dick, 10s, Wairio J.C., 29/3f1894 John.. Fletcher, Johnny, 15s, Prtlraerston J.C., 29/3/1594 F. R. White, Conjuror, £2, Dunedin J.C., 29/3/1594 F. R. White, bh Conjuror, £5 sa, Tapanui R. 0., 31/5/1894 W. Sullivan, -b g Young Rangi, £2 155, Winton J. C, 26/7/1894. J. Fairley. Ida Maid, 30s, Maori Kaik EC., ! 30/8/18 St Henry Wetherall, Colleen Bawn, £2, Beaumont J.C., 30/8/1894 W. Moor.', Elian. £2, Dunedin J.C., 30/8/1894 H. Wetherall, Colleen Bawn, 12s 6tt, Ettrick J.C., 27/9fl'§94 Alex. Thomson, Sis, £1, Waimea Plains J.C, 25/10/1894 W. Sullivan, Young Rangi, 15s, Gore R.C., 25/10/1894 O. Smith, b m Marfge, £2 ; B. Roper, b or br trotter Fjdget, £2; W. Mitchell, b g Cobalt, 10s— Alexandra J C, 3/12/1894 F. Swain, Virgin, £1 10* ; W. Moore, Elian. £1 W. Gamble, Prince Louis, lOs-Tapanui R.C., .«* -27/1/1895 D. O'Keefe, Helaine, £2 15s, Riverton R.C.. ; 27A/1595 15s-Tahuna Park T. and R.C., 3/12/1894 'W. Gamble, Prince Louis, 30i, Southland R.C., 25/2/1895 James Kerne, Patch, £2 ss, Tuapeka County J.C, 14/3/1895 -s ! H. Rawcliffe, Prince. £2 ; H. RaWtliffe, Taieri Lad, £3 10s ;A. Bergman, Ploughboy, £3 12 a 6d ; J. O-'Bryan, FJlie, £2 10 i ;J. Haig, Katie, £1 10s ; Joseph. Brown, Brown Besa, £2 10s— • Beaumont J.C , 27/G/1895 J. Howejr, Montigriy, £1, Danedfn J.C. 27/6/1895 William M'KiuHon, Coolgardie, trotter, loff, ; Roxburgh J.C. 26/7/1895 J. Philip., b g Patch, £2 15s : A. Foster, b ra Heater, £1 ss ; J. Little, blk g Onyx, 10a; J. : Little, b m Mishap, £1 ss— Maniototo J. C. ; 29/8/1895. T. Wallace, Wanganui, I2s 6d j A. Johnion, Lassie, 10s; W. Langford, Firefly, 7a 6d— 1 Wairio J.C, 26/9/1895 A. M'Donald, Lady Mac, £1 7s 6d ; W. Johnwm, Rogers, £1 7s 6d; J. Haiff, Katie. £17s6d; M. Gordon, Snip, 15s-Ettrick J.C 30/10/1895 E. Wheeler, Waggoner, £1, Vincent J.C, 21fll/95 J. Kingston, Nancy Lee, £1 10s ; J. Pryde, Dob, £1 10s: J. Williams. Songster, £1 10s— Alexandra J.C. 21/11/1895 T. Daly, The Poundkeepor, £3 ; Saddler £2, North Otago J.C, 30/1/96. OWNERS' PERMITS TO TRAIN UNDER ADDITION TO RT7LB 167 a. E. Pu4dy, L«dy Teddinf ton ; Robert Ellis, Jaefc Harkaway and Emmeline ; M. Miller, Silver* tail ; J. M. Gourley, Waitangi: J. J. OrbelL' Saunterer and Dundonald: J. M*Kewea? 4 Wharf dale and Belmont; John Fitzgerald^ Vandyke; D. Hutchison, Swivel; Thomas Thomira, Vanquisher: J. B. Jom«a Ra»«Ul : Tnußfc tnd Victor ; P. Mitchell, Bftttft tW.

.J. Mildror, Moonlight and Vanguard ; J. B. l&nith. The Last, Sobastopol, and De Trop ; }G. Hille, Guy and Volunteer ; John Clare, jQaickshot, loaa, Surf ; G. Livingstone, Vanity Wnd Tapui ; J. Thomson, Tommy Atkins ; J. Bcolea, Stimulants ; J. Garter, Tangi and St. Sxmis ; J. O'Brien, Mis 3 Norah. and Garrysw£d; R. B. Whitton, Gladys and Taierl Maid ; 8. G. Inder, Lupus, Lobo, Last Trick; A. D. Sutherland, Weibhot ; W. B. Stevens, Billy and Booties ; W. Whyte, Pukaki ; D. Rose.-Adelina ; Walter Hogg, Hafca ; H. J. B. Munro, Quamby and Highland Mary; M. Condon, Windsor ; W. M'Kewen, Faramu ; £. Barrett, Wild Wave and Wild West ; D. Barrett, Specton and Silverlink ; H. M'Leod, laarjngo, Patty Mallow : T. 7. Landell, Eveline ; H. Craig, Snob : IT. Schluter, Landou ; R.. Aitkeu, Molly; W. R. Surapter, Misdemeanor; R. H. Baird, Lucy ; - W. H. tMiddletojn, UUter; W. Quin, Red Lancer, Star, Lynx ; E. Monson, Young Lady, Constance, , Gnatmark ; R. G. Gillies, Dugald Mohn ; J. Sheppard, Jack the Flat and ■Magic ; D. Daly, Count D'Oreay ; A. Smith, Cactus ; J. Tennaut, DGra and Victory ; W. t L. Cooke, Lady Rjke; A. Gerrard, jun., Wee cX<ad and Peter Simple ; J. R. Turnbull, Pro.fesßor; J. Quin, Jtva, Top9y, Nimrod ; G. *>stuthven, Gold Dust, Crown Prince; J. .Hamilton, Envy ; John White, Robin Hood, Black Bess; T. Thompson, May Dawn ; Thos. Foster, Moslem Maid and Lupin ; J. J. M'Bride, Misery : F. F. M'Bride, Trixie and v Electrea9 ; W. Scoles, Rebecca, Coinicello, and The Orphan ; G. Stewart, Tassy : T. E. "Wjlkina, Ironworker; Robert Riddle, Sweep, Flossie, Dorothy ; H. Hubber, Baj-ney ; W. V. Dundal, Mistake; E. J. M^ulty, Dunluce and Gazelle; H. M'Neill, Rocket III; W. 2t%ay, Rajah, Takatimo, and. Fairy; C. Affleck,. Watermark ; J. Scolps, Goblin ; J. R. Smith, . Emerson and Rosly n ; .F. Sheath, Lftverna and Tiger Lily ; J. Biegenß, Outram ; T^Aitcheson, Royal Sovereign ; J. Fitzpatrick, Kosalgisr ; J. G. Harrington, Verepic, Young Fox, Statesman ; J. White, Lady Norah ; JT CaHwelL Pennine ; J. Craier, Roxburgh ; J. ■Jlynn, .Kapi Teanai ; A. M'Pherson, BJizzard ; 3, M'Lean, Grade Darling", E. Walker, Backet II ; W. Couser, Wanda, Signal ; J. Miller, Surprise ; O. J. Laverty, Exile ; J. Wslah, Admiral; P. J. Byrne, Sambo; C. Coggins, Otatara ; H. Jones, Vixen ; D. Kichardson, Fretta, See Saw; J. R. Mackenisie, Git»t«, lotriguer; J. Clare, Swivel, Dainty ; A </ rravd, jun.. The Broker ; J. R. Smith, Jack f.eFlat ; J. Enright, Juno ; D. F. 'M'JCay, Melton ; P. M'Annally, Fairy Queen ; W. Tielle, Balfour ; L. O'Toole, Redleap ; J. CPonnetf, TJlva; J. AdamsoD, Clio, Kikau ;F, S. Wilson, Cathedral; J. M'Kewen, Tangi Maid ;J. Shawd, Invader ; T. Carroll, Caliph ; G. Dempster. Black l'earl ; J. R. Turnbull, Corsan; J. B. Button, St. Patrick II; G. Euthven, Crown. Prince; J. M'Kewen, Clarissa ; C. Coggens, Otatara, Lady Clare. ASSUMED NAMES. t. R. Longfellow and Mr James. OHA.NGE OF^AME UNDER RULE 65. W. Waldron's br g Sailor, late Andrew, to Andrew. REGISTERED COLOURS. f. A. M'Ginness (1) raimon jacket, black sleeves, black cap ; (2) salmon jacket, black sleeves, salmon cap. TRAINERS', JOCKEYS^AND APPRENTICES LICENSES. Issued Under Ru^e 167 a. Teainers. — S. J. Mercer, Thomas Cotton, J. W. Cotton, James Allan, E. H. Hankins, H. Goodman, G. M. Evans, R. Hastie, J. A. M'Ginness, S. Bishop, C.FL;ckton, J. Loughlfaj G. Robertson.-S. Waddell, G. Smith, M. Ryan, H. Mountney, H. Knight, A. M'Kenzie, J. Wallace, A. King, James Lawson, G. Xripp, G^M'Leod, M. Allan, F. Smith, Tot White. H. Telford, J. Rutledge. C. Kennedy, L Birkner, D. Nome, W. Buddicomb, T. Chapman, T. E. Ward, W. Bain, W. F. Smith, W. Duncan, J. Young, J. M'Kinley. Jockeys.— J. W. Bamber, 1 homaa Cotton, J. W Cotton, James Cotton (jun ), Malcolm AJkn, Adam King, Thomas Clark, John M'Coomb, Henry Telford, William Marks, James Hendrick, G. K. Eyans, George Bryne, John J. Cotter, William Tree, H. Jackson, W. Pine, C. Flockton. Ernest Hunt, Thomas Buddicomb, G. Robertson, T. M'Guire, James Rae, Stephen Nixon, Atlas White, R. Allen, > J. Pine, D. M'Kee, W. Buddicomb, D. Norrie, C. Hendrick, J. Harding, L. Gray, T. Burns, G. Smith, C. White, F. Phillipson, jun., H. Mountney, J. Loughlin, L. Long, Timothy Grey, John Gray, W. M'Naught, G. Rivers, E. B. Brown, D. Barnett, A. M'Kenzie, W. H. Alexander, G. Tripp, J. T. Kelcher, 0. Whyte, W. W. Smyth, John Lawson, J. F. Smith, J. Young, J. Telford, J. Blee. J. Johnson, T. Chapman, E. H. Hankhis, H. M'llroy, J. Clarke, W. Duncan, G. Cameron, J. M'Leod, A. Rainbow, J. Pagan, E. Hendry. W. Collins. A. Maskhill, T. Whelan, H. Rcrmode, J. Wallace, C. Black, J. Henery, E. Downey, E. Evans, W. Fox, D. Henderson, M. Murray, J. Belshaw. The license issued to T. Toomey has been withdrawn. Apprentices.— Mathew Murray, Leonard King, George R. Smith, and John Stanley, Donald Gray, R. Jamieson, C Gallagher, W. M'Lelland A Forbes.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2198, 16 April 1896, Page 30

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THE OFFICIAL CALENDAR OF THE Otago Witness, Issue 2198, 16 April 1896, Page 30

THE OFFICIAL CALENDAR OF THE Otago Witness, Issue 2198, 16 April 1896, Page 30