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In the Legislative Council to - day a motion was carried calling for a return which may tfrro-w seine tight on the seizure cf the finking fond cf tbe loans to I03&I bsdiee. Too galleries were cleared while svidence vras b^iog read to prove that the Cfehicgo aro undetimble immigrant*. The UochEoiflcd Societies Bill and the Margarine Bill were pafsad. Consideration of the Liquor Bill in Committee was adjourned to permit of proposed amendments feeing printed. LOCA.I. BODIES' BINKINO FUND. The Hon. Mr ST^VJBNS moved— "That tbe Controller and Auditor-ganeral ba requested to furnish the Council with a full statement of tbe doWtures ietued during the quarter April-June 1895, 'under ' The Consolidated Stock Act 188*.' Such statement to show how tho amount issued was arrived at, and f.gaimsfc ttfiich sinking funds such debentures were iesacd." The Hon. Sir P. BUCKLEY expressed a hops that the hon. gentleman would not press tie motion, a 6imilsr motion having been reifastd in Another place. 'Jha information asked for was of a most unusual character. The Hon. Mr STEVENS said he should divide the Council or. the motion. Tbe motion was Bjjjeed to by 19 to 7. THR LIuSNSINO BILL. -Tho Alcoholio Liquors Bill was further considered in Oommiltco. The Colonial Secretary, suggested that a« the amendments were of such a reoali&r character, it would be as well to accept tbe Government amfndm'.nts inyloho so that they might be ropricted nnd appear in tho bill, i»hich would ba teady on tho following day.— The soggostion was adopted nEd progress reported, with leave to fit sgcin. BSA FISHERIES. Tbe Sea Fisheries Aob Amendment Bill was furl her considered in Committee, In clause 2, conferring power to enter premises and search for fish and oysters illegally taken, the Hon. Mr Montgomery moved amendments, their efEett being to empower constables to search fish ( shops and sreokchoutes between sunrise and tunset for illegally caught fl»h. — Tho Hon. Mr Fbldwick expressed regret (h&t tbe Government were going back en their own bill.— The words " fish shops " were iussated by 12 to 10. Ptogresß whs reported, with leave to sit Bg&iu. On the question of adjournment, tbe Hon. Mr RIGG moved that tbe Council adjourn to 7.50 Bexfc day. — The ameudmont was los>; by 17 to 6, and the Council adjourned to 2.30 p.m. next day. In the House of Representatives to - day the Minister*' Salaries aud Allowances Bill was introduced. The Advances to Se'tlois Act Amendment Bill having been passed through Committee the Estimates wtre proceeded with, and ware under cotsideratioa when the telegraph office closed. MINISTERS' BALAKIES. A mewage w&b received from the Governor enclosing a draft of the bill to amend the Civil X*i»fc Act in respect^to Ministers' salaries. ' Iv replyiug <o the Hon. Mr Mitx^helfon, The Hon. McSEDDON«aid this bill was the same es bad been on the Order Paper for BSvcral weeks past. Mr G. J. SMITH moved that the bill be tend. The Hon. Mr SEDDON said that waß a most extraordinary course to pursue, and he bad never known ifc done before. The moti'.n for reading the bill was lost, and t> resolution the preparation of the bill carried on the voice*. ADVANCE TO SETTLERS. The Government Advances to Sttfcltra Act Amendment Bill was committed. Clause 21, provisions as to the constitution cf the board. — Mr T. Mackkkzik protested against the proposed alterations in this board, -which made ifc entirely of a political character. If the board were to be constituted as proposed by the bill the Government could advance money to anybody they liked — The Hon. Mr Ward was eurprucd at Mr Mackenzie's remarks, which were quite unwarranted. As a natter of fact mai<y persons who were opposed to the Government had receive d advances under the bill. He denied that bo wished to make tbe board have a political colour. The Government vrere only anxious to tea an important 'department effectively administered in the interest of the colony. Hq. proposed to put another member on the board who would be outside the civil service altogether, and whore ealary would be voted by the House. — Mr G. Hutchison also objected fc3 the political character of lbs board, and he proposed to strike out the first two lines of tbe clause so as to effect an alte ration.— The Hon. Mr Seddon /defended the boaid} and said as cow constituted it was reasonable and likely to administer the department cffic ; eatly. Ifc wa^ found necesB*ry to remove the Sclicitor-goneral and Sur-veyor-geccral from the board, an they bad •lready large aud important duties to perform. —A leuglby d'Baussion foil jwed. — The Hon. Mr Ward also said the Solicitor-general could fiot continue on Ihe board owing to having bo much wcri to perform, and tbe same remarks applied to tbe Surveyor-general — Dr Newman aslied if that were the caee how the Colonial Treasurer, vho bad bo much more work to do, could possibly Bit on Ihe board and aofc aa its chairman. —Mr G. Hutchison's motion was finally lost on the voices. — The Hon. Mr Wahd tbea moved to ameod the clause to the effect that a person outside the civil service be appointed to the board, such appointmont to be for two yearp, with power for reappointmenb at tbe end of that term. — Agreed to, and the clause passed as, amended. Clanse 5 respecting the meaning of "suburban lasd" uudor tho act, created considerable disenssion. — Mr Allen moved to amend tho cleuso by stating that eubarb&n land dees cot include land situate in the vicinity of a town or borough ar.d held or occupied for residential or maoufAcfcnring purposes. aOVEBJJMENT ADVANCES TO SETTLEHS Dixt. Mr Allen'* amendment was withdrawn. — Mr G. J. Smith moved that land for macufacttiring purposes be included iv land on which money can be borrowed.— Lot by 39 to 9 In clause 6 an addition was made to icclude In land on which advances cculd be made the endowments of batbaur boards, municipal Corporations, and si-Ik ol commissioners. — Mr Bekjs moved to include Native land in the Jiat. Lest on the vcices — Tho Hon. Mr Wabd moved to include Crown land held by license on the deferred-payment system, and also land held under lease from a leasing authority as geficed by "The Public Powers Act 1857," and Bfcvlding for tte payment by tho incoming •fecant of tie valuation fcr improvements made Hi the land. — Carried. •Several new clauses were proposed in the bill and rejects d. The bill was reported with amendments, and tte fcbird reading ordered for next day. The Houbc went into Committee of Supply for farther consideration cf

THK ESTIMATES. Custoas and Marine department. — Customs officers and services, £32,181. — Carried. MisoeUamous service*, £2135 — Harried. Marine and harbours, £22,330.— De N^vmah asked whether ifc was proposed to soil tho Hiuemoa, and wheio tho arocunt for the >-ew steamer was to come from.— The Hon Mr Wakd -aid it was proposed to toll the Hi' ouioa The sam of £30,000 would bo requited for the new steamer, and it would appear iv the Public Work* Bstimilc'. — The vote wan caniod.

EJuo^tiou department —Ho d office, £2390 Carried Public schools, £585 400 ; Native Retools, £14 470. — Carried. Industrial schools, £9912 ; echools for deaf mutes, £3072 ; and for blind, £570; miscellaneous, £1000.— All carried without di«ou«Hion. Lunatic Asjlums, £49,790.— Carried after a lergthy diacuw-ion. Charitable Aid, £1031 —Carried. Rotorua Sanatorium £ LEOI — Mr T. Mackenzie atked the Minister wtett.or there was any iutention of getting a more suitable man to take charge of the sanatorium in the interest of suffering humanity.— Tho Hon. Mr Rkeves said Dr Cinders was a good officer ; but what was wanted was a medical mau who was an expert in the study of m« dical baths, and he should bo prepared to recoteraerd the Cabinet to get a man of that kind in addition to Dr Ginders for superintendent of the whole establishment.— The vote was carried. Department cf Labour, £3630 —A lengthy discussion took place over this vote.— &fv Maslin asked how such a large sum as £2500 was down for the State farm, and how the expanse was inourred.— Tlie Hon. Mr Reeves referrt d to the working of the Libour department At some length. He said., the State farm h&d to be stooked and money expended on it in othfr directions aud he did uot think many farms thowed suih good results as the SWtj farm — Sever&l me mbers expre^ sad the opinion that the State farm nhculd be administered by the Land^ department and not by the department of Labour.— Tbe Hon. Mr RKtVES said he should pr. fir that, the Lands department would manage it, but tbe Government con -ik-red that as it was a mutter connected with labDur it should bf managed by the Labou- d«p»rtmeut. Mr Willis protested ageinst so many meinrers casting rid cule htthis State farm. He said it was never intended that able-bodied mea should bo employed on tbe»o farms. — Mr Maslin chan cterised the State farm at Ltvin ns an experimpnt. When on a vi-it there he was told they were going to grow bilkworniß there. Hs' t .Id this to the Miui-ter for Lab ur, who ask. d him not to m -ration ifc ag'iin. He (Mr Mnsliu) thought tbey were simply pauperising the men working on that farm. Tois mttter of a State farm wauted more careful lookirg into than had been the case in the past. —Mr HallJones said he was one of those who vißited the Levin State farm, and some hou. gentlemen mqoircd into everything for the purpt se of criticising what they B<iw there. — Mr G. W. Russell risked how men on State farms were paid, wt ether by wages or ratuns — The Hon. Mr Rkeves said entirely by wages, some of the men were feeble aud CDuld not work bo well as others, and tbey wtre paid smaller w.iges. — After considerable debate on the Slate farm, Mr M'l/Acbclan moved that the vote for the farm (£2500) be reduced by £500 —Lost on tho voices, and the vote parsed. Mints Department, £4630.— Canied. Miscellaneous, £13,144.

Department of Agriculture, £44,735, elicited a long debate.— Ciptain Russbll urged the necessity of appoint i g more veterinary Surgeons for tbe colony. He gavo the Miuitter all credit for encoimging the dairy industry, bat » great dcsl more niijjht be done f.x it. — The Hon. J. M'Kknzie sau? his object was to go slowly but surely. Hf was anxiou3 to show that eveiy (fficar ho employed d^ yood aervice to the coLny, and be w\.uld do his best to encourage this department —Mr Hoaa referred to the case of a rabbi ter in M&sterton district who. bad recoived 7s per day, and who was d>«u i«std from the service solely beoauge bo (Mr Hogy) recommended that he should be paid a boMor salary. He was surprised the Minister for Landa was led by his officers in tbat way.— The Hon. Mr M'Eenzib defended the officers of his department, and said there must have been some good reason for this man being dismissed. — The vote was cirri* d. Working Railway Departments £730,940.— Mr J. W. Kklly moved to strike out £100 kick ase to the Undot-semfcary for Rail way s v as he already recoived £500 ns UiHler-st-critary for Public Worke. — The Hon. Mr Cadhan said tbe Government wished to amalgemate the departments of railways ai,d public workß, but thoy had not been able to do so ytfc. He could not) get on without an Under- secretary for Railways of Boa.c sort, and the general manager could uot pr rform tbe duties owiug to other work. — Mr PiKANi thought Mr Cadman bad given the House a good reason for striking cut this vote. H ; held it was impossible for Mr Blow to be under - secretary for two departments, and Mr Blow could not possibly dtvote his time to the Railway department for £100 a year. If Mr {Jadman wanted an undtr-sreretary, let him havo ens the sr<me as o'her departments — The Hon. Mr Skddon thought Mr Cadinau's reply was reasoua .le. The general manager could not possibly act as uuder-secrefcary, as he had to go round the cotony to ccc that tbe work was bdug properly performed. Messrs Piraui and Kelly appeared to know- more about the working of the Railway department thau tho Minister himself did. It was no exception that one under-sccretary w&e under two Ministers. Thes^me thing prevailed with respicfc to several o he? dt-psrt-nvn^s, and some of tho best undersecretaries in the service served iv two departments. — Ciptaiu Russell cordially agreed that tho Minieter must have an under-seoretary. Ho had always held it was wrong to bring the railways under political eontriT, but it was necessary to have euch a permanent head as an unoer-secretary. If Ministers thought that official coald serve two departments the Houbc had no rnnson to be dissatisfied. — Mr Meredith suppoitrd Mr Ktlij'e ameudmenfc, as he held this was not the time to it crease salaries. — After a len?thy deb&ts the amendrmnfc was lost by 28 to 14, and £100 retaioed — Mr Pikaxi asked bow it was liixt five fctationmasttw in the Napier-Taranaki Bection only received £200 eath, when stationmasters on the Auckland, Welliogton, Nelson, and Westporfc lines received £250 and £220.— The Hon. Mr Cadman said he would lock into the matter.— The total vote was passed without reduction.

Public buildings (£19,400), sohcol buildings (£26,000), Government domains (£1000), iuspec'ion of machinery (£4100) ~wer« all carried without debate.

The Do f erco department (£64,419) wag under di&iaseiou when the teW-g.-aph office eh sed.

In reply to questions, the Hoa. Mr Bedhos s»id, in view of tho large numbtr of applications for admission to the perufiaEoiit militia, he would during the recess consider tto advisability of reducing the psy of tbtse men. He thought tbeir pay at pre-enfe too hi^h. He would also corsider the propo?al to tta:u up young Now Zsalandars as officers of fee colonial forcea iu3te»d of sending Home for

officers. — Tho wholo vote, amounting fco £64,419, was pa.sfed unaltered. Po'icc department, £100 441 — In reply to a quebtiou, tbe Hon. Mr Seddon said he was at present, p cpnrii g « classification scheme for the pdice foree — Vote agrcel to. D^partnv nt of Lmi 1s and Survey, £129,631.— P.-.s*ed without d suussiou. Rtttes on Jandi", £900 — P«s-e3 with- 1 oufc ciiscj^sion. New Zealand forests account, £3100. — Dr Nj'.wman su^gC'ted that durii'g the reoets the Government should device a scheme for preventing the devastation of our foreht*. - The Hon. Mr M'Ki: zik "aid ihu present vote would Buffice for thin j'eir, aud next year ho hoped to be able to mike a start iv replanting forests. — The vote was agtce.l to. Cheviot estate account (£81.44), land for settlement* acjount (£1600), Public Trust Office (£3497), Government Insurance departmoufc (£57 023), Govornrm-nfc advances to setMf r* office (£7650). L^gis'ative departments (£l7 385) pfs eiprac'iiialiy without d\hcu c s r on. Xhis completed the Ordiunry Estimates and progress v.'rs reported afc 2.10 am M and the House rose till 2 30 p.m. hCRIPTURE TEACHING IN THE FUBLIC SCHOOLS. The long array of pefcilioua to Parliament, to which I have more than trncs alluded, on the subject of Scripture teaching in the public schools of the co!o:»y are about to bo iv print, in tbe rhape of a bill about to be in'roduced int.) the House of Repusaiitafcives. The meamre of wbioh notica has been given has been drafted by Mr O. E Button and Mr G. J. Smith in conjunction with fche executive of tb*i Wellington Association for the Introductiou of tho Scripture Ttxtbook. It is not int°ndel fco do moivs fchaa inbroduco the measure and get it printed nnd cir. uUfced this ,'o^ion, so that members and tbeir constituents may cosisidtr its principles «nd provisiona during therocets. The main principle is, of course, the intioiuction of the Irish Scripture Textbook ioto tbe public shools of the colony, bat only after fche matbtr has been submitted to a vote of the boU"Cli<>l:Urs eofcifcled to vote for tte fltcticn of acbool committees throunhout the colony. In fr.cfc, ifc is the ajiplioation of tho principle of th« roftreudum t.i wh»t will uudonbttd'y be a serious quest'on at the nexfc election unless doalb with previously. The bill provides that the quehtion shall be submiUcd in the form of voting papers to the annual m^etiug of househilleis. and the voting papers haviug bcea marked nse to be tent to tbe Minister for Educafcio 1. It tb.3 majority of the votes throughout the colony are found to be in favour of fche introduction of the text-book the Miuiste r hhall make provioion accordingly. The flrct half hour of each school day shall bd devoted to the Scripture lesson, such lesson being preceded by the Lord's. Prayer. No child shall be compelled to be present at bfce lesion against; tbe wishes ef his cr her parent, and teachers having conscientious o!>je t ous are to ba relieved from giving instruction upon thirt subject. IMPOUNDING BILL. The Impounding Act Amendment Bill, introduced by the Miuifeter for Lands, gives the inspector of stock fche Bame power &-> justices cf the petce as to authoring the destruction of animals ; also with regard to the earlier sale of cattle when not worth the charges. Tha inspectors are also given power to make orders for the sale of cattle, i HANSARD. Tho Reporting and Debates Committee have roporttd in favour of tbe appointment of an additional gallery roporfctr afc a salary of £250 a year, and an auuual increase of £10 until £300 is reached, the selection to be made after a thorough practical fccsf;. The committee otata that the lime limit had increased tbo amount of j speaking compressed into a reporter's turn, and ; the increase in the membership of the Legi»lative Council had also increased the work S ; r Robert Stout itatcd that experience had proved conclusively that the time limit had utterly fniltd, and it had been admitted that Hansard was greater ia bulk thitn ever. This matter will come up for discus:ion later on. CATLIN'S RIVER RAILWAY. The report of the Railway Committee on the petition of W. Ctilfcon and 117 others praying that the Catlin's Itiver riilway m»y be extended (o C*fcliu f 8 Rvtr or Rihumi states that in the opinion of the commiit^e the Lauds department should be reoommeuded to keep in view fcbo desirability of cuttiug up the Crown land* aifecfcid in a inanuer that wiil lecuro a railway reserve for the proj-efced line, and that the Public Works depactmcut thould be recommended to make a trial survey of the line with that view. MINISTERS' SALARIES AND ALLOAVANCES. Tho bill to make provision for an additional Minister has been circulated. It provides for eh additional member of the Executive at an annual salary of £800, in addition to which he will be allowed tho usual house allowance of £200 per annum. Further, the total 6Um for travel I'D g allowance to Ministers is increased by £15'J p?r annum. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. In tha Legislative Council to - day the gal- j leries were again cleared iv oonneotion with the Chinese qutstion. The Chattels Transfer Act Amendment Bill was passed aud fche Sharebrokers Bill read a eecoud time. The Legislative Council on Wednosday night struck out of fche Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Bill the proviso for taking a poll of the whole colony as to whether any intoxicating liquor ehould be Bold or manufactured. TUX ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS BILL. In cause 3, f.ubsection 4, whether or not licecsL6 aro to bo granted in tho colony, the Hon. Mt Bowkn moved to strike oat the provision for voting fcr national option. Tho clause was an arbitrary one acd was not intended to become law. — TheArronNEY-GbNERAL did not believe personally in prohibition, bat as the mouthpiece of the Government he intended to endeavour to carry the measure through the Chamber. — After a long discussion the subsection was struck out by 24 to 6. — The clause as amended was agreed to. The Hon. Mr Bowen moved to strike oufc clause 4, poll to be taken on the day of the general election. — The clause was retained b/ 16 to 11. The Hon. Mr Kfjiu, on clause 6, number of proposals to be voted on, movod an amendment to the effect that voters shall vote for one propcs^l only. — The amendoscat was carried by 20 to 7. Progress was report*, d on the motion of the Coionul SicitßrAwv, who desired time to consider the question. In the Houre of Representatives to - day the afternoon was devoted to questions and the replies thereto. The Advances to Sefctlern, Land and Inccms Assessment, and Land for Scfcbk nu nt* Bills yere all paseed. The General Estimates were pas3ed by the Hous9 of Representatives before adjourning yesterday morning, The Pablio Works Stafce-

mcut and Eatirn\te3 aro expoofced oarlv n^zb week, so that the end of the session is evidently olobo at hand. SOMPTOIIK TEXT BOOKS. Mr G. J. SMITH iafcroducod tho Seripturo | Text Books in Public Schools Bill. The motion i that the bill be read ft cecoud time that day fortnight was oarried by 37 to 9. BEPLIK3 TO QUKSTtONS. Replying to Me Pir&ni, whether tbe Premier will extend to Pakoha mothers the system of giving £5 bounties to mothers of tripU-t', as laid down in the return of tho Nafcivo civil list expenditure, Tbe Hon. Mr SEDDO^ said he should bo prep irtd to graut the some concession in any ca«-e wh< re the family was in poor cireutm tancea, aud on proper representations being made to I tbe Governmei t. Replying to Mr Lwry, The Hon Mr WARD said he proposed to havo an inquiry made as to tho cause of tho , firtfc which ttok place on the s.s. Rimutaka on the late voyage trom London to New Z;alaud. Replying to Mr Pirani, The Hon. Mv SEODON said he was afraid it was almost impjgt-iblo to put tho whole civil i service on an « qual footing, and to pay them proportionate salaries. Tho matter bad troubled not mlytho present Government but previous Adiniiiis'rhtions also. Replying to Mr G. J. Smith, whether it is the intention oi the G ivrrnmsnt; to submit any further banking legislation to iho House tLis session, The Hon. Mr SEODON said he knew of no necessity for further b*uking legislation tbia session, aud he hoped thore would be no further legisla'ion of tbe kind. Replying to Mr Dit'ican, whether the Qovernnunt will make rtgalatiovs whi;rc-by lio t u«es for fishiig f < r tioir, m>y be giar.t-<l for onw wt* klor2» 6 1 and fur one rn< n 1 h for 5 », so th«t touri.^t^ and othorn may be abe to tiih iv the Btream3 of New Zealand at a small cost, Tbe Hon Mr WAItD said no ivprcs^ntaliuns bad be»n made to the Government on tho Fubject, but he would look into the matter, and if he found it was generally defired he would hi I.'1 .' c the alt ration made, Replying to Dr Newman, whether tho Government will offer a bonus for the manufacturo of felt from hair, The Hon. Mr WARD sdd he would make iuquiries in various parts of the colony as to whether there was any prospect of this industry being htrirt- d R"». f yii'g Ux Sir R Stout, 'Jh • Hou Mi WMIl) »ftiil d» bonturen under •' The (Vns l"! lv^d Sw>ck Act 1891 " had been it-su d against. inorea'CH in the smiting fuuda of thft Gi>vernment 1-ians to local bjdies. Replying to Mr Earufhaw, The Hon. Mr WARD said the instruction respecting the dei-patch of urgent and ordinary te!ogrstm> between the Hon. Mr Ward and his firm at luvere&rgill was entered in a book that wa« kopt in t'n« oflioer-ii:-charge's room in Wbllmgton, i>ii-i nowhere elge. Repl>ing to Cnp'.i-in Russell, The Hoii Mr fcEDDON said ifc would not be possible to appoint a new judge in time for tho ntxb fitting if the Court of Appeal. As he had before seated, be had not )et received the additional itif or motion from the Cnicf Justice which he had tskt d for, but when that WbS received ha woald take tie House iiito his confidence and say whether another judge was really rcqui.ed at all or not. ADVANCES TO SETTLKKS. The Hon. Mr WARD moved tho third reading of the Government Advances to Svtders Act Ainoi dm "tit Bill. Mr G HUTCHISON was not opposed to the cheap morey hclume for settlem, but he did object last fe-tcion to the way in which money was proposed t) ba rais-ed He Btrongly objected to the political character of tho board in thii bill. Sir R. &TOUT referred to the fact that the constitution of tbo board bad been altered by this bil l . Thty inw had a Minister on the board, who would very sekl >m attend meetings. Thty also had tbe Public Tru'tf-e and his deputy (probably the chief clarli), tie Superintendent of Advatcis, the Commiflßioner of Taxe«, aui an oucskKt who was t ot a member of the tivil service. The Public Trustee would no doubfc be cba ; rrniu» in the abs 'i.a of the Miuistfcr, aud the whole of the advances would really be in the hands of tho Public Truibco, whicu he thought was not a wi« proeoiure. Ifc was to be exc-:odiii</ly regret el that the constitu'iou of the board was altered iv tho way proposed by the bill The Hon. Mr fcEDDON did not think there was a single member of the House who would not tdiu'.t that a cbai ge iv this board was nects«ary, and he said luab without jCisliug a single rtil^clion oj the present board Thore was nj ('ouW, lo.vover, that the present bjard ' did not work well, and th»t was tho reasou for this bi 1. The\ heard a great deal aloufc what the Cjlonial TreH surer said in Lou don, but the fact was the oounlry was becomiug ticb of thai expre-sion, and it was time mombtra on tbe opposite side dropped ifc. He dtfeuded Ihe conetiUition of the board, and said ho failed to sea where there wai any fear at all as to the working of tbe board. He felt fiure that nothing wonld plca-.e Mr Ilu'.chison with teepee^ to this bill Mr T. MACKENZIE pointed out that the Tteasurer whilst in London hid distinctly stated that the b^anl was to ba a non-political one, and yet they now found by this bill that thnt w<is entirely chanued, and the board was dosidadly political in character. Dr NEWMAN said if pjliticil bias came in over fchi* bill it would prove a great natioaal misfortune, but if the nc 1 ; was properly admiuistored it might le a great boon to settlers. The Hon Mr WARD, Jn reply to the argameuts of Opposiiiou speakers, said Mr Hutchison had told them he had never been opposed to the chsap money scheme, bub he (Mr Ward) had looked up Harvard, and found that hon. gentleman had last year voted against his (Mr Ward's) propasale no lefs than 13 times. They heard a great deal about the political character of the board, but on the former board there was one Minister, and iv tho proposed board there was only one Minister. It was therefore all moonshine to call the board a political one, as ifc would on'y consist of one Minister and four other mtmbero, who were all responsible officers. The bill was read a third time and passed. LAND AND INCOME TAX. The Hon. Mr WARD moved the third reading of the Land and Income Assessment Acb Amendment Bill. Mr HEKE moved tbat the bill be recommitted for the purpose of reconsidering tho clause relating to the dafco for collecting the tax on Native lands. After a lengthy debate the motion for recommittal was lost by 38 to 19. The bill was read a third time by 39 to 15, and passed. LAND FOX SETTLEMENTS. The Hon. J. M'KENZiE moved the third reading of the Land for Settlements Act Amendment Bill. He said the remarks he made on the second reading of this bill were miseoußtiued for a purpose. He never intended to reflect on tho member for Hawke'B j Bxg ia any shapo or form, as Captain Biwseli

himself had told him he had never had anything to do with tho Bank of Now Zealand. He had not rained the question at all as fco the B»nk of New ZeaUnd, bnt thrco members who spoke in the debato accused hU land policy of being tho oauio of tho trouble of tho Bank of New Z sUnd, and that being tho o»so ho was obliged to defend himself. His land policy had nothing whattvor to do with the bank. H»j wished to toy tint any information ho had got; about tha bank ho had not got; from any officer of tha bank. Ho knew nothing about tha account* ol the Bank of New Zealand, and he deprecated the attacks of the Tory press in thii respect. The schedule to the Baok Bill passed this session gavo 342 properties of fche Bstabss Company which were mortgaged to tho bauk Ho asked vrhtther the owners of thos9 properties were supporters of the present Gjvtrnment? Nobody oould say thsy were. When ho 6titcd fche other day that he could toll the people who brought the bank into troubio ha was referring to the ownera of those properties, and nob to anybody in fche Houbb at all. He agaiu a s-rted that coifcher himself nor any msmber of tbe Government knew anything about the private accounts of the Bank of New Z-alaad. He hoped they had heard the l*s^> of this matter. Captain RUSSELL thought, on the whole, tho Opp-Sitiou might congratulate itself on tfea effect of the question ho had framed List ireelr. It was gra/'fyiug to hear tho Minuter for Lands declare that he did not intecd to refer, to members of tha Oppjviticn when he mad a his i-Utement respecting tho ecccunts of tha Bauk of New Zealand. Thore coold be no doubt, howevrr, that; there had been a continual assertion on thepirt of the Miniftkr for Lauds Ih^t unleßs the Opposition kept qMici; he would say s mfthing drsad'ul. If tcere waa anything to B,'iy for goodntsj eaka let t&c Sliuiatec say il, but tho tact was there wa.s nothing to say, aud ib was only ono of Mr M'K'.uzi»'« usual throats. He (Ciplain Russell) flrm/y believed tbat Mr M'Keucio'6 land poiioy bad nmt<mlly affected the Ruling v«laa of land, and in t-iati wr.y hvd affccUd the uoAiiron of fche Biiik of Now Z'iahnd. He qt^o'ed io support of thnt a f-tat> inaut made four yoirs ago jn London by Mr Glyn to the effect tfcat he did not know what tffoofc the land policy of tbn present Government,.would hava on the Busk lad Estates C mtany. He hod, therefore, the Opposition w»re perfwotly jmtified in saying th« land policy cf the Uovernmeat had nmtiriallj aiftefced tho prosperity of tho bank. Ho aaUod what information was afc the di»pcj»al of Hi- Milliner when he theoth« night, »s ho clearly lod ifc to be inftrrftd t>.ab tha Opiionifcion were ronnecfed with the Bank of N^w Zealand. Ho himbolf ha<l never betn a cu^toroer of that bank, andit had in f&ct been oppo-ed to him on several ccsasioas. H3 briefly n-firrei to the position ho had takea np over this matter last we ok, and said tint whilst a lea Jec of tte Opposition ifc was his duf.y.Jo pay respect t,n fcLe chair. Ifc was also his dnty, as louder of a minority the Hou'-e, to endeavour to secure frteil- m of dvbato. Me s 8 G Hutchifcon, Dufchie, M'Guira, Allm, Ht'ke, Buclai an, Seddon, Hogg, and J. M'Ket'zio uho spoko. The bill was re-sd a third time and passe&y j

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Otago Witness, Issue 2173, 17 October 1895, Page 20

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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. Otago Witness, Issue 2173, 17 October 1895, Page 20

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8. Otago Witness, Issue 2173, 17 October 1895, Page 20