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By P. RoMi'TUR. May 18. T>E\n PaSQUIN,— The Mostyu-Dalziel Dramatic C >iiipa»y have ontinued to hold fie Opera Him.c b>ar's dm ing tlui weok, "After D^rk," "F.> lies of tho Day" ("D.uL"), "Pi oof," and "Colleen ]s,v»n" rapidly following e^ch other on the wt-i'k's bill "f play. This we k M'ss Mostyu has sh^wn hers- If in fennle part', but the critics cry, "We like you not in petticoats— you vie a good boy, always be a boy ! " But, once a w >mm, always a woman. If there is o.e thing more striking than ano her ab ut tie Ne* Woman (big cipilaK please, Mr Printer) that strikes me —aud I am merely intei jtcting this just now, and am not making a cvp for any particular head, and least of all for Misi Dora's dainty top pice* of femininity— it is that ihe wishes ihe had been born a boy; whil-t Bliss Mnstyn showf pUycojis how easily she can nvike them licbeve what I suppose she is not— a boy. Next Moud iy she wh )is .-uch a perky and re ilistic he v to be given v benent by admiieiM and trends, and his cho en "C\slc for the bill (Polly Eccles, Miss Jlostyn). Mr Dalzi"l is a very capable act -r, and both the princip\h arc hupportttd by a hard-working company. They are journeying south next week, so don t forgot to give them a call. Mr Alfred ll ill, the rlever young musician and com])ost'r, is at. present up here on a holiday vibit from Wellington. It U probabla that hi* f lienis will have the oppntunity of hearing him in public during his stay here — Au'-kla-ul Star. The people of Palmerstnn North are fully impressed (au<l they aro not the only fellers feeling them symptoms) with the belief that thfcin is a growing sphere, iv which to own lots is to hive a safe mv stmei.t, in the coming Hnb of the Universe, gents ! Sj, naturally, they want nothing leiß than an ope a house -and, like the infant looking over ihe bar-th, they won't be happy till they get it. L-t'si ap thciv operations will get a roof to 'em 1 (Hoiwe that ?) The pickor-up of considered coiibidorable para«raphicali-cositics--otherwise, ye reporter — says it is stitel that the cipital of the proposed Opjra House Company is £^500, in £1 shares. It is intended at an early date to call for oilers of site?. , We are having the novelty of a waxworks exhibition in town, contai ing oPiigk-s of gveat f o k ani groups 'f re -cut honors, the IXeming kitchen bsing the least reddeming featiue in the collection. „, , Walter Bentley isn't having the s-pccinl lecture nil to hims If, as I notice Bish >p Gnm.-s lectured on Thursday in Wanganui on thy Passion Play at obcraminersau a-< he saw it. Tom IV lard's Liliputians make their farewell appo mince here in a sacred concert to-morrow eveninsr, aud then go noith. That we are in for pbnty of amusement, and of all ports, you can tell by a glance at this, which tolls us tbntthe Opera House has been booked as follows :-May 22 to 29, "Rudd'gorc"; May 31, Man- hall benefit in " The Guvnor" ; June 1, open- | ing of the Lucas-Kennedy Company's season ; October £5 to November 9, Broughand Boueicault ; November 11 to DeccmV.r 7, Bland Holt. Inter- ! mediate dates will probably be booked for George Darrell, UigimW, Williamson and Mingroves Cinderelli Burlesque Company, the " Lind of the Moa" Dramatic Company, the Cunatd Minstrel Company, and the St. John's Variety Company. Iti* a bit awkward that the Lucis-Keimedy Company should choose " lhe Guv'n <r" foi their big and opening bill here, peeing that .for some time onr amatfurs have bC'.'U prep vring it for Mrs Hairy Maisha'l's benefit. However, the latter have "got their date in first, though their hand mn't have been forced. It wjn't do L. and X much good A bhaw has been going in the Hutt and 1 etone district by Souquet Brothers, animal trainer 3. Two beautiful scenes have been painted by Mr J. S. Allan for the production of Gilbert and Sullivan's opera " Pvuddi?,ore " by the Amateur Operatic Society on Wednesday next. The first set represents the fiahiug village of Rederrinjf, in Cornwall. It is a picture3que and cbaractcriutic scene, and the best thing Mr Allan has done in this way. The second is the picture gallery in Ruddi?ore Castle, a very fine repreuentation of an oak chamber, with handsome carvings and lifesize portraits of the baronets of Ruddigore, who become animated dvsring the progress of the opera aud step out of their frames. Mr Maufihan B.\mett has gone to Napier to give one of his chamber concert,?, aad will have the assistance of Miss Constance Hath^rley, the Wanganui harpist. So popular is our pianist up in II B. that I hear nearly eveiy seat in the | theatre is booked a week ahead of the date. At the opening of his next seiies of chamber concerts in this city, Mr Barnett will have the presencs of Lord Glasgow and party. It is being said up this svay that it is probable Meisis Williamson and Musgrove will send their "Cinderella" Builesque Company through New Zealand shortly. It wa? at Adelaide when the mail left. The company occupied the Lyceum jit Sydney duriDg the Christmas season, afterwards playing a season at Melbourne Princess Theatre. Mis , K-ithcrinc Hardy, the young Wellington actress and vocaliot, who has been making such distinct advance in her profession of late, is the Cinderella. The production is niaßuificeutly mounted. Mr J. St. Clair has been ahead of the company, aud will probably bring it to New Zealand. And another report bath it that Miss Brenda Gibson, well known in connection with the Brough and Boueicault Company, has been engaged by Heury Irviug as a member of his English company, and for his cext American tour. Now, surely after this and the success of Pattie Brown, / should get a big show (Mrs 8., a long sight and a long way off). The Mostyu D ilziel Dramatic Combination is strong in sweet singers, and ring a turn into every performance, 'lhey are moatyngenious this way, and likewise dalzielous. Our diamatic students hive awoken up from their studious hibernations from the public ken, and announce a very string and interesting c-a>t for Pinero's "The Schoolmistiess," which is to be given in the first instance as a benefit to the funds of the Benevolent Society. This is the catt :— Hon. Vere Queckett, Mr M. Fox ; Admiral Rankling, Mr 11. E. Nicholls ; Lieutenant Malory, Mr A. Newton ; Reginald l'auloner, Mv W. Simm ; Hcrr Otto Bernstein, Mr W. P. Bastin ; Tyler and Gough, Mr R. Hall; Geoffrey, Mr Bastin ; Sauudcrs, Mr Letham ; Mibs Dyott. Miss Jessie Newton ; Peggy Hes.ilerigEe, Miss Newton ; Mra KankliDg, Miss Watson ; Dinah Rankling, Misa

Mabel Hill ; Gwendoline Hawkins, Miss O. Letham ; Rnnytnide Johnson, Miss A. K. Parsons ; Jane Uhipmnn, Miss L. Watson. Mr 11. E Nicholls is stigo manager. The trustees decided to give their patronage to the performance. St. Murk's Church has gotten itsolf a new organ, and Mr G F. Tendall, M.8.0., is to come up from Christchurch and let the wii.d aud the sighs out of iis ninni'd*, and no doubt many p'ople will be gathered to hear the nioauingi like unto the wail of a lost chord which accompany the operation. Will G. P. Tend-all ears satisf ictorily ? This is Woman's Age, and they admit it not only with pride, but boastingly--and the miracle of it is she admits her aga, for the first time! Now, some fel'ow will bay— Oh, I've seen that before somewhere ! Well, that will prove that at least two of us have read Joe Miller. Now, we hive a W' man's Musical Society up here, and t'other afternoon this L : ederkranz ('Ufels are the men, bo they wore not admitted, so I gathered elicwhere these following items) "Held its first 'At home' at tha Art Gallery. The inaugural concert proved a great success, and gave much enjoyment to the very large gathering of hdie* prfsent. Mrs Levin, as president, welcomed the visitors and deflated the season op^.n. The chief item by the society was the ranta'a of "lhe Wishing Bell,' by J. F. B*rnett, in which the solos were taken by MUs Phccbe Para-'iis (soprano) and Mibs Nellie Parsons (coutralto). The inteipretati'-u given the whole work refl'ic'cd muoh credit upon the training given the members by their con luctor, M.viaine Mcrz. Madame Merz was herself in exMhmt voi''e, and sang very fiuelv the am ' Voi Clie Stpete,' from 'Li Nozzn dc Figaro.' She wan emphatically ivc tiled, and sang 'Dear bird of winter.' The society sag the famous ' .Spinning Pong'of Waguer, Miss Pendtr singing the solo part very sweetly. Mra Sparkman sum with much feeling 'Angus Mclnnafd' (Roecki-1). Miss Maude Ross proved an cflicient accomjmniit The gallery was very handsomely dec u'.ited, the decor*tions including a laige floral harp, the emblem of the fociety, presented b> Mis Prcmse.' Thf 'Uf els are to bi invited to a repetition of the above i^xt Mo-. day evening. How th? niitfhty are bcin* shaken up was strondv evident at the annual nieetiiif,' of tbe 'tufets last Tiieslay, when IS memb-rs uctually had the cuura<?\ i he lem rity, the will, to oppose the re-election <f Mr Robert Parker, hitherto Lord High Musicim of Wdlingt m, for the conduclorslup of thai really nice mak Mining club with its ma'ii'-in-Gormauy.illfq.miHng title ; and 21 rallie \ utvlor the cry of a WhittnU and Captain lUivlay— "A Parker! A Parker !" -ami opposed Mr Maus'iaii Baructt Ah, Robert,,' my Iny ! one mis uke outweighs a thousand succtme* in the balancf of huma'i nature; and sonuone has said there is a good deal of human nature in men— ospt'pifcll v 1 ho genus musical Nnxt Wednesday evening our Amateur Operatic So^inf.y open th^-ir ve\son of " lluddigore," and bis EKcel'eucy the Governor aud party will be there. All the swell ahs will be there— D m't forget to part your hair I Won't we have a jolly tima List«nin<? to old Gilbert's rhyme And the Ruddigory Lyon ! On Tuesday night last the Liedertafels held their annual gathering, and I am glad to Ray they c»lled it by the good old English name, and non-* of yom imp >r f ed titles, likely aG.iinunprinceliuK It wai an annuil meeting, Uomay.-ar Votafeino-p-n^ntg-tincanyer. It being 15 iglish nighk (-»nd leivo your c uisin German at home), the members mustered numerously, and the rilence gatuired with the amoks until A. Gray and beardless one to >k the chair charily, aud asked the secreUry htiw he wm that eveniag, as the pws. and v.p. were both suffering from absence of the body. For reply, the secr.-tiry said that no.with. sUufling removals an I vetiveiaeats there were now 87 su'^cribing and 47 active memb-rs. making a totil of 134 During the season 189i-'.)5 the society held five concerts, two of which were Herren and three Gemischter Abenden. The latter were found to be more popular, probably from the fact of the introduction of ladie3 to thess concerts. The committee called the attention of members to the tol illy inadequate support accorded by them at the smoke concerts to the contribution for refreshments, the amount expended having been £12 2s. Oil, and the collections £G 63. Some of those 'tafel* fcquimied just here. Perhaps the Giraner a penny lcminded them of church or a rational concert. The sec. went on to say more things, and how they smiled as the report thanked some ladies who had provided them with a free feed. Those who had no wives smiled longest and mostly— in fact, they grinned. Air R. Parker was re-elected conductor, and he looked pleased thereat, too. The other officers were elected as follows :— President, Mr K. Poarre ; vice-presidents, Messrs W. G R'u'nd and T. T. Trimnell; hon. secretary, Mr Theo. H. Ritchey (re-elected) ; lion, treasurer, Captain Barclay ; librarian, Mr Carwell Cooke ; coin-mittee-Messra J. H. Stringer, J. H. Owen, aud C. Laishley.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2152, 23 May 1895, Page 37

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WELLINGTON WING WHISPERS Otago Witness, Issue 2152, 23 May 1895, Page 37

WELLINGTON WING WHISPERS Otago Witness, Issue 2152, 23 May 1895, Page 37