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The ord : nary meeting of tbi9 Coir ty Council was held in the council chambers en a d'les-Jay last, at which there were present— Uw J. Hartstonge, jun., AI. Isbister, D. Kennedy, K. Mathesou, T Muir, J. J. Ramsay, D. Ross, and J. Ross. Tbe Acting Chairman (Or Muir) said before proceeding to any business it became his painful duty to announce to the council the great loss they and the whole county had sustained by the death of the Ute chairman, Mr A. M'Lareu. He moved— "lhat the «ad event be minuted, and that a letter of condolence and heartfelt sympathy to the widow and family of our late chairman, Cr M'Laren, be forwarded." Cr Hartstonge seconded the motion, and stated that as an old member of the council he had acted with their la^e chairman, and he had found him thoroughly honest, straightforward, and conscientious in disposing of »«y matters that came before the council.

The whole of the councillors individually testified to the conduct of their late chairniau, who had been connected with tha council aud in public matters for upwards of 30 yaaiv, in briuging to bear in the ducbarge of his duties a thoroughly honest, conncientio is, and zcilous application, and as having evinced considerable administrative capacity, aud given throufihout the tntirc county universal satisfaction. The motion waj carried unanimously, when tho council adj'iurnc 1 for half an hour out of respect for the Ute chairman. On resuming, Gr Muir wa«, on the motion of Cr Haktstonok, eeconded by Or J. Ross, appointed chairman for the ensuing term. The (Jhurman thanked the council for the honour conferred on h>m, and promised to endeavour to perform tbe duties in aa faithful a m inner ns their late chairman. Ila regretted the necessity should have o;curred to appoiut a chairman in tbc room of the late Cr M'Laren, and expressed a hope tbat the menibenj would support him in carrying on the business. FINANCE. Accouuts for the month Amounting to £313 17s 7d were p.i -sed far payment. INSI'KCTOR'S REPORT. The Inspector reyort^d as under :— That in the Bushey riding there was a bad plaoe on the road leading to Shag Point, the culvert being washed | away, rendering tha roai very dangerous, and which was us;d by tbe settlers in carting their produce. Tbe superstructure of the Shag rivur bridge bad been painted aud tarred, which gave it a neat and finishe 1 appearance, Tbe Mudily creek bridge had been redecked, but the painting of Kitchener's bridge had been held over owing to the weather being unsuitable.— Approved. In the Dutiback riding the gravel contracts were proceeding satisfactorily. Also in the Green Viillcy riJing the gravelling was being proceeded with satisfactorily, with two exceptions, in connection with which notice would have to be given. With respect to JKwan M'Donnld's road, plans for tbe sains lud been prepared, it being 19 chains in length and in a very rough siding. Owing to scarcity of l.ibour, it was impossible to give a correct estimate of the cost.— Appioved. CORRESPONDENCE. The Department of Lauds and Survey, "Wellington, wrote in reply btating that inquiries bad been made into the complaint re iricgular lemittar.ces to the council of thirds nad fouitln, and pointing out thataection 1211 of the Land Act provided that payments should be made on the lirstday of February, May, August, and November, previously to which the Lund Board must have approved of ihe work« on which the money was to be expend* d. The Commisßtoner of Crown Lands, Dunedin, stated that there had been a slight accidental delay in bringing to account one half-year's fourths in respect of section 8, block VIII, Dunback district, and the payment of it, as well a3 a second half-yearly payment, had been delayed becu use theCounty Councilbad notjetfurnUhed dotails of the proposed expenditure for the approval of the Land Board. With ivgard to the payment of fourths in respect of section 1, block Vll, Budle district, the Bection had originally been in the Wiihemo county, but iv survey a fence was made the boundary instead of the river, which placed a small portion in the Waikouaiti county. The commissioner considered the complaint had been havtily made, and was also unfair.—The Oikikman was instructed to write to tbe Land department calling attention to the fact that the land referred to is in the Waihemo county except a small portion taken in tho Waikouaiti county, and that the Waihemo Council claim all revenue derived from the section Mr W. Pi ice, Hyde, wrote complaining of the treatment he bad received in reference to a contract obtained from the council, and put in a cUim for damaged amounting to £27 13s for expenses incurred in preparing for^ the work in connection with the contract. — Tho council declined to acknowlrfdgo any liability in the matter, but agreed to return Mr Price bis deposit under the peculiar ciicuuistaoces of the case. Mr P. W M'Gradie, Blue Mountain, wrote in reference to the erection of gates on road leading from the main road in the direction of his property, aad requested their removal —The matter was referred to the chairman and the member for the riding (Or Isbister) Mr E de NoailUs de Loitte, Hillgrove, wrote applying for drawings of the front sections of the latest map of the Moeraki survey district on tbo western side of the railway line, in blocks II and IX, between the Kartigi railway station and Shag Point iunction.— The council declined the application. Me isis Duncan and MacGregor, solicitors, Dunedin, wrote a«king if the conn' il would cop cur in a recommendation by the Eureka Gold Mining Company to the warden for a reduction of the rent due, amouuting to £150 (from September 27, 1892. to September 27, 18Dj), tbe company during the greater part of the time not haying made any use of the claim whatsoever, and it was now in liquidation.— The council had no jurisdiction, the Rubject matter being in the Waikouaiti county. Messrs Peddie and Oockerell, Macrae*, applied foi permission to work for gold on the road ieading to the Pound yard, on making the old road good.— The requisite permission was granted. Mr J. Caldwell, Palmerston, wrote drawing attention to tbe requirement of a couple of culverts and some ruts filled in on road leading to hit place. The road at present was impassable.— Referred to the inspector to attend to the request. Tha Secretary to the Charitable Aid Board, Dunedin, wrote enclosing list of persons in the county in receipt of outdoor relief.— The return was approved. The Manager of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Ctmaru, wrote asking for information with reppect to certain land in the county belonging to Mr W. Cockrane, who wa3 deairou3 of disposing of the property —Received. Mrs Jordan, Dunback, applied to lease gravel reserve, in block XXX, Dunback —Referred to the members for the riding in conjunction with the inspector, with power to set. Mr W Gnffen, Macraes, by telegram drew the attention of the council to a siding on the Bonanza road, Stouabuvn, requiring improvements, and stating that he had forwarded a letter by pott on the subject— As the letter had not reached the council, no action was taken. OTHER MATTERS. Cr Ramsay said he was in a position to state that the Public Works department had disapproved of the plans for the Capburn budge, and he would move-" That the clerk be instructed to intimate to the department that the council will take it a3 a favour if they will kindly instruct their officers who are located whero the Capburn bridge is being erected to supervise the erection of the same." Plans were in preparation by tbe department. Cr Huitstonge seconded the motion. Cr Ramsay said that as it was desirable that no delay, or as little as possible, should take pi ice in connection with the election of the Capburn bridge, he would move— -l That the clerk be instructed to iutimate to the Public Works depvrtracnt that, in view of tbe dangerous nature of the crossing at the Taieri river at the ford, Capburn, it is absolutely necessary to proceed at once with the erection of the bridge, in order to enable it to be completed before spring floods, and to respsctfully request them to provide the plans at their earliest possible convenience, to enable the council to go on with the work." Cr Hartstongk seconded tbe motion. Cr J Hoss moved— "That the inspector be empowered to spread some gravel where required on the Main road from tbe railway crossing at Bushey and the Blue Mountain riding to Dunback " Cr Isbister seconded the motion, which was carried. Cr Ross drew attention to a culvert at Amye s. Cr Hartsto.ngb moved—" Tbat tenders be called for the formation of road leading to Mr D. Ross's small grazing run ia Slaciae-j rj<Hng, cost to be defrayed out of the land revenue." Cr RoibAY 3ecouded the motion, which was carried. , „ Cr Mathcson drew atten'ion to Mr Ewan M'Donald's road, and he moved— "That tenders be called for tbe work." Cr Ramsay seconded the motion pro forma, which was negatived. Cr TIARTsroNUE moved— " That tenders be invited for metalling Macraes Main road from GifTord's. and for gravelling about 15 chains of the Blackfinch, on tbe Main road Macrae* to Hyde, cost of both to be defrayed out of land revenue.".

Cr Ramsay seconded the motion, which was carried. Cr Matueson drew attention to tlic necessity of forming a real to givo Mr M'L^lla'.i an outlet, and expeudingany land revenue available for that purpose. Cr llartstonge said what Mr M Lelun wanted was the iiniJiowmcut of the road from Deep tall Creek to Homo Flat, and that any land revenue from the land in question which was situated in theMacMcs tiding, should be expe ded in that riding and not the Green Valley ridin?. Cr Kamsav pointed out that the land revenue properly belonged to tlie blocks from which it was derived, and not to any particular riding, and must be expended in or on roads leading to the blocks. After having agreed to tbe allocation and expenditure of certain land revenue, the council adjourned.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2152, 23 May 1895, Page 29

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WAIHEMO COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2152, 23 May 1895, Page 29

WAIHEMO COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2152, 23 May 1895, Page 29