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The monthly meeting of the council of the University of Ot*£o was held on Monday afternoon, »t»d attended by the Vice-chancellor (Mr B. B. Cargill), the Hoa. W. H. Reynolds, M.L.0., Mr J. Allen, M.H.R., Dr Shand, Professor Bale, Dr Burns, Mr G. G. Russell, Mr D. B. White, Dr Hcckea, and the Rev. A. PBOFESSOHUL BOAED'S EBPOHT. A report from the Profo3»orir»l Boird was to the effect that an application had been received from four graduates in arts who wished to take the degree of B.Sc, stating that Ihey were nimble to attend the ordinary clnss of practical biology because thay were engaged in teaching, and rtqnesting the board to mske such t'-mpo-r&ry arrangements ss would enable them to receive the required instruction in tb ; s branch o£ Btudy. It was re olved to recommend to the council that Mr A. SfceuliGuse, B Be, M.A., be appointed an honorary demonstrator in biology for the present session, and that Profesfior Parker and Mr Steuhcuse be authorised jointly to bold a olesa in practical biology meeting on Saturday mornings and Tuoadiij evenings during the session. At the meeting of the board held on the Bth April it was resolved that Professor Sale be no tain ate d as chairman of the board for the next three years. At the Hoholarehip examination held on the 4th, sth, and 6th April the candidates obtained marks as follows: — Uichardeou rchohrship — A. J. Cmwford, 592 ; Eldrcd J. D. Hcrcu«, 504 ; J. M. Macdonald, 494; Wimfrede Batbgate, 485. Eoott toholuship — Winifrede Batbgate, 592; StuMt A. Moore, 434 ; Jessie Gillies, 411. Women's scholarship — Winifrede Bathgate, 272; Isabel M. M'Kellar, 195; Emily H. V. Kidley, 163. The board resolved to recommend that the Richardson sehotersh/p be awarded to A. J. Crawford, that the Wi men's scholarship be awarded to Winifred© Bafchgat?, and that ihe Scott scholarship be awarded to Stuart A. Moore. The council agreed to appoint Mr Stenhooge honorary demonstrator in biology, to confirm tiie nomination of Professor Sale a 6 chairm&n Of the Professorial Board, and to confirm the scholarship awards. DEPUTATION TO MR CADMAN. The Vice-chancellor reported the result, of the interview which a deputation f torn the council had with the Mioister for Mines. The deputation, he said, brought under the Minister's notice the question of the subsidy to the School of Mines, and that led to a somewhat long discussion on the whole question of the university finances. The Minister had ab! atsinent of the finances placed before him and also a etatament of what the council had lecently done in the way of reducing is erpecditure so as to bring it within tho ordinary revenue of the university. The Minister seemed to be impressed with the icloa that tte university had been somewhat extravagantly administered and that the salaries of the professors were much in excess of what they ought to be — in fact, he went the length of spyk.g that it hud been reported to the Qcvcu m-nt (hat professors could be ha<s, sufficient for the purrp'P, ft a silary of £400 a yesr — anrl te j%!. o> tl that the couucil, in his opinion, exceeded its powt-'s in appointing tho profes.'orf. for I'fo. All that the deputation coui<i s^y\^a ; ? t'^at they v?f va uot aware feat the council had in any Tray fxc eded itG power/?, and that they were not aware that the emoluments of the professors exectsive, but oa the century, takiug as « Rt^n^arrt what was paid ia other pkcrfs, ifc would bo found that the emoluments of ths pr^fetsor? were reasonable &nd quite within wLat they ought to be, Another point which Mr Oadmtm Beemed

to urge very stroagly was that it was nece3°ary that the Government should protect the taxpayers against the inroads of tha university upon the public finances, and defend the taxpaytrß from demands of an unreasonable ' character. The deputation urged strongly that | the members of the council felc their responsibility in disbursing money on account of the taxpayers, th%t ihey conceived that the university was a thoroughly popular institution, and thai; iD was rimpJy as ciaburncra of tho towsp&yei I *' mousy that the mcrabi-i's acted. The speaker almosl protested against the proposition that tho University Council was a body foreign to the people at large and seeking to get a large use of the public money, and it was pointed out by the de?\itation that the university had already yielded results that brought men from every class in the commuuily into a position whiah enabled them to take good places iv the departments of life for which the uaiversity prepared them. He (the vice chancel lor) was sorry that the newspaper report of the deputation, while to some extent a good verbatim r< port so far as it went, did not appear to ep^-phasise that point «o much as he could havo wish^2, bscvuse it was important that the true position of the university as a democrats institution should be acknowledged both by tho Govern meut aud by the puWic »t Jorge. With regard lo the pvy-mt-nt to the School of Mine 3, be understood that Mr Cudman had intimated that the second moiety (£250) of the geanfc would bs paid. The deputation a'so bro'ighb under the not'oe of tho Minister the matter of tho aggression upon the inus'-um reserve through ite procls,tn£.tion as a goldfisld, but he did not know that their representation had much rffect, for tho Minister answetou vhat a good deal of pastora'. couutry had bean proclaimed rb being within goldfield?, ; aud tho Government were not aware that there had bscn any bai effect in consequence, and that he did not see what objection there could be to the proclamation of their lind. MISCELLANEOUS. Tko Finance C«aitiiii;fci'.e rrpirfced having passed a schedule of accounts ior payment to the amount of £535 15i 6d. The b . jik balance on the 29th Apr.l was £1235 13s 7d.— The report was adopt:d. The Registrar reported that uncUr the now regulations tho majority of the students' fees had been paid up. A iisb of tho3e who had paid their fees since the date fixed aB the la<-t opportunity for fo doing had been tubrnitted to the Profe&sorial Board, together with a list of the names of those who had not oiid thtir fees. Tfle board had given directions us to the course to be pursued in each case. — The report was received aud approved. Six appli.ations were received for the position of sub-libr;iri:m in the university, and it was agit'ftd to appoint Misses Campbell and Cruickbh\nk to Bcb jointly. An application from Mr W., assistant in the chemistry laboratory, for an increase of his salary was considered aud the opisiion was generally expressed tlrit he applicant deserved a larger salary, but it was agreed that the council regretted its inability at present to accoJo to tho request. OiiO ap;)lic^t : o'i >~as received for tho position o? lecturer o-\ (le-^i'.n. r^nflTcd vicaufc by the de.tfa ot Mr W. B. WilHiiin, h'Xt, as it appciri;d 't was trj late for a r iy person (o untV-r-take ths class this v-fs.r, ihn council tlucifled not to make an apjiointme* t, it being stated that art augernentu \7ould b«m\dc fo: an examination iv Geimin afc the end of tbe term.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2150, 9 May 1895, Page 12

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UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2150, 9 May 1895, Page 12

UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2150, 9 May 1895, Page 12