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The renttltß of the clam examinations were announced jeaterday aa follow :— Junior.— First clas» : JBJss 0. B. MacGregor. Second class: Misa F. Campbell, SI. Henderson, Miss 0, Cameron, Miss M. B. Thomson, R. H. Turton, J. Ml. Simmers. Third class : J. A. Cowie and T. A. Hunter (equal), J. U. Baird, R. J. Thompion, and Mtaß E. WiUferaa (equal), D. N. Pryor, Miss M. B. Gilchrirt, H. S Leach, J. Reid, F. Foote, W. Maweon, E, S. Baldwiu, F. W. Dunlop, T. Brodie, A. J. M'Klnlay, H. F. Wilson. Senior.— First class : A. M'Nell. Second claw : Miss R W. M'Kerrow, J. OSbev J. Bowio, P. M Kinlay. Third class r Mi«s H. 1 8. Baird and Miss S. Wilson (equal), T. Tftit. Mies E A. Barclay and J. fi Bertaro (equal), J. C. Jamieson, F. W. Bilgendorf, Misß K. B. L. Webber, Miss E R. Benjamin and Miss G. C Macutthur (equal), Misg A. M. M. Baron. A. Marshall. Advanced,— Second class: A. D. Wilkinson, Miss R. M. Davey.

ENGLISH. Junior. — Second class : Miss Bethia L C. Hodges, Robert J. Thompson. Third class : Mlas Jessie O. Gillies, Mits Isabella Macleod, Francis W. Dunlop, Albert J. Ferguson, John Ohisholm, John Melville, Arthur A. Douglass, Misi Elizabeth J. M Raid, John G. M'Lood. Senior.— Fiwt cla*R: Mira Rose M Davey, George P. Howell, Miss Jessie H Rutherford, Miss Rucbel W. M'Kerrow, Miss Gruce C Macarthur, John Bowie, Mus Janet M. Poison, Second class : Miss Mabel salmond, John Bruuton, George F. Adams, William Newlands, Thomas Dunn, Ivo Eilgar Bertram. Third class : John O'Shea, Mies Ethel May Murray. Advanced.—First clasß : Mieß Jessie Rutherford, George P. HoweU. Honours, English.— Firat class : Miss Rose M. Davey. Composition and Rhetoric— Second claas : Miss Bethia Hodges, Frederick W. Platts, Miss JesHie Gillies, Robert Thompson, Francis Dunlop. Third class : Arthur Douglass, Miss Isabella MacLeod, John Melville, Miss Elizabeth Reid, Albert Ferguson, John Chifiholw, John M Leod. The following exempted students have passed in English : — Thomas J. Gilfeddor, third class, lumor examination ; Helen S B*ird and Kate Webber, th.rd class, senior examination. FRENCH. First class : Jessie Hamilton Rutherford, 92 per cent. ; Kate Blanche Webber, 89 : John Robert Wallace, 73 ; Emily Hancock Siedeberg, 76 ; Edith A. Barclay, 75; Helen Stephen Baird, 74; Frederick W. Hilcendorf, 73. Second class : Margaret Smyth, 69 per cent. ; Francis Wallace Dunlop, 65 ; Marion Beatrice Thomson, 60 ; Jts3ie Oaborno Gillies, 50 ; Mary Sinclair, 45.

GERHAN. First class : Thomas Dunn, George P. Howall, William J. New lands. MATHEMATICS. Advanced.— Miss Christina M. Cruickshank. Senior. — Second class : William Newlande. Third class : John O'Shea Junior.— First class : MUs Catherine Cameron, George Frederick Adanih, Robert John Thompson, Colin Campbell Hutton, George Proctor Howell. Second class : Miss Charlotte E. MacGregor. Andrew G. C. Miller, David N. Pryor, Matthew Henderson, Thomas A. HunUr, Migß Edith Barclay. Third class : Alfred Collie, Jameß Henderson Baird, Frank Foote, Herbert B. Stephens, Miss Flora Campbell, Miss Ethel M. Murray, Alfred Matthews, John Reid, Archibald John M'Kinley, Robert Andeißon S'enhouse, John Orkn»y, William J Strong, John Buchanan Grant, Thomas Brodie, Emily Cowper Tennent. Exempt Btudont : William Mawson. MECHANICS. First olsBS : D. A. Strachan, W. A. Macleod. Second class: P. M'Kinlay, A. Marshall, S. T. Brugh, A. D. Wilkinson, A. Mosley, W. H. Howes. Third class : J. A. Oowie, F. W. Hilgendorf, D. V. Allen and Mi,as S. Wilson (equal). A. M'Lean, J. W. Mellor, W. Crow, Mias M. B. Adumson.

PHYSICS. Firat class : W. J. Barclay. Second class : Miss C. M. Oruickfchank, J. D. Hay, William Gray. W. E. Gibson, Ernest Edwards, W. A. Logan, A. J. Hall, J. R. Wallace. Third class : I. E. Bertram, David Ewart und'Mus 11. B. Gilchrist (equal), Arthur Mosley, William Sutherland, William Ewart and Mls3 Jane Kinder (eqial), 0. H. Schumacher, St. L. H. Gribben. It. N. Acauie, P. H. ROBJ, G. M. J. East and W. E. Fisher (equal). Advanced Physics. — Second class : Miss J. M. Poison. Practical. — First class! J. D. Hay, W. J. Barclay. Second class : S T. Brueh, Miss 0. M. Cruickahank and A. J. Hall (equal), D. V. Allen, J. R. Wallace, T. E. Bertram. It. W. Adams and Miss M. B. Gilchrist (equal), Arthur Mosley, W. E. Gibson, G. M. J. East, Wm. Ewart, David Kwart and C. H. Schumacher (equal), P. H. Rose, Wm. Sutherland. Third class: Miss Jane Kinder, W. E. Fisher, St. L H. Gribbpn, C. G. Burdett, Herbert Edwards, R A. Stenhouae. CHFMISTRY LECTURES. First class : W, G. Don (first prize), W. G. Barclay, F. A. Outten, H. B. Stephens, B. 0. Aston, Thomas Esdaile. Second class : W. E. Herbert, W. J. Cran, Jane Kinder, C. 0. Lillic, Charles North, Eevbort Black, W. E. Gibson, William Sutherland, Murray Russell, P. H. Ross, L. A. Line. Third class : Claude Gregg, D. H. Reid. F. J. Borrie, George H. Neale, Ed. T. Melhuißb, Philip M'Donald, H. N. R. Child, V 7. W. Mackie, Alice Woodward, C. Burdett. PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. Juniors.— First class : A. G. Stephens (prize), D. Ewart, B. C. Aston, W. K. Gibson, W. Kwart, W. J. Barclay, J. V. Arkle, A. J. Hal!, Charles North, J. Gibb>j. Murray Russell, (). O Lillio. Second class : Herbert Black, — Caimev, Jane Kinder, W. E. Fuher, F. J. Borrie, L. A. Lino, Claude Gregg, P. H. Rosa. Third rlass : William Sutherland, L. Gribben, J. H. Baird, George Neale, 0. Burdett.

APVAKCED CHEMISTRY. Firat class : T. Esriaile, — Begg, George Qray, H. Ulrich. Second class : — Adams. ZOOLO IT. First class : "W. J. Barclay, A. R. Falconer, B.A. Becond class : F. J. Bonie, It. N. Adams, J. V. Arkle, D. Kwart, W. E. Gibson, J. H. Gibbs, H. 0. Boydell and J. M. Thomson (equal), A. J. Hall. Third class : St. L. H. Gribben, G. M. J. East and W. Ewart (equal), Jane Kinder, W. Sutherland, .W. E. Fisher, P. F. Koss, D. J. Matheson. BOTANY. First class : Jane Kinder, A P. Falconer, B.A. Second clftsa : J. V. Arklo, Emily Siedoherp, A. J. Hall. R. N Adams, W. E Gibson, P. H. iiosa, W. Sutherland. Third class ; H 0. Boydell, W. Ewart, W. E. Fisher, E. T. Melhuish, G. HI. J. East. PRACTICAL BIOLOGY. First class : W. J Barclay, \V. E. Fibber and W. E. Gibson (equal), R. N. Adams and A. II Falconer, B.A. (equal) „ _ Second class : J V. Arkle.D. Ewart, W. E\vA»t, St L. H. Giibben, Jane Kinder, A. D. IviikUud, P. H. Ross and W. Sutherland (equal), H. C. lioydell, A. J. Hall and J. M. Thomson (equal), G. M. J. East and D. J. Matbeaon (equal). Second class : H. C. Boydell, D. J. Matheson. MENTAL SCIHNCE. Senior. -In History of Philosophy: Elizabeth Anderson and John Collie(equal), Charles B. Snow 2, Janet Paterßon 3. In Logic and Psychology ; Wra, Thomson L Janet Patewn fy

Junior.— Fir&t class: John Bowie 1, Margaret Smyth 2. Angus M'Nab 3, Wm. George Don and Parker M'Kinlav (equal) 4, Angus H'Neil 5, John James North (5. iSeronci class : Wm. Henry Howes 1, Colin Campbell Hutton 2, Grace Christina Mararthur H, Ileury Cyril Boydell and Wm. Al«z. M Leod (equal) 4 John AUx. Cowle and Thomas Tait (equal) 5, John Brunton and William G. 0. Miller (equal) 6, Thomas Dunn 7, David Nichol Pryor 8 Margaret B. Cruickehank 9. Third claw t Alex M'Lean 1, Joseph William Mellor 8, "Witt. W. Mackie 3.

CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY AKD LAW. Firat class : Ethel Rebecca Benjamin, Frederick William Platts. Sitcond class : Peter Job? ph MacLeod, Michael Gilfudder. Third class : Richard HaDson Turton, Alexander Marshall, Ernest Smith Baldwin.


First class : Angus Marshall, J. Collie. fc'econd class : ]->. A. Strachan, W. Gray, C. O. Hutton, W. A. Macleod, A. M'Nab. Third class : A. M*tthewß, W. J. Strong, J. M. Simmers, W. Cran.


Firat cla9s : Ethel-Benjamin. Second cUsb : F. W Platts and M'Leod (equal). Third class : A. Marshall, extra muraL ANATOMY.

Senior Division.— First claas : D. Carmichael. Second class : A. E. A. Palmer, M.A.. M. B. Cruickshank, H. K. Gibbs, E. J. O'Noil. Third cltisa : W. Kvans, P. N M. Macdonald. Junior Division.— First Class : W. A. Logan, A. R. Falconer, 8.A., J. H. Gibbr Second class: C. North, M.A.. W. Crau, G. Brown, jB. H. WO. liams. H. E. B. Williams. 0. Frost, E. T. Melhuißh, J. H. Neil, W. M'Kay, (.. H. Schumacher, H. A, H. Gilmer, F. J. Borrie, T. A. Will, W. E. Herbert. Third class: H. N. R. Child, A. Woodward, W. C. Macdonald.


Senior Division,— Firat claw : J. M. Matthews A. Stenhouse, M.A. Second class : E. H. Siedeberg. Junior Division.— First class : D. Carmichael. Second class : M. B. Cruickshank. G. Brown. S. J. O'Neil, O. North, M.A., H. E. Gibbs, W. Evane, H. E B. Williams, E. H. Williams. Third class : A. Woodward, T. A. Will, J. H. Nell, W. M'Kay, 3. A H. Gilmer, P. N. M. Macdonald, W. 6. Macdonald.


First claes : A. StenhoubO, M.A. Second class : E. H. Siedeberg, J. M. Matthews. PRACIICAL BACTERIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGICAL


First class : A. Stenhouse,, M.A., E. H. Siedeberg, J. M. Matthews.


Senior. — Second clas* : J. L. Gteig. Junior.— Firet class: A. E. Palmer, M. B. Cruickshank. Second class: G Brown, J M'Brearty. Third claaa r A. Woodward, W. Evans, H. B. Gibbs, E. O'Neill, W. C. Macdonald, H. E. B. Willfams, C H. Frost.


Senior.— Second clast : M. Campbell, J. L. Gregg. Junior.— First class : J. M. Matthews, E H. Sfedeberg, A. Stenhouse. Second class : James M'Brearty.

MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Second class : M. Campbell, J. L. Greig. PUBLIC HEALTH. First class : M. Campbell J. L. Grelg. MIKING (FIHST COURSE). First claes : Sheddan T. Brugh. Second class (in order of merit): T. H. B. Wayne, Arthur M" sley. Third class (in order of merit) : F. D H. Ulrich, Murray Russell, D. V. Allen, M. D. Reeves.

Mining geology.

Second olass (in order of merit) : Herbert E. Stephens, George H Neale, M. D. Reeves. Third class (in order of merit).: Herbert Blaok, Claude L. Gregg.

MINERALOGY. Second class (in order of merit) : Erneßt Edwards, Sheddan T. Brush, D. V. Allen. Third class (in order of merit) : Murray Ruisell, Arthur Mosloy, T. H. B. Wayne, F. D. H. Ulrich.


Second cl»ss (in order of merit): Brnfst Edwards, P. D. H. Ulrich, John Orkney. Third class : John Watt.


First class : Herbert E. Stephens. Second class (in oider of merit) : Arthur Moeley, F. D. H. Ulrich, D. V. Allen, T. H. B. Wayne, Sheddan T k Brugh, Murray Russell.

APPL'ED MFCHANICS. First class : A. W. Macleod. Second class t Murray Russell.


Firat cUsb (in order of merit) : Sheddan T. Brugh, D. V. Allen Herbert E Stephens. Second clans (in order of merit) : George H. Neale, Herbert Black, Claude L. Gn«gg.


First class (in order of merit) : Arthur Mosley. D. V. Allen, Sheddan T. Brugh and Murray Russell (equal), T. H. B. Wayne, D. J. Matheson, 8.A., and John Orkney (equal). Second class (in order of merit) : F. D. H. Ulrich, M. D. Reeves, A, L Fogo, Ernest Edwards. ASSAYING (FIRST COURSE). First class : T. H. B. Wayne, Ernest Edwards. Second class (in order of merit) : John Watt, A. I* Fogo, John Orkney, W. Boddington. Third class ; R.., Holmes.

ASSAYING (SECOND COURSE). Second cl.ias : H. C. Boydell and D. J. Matheßon, B.A. (equal).

GEOMEriUCAL AND MODEL DRAWING. First ekes: Herbert Blaok and Herbert X Stephens (equal). Second class (in order of merit): Claude L. Gregg, G. H. Neale.


First class (in order of merit) : Sheddan T. Brugh and Arthur Mosley (equal), D V. Allen and F. D. H. Ulrioh (equal). Second clas3 : John Watt.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2124, 8 November 1894, Page 20

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OTAGO UNIVERSITY CLASS EXAMINATIONS, Otago Witness, Issue 2124, 8 November 1894, Page 20

OTAGO UNIVERSITY CLASS EXAMINATIONS, Otago Witness, Issue 2124, 8 November 1894, Page 20