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Wednesday, October 31. Fat Cattle.— l3s head were yarded, mostly prime quality and medium weights. Bidding was rather brisker thau at last week's tale and prices were a shade firmer, more particularly for beat pens. Bullocks sold at £7 2s 6d to £10 2s 6d ; cowa, £5 10s to £10.— The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) yarded 52, and sold ai follows :— For Mr Charles Clark (Greytown), 4 bullocks at £9 17a 6d to £10 2s 6d, 2 cows at £7 2s 6d ; Mr Wm. Kirkland (Elmgrove), 10 small bullocks at £6 15a to £9; Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Gladbrook), 11 heifers at £7 to .£B(averape £7 10=); Sir Thomas Kirk (Taieri), 3 coffs at £7; Mr Wm Lindsay (Birch Grove), 5 bullocks at £7 to £8, 4 heifers at £6 16s; Mr Alexander Adauison, (5 heifers at £5 12s 6d to £5 17s 6d ; Mr John Gambia and others, 7 heifers at £4 15a to £B.— Stronach Brothers and Morris sold for Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. "a (Gladbrook eitate), heifers at £8 15s, £7 si, £7 2s 6d, £7, and £6 155.— Donald Reid and Co sold for Mr William Ings (St. Glair), 1 cow at £8 ; Mr Thomas Chmtie (Greytown), 1 heifer at £7, 3 bullocks at £6 17s 6d ; Messrs Stewart and Young. 2 oows at £8 10s, 2 bullocks at £7 12« fid, 3doat £6 17s 6d ; Mr R. Mitchell (Portobello), 6 bullocks and heifers at £7 to £6 7s (id ; Misi M'Glashan, 1 cow at £5 ; Messrs Donaldson and others, 3 cows at quota* tions.— The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) yarded and sold 97 as follows : For Messrs Reid and Fleming (Heriot), 4 bullocks at £8 to £7 17s 6d, 3 heiferi at £7 10s to £7 2s 6d ; Mr A Douglas, 10 bullocks at £10 10s to £7 17s 6d ; Mr William Jaffray, jun., 1 heifer at £6 7s 6d ; Mr W. Kelly, 3 bullocks at £8 2s tfd to £7 159. 2 heifers at £7; Mr C. Clarke (Greytown), 4 bullocks at £9 12s 6d to £9 7s 6d ; Messrs Warnock. Lynn, Shaw, and Irvine, 6 head up £6 15 i. Fat Sheep.— There wai a moderate supply, 1971 being penned, these included 100 prime merinos, the rest crossbred* mostly useful to prime mutton. Sales were readily made at prices almost up to those realised at the previous week's sale. Crossbred wethers brought 14« to 17s ; one pea wetherc, 18s ; other wethers, 12s to 13s 9d ; crossbred ewes, tOs to 16s ; merino wethers, 9s 9d to 128.— The Farmers' Aoency Company (Limited) penned 233, and Bold as follows :— For Mr Patrick Spratt (Strath-Taieri), 21 croßsbred wethers 16s to 17s 9d, 39 merinos lls 3d to 11s 9d ; Mr D Farquhar (Warepa), 56 crossbred wethers 12s 9d to 13s 3d ; Mr D. A. Drinnan (Milburn). 7 crossbred awes 13s ; Mr A. Douglas, 45 wethers 13a 9d ; Mr Walter Blackie, 50 crossbred ewes lls 9d to 12s; Mr M'Donald, B hogget*, 10s 3d.— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agehcy Company (Limited) sold : For Mr James Liddell (Taieri Beach), 101 crossbred wethers and j maiden ewes to 16b : Mr James Burnett (Waikoikoi), 53 do to 15s 6d ; Mr John Weir (Gimmorburn), 129 light halfbred wethers to 12» 3d ; Mr Godfrey Foster (Milburn), 55 crossbred ewes to 9s 9d ; Messrs J. A. and D. MThall (Kuriwao), 60 crossbred wethers (light) to lls 6d; Mr Peter Williamson (Milburn), 48 mixed crostbreds to lls 3d ; Mr Darid Strain (Milburn), 52 do to 14s 6d.— Donald Reid and Co. penned 682, and sold : For J. G. Pearce (Waipiata), 100 halfbred wethers at 15s 9d to 13b 6d ; Mr John Finch (Milburn), 50 crossbred wethers at 13s 9d to 13s ; Mr William Strain, 18 crossbred wethers and ewos at 12s 9d ; Mrs Agnes Strain (Milburn), 9 crossbred ewes at 15a 3d ; Mr George Grey (Milburn), 34 crossbred wethers at 12s 3d ; Mr Jas. Forbes (Greytown) 28 merino wethers at lls 3d ; Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Gladbrook), 62 croißbred ewes at , 13s 3d to 12s 9d, 69 merino wethers at lls 9d to 10s; Mr Wm. Wyber (Milton). 18 crossbred wethers at 15s 6d; Messrs Wilson and Scott (Waihola), 57 do and ewes at 14s 3d to 10s 3d ; Mr D. Marshall (Bentasken), 83 do at 13s 6d ; Mr John Allan (I'aprima); 74 crossbred wether* and maiden ewes at 15s od to 14s 6d ; Messrs A. and J. Boyd (Glenfallock), 80 halfbred wethers at 13a to 12s 6d.— The Mutual agency Company op New Zealand (Limited) yarded and sold 352 as follows :— For Mr John Spark (Waikoikoi), 35 crossbred wethers at 16s 9d, 65 do and maiden ewes at 15s to 13s 9d ; Mr T. H. Russell (Milburn), 63 crossbred wethers at 15s to 13s ; Mr W. Kelly, 60 do at 15a to Kb 9d ; Mr P. Ryan (Portobello), 83 do and ewas at up to 13s ; Mr F. Thomson, 45 crossbred wethers at 13s 9d. Fat Lambs.— A full supply came in. Best lots sold well at quotation*, but small and inferior were neglected. Best brought 9s to Hi 6d j one lamb (extra), 14s : others, 6s 3d to 8s 9d.— The Farmers Agency Company (Limited) sold 95 as follows :— For Mr Duckmanton, 10 at 9s 9d ; Mr D. Drinnan, 75 at 7s 9d to 10s 9d: Mr M'Donald, 10 at 10s 9d.— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold for Mr David Strain (Milburn), 12 at 10s 3d ; Mr Godfrey Foßter (Milburn), 25 at 6s 6d to 7s 9d.— Donald Reid and Co. penned 140 and sold : For Mr John Finch (Milburn), 10 at 10s 9d ; for Mr William Strain (Milburn), 18s at 9s 3d ; for Mrs Agnes Strain (Milburn), 31 at 8s 6d : for Mr J. Forbes (Greytown), 10 at lls ; for Mr William Wybor, 21 at (Is 9d to 6a 3d ; for Mr W. H. Oughton (Boghead), 17 at 9s 6d t for Messrs P. and B Robertson (Outram), 21 at lls ; for Mr R. Marshall (Woodbide), 9 at 8s 3d ; for Mr W. laylor, 2 at lls 6d and 1 at 14s 3d.— Thje Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) sold : For Mr W. Grant (Clatrinch), 9 lambß at lla 3d ; Mr J. Bathgate, 17 lambs at 9s Od. Pige.— Eighty-four in, the bulk suckers, with only modulate demand. Suckers brought 8s to 14s fld : stores, 15* to 2la 6d ; porkera, 20s to 38d.— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold : For Mr Joseph Biown (Mosgltl), 8 at 9a Id to 25s 6d.— Donald Reid and Co. penned 29, and sold : For Mr C. Flynn (Mosglel), 2at 52s and 425 ; Mr W. U. Taylor (Moegiel), 5 at 25s 6d to 23a ; Mr Walter Blackie, 18 slips at 15s 6d to 13s 6d ; Mr A. Rutherford, 4 baconers at 285. -The Mutual Agency Company of Nkw Zealand (Limited) sold a draft at a satisfactory price. Store Sheep.— The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) report the sale privately of 4100 halfbred hoggets in a line. Sheepkins.— While a very large number of these weekly come to hand the market never seems to be over-supplied, and, except on rare occasions, when reserves are above the actual I value, the large catalogues presented are as a rule cleared. On Tuesday there was again a full attendance of buyers, who competed with their ÜBual sood spirit, and general results were on the whole satisfactory, prices all round being quite on a par with those ruling on the previous Tuesday. Heavy green skins, both crossbred and merino, were in good demand, and brought full rates. Country dry skins also received good attention, shippers operating in these to some extent, and for which full prices were secured. Country dry crossbred?, inferior to medium, brought Is od to 2s 3d ; do do merino, Is 4d to Is 9d ; medium to good crossbreds, 2s 4d to 4s ; extra heavy, 4s 3d to 5s 9d ; good to best merinos, Is lOd to 3s ; extra heavy, 83 3d to 4s 3d ; dry pelts, 2d to Is Id ; beßt green crosabred?, 5b 3d to 5s 7d— extra heavy and picked, 5s 9J to 6s; medium to good, 4a 6d to 5s 2d ; green merinos, 2s 9d to 3s 9d. Rabbitskins.— The demand for the3e continues brisk. All sorts are readily taken up at prices quite on a par with late rates; extra good were id higher. Prime winter »kin 3 have the ruo 3 t attention. On Monday lengthy catalogues wers submitted, cotupribing all sorts, v.'hen every lot met with verr keen comlji>tiMo:i Qn itatio ,~ : I<*o) be, t winter dor-s. I2i<l l>> U lid; choice, lfi 2Jd ; bent bucks and doed, mixtii 1 , lid to 12-1 ; do medium, 10d to lid ; off season, 8d to 9id ; inferior to medium, 5d to 7d ; suckers and half-grown, 2d to 4Jd ; be3t winter black and fawn, lOd to Is ; medium, 7Jd to 9Jrf ; inferior, 4d to 7d per lb. Hides.— The market shows no change ; prices remain steady at about equal to those lately cv 1 rent— say, for heavy weights (801b and over), 2Jd to 3J ; medium, lid to 2d ; light, Id to lid ptr lb. Tallow and Fat.— A good local damand is experienned. and all coml&e forward is readily

placed at the parity of London ratea. Bart rendered mutton. 18s fid to £0s ; medium to good! 15s 6d to 178 6d : inferior to medium, 12s 6d to 16s \ beat rough fat, 12a 9d to 13a ; medium to good, 11* 6d to l?s 6d | Inferior to medium, 10a to 11s per cwt (ex store). Grain.— Wheat : The position of the marked respecting both prices and demand diff-n but little, if any, from that of last week. A moderate demand continues to exist for best milling voltw* in which a little more business could bo dona 11 on the spot. Very little of this description now remains in seller*' hands, and hardly any coming to hand from the south j but, considering thft quantity still held in Canterbury for disposal, and no outlay whereby any margin on present rate^ can possibly be secured, the idea prevails hera that no improvement, in the meantime at any rate, on prices lately obtaining can be relied op taking place while there is so much within easy reach and waiting for buyers to turn up. Fowla? wheat has good inquiry, and easily disposed of at lata quotations, which remain firm. Qaota* tions : For prime milling velvet, 2s lOd to 2* JtlaJ good to best do and best Tuscan, 2s 9d to 2* lOd ; good to best red wheat, 2s 8d to 2s M) medium and good whole fowls' wheat, 2s 6d to 2s7d; b'oken and inferior to medium, 2a 2d to 2a txl (ex store, sacks weighed in, terms). Oats; The tone of the market has in no way improved since our last report. While a fair demand exists buyers are not inclined to give the prices lately ruling, and only on very rare occasions can they now be obtained. Millers' operations are veiir much curtailed lately, purchasing In the meantime only sufficient for present requirement^ which are not heavy, their export business having evidently fallen off to almost nothing. The outlook is not by any meant satlafafr tory. A good many holders are now beginning to get uneasy, and pushing tales, which htl further tended to weaken prices, whioh are bound to go lower, while there are more sellers tha? buyors in the market. Quotations I For prlmft milling, Is 4Jd to Is 5d ; best shortlbright feed, 10 3}d to Is 4Jd ; medium to good, Is 8d to 1b 3fd { Inferior and musty, Is to Is 2Jd (ex store, sacks extra, net).— B*rley : Market quiet. There is not much offering, but evidently sufficient for requirements. Qu itations : For best malting. 89 oc i to 3s 9d ; choice, 4s ; medium, 8a to 3s 3d ; milling', 2a 3d to 2a 9d ; feed, 1» 8d to 2s (ex itore, eackl extra). [The individual reports of Wool, RaVMUkin, or Grain Brokers can be inserted in the tfaiiy Tirriet and Otago Witness at special Rates.]

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Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 26

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 26

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 26