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Business Notices. . .. . , , , „V^ FREE BY POST AND RAIL. Post Office Orders and Cheques payable to FYFE & CUMING, Dunedin. Cash or Notes can be sent in Registered Letter*. PCfctaV Notes are an easy mode of remitting. Country Cheques must have 6d added for Exchange. j ' ' ] ' ~~~* A Group Waiting Their Turn.

-| X S DRESS PARCEL contains 6yds of a At_# grand summer Cashmt-re, 44in wide — worth 2s 6 ; the yard ; a f ull-drops length of the new fafct- colour wnphinjf Cambric ; and a full-dress length of lovely sateen Print. This wonderful parcel sent by post or rail for 15s. All the goods nre of sterling value, and not the shoddy materials sent out by other firms. f\f\S DRESS PARCEL contains three Atnl\J excel '«'iit dresses. — 12yds of a pretty di igonal drc-s Tweed for summer wear; 12fda of all-wool Vigoreux Beige — wears like pin-wire ; and a full dress length of Cashmcctte This extraordinary parcel sent, carriage paid, for 20s. Try this parcel aud see the difference between our sterling valuo and the rubbishing parcels of others. O/~\ S DREfIS PARCEL conUins a fullm\J divss length of blue-black Cashmere j (Ind go dy ). or in grey, fawn, maroon, slate, j cardinal; 12yds of all-wool French Beige — worth Is 6d the yard ; with 6yds of a pretty creme lace. Sent, carriage paid, for 20s. WONDERFUL DRESS PARCEL contaibs h full-dress !• ngth of the new allvoul diagonal Mixture, suitable for any occifcion; a full-ores length tf dark hubir. cloth — a grand dr<ss for wear; and 2doz of pretty buttons f<>r each dress. The above materials not oi-ly look we'l, but v-ill prove a t-ourcc of pleasure to the wea<er. Twenty shillings, carrago paid. A <Tb S DRESS PARCEL contains a fullI dr ss length of rkh bluck Fvoncb M' riiio, with lyd of black silk lor trimming ; a full-dress le: g h of the new Washing Crepon, with 6v ds of ;> j) c ty creme lacd for trimming a full-dress l(Mi; •of all-wool Homespun, with lyd of velvet' a lor tr'-mming. This extraordinury parcel se t, carriage p-id, for 40s. O/Tb 8 SIRING CLEANING PARCEL 4crl^ f coulains 1 pair liHiidfomo lac« Cur ains, full length, and with very choice design ; l2yJs of the now Liberty Muslin, I Eui'ablc for drapery cr curtains ; 1 v«ry handson.e silva-iLe lea Tray ; 1 useful set of toilet Mats ; 1 toi et Cuvcr for the dressing table ; 3 pretty Antimacasssrs ; 1 pretty Gipsy table i C vcr ; 6yds of fast-colour wasbiug Dimity; 6yds of curtain Net. The wonderful Spring Cleaning Parcel scut, carriage paid, tor 20s. ■^TELVETEENS ! VELVETEENS'. VELV VETEENS !— Special purchase of blueblask Velveteens. The full dress for 20s. This wonderful Bargain Parcel contains 12yds blueblack, silk-finished, indestructible fast pile Velveteen ; 3yds braided Gimp ; 2doz pretty Buttons ; and 6yds Lining. The whole lot sent Free by Post or Rail, 20s. Velveteens are, very fashionable, both for trimmings aud complete costumes. LADIES' BLACK CASHMERE DRESS PARCEL (20s) contains Byds blue-black Bradford Cashmere, colour and wear guaranteed ; lyd rich black Silk Broche ; 6yds Lining and 2doz Buttons to match the dress. Free by Post or Rail to auy address in New j Zealand, for 20s. BIBBONS and LACE PARCEL contains 12yds lovely check, wide Ribbon for «'hildren's sashes— n orth Is a yard ; 12yd- lovely Pi>inti La^e, and tvo p-tir* of ladies' Taffetta Gloves in tan and dra 1 ). Tbis marvellous bargain lot, post hco to any address, 10s 6d.

/COLOURED VELVETEENS-all the rage \J just now 20s the full dreso, in navy blue, maroon, brown, dark cardinal— l2yds of Velveteen (silk finished) ; one set of Trimming for the dress ; 2doz pretty Buttons, and 6ydi Lining. The whole lot sent Free by Post for j 20s. j THE LADIES' JACKET aud SKIRT, complete costume, 32h 6d, in a splendid summer tweed, guarant' eel fo wear w^ll. The Jacket is a three-quarter style, easy fitting, and lcoks very stylish worn with a blouse; Skiit of the latest fashion. The complete costume in three sizes — viz., small ladies', ladies', and extra ladies'. When ordering please state size required. Free by post) to any address, 32s 6d. TKTAVYBLUESTABLES'S SERGE DRESS J3I PARCEL contains a full dress-length of double-width, all-wool, navy Serge— saltwater or soda cannot spoil it ; lyd rich navy blue Velvetta for trimming ; 6yds eoft.flnished Lining and two dozen pretty Buttons. This Wonderful Parcel Bent, carriage paid, for 25». LOT 23: WONDERFUL HOUSEHOLD BLANKET PARCEL contains 1 pair Btrong white Witney Blankets, for double beds; * heavy royal coloured Bed Quilt, 1 Btripe wool Rug, 2 Turkish Towels, 1 honeycombe Toilet €over, and 1 pair Nottingham Lace Curtains. This Wonderful Parcel sent, carriage paid to any railway station, for 255. BLANKETS, SHEETS, AND QUILT PARCEL, containing 1 pair of good white Witney Blankets, with very handsome border ; 1 large size white honeycomb Quiltvery heavy make ; 1 pair of good white twilled Sheets, and 6 nice large Turkish Towels. Sent, Carriage Paid, for L 2. REMNANT PARCEL contains 40yds of material, including Flannelettes, Dress Materials, Galateas, Prints, and Muslius for pinafores ; also Embroideries and Lace for trimming. The value given in this Parcel is extraordinary. We are continually accumulating Remnants, and to keep pace with the business done we must clear them quickly. This valuable and splendidly-assorted Parcel sent Free by Post or Rail for 20s. COLONIAL TWEED SUIT for Men, well made and finished, in niedium and dark colours ; sent, carriage paid, for 30s. Sizee from 3 to 7. COLONIAL TWEED SUITS for Bojs. A splendid suifc of a heavy Colonial Tweed, extra well made and lined ; sizes from 10 to 2£. This Splendid Suit sent, carriage paid, for 20s. ipjOLONIAL TWEED KNICKER SUITS. \y Sizes 6to 12, in medium and dark shades, made on purpose for Boyß' Hard Wear. Bent, Carriage Paid to any address, for 10s 6d. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING PARCEL. Two All-wool grey flannel Undershirts, 2 pair of heavy Ribbed Cotton Pants, 2 heavy Crimean Shirts, 4 pair of heavy Wool Knitted Socks, a pair of Braces, and 3 ties. Sent, carriage paid, for 25s — every article guaranteed. FRENCH KID GLOVES, 2 pairs 5s 6d.— Two pairs lovely tan French kirl Gloves, raised pebble points, tree by post, 5s 6d.

BABIES' COMPLETE OUTFIT PARCEIt (255) contains 3 fine muslin Daygows*, 3 fine longcloth Nightgowns, all beautifully trimmed with lace and embroidery; 2 largesize Hansel Barries, 1 Headsquaro, in cream, cardinal, pink, or blue twill flannel aicely embroidered ; 3 white Shirts (fine lawn trimmed Valenciennes Lace), 1 linen Bwaithe, 1 box safety Pins. The complete Outfit for 255, or with large, white, wool-carrying Shawl or beautiful Christening Robe, 355. ADIES' POPULAR BLOUSE PARCEL^ No. 1, 7s 6d, free by post, contains S ladies' cambric Blouse?, frilled froiits; 3pura I linen frilled Fronts end Collars ; 1 splendid leather Belt. Free to any address in New Zealand, 7a 6d. ADIES' BLOUSE PARCEL, No. 2, 10s 6d, free by post, contans 2 kdic s' cambric Blou'cs; 2 kdi<s' tliirfc B'o'ifcs (stiff collars and cuffs) ; and a nice leather Belt. Free to any address in Ni-w Zealar-d, 10s 6d. HE LADIES' MANTLE PARCEL, 12s 6d.— A very stylish black Dorothy Cape, medium length, nicely tßade and fin shed — <sor.:h 255. Post free to any addr. .ss, 12s 6d» QUNSIIADE ENTOUSCAS.— A lovely shot KC7 siik Sunshade and a pair of cream silk Gloves posb free for 10s 6d. The Sunshade alone ia worth more than double !he money. THE UNIVERSAL UMBRELLA PARCELJ free by post, 3s 6d. We will stnd, free by j^ost to any address in New Zealand, a stroug durable Umbrella, with f-tylish handle, for 38 6d ; three for 10s. Cart fully patked, and scut frea by post to any address. HMHE LADIfcS' GLORIA SILK UMJL BRELLA, 10s 6d. New fancy horn Handle— latest novelty. The Gloria for hard! wear and stylish nppenrnnre rannot be bea'.en, Sent; fren address, 10s 6d T rNuWcToTIIIN~G~ANI) APRON PAR\J CEL (Exdv Special). Ladies please note: We are overstocked in th>'s deparlment, and - in order to make * fpeeily clearance wi'l send you just twi nty-fivf! shilling*' worth for one pound. CoLtents 1 f th ; s p .reel— 2 lov lv Nigbt; driFses, 2 pure long, cloth Cl'emi&cs- tr'mnied embroid- ry ; 2 pair ladies' knicker Drawers—^ trimmed embro dery ; 1 pair Co-sets, a large hollund coLkii-g Apron, and a praty cambric oc sateen "My Sweetheart" Apron, alto 2 pairs back cishmtre Ho c c. Will scud this parcel free by pest or rail to any odf'rejs in New Zealand "When ordering pltase to state bizq of Corset rpquirtd. THE MATRIMONIAL PARCEL contains 1 pair cxl; a quality real Witnt y Blankets, lirge size, for double b<>Cs ; 1 pair good Witney Blauktts, for ordinary use, full size; 1 pai£ full-size pure white t« illed cotton !~hf e*s ; 1 paic real Bolton twill Sheets, extra larpe size; 1 superior white Harcella or honeycrmb Quilt — ' lovely design, nearly 3yds long ; 2 pairs of very handsome white Nottingham lace Curtains, with very handsome design and bo: der ; 6yds" suprrior twill pillow Cotten ; 2 nice quality toilet Covers— full sizs ; 1 set very pretty toileG Mats ; 6 large hzo Turkish Towels ; one white Tablecloth ; 1 unbleached Tab'ecloth— both full size ; 6yda good lint-n check Glasscloth ; 2 very pretty chair Cushions, and Orental silk Rug for sofa or bed covers. This useful and everyday Matrimonial Parrel sent, cmjsge paid, to your own door for £5. A splendid and extra.* ordinary parcel.

68, 70, 72 GEORGE ISTgEgT, DUNEpiN.

HEW ZEALARD CONDENSED MILK. M§%^^ THE fe&^liijir^ CROSS ROYAL MAIL LIME OF COACHES By Appointment to His Excellency this (COBB & CO ). Governor. iPllßlnl mHE above Line of Coaches leave Lawrence for ALEXANDER HAMILTON^ Efc2jS*ZZ s 4fa&-~m JL Roxbiirgh, Clyde, Cromwell, Queenstown, MRVf PVAffi MALTESE IrM^l BRAND and all intermediate planes every Monday, Wed- mTTnvinv onnm-nw V JgitSk^ nesday, and Friday, on arrival of first train from VETERINARY SURGEON, jftS®W<&gfr<> Dunedin, returning on thr alternate days. TTJEGS to draw the attention of Owners of Leave Miiidlemarrh for St. Bathans, Ophir, and JL> Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Dogs to the fact IS THE BEST. Cljde on Mondays and I'Yidats. . Ihut he intends to continue to supnly Genuino Tt tcj Pt™tt?t> atjt> Tfnv<;Tnrß than thb Leave Middles inch for Hyde, Hnmiltons, Kye- Medicine specially prepared for the treatment of IT IS KICHER and v*™*** THAN iUH i )Urn> and N tt soby on Mondays, Wednesdays, and each patient entrusted to his care, and is confident IMPORTED article. Fridays at 11.10 a.m .: and leave Naseby for Middle- that with a correct diagnosis sound advice, sueTo be obtained from Grocerß and Storekeepers march aud intennrdiate places on Tuesdays, cessful results and moderate charges to merit tha thrnntfhnnl- the fiolonv Ihurpdays, and Saturdays at 7 am., connecting support of luh numerous patrons and customers, throughout tbe Oolony. wUh an . ivjng a ( Dunedin a t 6.5 p.m. j and offers to the Stookownlng Puhlic In Town and NEW ZEALAND connecting with trains leaving Dunedin at 7 a.m. Country a boon rarely enjoyed by any colony. A. MTT X PRPIRRRVINO COMPANY an( l Middlemarch at 2.20 p.m.- Jff. may bo consulted daily at Bath street (off MILK rKEb&BVIHU OUmrAJNX, R CRAIG &ca 6 eorfi o JBtrect),J B trect), near Octagon. Dunedin* jNYBaCAfIQII.I, £Zd? JHead Office ; Pee] street. Lawrence, 'i'eleuhono. Ko. 703,

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Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 9