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Medical. Medical. mHE ONLY GOUT CURE IN THE Wtt ||B 4»Ok »■ A n .. raa^sraiHk #* T HE DOCTOR^° ERNLEDSiY - . PATENTJED. rpHB DOCTORS' ENEMY. "The Blood is the i^ s===::=i==?^B f====^^ Electricity acts immHE SUFFERER'S FRIEND. - * jT^ jsi&h mediatel 7 u P on the mHE SUFFERER'S FRIEND. Life, but Electricity -f^^^^^^\\ J^' ne ™' TTNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS, is the Life of Blood"; N^^, B| I \\E W \\ cii-culation, stimulatTTNPRFPPnPNTFn snpppss . , W^ 9ffll I- Vli Kl\jV V ing organic action, w--^J^PRECEDENTED SUCCESS. this ig a truth tha{ . aU \^| | | JS§gL <iFp^ newing vital energy, iUI itOI/Q'G f*IIOET s^^ and assisting digesBwiMrClV© id vUiIGIi scientific men affirm. <<>£- j» «r vo. v tion. FOR GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, m mr tomilwasa^ CRAMP IN THE LIMBS, &c. r=====================^^ »S s S m THE PONONGA ELECTRIC BELT pni wpituU nn.Mp is the only BELT at present in existence -which generates and supplies to the tUX Wxtll.cj.rto C/Xt&ulJr, ■ . ,- r . X • /-, , t, • , • i , . tka ABDI/C^ a onstant Galvanic Current. It is an entirely new departure, the fVaMr^KS S CUivEi Electricity being supplied by means of tyro or more small, but exceedingly FOR ECZEMA. powerful, patented dry batteries, the current being conveyed to the body bj MAEKS'S CURE means of flexible metallic conducting surfaces. D Io V OUR°ING G^uTraBDMATisS, 0 ' ALL IN SEARCH OF HEALTH SHOULD WEAR A SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, PAINS IN -->^ TVT<n» TW a A -H=«T S^^"T^TSS> VO^ »■»■». m THE LOINS. AND ALL f iJJXI CJ»J«I JEjJ-iJEiU^FJfcCr J.C? KINDRED COMPLAINTS WHICH ARISE . FROM EXCESS OF URIC ACID m^,« m »^.*^^*, « » «. IN THE SYSTEM. TESTUVIONIALS. The 4« 6d Bottle contains 20 doses, sufficient Wellington, August 14, 1894. 1 Broomhedge Street, Newtown, August 15, 1894 for three weeks. It affords me great satisfaction to inform you I have much pleasure in informing you that I A Gentleman writes .—" I consider you the that the PONONGA ELECTRIC BELT supplied teoNG^ ELECTRIC^BEI T™ 'tT* ° f J '° Ur greatest benefactor of > the century. Every to me some two months ago has fully justified your Belt for about eight weeks/and ran say that drop or your Mixture is worth more than its your recommendation of it. Its immediate effect from the first day I have beon relieved from weight in diamonds. It is simply marvellous htus been a CO raplete relief from sleeplessness and chronic indigestion and constHpntion, and I feel a in its power to cure." headache, and a general sense of nupport to the f?™™}^^^* I *?^™- I*™ A V*\*W. has m m, B m *•> no^ b ■*»■■■ , i \ „„• . i , „ . the more able to add my testimony in tins direcrel AB^ECk^ (SUR^ whole Kvstem - lhls hftS also beon the expenence tion as I have tried some of the principal electric lvspai%l%^ W of one or two friends whom I advised to try your belts without obtaining any benefit, and had FOR GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, Belt for constipation, and sundry other troubles almost Riven up hope of relief when I heard of LUMBAGO, &c, &c. o f a nervous character.-I aw, youra Ac, yol i r Belt ; , Tarn thankful to say I bought one, The Proprietors do net claim infallibility for r r rnnvv "id would rocominend it to aEycnc-Yours it; but, so far as experience goes, IT HAS G. 0. Cooke. truly, J. Laukdeb. NEVER YET FAILED TO PERMANENTLY CURE. For Testimonials, Circulars, and all Particulars apply to It is purely Vegetable. No mineral drugs,, PONONGA CLFCTPIP CO colchicum, or citrate of lithia enter its composi- P ° ™ " T N T ,^ * ,^r JTSJSJ T SJSm rt x, ' tion. It is a "DISEASE CURE," and NOT ™ ELLICE ST., WELLINGTON; A "SYMPTOM CURB" only. QR To TIIE AG ENT FOR DUNEDIN DISTKICT— MARKS'S CURE _ _. ___ __ __ _ _ _ _. _. FOR GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, |\ if F3 Cj §* IJ TT^ yi fW T LUMBAGO, &c, &c. IVI |~\ £") VjT XV " J JTIj 1^ In its action it goes direct to the root of the .A-T-a- JL fsw x«^| v ■ . J ff.^,^4 JL. j^ complaint, expelling all excess of uric acid, A.Kaw b^ m *•*. *>+>*>*.*** %^n> thus attacking the cause and destroying the OSTY RUAO. ROSLYIW effect. Every drop of the Mixture is worth its ,„ ,„ , *„, „„ „ mt'^^^^lm^^^m^mnnm^ weight in diamonds It is marvellous in its F r^irmz?^Ti^Jl'Jiili?l!?^^" l '" J^£ aotion ' sofe MAßK^cuB E BEWARE OF I^SITATIO^IS ! Health is Wealth FOR GOUT, RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, ° IHE SUF»EBING_* DMFOBTUNATJt Price: SsKs'f, o^lfcheMtoand BONNINGTON'S A L »£ e &f=yttKi!!^ d S tS Medicine Venoors, or direct irom the factory, Bending to other colonies, P.O. Boxes, &c forpopost free, for the same price. CARRAGEEN Cttlled Electric Belts and useless Nostrums should Prepared Only at the Factory : ££ ™spair, but consult personally, or by post, 6 ARTILLERY STREET, BISHOPSGATE Or FKJUt, street, c.c. PROF. NOTMANN, M.E., E.M.G., Export Agents i IRISH MOSS. The only Electro-Medical Specialist advertis ; ng B. G. LEMON & CO. (Limited), _ JSS Capetown, Port Elizabeth, and East ONCE USED , ALW ays used. ffi&£ .tS^^^liSr^JST^* London. tical, I will forward electrical appliaaces and r:nu- . 1 . centrated treatment on easy terms of payment. 1 filllSSfrllarai rt 1 I2J ullflC. im -n - Dear Su ' I consider it an act of humanity I WUrillfflE* I ■■■- " w tywatta to a<]d my testimony to the efficacy of the electric mnn ntmirrn inn mni? BTnnn -WTTTILL CURE ALL KINDS of COUGHS appliances and treatment you sent me. Befoie I THE SERVES AND THE BLOOD \\ or COLDS (recent or chronic), IN- felt .-very duty a burden ; now I feel pleasure in Says HERR RASSWIUSSEN, -^-Zl I^™ The Celebrated Danish Herbalist Asthma Tickling of the Thioat , « loncb^' many pounds with so-called specialists, and 1 V-.11 Akb Pari.Ua Gold Med.nist, of E47 George Street, Incipient Consumption, and all similar com- do my be g t to reconimendyonr able treatment to Sydney. «»■» 81 liambton Quay. Welllnpton, N.Z.; plaints. those afflicted as I was.— J. W. STEWART." and no crgiter truth l)»a ever been uttered .judging from the c ■„••• c l$SSH!& «TS a U- h 18 by wf r Ta t - e So C^ d a Xt is B« ai ' nnteed t0 S lve action Fre C trials daily from 11 a.m. till 9.80. p.m. of tb» HKRBAET XIiFAMNE tITAIiIXY REMEDIES h»v 8 It ;s; s endorsed by Vocalists and Public Speakers. Latest, onry Reliable, and Permanent Cum for re«tor«d to Permanent Health. _ , . rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, liver deraneePor example, his Celebrated ALFALINK VITALITY Ifc Clears the Throat, Removes all Huskiness ment , Indigestion, buzzing in the head and «tn I1?^I 1 ?^ "•n<oSi?M?^.d w?aVn^ oaa^h70 a a^h7i 3 i)lne PPcSP B e S and Causes that lead to Loss of Voice. dimness, WQak back, tired feeling, specks b. fori ISd NN B o 'r?es blll s^cui t%™sTc™\?% B s™'ordS!s the eye 8 nervous Irritability, exhaustion, fc.k cf Coune,2Bs.6d.; Smaller Boxes, 12». and Of. j po»ted. energy, bladder and kidney troubles, vaiiccsr H.« Purely Herbal ALP ALINE BLOOD JPILLS »r# ls g D AND 2s 6d.— Sold Evekywhere. veins, and all weaknesses peculiar to mon. mi«ur P i» s .Mi B /» Blood Purifior and BloolTonio, and xfa DU A!SU " uu> Descriptive Pamphlet, Post Free will not permit a particle of «ay Blood Duoaie to rem»m la the * " ' co ' «yst»in. Price, s»me as Vitality Pill*. nnnr UfITUAUU 19 r r■■ ft Hi» ALF ALINE UNIVERSAL PILLS are unexcelled Woodend February 16. 1894. rKUri nil I IVI AnR, JVliEi, EiNliPm a« a permanent cure for OomplalHtßpeOUliar to Ladles. VYOOaena, ieoiu^,y i.v, iuot- 7 B nTiwnT?ii,«m.ft». n..,,0Tn ..,,oT« nn,,n.,,Hn n,,n.,,H. v Prici,i» m « as Vitality PilU. „ »„„_:_ -i ftn Phrifilphurrh «BW ZEALAND ELECTROPATHIC INSTITUTE Hi. Lirer »nd Ki«)ne r pills, Rheumatic Pill., Agthma »nd Mr Bonnmgton, unnsicnuicD. (Opposite Colombo Street Bridge), r^^rrco^M Dear Sir, -I should like you to send me Market Place, Christchmcb. Kcntorrrs and Complexion HeKutlfieru are .imply wonderful, and another BUpply 01 yOUl' Il'lSU MOSS, tile Bame 88 " "° Si" rtt^^L »t w e]li n Rt on /., w. Enable la«t. and as you «ay you are going to publish a «• KEATING'S POWDER." freo tOOk, which contnm«\alual.! c h.nt«, all parl.culars, and circular With new testimonials, I WOUld Wish to 'KEATIIfGr'S POWDER." ?%^^^fA^™^ ™y*Y Ihavc Bold^p"Canr»gj^«r IrWi « KEATIN( J' S POWDER." HERR RASSWIUSSEN, M ™" aQlon e m &^^£ n &%*%£ This powder, S0 celebrated, b utterh «„. 91 MMBTOH QUAY, WELLINGTON, g.& 3SJ.ST T^XS£ZX£% fiSiSS.^SkISSS% ffi&SA^ n " ' " store, for mv customers look upon it as a neces- perfectly harmless to all animal life). All itok m n ink bob m h 088 SS. s al T household remedy. *hich should at all woollens and furs should be well sprinkled B H» 1 1 HKO WZ i™W €? times be at hand I often hear of the good effects with the Powder before placing away. It is B B BBl'fP 1 F| I -of your Carrageen when used for Colds, Bron- Invaluable to take to the Seaside. To p H RJi BJI Bu L. a ■ H IS '.', „, fa . „ „ i?.- m <ii O WntivM disappointment uuißt upon having Isr-d;- | !U?%^liab HiHtflr cliltlS| an d the Asthma from the datives ing's Powder." No other powder is tfcoAND TO PROVE IT in the district suffer v<-ry much. 1 may say t «T« T wU! ffIVE A BOTTLE of my r^y j£ *• M - iB « c "*» f BUGS. X for nothing, so that Sufferers may m * y ours tm]y FLEAS, have an opportunity of testing the truth of J ' milLT __ KILLS < MOTHS, what I tearlessly state." JOHN RANBY. BEETLES. Because others have failed to cure you is no MOSftTJITOES. f=Ta.^S UU m m y h TREA?SSd'°afR ff EE DOST BUY IMITATIONS. SSSa&MftSW^ BOTTLE of Medicin. , It emu wo »oflun« other Seta f of i.i^" for a trial, and IT WILL CURhI HEALTH FOB, ALL. Sportsmen will find this invaluable for my agents for Australasia destroying fleas in the dogS, as also ladies for Fi evDC Bm f*C\ __ . their pet dogs. . U. CTKt GL %sU, 9 IT A T, T. O W AY'S The PUBLIC are CAUTIONED that every 98, O'Connell St., N. Adelaide, S. Australia. «*\^**A«vrwH***i m> package of the genuine powder bears the wr- MtfWftT Blllfi JBr niMVRffICMT autograph of THCM AS KEATING. Without ji.fV?'^. v1 T nHon PILLS & OIfSTSWEWT. this any < irticle offered is a fraud - Sold in 28, Endskigh Sardens, Euston Road, London. purify the Blood correct tins only. u^_B4u»uig'iJu v. Ljj n T H iDSLS^^LfeJ££LT32 ;; heating's worm tablets;; P^STTXffS^TTWIITyS aers, and Bowels, and are invaluable in all " HEATING'S WOEM TABLETS" TOf £33 M3al«6 JB I fff«k S^ J complaints incidental to Females. a PURKLY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, £. a Li.efljftrMiig^Sg^^ia THE OINTMENT ia the only reliabU botd in appearance and taste, furnishing a most {SYSOOTHINQI =rt^ M^^C-*.£3; SftH IHSSiI 1 C °" gh8 -* Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, ana all an d 'is G&pecially adapted for Children, fco.d M^ T^^| Boldby^Pro^ie n tor,THOHAaHoLMWAT. l THO MAS KEATING. London. «ygj»*tN USE^qfeg f or CHILDREH CU iTInu I tel n.g 78 New Oxford street, London, and by at' — . . £f\ y^ißgap^ffifl^g^ Medicine Vendors throughout the world. TC3irT"lCs> "WK» T FEVERISH HEAT, XT AIR DESTROYER.— Hftir upon the Face UATIIDAI MIINC&AI UfATCB «,«^..r M .r OinilC -H Removed by ÜBing ALEX BOSS'S DE NATUKAL MIRtKAL W A I tK. PREVENT FITS, CONVULSIONS, piLATORY.and that without injury to the sMn, _ 3s 6d, post 3s 9d, or had of all chemists.— ALEX. * K>O » ROSS'S HAIR DYE produces either very light INVALUABLE for INDIGESTION, r©PRBSERVB A HEALTHY BTATH gSg,^ Sjuld^of^eSnffurSws and A »ovir.gCoa.titutional tendency to .o» thb COHBTITUTIOM crows' feet marks under the eyes. Hits Bloom of GOUT, and for Diseases of the rr DURING THE PERIOD OF KIDNEY a»d BLADDER. The ...J. "JOHN siEBDMAN, SS&CSSfSB- rtW^ttfS M«ed with Spirit, for m s an Arable Drink. ntrwMTcrr wirm»Tn RI7RRRT » stamps. A Gargle to improve the Voice. Alex. CHEMIST, WALWORTH, BUKKK.X, Ross's Nose Machine shapes the nose to perfec- .. ... . flnr i an alvßi« Axe engraved on the Government Stamp tion, 10s 6d.-62 TheohaWs Road, London, W. 0., Testimonials as to its great virtues and analyett affixed to e»ch Packet. England^ O n Application to BOLD~Bir |^\TAGO DAILY TlMES.— Rates for Small HENRY ROSE, KEMPTHORHE t PROBBEB. & CO. Xu%ttffit^'A'2*£2. 1 *»««-» •— ■ d™"*

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Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 55

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Page 55 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 55

Page 55 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 55