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TEho Otego tennis courts hold their oponIng day on Thursday last, when the playing 'On the three grass courts was commenced for the season. The very finest weather favoured the gathering, and although the wind was dlsagreaable in town, within the precincts of the tennis courts all wa» still and quiet, and ;the sun came out warm and delightful. A great many visitors had availed themselves jot the club's invitations to afternoon tea at' £he ground, and keen enthusiasm was displayed while the game 3 were being played tin the courts facing the pavilion. The day ceing bright and fine the grounds formed a pretty sight. Tho grass looked beautifully 'green, and the many light-coloured dresses it the ladies flitting about harmonised pith it. Then there ware the pretty $oral and flag- decorations of the pavilion, pillars, while on one of the Asphalt courts the Industrial Sohool Band •played the whole afternoon, tho little fellows deeorving much praise for their performance. $he members of the club, along with any of the visitors who were willing to take part In the tennis, occupied the courts all the time, some very good eels being .played. Tea ytfii served in the pavilion and handed fdxtnd to where the ladies were seated all about, and the members were most assiduous in attending to the wants of their guests. ii Almost all the lady^playors wore pretty ■thirto or blouses with dark Bkirts, a style of ■drees wbioh is most admirably adapted for itennis players, and looked very smart and jpiatty on the lawn. A great many others their dark serge costumes, these being Varied by pretty vests or waistcoats, or |by white shirts worn with some pretty coloured tie. Among the ladies wearing -coetumes more noticeable and smart were iMrs Napier Bell, in a very handsome black 'gown draped over an underskirt of dead rose xnirror silk, the black opening up one side to •show the silk underskirt, black bodice primmed with the same, and a little jet 'bonnet ; Mrs Fulton, olivegreen corduroy cloth ftyimmed with black moire, and large black lat and feathers ; Miss Uirioh, brown and jrfcite tweed with bodloe and large sleeves of $rrown merveilleuz trimmed with cream lace Insertion, and brown hat; Miss E. Ulrlcb, a of bright grass green silk over a blaok skirt, and black picture hat trimmed with green eilk, and grass green feathers; mn Oameron, a costume of black figured [Cloth trimmed with bands of heliotrope silk and black lace and jet, jblack and purple bonnet ; Hiss M'Lean, a Jgreen and heliotrope floral delaine trimmed with narrow bands and large sleeves of grass [green merveiUeuz and cream lace, burnt [ijttaw floral hat; Mies R. M'Lean, a black purple vest; Mies E. M'Lean, ik pretty white frock trimmed with leraonSooloured silk and white lace- Mrs Barnefc, •electric blue bengaline cloth with blaok moire trimmings ; Mrs Watson, a oostume oJ black ■cloth flaked with white and trimmed with frills and Insertion of white lace, black and .Trhite bonnet ; Mra James Allen's dress was !qf red-brown cloth with pleated vest and tgrirorolDgs of brown satin, brown feather Ijat ; Mrs Martin, handsome gown of crushed Strawberry eilk with cap« of black velvet and lace ; Mfss Grant, a Trblte pique oostume ; iJies E. Morris, a smart holland drees trimmed With cream lace insertion, black hat; Mrs BatOhelor, dark green tailor-made costume with black satin cape trimmed with white lace inf ertion, and floral bonnnet ; Miss Batchelor, a stylish dress, the skirt and sleeves composed of brown and white pbecked tweed, Ind the bodice, f bi<& fitted OIOM W <&

waist, of red-brown velvet, a deep Jace collar trimming the neck and falling over the shoulders, brown hat trimmed with pink poppies ; her sister wore a costume of the Batue tweed, and brown and p ; nk hat ; Mies Coughtrey, a pretty dress of sapphire blue trimmed with moire and ]et ; Mrs Wilsos, a costume of shot red olofch and large sleeves of black moire ; Miss Hepburn, eleotric blue oloth dress trimmed with black and bands of passementerie trimming, tan and black hat; Miss Bartleman, green tailor-made costume, burnt straw bat trimmed with blue cornflowers ; Miss Lulu Sise, grean cloth and velvet; Miss Gilkisorj, brown costnme trimmed with black moire and pink; Miss N. Gilkison, a pale blue linen costume with white vest showing ; Mrs Ridings, grey with electrio blue eilk vest and trimmings, and white hat with feathers ; Mlsb R. Reynolds, a black serge costume with white shirt ; Miss Vida Reynolds, a black serge costume and large black velvet hat with feathers ; Mts H. La Own, dark blue eerge skirt and jacket with bodice of heliotrope cambric ; Miss Shand, pale grey trimmed with blue silk covered with white lace, brown hat trimmed with blue cornflowers ; Miss Lily Shand, a black skirt and bodice of floral delaine; Mrs Woodhouse, brown cloth trimmed with pink silk, little black bonnet with yellow and blue flower*; Misa Farquhar, black and white, and her sister a slate grey with black empire Bash and black picture hat trimmed wit blue ribbons and forget-me-nots ; Miss Henderson, cinnamon-coloured dress trimmed with bands of moss-green velvet, brown h&t trimmed with green velvet ; Mrs Field (Wellington), a costume of pale green cloth trimmed with black insertion, and tiny crimson. and jet bonnet ; Mrs John M'Lsan, blaok with satin and twine lace trimmings, and jet bonnet ; Mrs Macaesey, black trimmed with moire, little black bonnet trimmed with

violets; Miss Haggifcfc, a light brown costame with vest of cream and gold ; Mrs Sargood, a black costume, the wide revers and facings of the jacket of black mirror silk, blaok and white straw hat with pink flowers; Mies Stanford, a grey costume with wnlte shirt ; Miss Cook, a black dreS3 with yoke of cream, lace bordered with black moire ; Miss Rose (Wellington), black serge with heliotrope vest, black, hat trimmed with black and white checked ribbon and purple flowers; Miss Black, navy blue costume with capes of dark blue velvet.

On Thursday, Mrs Sise, Queen street, gave a luncheon party as a farewell to Mrs and Mies Murray (Bank of New Zealand), who leave Danedin immediately for their future home in Wellington.

On Thursday evening the Misses Rattray gave a small euchre party as a farewell to Mr J. Webster. Mr Webster (who will be very much missed by all his numerous friends), Is about to leave Dunedin for Wellington, where he expects to reside in the meantime, and he leaves amidst the many good wishes of all his friends. From 16 to 20 wer« present, and the euchre games were very much enjoyed and appreciated, resulting in Mlas Webster, Mias Hodgkins, Mr Webster, and Mr Kettle securing the prizes. On Friday evening Miss L. Reynolds (Newington) gave a juvenile fancy-dress dance in St. John's Schoolroom, Roslyn. A large number of childen were present, including a few ladles and gentlemen, and by far the greater number appeared in fancy costume. The hall was very tastefully decorated and arranged, and refreshments were served in an adjoining room. It was truly a pretty eight to see all those young people In their quaint costumes so thproughly enjoying themselves, and Miss Reynolds must be heartily congratulated on the undoubted success of her enteitainment. Misa Reynolds wore black s,i.d yellow, neither she nor the ladies assisting her ■wearirg fancy dresß. A great many of the young people adopted the empire or Kate Greenaway style of dress, having a large coloured sash fastened hign up under the arms, and many of those had powdered hair, whioh considerably added to their quaint appearance. Another favourite style was the representation of a flower, tfee lady either, taxxtns the partioaiai. QQWe&fo nava

ing bunches about her dress. Some of the young people looked extremely nice wearing their ÜBual evening dress, but adorned with powdered hair and patches, some of them only wanted an empty frame beside them to look as though they had just stepped out I Tennis was also well represented, as were also fairies, Rid Riding Hood, gipsies, clowns, ico.

Oq Saturday afternoon the weather favoured the Carisbrook Club in every war, and proved all that could be desired for the opening of their cricket season. The wind and duet which was experienced in town and elsewhere was not felt at all within the grounds, and during the afternoon some of the visitors wandered about, whilst others took up poi.aons on the grand stand to be able more closely to follow the game. The ladies who presided over the tea table were Mrs Hosking, Mrs H. MacNeil, and the Misses Rattray, and they were most untiring in their efforts to see averyon* provided with tea and the excellent cakes which had been prepared. There was not a large gathering, owing, no doubt, partly to the fact that that was the day of the Hussar sports, and also that because of the postponement from the previous Saturday many may have made olher engagements who would have been present. Anyhow, those who did go to Oarisbrook must have felt glad they did so, as it proved such a very enjoyable afternoon. Mrs Hosking wore a smart costume of pale electric bluß bengaline cloth, the jacket opening over a pink shirt, bat of burnt straw trimmed with black ribbon and qmlls ; Mrs H. MacNeil, black trimmed wil.h rows of cream lace insertion, black hat relieved with pale pink flowers; Miss Rattraj, a brown and white checked costume, a white shirt showing under the jacket, and brown bat ; Miss Gertrude and Miss Loroa Rattray,

black serge costumes with smart shirts ; Mrs H. Mackenzie, a very stylish dresa of cream crinkled crepon daintily trimmed with lemoncoloured silk and crsam lace, hat trimmed with cream-coloured feathers with a touch of yellow relieving it ; Mrs Sbock, a strawcoloured costume with lace and cornflower blue velvet trimming, hat of burnt straw trimmed with cornflowers; Misb Backhouse, a pare white drill costume with brown bat trimmed with cornflower blue chiffon and blue cornflowers; Mra Woodhouse, brown and pink, and black floral bonnet; Mrs Jones, black with handsome lace mantle and jet bonnet ; Mrs 0. Fenwick, dark blue costame with light shirt and tiny bonnet ; Miss B. Reynolds, grey floral delaine trimmed with grey velvet, and black hat ; Miss Griersan, navy blue serge costume with ve at of blue silk figured with red ; Miss Reid (Elderslie), a pale blue bengaline cloth tailor-made costume, and sailor hat ; Mrs Fisher, an electric blue costume trimmed with black, and blaok floral bonnet ; Miss Fisher, pink ; Misa T. Brodrick, electric blue crepon trimmed with cream lace and black velvet, large hat trimmed with white feathers ; Mks S. Webster, a black contume trimmed with narrow bands of heliotrope and lace.

The Hussar sports took place on Saturday at Tahuna Park, and contrary to the usual fate of this entertainment the day was fine, warm, and sunny. The only drawback was the inevitable wind, which usually spoils pleasure at Tahuna Park, as it seems to get the full force of whatever wind is blowing. There was a very large attendance, numbers standing and sitting about the banks, &?., while about a dozen carriages took up their position in the drive, giving the occupants ample opportunity of witnessing the sports. Amongst the carrriages were those of Mrs George M'Lean, Mr Sinclair Thomson, Mrs A. W. Morris, &o. There were a great many ladies present, but very few attempts were made at smart dresses — dark serges, light cottons and drills being the most general style of costume. Amongst those ladies I recognised were Miss M'Lean, who wore dark serge and pretty light shirt ; Mrs Undo Ferguson, white drill skirt and jacket and pink shirt • Mrs Ooaghtrey, black with purple eflk vest, black and purple bonnet ; £$83. Oougb,trev, dark serge costume with fcifi-QQlQured watotooati Mra J» M'Lean.

black and white tweed skirt and jacket, black bonnet trimmed with purple flowera ; Miss Gibson, black serge costume with strawcoloured wai9tcoat and pale blue necktie, black lace hat trimmed with blue and yellow flowers; Miss P. Gibson, black with pink cotton bodice ; Miss Stanford, a grey oostume of skirt and jacket with white Bhirt; Miss Kenyon, a black costume; Mrs Landells, bl'ick, with Bmall pink straw bonnet with jet ; Miss Landells, green shot with red and trimmed with bronze velvet, brown and black feather hat ; Miss Sinclair, pale blue linen costume, the skirt draped over an underskirt of darker blue, and a vest of the same dark bine showing under the jacket, black hat trimmed with blue chiffon and flowers ; Miss A. Roberto, a black serge tailor-made costume trimmed with braid insertion; Mlsb Lulu Roberts, a tailor-made dress of brown tweed ; Mrs Sinclair Thomson, black with large sleeves of black mervoilleui and black feather hafc ; Mrs Napier Bell, a black costume striped with satin and trimmed with satin, blue velvet and jet bonnet ; Mrsßackland(Waikouaiti),blackand heliotrope costnme, with tan and blaok hat ; Miss Ofbell (Waikouaiti), a g rey tailormade d tees and sailor hat; Miss Branscm, black and white tweed, black hat trimmed with blue forget-me-nots ; Mrs Fulton, green cloth trimmed with black moire, and black bat with feathers; Miss E. Reynolds, a stylish Wack co»tume trimmed with jet, little black and red bonnet ; Miw M. Reynolds, blfta serga with light shirt; Mrs Aufrere Fenwick, a black skirt and white blouss ; Mrs Lintott, a dark green costume ; Miss Baxter, brown trimmed with bands of gold p igsemanterle, and brown hat ; Miss Martin, a brown tailor-made dress trimmed with bauds of a lighter shade and ten-coloured hat with loops of brown moire ribbon ; Miss Henderson, a

light brown costume trimmed with olive green velvet ; Mrs A. Stronach, brown cloth trimmed with silk of the same colour and emart little brown bonnet ; Miss de Salamos, a holland costume with pink vest, tancoloured hat trimmed with black; Miss Williams, a pink and white shirt over a dark skirt, and black feather hat ; Miss G. Roberts, a pale green costume trimmed with -black moire and chiffon, large black hat; Miss Lily Roberts, pale blue trimmed with cream lace; Miss Wilson, a black skirt and sleeves, pale green bodice trimmed with jet, large black chiffon and jet hat with a crown of pale green straw ; Mi6S Wiight, a smart brown costume trimmed with black mirror silk and pink silk vest, large feather hat ; Miss Sise, brown trimmed with velvet ; Mra Clark, black cloth trimmed with bands of gold and black lace, black and yellow bonnet; Mrs Webb, a grey costume with sleeves and trimming of pale grey silk, black and green bonnet; Miss Sidey, a grey dress trimmed with twine lace, black and white hat.

Mr and Mrs Newbury left Dunedin on Monday for Hobart and Melbourne. They have been much appreciated here, their undoubted talent being recognised by everyone. Socially they have gained much popularity in Dunedin, and have been entertained by Mrs Williams, Mrs Israel, Mr* Ritchie, Mrs Catten, &o. %

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Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 50

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 50

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 50