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The above council met at Balclutba on Friday ; present— Crs W. 'Hay (chairman), D. Wallace, J. Rhodes, J. Cumming, D. Robertson, W. Dallas, J. R. Mitchell, T. Knowles, and John Johnston.

Mr E. R. Ussher, Public Works department, wrote re Hunt's road, and forwarded plan showing proposal to deviate and widen the road to a chain, and askiDg what proportion of the expense of metalliDg and completing a good road to the proposed railway station there would be borne by the county. — The Chairman said there were a great many of the old settlers who had not yet got metalled roads, and he did not think the council had any money to spare to metal this road.— Cr Knowles did not think the council would be justified in spending the rates of settlers who had been in tho district for 25 years, and who had not even now a good road themselves on a road for new settlers. It was neither just nor reasonable. He would, however, be in. favour of giving towards the metalling of the road the rates of all those whom it would benefit.— Cr Mitchell asked whether the new road would not benefit the old settlers also.— The Chairman «aid it would only benefit the new settlers.- Cr Knowles moved, and the Chairman seconded— " That the council has no funds at its disposal for expenditure on this road."— Cr Knowles said it was a mistake of the Survey department that the road was ever laid off as it waa, and now when it was found that the road would not suit for the traffic they came and asked assistance from tho county council.— Cr Dallas thought the council should express the opinion that it considered the deviation would be a great benefit, and pointed out that after the railway was through to Gatlins thi3 road would not be a great deal used, so that the council did not feel justified in spending money on it.— lhe suggestion waß adopted and the motion amended accordingly.

Mr W. Mitchell, Wainina, wrote with reference to the deviation of a road between sections 28 and 30, block XI, Pomahaka Btation, that the same was now completed, and asking that the old road be closed at once.— On the motion of Cr Wallace, seconded by Cr Rhodes, the engineer was instructed to make inquiries from the chief surveyor as to these roads. , MrG. W. Draper, Ratanui. wrote applying to the council for written authority to burn the fallen bush on roadline through section 14 and between 14 and 3, blook 111, Woodlands.—Referred to Or Knowles and the engineer. The Waiwera School Committee wrote complaining of the number of stray cattle in the township doing considerable damage to school fences, <fcc.— Surfaceman to be instructed to take broceodings against the owners of all stray cattle. Jtft JW» aiQtt&fc jCliutoji* wrote complaining ol

the quantity of gorse spreading over the road opposite hie property at Clinton, and asking that the same be cut before it goes to seed.— Kngineor to attend to this matter, and also Bimilar cues all over the county. Messrs R. Anderson and Co., Dunedin, wrote informinc; the council that three bags of flour (value £2 8s) sent by them to Owaka jetty were short delivered —The Clerk said he had referred the writer to the jetty-keeper, who was respon-sible.-Cr said that he had heard something about this, and as far as he could make out all the flour had been duly signed for. Messrs G. M 'Do well and J. A. Rix wrote with reference to the Cannibal Bay road^ stating that £400 wai put on the Estimates for the work, and urging the council to UBe its influence to have this money expended so that the settlers might have a road to their properties.— Cr KNOWLES stated that Mr M'Dowell had been on the land for throe years, and could not get his wife and family on to the place for want of a road, and had had to carry everything on hi 3 back tor some distance. Ho had 50 acres of crass there, but he could get nothing on to it.— The Chairman endorsed Cr Knowle3's remarks.— Letter to be sent on to the Government. j Messrs Meek, Allan, and Co. wrote complaining of delay in passing their contract for bushfelling, and asking that the matter be inquired into at once.— On the motion of Cr Knowles, seconded by Or Dallas, the nutter was refeired to the chairman, engineer, and the mover. Mr James Stevenson wrote asking that culverts be put on the road lea-ling to section 7, block VII, Greenvale.— Received. ENGINEER'S KKPOItT. The Engineer's report was read and adopted. It enumerated the works for which tenders had been called. In regard to the Itatanui road a 4fo by 3ft culvert on the crqck would carry off all the water, but there were one or two bad slips ou the road, which would have to bo removed. In lonie places on this road there were hundreds of ynrds of earth in the water table?, choking the culverts, and rendering the road Rlruoet impassable. Hi had inspected Russell's road, Glenkenich. To make the portion of the road specially referred to at last meeting passable, about eight or 10 chains wanted cLiying and coveting with gravel, but the whole road required to he graded. Culverts had already been put in in Home of the low places, but one or two more might be wanted. He had seen Mr Noble, who promued to give £2 towards the gr*ding, nnd Mr W. Patorson had promised the use of six horses or £2. Several others would also assist, co that he thought the grading of the road was assured. When this work was done the tendency would be to divert traffic over a good gravel road instead of over a clay road. Along with the chairman he had inspected the road leading to Mr Lcith's, section 35, block IV, Glenomaru. The present road would be expensive to make, and would be a Bteep grade. Tho owner of section 16 was willing to give a road at a reasonable price, and they were of opinion that the Gjvernmeut should lay off a road to section 35. The engineer estimated the cost of making proposed road at Willaher Bay at £15. Tho grader had been at work on the various

roads, the settlers being very liberal with their team?. Cr Knowles said he was sorry to see what the engineer had stated with reference to the Lakeaide road at Ratanui. During the past 10 months no less than £410 had been spent on that road, and here it w*s cow next to absolutely impassable. He noticed that another good sum had been put in the Estimates for roading there, but he thought the Government should make the roads they had already made passable befoie making now ones, for the way these roads were biine made the council's funds could not stand the Btrain of Cr Johnston said that he thought it would be much better if the Government would give the money to the council and let them 6pend it. The Chairman said the Government would not do thii, the works being catried out under the co-operative system. Cr Knowles said that he was not speaking in any hostile spirit, but he wa3 sorry to see so much money spent In such a way lhat the road was out of repair so soon. And it was not right that the

maintenance of such roads should be placed on the county. He moved that tho chairman write to the Government pointing oat the impassable state of the road, and .suggesting that a portion of the sum on the Estimates for this year bo expended in putting this road in repair.— Carried. TENDERS AM) FINANCIAL. The following tenders were accepted :— Contract No. 575, T. Chalmers aii'l Sons, £31 ; 579, James M'Neil, jun.. £41 8s ; WO, T. Chalmers and Sons; £29 8s 6d; 58J, G Heriot. £G por chain. The monthly paysheet, amounting to £228 8j Gd, waa passed for payment. MOTIONS. The following resolutions were passed :— Moved by Cr "Robertson, seconded by Cr Cum* Ming—" That the engineer call for tenders for six chains gravelling: on KelsoPukerau road, beiide Mr James Brand's." Moved by Cr Dallas, seconded by Cr Cumming-* "That tenders be called for maintenance metal on Maiu South road to the amount of £200, between Mr J. Harvie's and end of Te Houka road, engineer to decide where metal laid down." •Moved by Cr Wallace, seconded by Ct Rhodes—" That tenders be called for formation on Murray's road, where it passes through the Popotunoa eftate." Moved by Cr Knowles, seconded by Cr Mitchell— That tho engineer be instructed to spond the money accruing from deferred payment thirds and small grazing run fourths at Pureklreki." Moved by Cr Knowles, seconded by Cr Dallas — " That the engineer call for tendors for formation and metalling Totara Hill and Owaka road.' Moved by Cr Robertson, seconded by Cr Rhodes—" That the sum of £15 be voted to the chairman for travelling expensee." Moved by Cr Dallas, soconded by Cr Knoavles — "Tbat the engineer be instructed to getsome surfacing done on. Main South road on east aide ol Kaihiku stream." Moved by Cr Johnston, seconded by C« Mitchell— "That, as there is something like £30 accruing from small grazing run fourths availabla for the road passing Lochindoil towards tha Waiwera stream, the engineer inspect the road and call tenders for the work." Moved by the Chairman, seconded by Cr Wallace—"That tenders be called for putting clay on Bauks'a road from Orikiki road to first terrace, some eight chain* distance, also from Puerua bridge to terrace, about 10 chains."

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Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 5

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CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 5

CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 5