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I am pleamd to notice that a club is in course of formation at Ashburton. The following office-bearers have been elected : — President, Mr D. Thomas ; vice-president, Mr E. Kempthorne; secretary, Mr White ; committee — Messrs Zander, Leohner, Davison, and Williamson ; treasurer, Mr Field.

I take the following from the Tuapeka Times : " The local bowling and tennis season was opened on Thursday with great eclat. The weather was simply perfection ; in faot, the proverbial 'Queen's' weather prevailed throughout. The members mustered in great force, and the attendance of visitori, both old and young, wm quite noteworthy. The greens were ib capital order, and gave th« greatest satisfaction. It was observed and very favourably commented on that the new president and secretary had inaugurated their term of office by effecting a few much-needed improvements. It is to be hoped they won't stop at what they have already done, but will go on doing a little now and again until the Lawrence green becomes as it ought to be — one of the b«st up-country greens in New Zealand. — After a few remarks by the president (Mr Jackson), the greens were declared open for the season. Sides were then chosen and a very enjoyable game was indulged in, the viotory resting with the president's side. Mr Hindmarsh fills the office of vice-president this year, and as he was actively engaged on the tennis green his place was well filled by our respected ex-president (Mr James Chalmers).— One thing was particularly notioeable on Thursday, and that was the absence of the genial Bevin. On such an occasion as an 'opening day,' Bevin was everywhere, and his breezy, genial manner went a long way in infusing life and good humour into whatever he was connected with. However, the playing strength is very considerably augmented in the person of Mr Dalziell, one of onr local limbs of the law, whose quiet, unostentatious and, at the same time, very effective play was greatly admired, and, no doubt, before the season is over he will have a lot of invitations. Altogether the season was opened under the most favourable circumstances— splendid weather, oapital greens, and a nice, refreshing cup of tea, dispensed by Mrs Jackson (wife of the president), and all went to make up a real good afternoon. It ii hoped that there may be many such, and those intending to join should do so at once, as I am sure a more pleasant form of reoreation than a game at the ' bools ' cannot b» indulged in."

A meeting of delegates of bowling clubs, held in Watson's Hotel on the 24th ult. to arrange in-ter-club matches during the incoming season, was attended by Messrs R. T. Wheeler (convener) in the chair, and W. C. Allnutt (Roslyn), G. B. Smith (Green Island), G. Hendry (Port Chalmers), A. M'Donald (Kaituna), J. W. Smith and A. Mowat (Invercargill), A. Sinclair (St. Clair), J. R. Thomson (Kaitangata), G. Moore and F. Peake (Dunedin), S. D. Cronin and J. Evans (Caledonian), and George Capstick (Milton). The fixtures as given above were arranged. The Taieri Bowling Club began this year's aeA£aß_ptt_gafca/dArJfl«k .Zbo.firaviQaiJJatnAi

Total M .

day was too damp for beginning operations, but last Saturday th« fine weather attracted a festive gathering. The usual accompaniments of bowling were to be seen, old veterans looking merry after their winter's melancholy, interested on-lookers with serious faces speculating on who will be champion, and freshlooking maidens and matrons providing an abundance of eatables and refreshing draughts of tea. Sides were at length chosen, and the usual match President v. Vice-president ensued. The following were the scores :— PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. D. Mackie ... (sk) 24 J. F. Leary ... (bk) 12 D. Campbell... (sk) 17 Jas, Spence ... (sk) 17 Murdoch .„ (sk) 19 U. Dryden ... (sk) 16 Total M . ... 60 Total 45 Some excitement was oaused at the seventh head by the scores being equal (17 all), but the President's side eventually won by a majority of 15 points. After the game a pleating ceremony took place. The President, Mr H. H. Inglis, after congratulating the bowlers on their reappearance on the field, and heartily thanking the ladies for their hospitality, presented the winners of last year's handicap double with their- prizes. The winners w«re Messrs Jas. O'Grady and G. P. Howell ; and I the prizes were two handsome medals presented to the club by Dr Allan. A pleasant afternoon was brought to a close with cheers for the ladies, for the president, and for the vicepresident, Mr J. Dryden. I must, however, not omit to mention that rumours have been heard ihat some of the indefatigable bowlers continued to play on, so fascinating was the spert they had been so long deprived of, till darkness fell upon the ear'h and made them cease. For, unfortunately, bo moon shed his pale light upon the ground, and the twinkling stars were obscured by clouds. The Canterbury Bowling Club opened the season on its green on Saturday afternoon. There was a large attendance of ladies and member*, and the mnyors of Christchurch and Sydenham were present. Captain M'Clatchie, president of the club, in a short speech, declared the green open. A match was then played by sides chosen by the president and vice-president. The ground .was in oapital order. The followare the scores :—: — PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. L. Bergh J. Toovey W. Sey J. Anderson W. H. Meikleham R. Allan Capt M'Clatchie (sk) 20 A. R Kirk ... (sk) 18 G. H. Wright J. Thompson J. Rogers B. Ballin D. MTherson O. P. Hulbert B. Hale ... (sk) 9 J.M.Taylor... (sk) 27 J. Carter W. Jacques ] E. Watkins J. Tait F. Hyndman O. Burton T. Skelton ... (sk) 15 J. C.M.Karaten(sk) 22 H. Toomer C. D. Lightband D. Christie H. Toomer, jun. W. Thomson (ak) 19 E. C. Ashby... (sk) 20 J. R. Simpion J Alexander J. Bscott J. Carl H. Oakley ... (sk) 17 J. Mercer ... (sk) 20 Total 80 Total 102 There was a good muster of members of the Ohristchurch Bowling Club on the club's green on Saturday afternoon, when three full-rink games, each of 21 up, were played. In one of these, Dr Britain's rink beat Dr Anderson's by the narrow majority of three points, the scores being 21 to 18. At the next, Mr Jackson's side was victorious over Mr W. B. Soott'a by 26 points to 10. At the third, Mr S. Manning's rink defeated Mr L. B. Wood's by 24 points to 7. The green is in very good order, and, though the weather was cold and dull, a pleasant time was spent both by those who played and those who watched the games. Perfect weather prevailed for the opening of the Balclutha Club's season on Thursday, and the green was in splendid order. Indeed, the club has never before opened its season on such a splendid green, . a fact which bespeaks the care and attention directed to it by the caretaker, Mr W. Thompson. The match was as usual President v. Vice-president, and, as the scores will show, it resulted in a somewhat easy win for the Vice-president. In the course of the afternoon, Mrs Jamei Taylor, wife of the president, dispensed an excellent afternoon tea on the gree •. Altogether, the opening was a most enjoyable one, and we hope it may be taken as an augury of a successful season for the olub. Appended are the scores of the match :—: — PRESIDENT. VICE PRESIDENT. O. Finn' J. Finn A G. W. Hutchins A. Christie w J. Taylor ... (sk) 15 W. Wilson ... (sk) 35 G. Lousley G. M. Taylor J. Chapman J. Low J. Frufsh ... (sk) 29 J. Hogg ... (sk) 23 Total ... ... 44 Total 58 1 Majority for vice-president, 14. Caledonian Club.; The Caledonian Club had a most successful opening on Saturday afternoon, the members and their friends (among whom the ladies figured very prominently) assembling in large numbers to witness the proceedings. The president (Mr C. F. Greenslade) in a short and happy speech declared the green open and invited all present to take part in the match President v. Vicepresidents. This was heartily responded to, and after a very enjoyable game the supporters of the president vanquished their opponents by a majority of 27 points. Afternoon tea and refreshments wero provided and dispensed during an adjournment. The following are the names of the players and the scores:— PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENTS. W. H. Melton J. Wells J. M'Dowall G. Barker J. Blaney J\ Wilson G.F. Greenslade (sk) 21 J.Evans ... (sk) 13 A. Evans R. Powley S. B. Gibson H. Calder F. S. Siokes H. M. Henderson J.Davidson... (sk) 13 J. Wedderspoon (sk) 21 F. Scott G. Stewart J. A. Kirby C. Keast H. MCutcheon J. Hood T. Chapman... (sk) 19 T. R. Dodds... (sk) 29 W. A.' Smith C. E. Thompson G. Scott J. Smith C. M. Inverarity J. Gordon J. Cowie ... (sk) 19 P. Fagan ... (sk) 16 F. Wells ' J. Gebbie D. Dawßon t>. Little W. Morrison C. Fountain G. Wedderspoon (ak) 29 G. Capstick... (sk) 17 J. Hales G. Robb J. Isaacs J. Golder A. Ow«n . W. A. Woods J. F. Peake ... (sk) 25 T. Young ... (sk) 11 P. L. Ritchie J. R. Bremner G. Andrewß R. Clifford E. Hogg W. Dawson J. C. Short ... (sk) 17 T. J. Drumm (sk) 16 Total .« ... 143 Total ... ... 116 Kaituna Club. The Kaituna Bowling and Lawn Tennis Club opened their green with great eclat on Saturday afternoon. Mr Tapper, in formally opening the grounds, pleasantly referred to the very large assembly of ladies and gentlemen present, which he said augured well for the success of the ensuing season. Mrs Tapper provided refreshments, which were muoh appreciated by all srasant. .^Xoojmuoh judAsi cannot he bestowed i

on the careUker (Mr Sanders) for the excellent order in whioh he bad the gronndt and green. The match played was between teams selected by the president and vice-president, the latter winning by a majority of 17 points. Players and scores: — PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT. J. Hunter J. W. Smith J. M'Pherson J. Monson J. Rattray E D. Butts E. A. Tapper (sk) 13 0. T. Paterson (sk) 22 J. W. Brindley H. Crawford R. Bauchop — Bastian J. Mackie E- Oooke J. Mitchell ... (ak) SS T. Sneddon ... (sk) 15 W. Ferens J- 0. Cameron D. Mackintosh J. Murray C Corliss 0. Fynruore Q. B. Dall ... (sk) 17 W Forrester (sk) 16 F. Smith 2-W an i G. Blyth G. P. Farquhar W Da vies R- M. Clatk J. Todd «. (sk) 10 A. Macdonald (sk) 28 Totals 62 Totals 79 Dunbdin Club. Jhe return match President v. Vice-presi-dents was played on Saturday on the Dunedin Club's green, the President's side winning by the narrow majority of 3 points. Refreshments were provided for the players and visitors by Mr J. Q. Moore, the vice-president. Players and scores :— PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENTS. J.Jack O.H.MMBdBn H S Fish J- R- Thornton ErS,^. (sk) 13 £<Sft£ere... (sk) 25 J. White F. Stark J Aris GL Brown A Black r- G. M'lntosh D] Russell w (sk) 27 W. Cowie ... (sk) 14 A. H. Shelton T. Morris J. M'Ginness J. M'Kay M H. Smith C. Foster A. M'Diarmid (sk) 16 M. Sinclair ... (sk) 19 J. Gihnour A. Flinders A Meikle W. Hutton A. Gillies R- Wilson J. Thomson... (sk) 19 D. Baxter ... (sk) 16 J. Leighton R. M. Marks D. Murray A. Wright A Robertson J. Small C. Haynes ... (ek) 17 A. T. Anderson (ek) 17 P. Lalng J- M'Farlane W. Murphy R. Foruyth A Quelch H. Guthrie C. S. Reeves... (sk) 20 Thos Fogo ... (ak) 18 Total 112 Total ... ... 109

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Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 36

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NOTES BY JACK. Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 36

NOTES BY JACK. Otago Witness, Volume 01, Issue 2123, 1 November 1894, Page 36