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The ordinary meeting of the Bruce County Council was held in the Council Chambers, Milton, on Tuesday; present— Crs H. Clark (in the chair), Smith, Macpherson, Mosley, Murray, Noble, Haggart, Crane, and Calder. inspector's repokt. The Inspector reported as follows :— The metalled roads in a number of places are cut up and muddy with the continued dull and wet weather. The surfacemen have been engaged in filling up ruts and clearing out water tables, and mending portions of the metalled roads, aa the wet weather does more damage to the unmetalled roads than doe 3 the traffic. The work through M'Bride Bros.' is now completed, and the contractor is busy at the cuttings and formation on road past Mr Gardyne's. The widening of portion of Centre ditch at Inchclutha has also been finished. The work of protecting the river bank below Falconer's is now completed, and a good job has been made of it. The new culvert under embankment near Mr A. Dunlop's is now completed. The work cost more than the estimate, owing to the embankment requiring to be tunnelled and kept up with timber until the pipes were laiddown. The road formation to Cockburn's at top of Mount Misery is now finished, and it will be an improvement to the old track. The only party at work on the Matau drainage scheme is Mr M'Kinlay's, and he is 'making very slow progress. Messrs Taylor, Fahey, and Co. made a start, but they stopped owing to the water filling up the ditches as fast as they were cut. Nothing has been done to J. Tough's contract. J. Bartl^y is working at the ditch on the side of Swamp road, but the water Ib a great hindrance. The railway bridge over Lakes drainage canal yielded to the thrust of a train passing over it, and put the rails out of the proper line. Two planks have been bolted to the beams to give a broader bed to the sleepers, and the rails have been drawn back to their original line. On some portions of the canal the sides are slipping in very much, and I put on a man to reduce the slopes. It may be necessary to slab portion of the banks if the water continues to carry the silt away as it has done for some time past. The works proposed under grant from the Government on road through village settlement at Taieri Mouth have been laid off and tenders called for the works. The statement of accounts showed the receipts to be £697 3s 9d, and the expenditure £444 9s 7d. The report was adopted and the pay-sheet passed for payment. CORRESPONDENCE. A letter was read from the Colonial Treasurer stating that a loan of £200 will be granted to the oouncil for the extension of the Clarendon main drain, on the council taking all the necessary steps to comply with the provisions oil ••The Local Bodies' Loans Act 1886." — Received.

A: letter was read from the Premier's Office acknowledging the couicil'n resolution re expenses Bruce licensing district in the election of committee and local option p >U — Received. A letter was read from the Balmoral Road' Board asking the council to confirm the decision of the ratepayers' meeting in stopping roadlines in Hillend survey district.— Decision confirmed. A letter was read from the secretary Charitable Aid Board enclosing a list of persons ia receipt of outdoor relief and ankiog the council to look over the list, and if it approves of same to siga and return it to his office. — Received. The Secretary Charitable Aid Board and Board and Hospital Board forwarded the amounts the council had to pay to these boards, being £424- ls_ 4d and £207 3s 7<l respectively. — Contributions to be paid monthly as heretofore. The Town Clerk, Kaitangata, wrote forwarding a resolution asking the Bruce Council to make the Kaitangata punt free of charge to W e public. — The Chairman said the borough council had bten asked what proportion they were prepared to pay towards a free punt, but no answer had beeu received. Malcolm M 'lanes wrote claiming the sum of £12 for three head of Cattle drowned in the Lakes drainage canal — Referred to the chairman, Cc Mosley, and the inspector. Dr Fitzgerald wrote that in driving along the Lakeside road his buggy went into a rabbit burrow on the road and broke a spring, and that he will hold the council liable for the damage done. — Referred to the inspector. Dr Fitzgerald to he informed that the council declines to hold itself liable for the damage done to the buggy sptiDg.

The Secretary School Commis&ioners wrote enclosing an application from Mr William Ourrie to stop certain roads through section 3 block V, Kaitangata district, and exchange them for present county road through said section. — Resolved that the council has no objection to the stopping of the roads on Mr Cnrrie or the commissioners paying the cost. W, F. Watson wrote stating that the railway

bridge over Likes drainage canal was giving way again and required immediate attention.— - The luspecror reported that the bridge had been attended to.

G. M. Barr wrote that he was laying off * railway from Taratu to Lovell's Flat, and th»t the line would cross the road in several places, and a deviation would b« required ; and th it In was preparing the plan, and would submit it to the council or its engineer for approval. Tr.e Chairman stated a reply had been sent stating that the council would not place any obstscl- s ia the way. — The council oonQrme d the reply. G Graham wrote that the road formatidn opposite his section at Clarendon was not ou the proper line, as it encroached two yards on his land, and he intended to ereci same on the survey line. — Received. Messrs Woodhouse and Bathgate wrote re stopping road on blocks XLIX aud L, Tokomairiro district.— Referred to the Mount Stua»t Road Board. A. Scott wrote asking the cour.cil to givo him a titlcto the stopped roadlines through bin property in exchange for laud given for road deviation. — Referred to the chairman. T. Fallowfield wrote asking the oounc 1 to make a road to his house, as he has to depend on his neighbours for a road.— The inspector to lay off a new road and report at next meeting. R. Yorston wrote stating tha% a drain waa required under the road opposite his propeity, as the water was dammed back and covered his land. — Resolved that a pips culvert be laid down. A. W. Morris wrote asking that the title for the stopped roads in Horseshoe Bush estate bt; made out in his favour. — Referred to the chairman. C. R. Chapman wrote stating that some t f his sheep had been worried by dogs, and that the council should use some discretion in the registering of dogs. — Received. F. G. Dalziel wrote stating that Mr P. Aheen had removed all the condemned inetel off ths road, and that he was not prepared to take less than £15 in settlement of his claim. — The council adhered to its former decision. John Willocks wrote asking permission to cut some willows off the river bank, Inchclutha, to be used in protecting the river bank opposite his property. — Permission granted. Crs Haggart and Mosley <vrote asking the chairman to erect a sledge hut for the punt* man at Kaitangata, as ho could not got a hou«e to live in near the punt. — The chairman's action in accepting a tender for erecting the hut was agreed to. The Kaitangata Council wrote giving permission to place the sledgo hut on the side of road on condition that no liability be incurred by the borough council — Resolved that a rent of 25* per annum be charged for the hut. £. Palmer, puntman at Taieri MOutb, wrote stating that he cannot pay root for the punt. ~ The Taieri Council to be written to that the Bruce Council are disinclined to continue to carry on the punt, owing to the risk run ; and in the event of the Taieri Council refusing to bear half the risk, the chairman take steps to close the punt. R Paterson wrote asking leave to put a drain under the road on the bank of the Waipori river to drain his land — Agreed to. A. Islip wrote asking the council to grant him time to pay his rates, as he had had heavy losses among his sheep. — Received. William MAdam and tho Toxa Manufacturing Company wrote offering to supply poißoned grain. — Received. N. Paterson wrote requesting permifmion to erect a boatshed on the Foreshore of the Waihola Lake. — Referred to the inspector with. M 'Bride Bros, wrote asking tho council to make a road to his property at Akatore, and to improvo present road to the property. — Referred to Cr Noble and the inspector. GENERAL. A by-law was agreed to regulating the-widii of tires to be used in carrying loads over tho county roads. It was resolved that the chairman urge on the Minister for Lands to take such ncbiou by legislation or otherwise to lease the foreshore at Snmmerhill to the county council at a nominal rent to enable them to regulate tho traffic. It was resolved that a general rate of Jd in the pound be levied over all riding*, and §1 in road districts. Separate rates of gi were also levied in Matan and Waihola riding". The nsuuoil agreed to adopt the provisions of the " Rating Ao} 1882," the comity clerk being appointed valuer to the council. A number of tenders were dealt with, tne following being accepted :— Contract 388. formation at Taieri Beath — F. Josephs, £14 2* 9d ; contract 389, Formation at Taieri Beach — R. H. Fairbairn, £6 18s ; contract 390, formation at Taieri Beac'i — J. Morgan, £19 10s ; contract 391, formation at Taieri Beach — S Roberts, £9. . SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the council was held at noon. On the motion of Cr Calder, seconded by Cr Mosley, the special order making a fp.'cial rate over the Lakes drainage district was confirmed. „ On the motion of Cr Murray, seconded by Cr Calder, it was resolved that the council, ' by a special order, would conafcihiNt p rt of Tokomairiro riding a special drainage district for the purpoFe of cutting draias from Toko* mairiro river, and th*t a loan noS exceeding £300 be raised for the purpose of oa*rying out) the work. On the motion of Cc Calder sfoon<'ed by Cr Hagoart, the council adopted a by-laW regulating the traffic of traction engines overt oousty roads and bridges On the motion of Or Macpherson, seconded by Cr Moslky, the council resolved to take steps to raise a loan of £150 for drainage work* in Clarendon riding as an extension of thfl Clarendon drainage scheme. The council then adjourned till the firafi. Tuesday in September. A lady walking through the Itiecarfcofi fCbristchuicb) Cemetery on Friday evening, fell into a newly - dug grave and received a severe shaking. Fortunately she was able to attract the attention of the members of the church choir as they were leaving, and was rescued irom an unpleasant situation. It is stated that attempts have been made td damage the English Tangye engine in use in' the Government Printing Office. Some days ago the engineer, on starting the engine, discovered that the "crossbead" had been unscrewed in such a way that, had he not noticed it, the instant he started the engine the machinery would have been smashed to pieces. Someone acquainted with the machinery had evidently been at work, and a heavy spanner must have been used to effect the displacement.

him to bo very trivial, and could be attended to by the persons interested. After further discussion the council declined the application. Mr P. White, Meiton, waited on the council with regard to the state of the road leading to Mr J. White's property. He also called attention to the necessity for a culvert being [ placed on the road leading to section 52, block ! 111, Waikouaiti survey district. — The council resolved, on the motion of Cr Pokteous, seconded by Cr Souter, to instruct the inspector to attend to the matter. PETITIONS. Messrs W. Eadie, J. M'Keen, and M. M'Lean petitioned the council drawing attention to a small portion of the road adjoining their properties in the Merton riding, which was represented to be in a very bad state of repair. — On the motion of Cr Porteous, seconded by Cr Souter, it was resolved to call for tenders for the work, to be considered ab the August meeting. Messrs R. S. Gardner and five other ratei payers petitioned the council drawing attention to the dangerous state of the Fine Hill road in the North Harbour and Blueskin district. On account of one of the culverts being broken in three places accidents were continually happening, and the road was practically impassable. — Resolved, on the motion of Cr Orheix, seconded by Cr Graham, to call for tenders for that portion of the road previously advertised as contract 522, the width of the road to be reduced to 16ft. A petition was also read from ratepayers in the North-East Valley riding requesting the council to take steps to open the road through from Mount Cargill to Sawyers' Bay, as surveyed by Mr A. M'Eenzie, and consenting to their rates being expended in the acquisition of the land for road instead of on road improvements in other directions until the cost had been refunded. Out of the 53 ratepayers who signed the petition 52 were <in favour of the proposal. — Consideration deferred. FINANCE. Accounts for the month amounting to £141 10s 8d were passed for payment. CONTRACTS. Tenders were opened and the lowest accepted for the following works : — Contract 526, formation and culverts on road to small grazing run 121 c, Charles Hood, £37 10s; Thomas Hourston, £47. Contract 527, supply of gravel on Orbell's road, Hawksbury, T. Hourston, £21 8s ; W. Ward, £27 Is ; W. Rendall, £27 13s 6d. INSPECTOR OP ROADS. The Finance Committee reported having carefully considered the various applications received for inspector roads and works, and recommend the appointment of Mr W. Rendall to the position, the engagement to be terminable by one'month's notice on either side, the duties to commence on the 16th of July. inspector's reports. The Inspector reported as under :—: — Mountain Track Road.— The river had made considerable encroachments on the roadline leading to this road, between M'Grath's and Chapman's sections. And the inspector recommended that Bteps should be taken to prevent the flow of water at flood time on to the road.— Consideration deferred. Road between sections 105 and 106, Hawksbury.—The Inspector Btated that he had examined this road, applied to be opened by Messrs C. Reid and others, and found that some bush would have to be removed, a culvert built, and approaches made ; the distance to be cleared being 5J chains. The road on the other side of section 105 was very soft, and to make the road would be more expensive, and from its situation would cost more to- keep it in repair than the one applied for. —Adopted, but the council declined to entertain tlw application of Mr Reid and others. The County Roada.—With respect to the stato of the roads in the county, the Inspector stated that in the North-East Valley riding the roads ware m very fair repair, and called for no commeat, except the Wafeari road and a portion of the Pine Hill road, which were very aoft and rough. In the Blueakin riding the roads were la ft fair state of repair, and required nothing to be done to them but what the surfaceman dould overtake. In the Merton riding the usual attention had been paid to the roads, which were in a Very good state of repair, but portions of the Warrington-Seacliff road were very soft. The contract at WarriDgton was proceeding very slowly, and the Inspector recommended the council to grant the contractor 30 days' extension of time. In the Hawksbury riding the roads were in very good repair, and called for no special comment. Contract 524 was not yet completed, owing to the wet weather. The Inspector also applied for an extension of time to 30 days for the completion of the contract.— Adopted. COEHESPONDENCE. From Mr J. Douglas, Mount Royal, drawing attention to the necessity for effecting certain improvements to give him access to some part of his property. — Resolved, on the motion of Cr Poeteous, seconded by Cr Orbell — " That Cr Souter and the inspector be requested to examine the road referred to, and to carry out the improvements deemed by them necessary, cost not to exceed £10." From the Public Trustee, Wellington, intimating that the time had arrived for applying to the district land registrar to bring the land belonging to the estate of James Grafton, deceased, brought under the application of the Unclaimed Land Act, being sections 46 to 4fc). block I, Lower Harbour West district, and requesting information as to the owners and occupiers of the land adjoining. — The clerk to supply the information applied for. I

From Mr J. Green, M.H.R., Wellington (the chairman), intimating that he and Mr Pratt,' M.H.R., had arranged that the vote for the Seacliff road across the Native reserve, Waikouaiti, should be spent by the county, and asking the council to authorise him to sign the agreement with the Government. — The chairman was authorised to sign the agreement with the Government, on the motion of Cr Porteous, seconded by Cr Souter.

From Mr J. Clark, Waitati, calling attention to the state of the road from the first pinch near M ( Robie's section. The water tables bad not been cleaned out for the last eight years, and were now filled up and overgrown with grass, with the result that the water ran down the middle of the road instead of the proper channel. — Received.

From Mr F. W. Platts, Port Chalmers, applying, on behalf of Mr Griffith Jones (light-ship-keeper) to have his name placed on the ratepayers' roll for cottage on the beach near section 4, blook I, Lower Harbour West.— Declined.

From Mr E. Fooks, medical superintendent, Seaoliff Asylum, applying for permission to plant trees on the read side adjoining the schoolhouse and iasylum gate.— Resolved, on the motion of Cr Orbell, seconded by Cr Portsous — "That the council cannot grant the request. At the same time they offer no objection to the planting as requested, provided that it does not interfere or prejudice the public interests."

From Mr J. Woods, Pine, Hill, requesting that something should be done to the Pine Hill road, which was dangerous to life and property, the water running in the centre of the road and the culverts be'mg choked. He had had his drays damaged and his horses injured, and he intimated that if any damage was done in future through the neglect of the council he would hold them responsible. — Resolved, on the motion of Cr Pohtkous, seconded by Cr Graham— "That tenders be again invited for that portion of the Pine Hill road previously advertised, the width to be reduced to 16fb."

From Mr Hugh Fraser, Shag Valley, drawing attention to the bad state of the road leading through Stoneburn, known aB the BonaDza track, which was quite impassable at the present time. — Received.

From Mr W. W. Brown, Dunedin, drawing attention to the dangerous practice of people turning mobs of cattle on to the roads to feed, and stated that when travelling from Palmerston to Dunedin the other night he had a narrow escnpe at Waitati through his horses taking fright at some cattle. On making inquiries of the constable he found that he had no power to interfere, and as there existed no ranger the trarelling public had no protection. He asked the council to move in the matter. — Resolved to forward the letter to the inspector of police, drawing his attention to by-law No. 6, and requesting him to instruct the constable stationed in the district to carry out the provisions of the by-law in question. From Messrs Yeaman, Morris, and Millar, Sawyers' Bay, drawing attention to the state of the district road leading to their respective properties, and asking that the insprctor should be sent to attend to the matter. — The inspector was instructed to report on the state of the road.

From the Lands and Survey office, Dunedin, stating that with respect to the fourths from small grazing runs in the Budle and Hummockside districts, the Waste Land Board had gassed a resolution requesting the council to use as much expedition as possible in the formation of the road to give access to small grazing run 121 c, as the lessee was unable to proceed with the building of his house until such access was given him. — The clerk was instructed to inform the board that a contract had been let to open up the run. From Mr T. C. Maltby, district engineer, Dunedin, drawing attention to the state of the drain at Omitni, the water from which was thrown on the railway. — The inspector was instructed to attend to the matter at once. From the secretary to the Charitable Aid Board, Dnnedin, forwarding list of persons in the county in receipt of outdoor relief. — The list was approved. From the Land Board, Danedin, desiring information as to the works on which the council proposed to expend the thirds and fourths accrued for the period from January 29 to April 28, 1894-. — The chairman was authorised to sign a statement embodying the information applied for. OTHER MATTERS. The council resolved, on the motion of Cr Souter, seconded by Gr Ouhell, to make a general rate of $d in the pound on all rateable property in the county for the year ending March 31, 1895, such rate to be payable in one sum on the 18th August 1894. The' inspector was instructed to call Mr J. Lindsay's attention to the gorse trimmings he had allowed to accumulate in the water tables in Hosie's road, and to request him to have them removed at once. Cr Graham gave notioe to move at next meeting — "That the surfacing of the roads in theNorth-East Valley riding be let by contraot in two or more sections, as the road inspector shall determine ; the culverts and metal to be tendered for at schedule prices." SPECIAL MEETING. The council held a special meeting for consideration of the annual and half-yearly balance sheets, the same members being present, when they were approved and the acting-chairman authorised to sign the same in terms of section i 184 ol the Counties Act, | Dr Findl&y left for Wellington on Saturday to take charge of the business of the now firm of Stout, Mondy, Sim, and Findlay.

Mr Bt Maoleod, who was deputy assignee in bankruptcy in Southland for some time, died on Friday night.

A motion for a writ of Mandamus on the Wei* lington licensing committee rfc Ry land's Hotel was dismissed by Mr Justice Richmond. He delivered an oral judgment stating that the refusal was not founded on the report of the inspector, nor on any supposed infraction of the law by the licensee, or on any misconduct of the house ; that the committee founded their action solely on the popular mandate, and in such cases he held it was not necessary for them to assign any cause or reason for their refusal.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2106, 5 July 1894, Page 13

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BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2106, 5 July 1894, Page 13

BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Witness, Issue 2106, 5 July 1894, Page 13