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August 11. The London Bank of Australia is registered, with a capital of four millions. The Standard says'" South Australia is getting hard up, but possibly the recent purchase by brokers of L 50.000 worth of old Btock may give a, fillip'to its securities. Mr Brodrick denies the story of bis being chased into a farm house by an indignant audience in consequence of bis attack upon Mr Gladstone. The bank rate of discount is 4 per cent,, and three months' bills are discounted at 4£ per cent. The United States Cabinet is discussing the propriety of permanently maintaining a Wbrabip in Samoan waters. Mr Robert Ooleman, ironmaster, of Pennsylvania, has failed, with liabilities amounting to 3,500.000d01. Cholera is spreading in Tunis, Hungary, and the towns at the mouth of the Danube. One hundred cases are reported in Moscow. Judges Vaughan and Williams have sanctioned the- reconstruction scheme of the Commercial Bank of Australia, and have deducted LIO.OOO for expenses. The statement has been made that Dupas, a French detective, wilfully declined to arrest Arton in Hungary, although aware of his residence there. M. Lacoste, the French Resident in Madagascar, who is at present on a visit to Paris, declines to return to bis post, owing to the Queen of Madagascar threat eDing armed resistance to tfre -French. Judge Williams ordered the transfer of the English assets'to the new Eaglisb, Scottish, and Australian;' Chartered Bank, less £6000 for expenses, b;ht refused to vary the scheme respecting the rate of interest. H.M.S. Apollo, which has been engaged in naval manoeuvre?, has not yet returned, and fears are entertaioed for her safety. Mr Hogan,- M.P., in a letter to the press, Bays Australia regards Samoa as an important outpost which it will be necessary to occupy. " % The Archbishop of Aix, France, has issued a manifesto denouncing in bitter terms and attacking the- Republic. He demands a recasting of |he military laws, and asserts that the Pope does not ask the Roman Catholic clergy to accept the present Government.' v. Mr Valentipe bas been appointed dairy iHspector for New Zaaland. Sir E. O. N^.vßraddon bas no knowledge of the contemplated abolition of the Tasmanian agent-generalship. It is understood h« will re-enter politics if the office is swept away. Sir U. K. Stiuttlewortb, secretary to the Adm'ialty, in reply to a question in the House of Commons, said there had been 30 accidents to British warships since 1890 owing to inoorrect charts. The House 'of Commons, by 221 to 88, restored the .betterment clause in the London County Council's Bill, struck out by the Lcrds. - • Sir E. Gray," in the Horse of Commons said the Powers interested would discuss what was to' be done with Mataafa of Samoa. Welshmen are furious at the Premier's declining to dual with the Welsh question till next year. The Times' states that notwithstanding the extended drought the crop prospects in Great Britain have slightly improved, and it estimates that the wheat yield will be 84*7 of the average crop. The* weekly returns of the Bank of England *bow the total reserve to be L14,61G,000. The proportion of reserves to liabilities is 43.

Frozen mutton, first quality, 3£d per lb ; second, 3|d ; lamb, 4 l-16d. New Zaaland long-berried wheat (ex warehouse), flat at 28s 6d; South Australian wheat (ex warehouse), also flat at 30s 63 ; Victorian wheat (ex warehouse), restricted at 29d 6d. At auction kauri gum was firm, but only one- third of the quantity offered was sold, the demand being somewhat restricted for immediate wants. Pale hard scraped, L 8 15s ; scraped, L 4 ss ; good pickings, £2 ss. New Zealand hemp: Quotations unchanged. Sugar: German beet (flit), 16s 33; Java (quiet), 19i. No. 1 bast Scotch pig iron (f.o.b. on the Clyde), 423 3d. Leach, second officer of the ship Darbridge, who was the principal witness against the chief officer and steward on the charge of murdering Captain Little, has been charged with perjury, but tbe information was dismissed.

August 12.

Cholera is spreading on the Continent, and a case is reported from Grimsby. In New York eight more cases are reported among the Italian immigrants.

News bas been received tbat Ernest, second Dake of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, has suffered from a fit of apoplexy, and that his condition causes the utmost anxiety to his friends. The Duke is 75 years of age. His heir presumptive is the Dake of Edinburgh.

The Dake of Connaught succeeds Sir H. Evelyn Wood as commander of the Aldershot district.

The Earl of Kintore does not retire from the Governorship of South Australia until the term (six years) for which he was appointed expires. Colonel Colville and two other officers have started from Uganda to command the Soudanese.

August 13. H.M.S. Triumph has arrived at Portsmouth with the survivors of the Victoria. Many affecting scenes were witneesed when tho men landed. A train crammed with holiday-makers ran off the rails at Llantrisaint, in Glamorganshire, yesterday. Three of the carriages rolled 50 yards down an embankment, and the passengers were wedged in the wreckage. A heartrending scene occurred. Fifteen people were killed and 50 injured. The Agricultural Gazette says tbat the wheat crop is the worst since 1879. Ibe English wheat market is weak, without quotable change, while the Continental is steady and the American inactive. The cargo ex Lucadia, from Lyttelton, was sold at about 27a, and a Victorian cargo sold at 28s 6 J. Tallow is unchanged. Messrs Tillett, Mann, and ffaidie, on behalf of the Vigil Mies Committee, are appealing for funds to assist the miners out on stiike.

August 14. The new cruiser Forte rammed the steamer Kirby during a fog off Start Point. Both vessels were injured, and sought refuge in Plymouth Harbour. Sir Evelyn Wood has been appointed Quartermaster-general.

A great fire in Minneapolis, U S., destroyed 200 houses aud rendered 1500 people homeles3. The damage is estimated at 2,000,000dc1. The Senate Hotel at Chicago has bsen burned down. Some of the inmates leaped from the windows, and were dashed to pieces. Eight lives in all were lost.

The Pope's letter to the French electors raproves a section of the Roman Catholics in France for pretending greater Bolicitude for the church than for the Vatican itself.

The churches of Colorado, United States, are asking the President to appoint a day of. fasting and prayer, to atone for the financial distress and legalised sins of the nation.

Mr E J. Phtlps, United States delegate to the Bebring Commission, denies tbat the report is yet drawn up. He thinks that it will probably suggest a compromise. The Times thinks it a healthy sign to see Victoria giving attention to primary production. If this course be persevered with, the value of land must rise, arid it is impossible to doubt tbe eventual prosperity of the colony.

Marchanfc, a rich landowner of Birmingham, Alabama, U.S , waß shot dead by a band of outlaws. The enraged citizens pursued the murdererp, shot three of the leaders, and drove three others into a swamp, where they were drowned. The fight lasted several hours. rlher lhe sommittee of the House of Lords who have been engaged for some time past in taking evidence upon the importation of meat recommend that all imported meat should be branded ; also that the registration oE meat importers be made compulsory, and tbat retailers' shops be inspected.} Mr Sydney Under-secretary for the Colonies, states that tbe Imperial Government are awaiting further despatches beEore deciding on the appointment of Chief Justice Way to the Governorship of South Australia. The debenture-holdera of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency have appointed : a committee to watch their interests. August 15. Mr Gladstone declines to promise to introduce riext ' session a measure providing for the disestablishment of the Churches of Scotland and Wales. At a meeting of the Welsh Federation it was resolved to form an independent party in the House of Commons and overthrow the Government unless disestablishment of the Welsh Oburch is definitely promised this session. Several Welsh members in the House of Commons also support the Scotch members in their efforts to obtain the disestablishment of the Scotch Church. Paris, August 9. The Marquis de Mores charges M. Clemenceau with acting as the agent for England on the Kgyptian question. The marquis asgerts tba 1 ; he saw the Russian Ambassador, and they arranged to thwart the manoeuvres of M. Clemenceau and the English. He further alleges that on his informing the Paria authorities the latter seized a number of bomb 3in Calais which had been supplied by an English agent for use against the troops in Paris. PABIS, Aagustll. M. le Marquis, liquidator of the Panama

Canal Company, intends to sue tbe members of the syndicate who floated the Panama loan for 100,000,000 francs (four millions sterling); he sues tbe contractors for two millions sterling.

August 11.

In the Chamber of Deputies further discussion took place on the charges levelled against M. Clemenceau by the Marquis de Mores. M. Ribot said that when he was Premier he caused M. Clemenceau's house to be searched, but nothing of an incriminating nature was discovered. M. Clemenceau, in a powerful speech to bis constituents, denied entirely the truth of the charges.

August 13.

The Premier, M. Dupuy, addiessing the electors, said that tbe Government intended to briDg f oi ward social reforms for ensuring workmen rest during illness and compensation for accidents.

August 14.

A city cabman shot M. Lockroy in the breast because he refused to support a strike of cabmen. Only a slight wound was inflicted.

The Pope, in an Encyclical to tbe French electors, favours the upholding of the Republic as no return to monarchy is now possible.

Berlin, August 12. The Eoapsror has decided to make Dantzic a free port. The bank rate of discount in Berlin is 5 per cent.

Vienna, August 13.

Austria is in hopes of bringing about an amicable settlement of the commercial dispute, and has offered Russia tha "mpst favoured nation " clause. Buda Pesth, August 14.

Severe fbocls have been experienced in Eperies, a town of Hungary, on the Tarcza, 22 miles north-east of Kaschau. Fifty persons were drowned and upwards of 100 families rendered homeless

St. Petersburg, August 11.

In replying to a despatch from tbe Russian Government, tho Chinese Government state that they intend to occupy the whole of the OhineEe Pamirs. August 14. The deaths from cholera in Russia number 100 daily.

Belgrade, August 12

The a3vent of the Radical party to power has led to a great increase in crime in the country, and 29 murders, attributed to political motives, were recorded in four months.

Rome, August 11. Oholtra is abating in Naples. Cairo, August 11.

The Khedive and Riaz Pasha, the Premier, have quarrelled, and a crisis is impending.

Zanzibab, August 14.

O mtg to the hostility displayed towards tb.9 deposed Sultau, the British tars stormed and burned Witu. Two English officers were wounded.

Calcutta, August 8. A political mission, under Sir H. Darand, will visit Cabul on behalf of the Indian Government.

Cape Town, August 11. The Kaffirs at Barbertown are becoming troublesome. They are upbraiding the British, owing to a report that the Boers are to govern Swaziland.

Washington, August 9. News from South America states that a plot has been discovered to seize President Nunez, of Colombia. Many arrests have been made in consequence. Buenos Ayres, August 11. The Radicals continue to advance, and bave entered La Plata.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 17 August 1893, Page 36

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CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 17 August 1893, Page 36

CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 1851, 17 August 1893, Page 36