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POSITIVELY THE BEST HAIR DRESSING FOR STRENGTHENING, BEAUTIFYING, AITO 'iTJETfYRTTT A &TJTNI3A A BOX I : PRESERVING THE HAIR. IWWVAVAAA. ** %>iwaaia-i** ..*?.,., : ED _WABDS^^HARLBNE ! " QlTECHAlll l^^ LUXURIANT HAIR^WmfiScERs) AND MOUSTACHIOS J; |JV* ptl | o*o^ jgfiKmB3&BB®£&K&sBSSaE& THH WORLD RENOWNED 'j sg^pM^ Im «^ aat^ I v-'J^v -cVi-Jl-J \^ , vr ~--jL -■• -* ' (^mm% SEMEI^ FOE^mDIESS, ft l^^ft |;BILIOUS; BILIOUS AND S !JISOR ? I ® S JSmMgW «5m "-* 8 ' ¥'"'' ; >-^ -iJ^J^^^^^T <|SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAt, STOMACH, -IMPAIRED Mlmmm^ ' 'fm •~™~««« A « 7^22?™- « « m n« ( digestion, disoedered liver, and" female ailments. WHISKERS & mOUSTACHIOS m^^^mMUM (i( i Prepared by THOMAS BEEGHAM, St. Mem t La^ , 1 K^nHHL IT HAS NBVBR BEEN E Q UALLED - ; . S^^^^^^^^^S^ { ' SOLD EVERYWHERE IN BOXES AT Is ljd (containing 56 bills), and 2s W (tw))le quantity.). AFTER USE. ' AFTER USE. ( » i>J3j J2jUHilill O XUU A Jrl. ; lAplli, ■ Physicians and Analysts prononnce it to be perfectly harmless, and devoid of any metallic or pther injurious ingredient : Is, 2s 6d, 3s Bd, i will recommend itself ; it is efficacious, economical, cleanses the teeth.-perfumes the breath, removes and 5s 6d per Bottle. To bo obtained from the leading Merchants, Wholesale Druggists, (Chemists, and Perfumers throughout the I tartar, and prevents decay. It is composed of the best known ingr'Bdientsf or ifeutralijsing the acids of ' Colonies. Manufactured only by . ' ' .the mouth, preventing all deleterious deposits upon the teetb, and,ia a pleasant>nd ; relWblo j detfti.frice. EDWARDS & CO., 95- HIGH HOLBORH, LONDON, ENGLAND. W MB DOGS S ' : " j ' — "—^—^j^. 1_ .■; j l ** ) CALVERT'S i| I ' -„-. - — • m !»» _ 1 I THOMSONS *' 4 and 7 lb. tins, at 3s. and ss, eacb> I . s - • I (English Rates.) , _,, | ' ■ » I ' '.'•■''. •'! L. 0. P. Abtlet, Esq. (Judge at Dog Shows) . I mP^^^ /Itll&^^k Hn^^QSk ' '''."■,'l ir f ' ' reports that he cured a Fox Terrier* in acute ' i |^^^^^ mT vA i^m- BW lßa I i ' ' * - state of Bed Mange, by use of Calvert'Bßoft Soap, | | BH^HV BsS KmdScß s9Sh EO I / : ' , \ and stateß that " it could not haTO had a moro I ,< J|H^^Wi hB JBBbKI BBKBi fiH I ' ' '■■ ' ' hibitor) writes — "I have had hundreds of Dogs, I H t ' BB^B^P^ ( ---^u«n- n1 lV innir - and used very many 'recipes' which have all \ > H r-«^"r -«^"— »—■—•■— ' — — ; ( JBaaffißajb ■■Kfln ifIPHI P ♦■ failed. I consider your Boap the best thing for i 1 ID W'<^_ — " ulrfi'WW "' !-1 i i, ' i 1 VtiioVGOy I "C 1 . 1 ? > nl ■ "" U ' i : all Skin Diseases, and that no kennel should bs '( || iKi^^&.S""-- •. -=''■'-'-„ ,!11l, !11l ! l ™,i > ', S^M? Ik '"'- ' A _' ___ withoutit. It is.worth a sovereign a pot." ( ffl . l^^M^^K^'- -**■- ' '"'"■" 'C,7p'' l\ '• ■"=-£ < X^Wfc 'W' •' ■nlfl>>fliy|v~ F O GALVERT &GO S 'PUR' llH^^^^^K&M^ - • ' '' ' lUX 1 '<' jJ^^Bk' v w^-owj««mßA»m : P.UU^LVCni Ot V-fU., I I Wll I^'V %*■■ Hj l^n^^^k ; «« K is the .daintiest and most Manchester, England I || l^^^K^^^^^^M I ' **"T*** : Awarded 60 Gold and Silver Medals I 9H V^^M^KB^l^^^^^^^^^^^^Bi 1 i —s— others in; the boudoirs of the '• and Diplomas. '| mm tßßWWJßWßy^^gg^^^^==^^^^^^g ! I tt P A^^^ n> .pranrfet,dom«» of ;?London, Paris, HORSES. i| m l^^^^Mr^^\^^^-^ ( ! a< TRF-ni^mniiinvffl' lieutenant JAMES'!: iAWliMKmgmi^ \ INFANTS :;bd.?F J5 » a.a '. .17JJIJLS7 Jk ftfJCm<H > in ' 5 '- -WeP- "lus^ — =^ 4 ■ ( ( ■ _ ===z < You may turn your horse to grass, or in a loo*» | \IU p^^g^' BjS= "^-=^ I 'l ORATRFTTT— COMFORTIJTO -' box or yard, immediately after the application vrfth- 1 If} _ - Iflfe,^^- ,^^WW^ — I (' OBATB»U1>-Wl»*y«ll«». - - out a cradle or other restraint, AB NO HORSB I [Hi ' xBIKSW^ JJT _JT I' I ■ » - -^- ' " WILL GNAW IT. It will never blemish. The I . jH , H^, JL-Jl ™ — 1 <,«■--. «.'. «. 'a. «■ a"'m Hairreturnsin ten day*. It may be used to » foal |» r =^-^~” HR wfr <^%^" w " r -' Alftflß% I 1? WB J 0 I" Afl fl ■'"' iTwiiriorTpUCH THE HUMAN HAND.|! I Ap|D Sz^^^^T^ kMO ]| UI i P __U 0 V O Hi tnay^ntinul<| I " ~""_— -AWffl^&m _ I\\ ~^- I ' <! BREAKFAST. -4M^S^^Pi)&* tomedSabow." 1 ! W "" Wt''ft_ A ~ ' ( "By a thorough knoWlefee of the natural laws '*^BirSran^fi^jiirf^L wuißowouur. I |Hi . -=»»g^^»K|^. j v _g I which govern the operations of digestion and jfffl auaifcHiwouiHTWEHi.^^ Oaotiok •— • 111 ' t§& Jt- V" -^ J \\ I I nutrition, and Wy-a.careful application of the fine Z 7i ' None genuine < . 11l ~ "==- ~ — \***f ~\— i | properties of weliselcctea cocoa 'Mr Ettps has £ra s%? Lr 1/ v/wfe without the I Hi "~ V - — V s i' provided our breakfast tables with a delicatclyfra /H/ H p B < gnaturei'| . I I 1118118 11%J% f \ i gSkßttffll IRA ,I . flavoured beverage wlncK may save us many sra . ' 8. JAMBSI 1] IBllfflll Illir = » *■ V— — i Wllffil IIB^ I ' heavy doctors bills. It is ;by the judicious use of eiSI.X and J. JAMBS ,> % 9 1 118 Iff fl I IIIJ% — —^** -- — " — rfS&\— I iS^BDSaI IBI^ ' i auch articles of diet that a constitution may bb mS. la* .« »n th« fa«i < . 0 lllßflklW' <*ljO^fe / V - \f%— 1 Hsl»OTifcllW« •< gradually built up until stronß enough to l-osibt y'BiL. , /ww label of every ( IQ ?~ "5^ ~^^Z2l2~ Itflft- "" vJW — I ' every tendency to disease. Hundreds, of subtle. \sk txlP pot (a« an- J j I ** ~? — *^S ~~ Vfc»^- g * El maladies aie floating around iis rOady to attack XgS^ . J&? nexed). BX- 1 B . r "^ Z^g — . — | | wherever there is a wcaKpoint. A\ r e may escape . iSsfe*^ ' ,^<ff3r TBNBIVBLT,' s ._ >„_.* _ ~ "' i many a fatal shaft' by 'keeping ourselves well TO3^&bn X Kgoggi*&> USBD 67'| rM ' v 7T- NtN t rs^ n -^ a icoi i 'i fortified with pure blood and a properly-nourished YEARS. 'H . . Hazkldean, Kingston, Jamaica, October 4. 1891. I frame ."-See article in Civil Service Gazette. » nnrnSlir mrawiTwim „ IVAim , I I Dear Sic,— l send with this a photo of my son, who ia two yews o'd end a big, strong boy for his age. Hft is one of t «, nn a wdiln^S ™ S)nKB TOMPSI-PT &CO Md ( i ' th e numerous little oneß benefited by your excellent food, and t vtn now if be seta any thin* brown in a bottle tays it is I | Made Simply with" Bbiling Water or Milk. Kt^^^B^^SSraS&iSdl' "Nice Mellin's Food" and wants to taste it From the time he was five months old he took Mellin's Food;it ,» -j- nA^' . Launceston; KBMPTHORNB, PROSSBR & CO. J Strengthened him so that now he eats solids.— Believe me, yours truly, - Alice Liddeix. i i bold in Jib Packets by. Grocers, labelled thus :- S&SS^a^ 1 ® Melliii's Food Works, Feckham, Londdn, England. | J| - JAMES EPPS.&' CO., ,-: . w. ]«'. JAMES, S : yfesam«u^-- ■ •>T I~'i1 ~' if ~ r^^=r^= : ~===s='^^7''. - ■r ~ •• T ' T . • '.^^^ ( , homoepathio chemists, - Sole XH&nufactuter o* th© Original and onlj \ ■•* r-'r -' ' "'• ■■—■"— -— •»■— ~ .......... -.«-~~ ■■■ — — - ■■■ . .. ~-~--~-*^~-~*>*!-~-- „.. »i. i n~-»» — —^~ * oxttiaw wvot *\m J ' 'a«nulneßliater,»rsriiiffdox>, Berlc, En« . , . —■■■■■■!■ ■ nmuumMmmuummapmm—mmunui ....'■.■■■■■ ■!■■ ■■■■■■■iiiiiw nvm- - LONDON, ENGLAND.' »»»»»»»♦♦»♦»»»»♦»»♦♦ »♦»»#♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦»♦»♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» »»♦ »♦*♦♦«**• ***** * ***** "** ♦"♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦,♦ ♦♦ > ♦ ♦•♦♦♦»♦ ■Binai^PHHHiB^^BnHBBHBBBHBniH^HHBn • ' M'OIBB'D'OK'S ."".-■■■■:"• > HUBBUCK?S COLOURS AND VARNISHES.'^ ' B «■» n^R^A «S _dWkJ > x<^SiT^ HUBBUCK'S Pale Boiled Ziinaeed Oil. • ~,l <$rjty± >B A■ W fftf^WM El mTWa (l( l /frv^ \SV HUBBUCK'S Composition toy Sluips* BottomSi ; liKk «1 H S nJTi^^ ii 111 < HnTTrii HUBBUCK'S Anti'Covvoaive Paints. > " *}#?<£+' V"JI BLJH H» W^^ 81 fll H SLffi^ II 11I 1 Car^" l^"/ HUBBUCK'S Px>opstx>)9d lilquid Paintsj. ; v S WHITE 3 lHf BiMb^i^WF I Wv v'v/ HUBBUCK'S British Green Point. , . J V\>,.,C *3^ rWiA* I t .I I, NSl r D>^ HUBBUCK'S Binnacle and Colm.Qjl}a. 'W« r 4nv > i MarveUous Effect ! ! . . O% J tra^mao^ ' hubbuck-s sheep M «^,ci«^ o«; , nM*V Ami , Preserye^andßejuvenatestheComplexion. i ktosuck's paints and oir.s propel fo*; A^pS^ti2s£ *50 to^ s'J^g^jgj™™ t0 »«"M«t» JI|JO ' J ( » Hubbuck's Paints, Oils, and Tarnishes are the best, and therefore, the cj^apesfei * •' ...^ssf.-r r op r^£Ko* <; thomas hubbuck and son, krptjpD, Dr. redwood's bbfobv: !' •^• f^^TH 24. LIME ST« XiOXffBOSJ, K.O. " ;i*^^|jgj2^ iJUVENIA SOAP is PERFEOTLY PURE* and ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL, in'd | ffi^^^®|L '* lffia^'? M4AI4M ■**** **%#•*« wa*"*^*Hjj MIVI . <;- JiEm^ is of THE HIGHEST QUALITY.— T. Redwood,'- Ph.D., F.I. C, F.C.3. ', H^^^^^kk llm a«* TTIT* A "R,TT> T TTTITS T^fl A RITXT/M ATT''' V ' HBmm M^M»no^HMM— I ? wPffil SAILOR BRAND L uBRICATING OIL: IDOW WBliOg>a gIZ<ZjS . ~^ J r pro]?ar6d es ? ressl 3 r for aU' Wa*« of Mining Macliinery, .. ; ,:[<• : THOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Mrs Smithers, GranddaagUter of the Widow Welch, con- C -^^^^fes !c 7£TT A"R RRiXND PZX.TWTS & VARNTSMF^ I '' Jj Jinu6s to prepare this celebrated Medicine from the only original and genuine Farmly Recipe. , ' J^**- Ai -'V ja *>Xli 4. lUJJ JTi^llU 1O « M 4&HIILIO J3.£<O.< , !ts just celebrityifor all Female Complaints has obtained for it a most extensive and increasing ( /^^^^^^^^|. l •*4*4*+*******++ .' .2^ '^^K^^^k I demand. Purchasers should therefore attend to the following CAUTION :-To be careful that what I «™ ««„««,«■»«■«*»,« «™ ™»x™t» «■ a wr™ a »rr» ««««■« ««««. -'?^^^" feSffi ® a^*' they purchase is prepared by Mrs Smithers, who is the only person in possession of the original J SHADE MABK. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OP THEIR KAMH AND TRADU ( MARK. TkAlS.^ afAHiT.- " * £?& n T am,fTih e e^Sffirl&a™ «!^^a^^ (» These Goods can be obtained flv-n nil the Wholesale Ironmongers and D.ealers in.,ali; the-solonios. &rortVh e S^ P^ LOndOn> " are^^^ goldinbox M.M .t 2sß d> -aubTRAIJAW OP3TICH!-84 OUmrx T ... • -

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Otago Witness, Issue 2055, 13 July 1893, Page 52

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Page 52 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2055, 13 July 1893, Page 52

Page 52 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2055, 13 July 1893, Page 52