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(Per Press Association.) London, June 6. Two ladies are placed in the Modern Language Tripos of Cambridge University examinations, no male candidates succeeding iD attaining that position. At Lord Onslow's request Mr Perceval (Agent-general) will give evidence before the Frozen Meat Committee of the House of Lords. He intends to oppose compulsory labelling, on the ground that it is the thin edge of Protection, and will be harassing to traders. He is in favour of branding canvas wrappers in the same way as is done with shipments of wool. Among the list of those elevated to the peerage in the Birthday honours is Mr Campbell White, of Midlothian. M. Goblet, in his speech at Paris, contended that the retention of Alsace by Germany was the main cause of the insensate armaments of the European nations. France did not desire to provoke war, but was determined to be ready for it. Count Kalnoky, in his address t:> the delegations, said the Eastern outlook was tranquil. It was impossible to regard the proposal for universal disarmament as a factor of real weight in the preservation of peace. He himself believed that Russia was in favour of peace. The St. Petersburg Novosti, commenting on Count Kalnoky's speech, says that Russia will certainly help Austria to establish friendly relations. June 7. The total quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 3,8G8,000 quarters, and for the Continent 1,700,000 quarters. A cargo of Australian wheat has been soli at 295. The American supply of wheat is 86,000,000 bushels. Before the Meat Committee, the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture gave evidence that the marking of Home products would not satisfy the British growers. What they desired was marking which would show where retail traders obtained their meat.^ Evidence was given at the inquiry into the affairs of the Liberator Buildirsg Society that, after arranging their 3wiidles, the directors used to record thanks to God and ask for His blessing upon the business. Lord Rosebery recommends that the Datch Government should be required to pay L 2500 as compensation to the captain of the barque Costa Rica, which was improperly seized in Java waters. The House oE Lords negatived the Bishop of Chester's bill modelled upon the Gothenburg system, pending the disposal of the Government's Local Option Bill. The Paris paper Figaro, after making special inquiries as to the position of affairs in Egypt, admits the benefits conferred by the British administration from every point of view. Their special commissioner adds that the cry of "Egypt for the Egyptians" is a Utopian one. The British have exercised neither tyranny nor oppression. After making 195 in the first innings against Notts, Stoddart made 124 in the second. The Vienna correspondent of The Times Bays that after Count Kalnoky's speech the Balkan States need not expect help from the Great Powers in case of war until they are completely pacified internally. June 8. Rumour is current that Allsopp and Co. and Bass and Co. have agreed to amalgamate. The hay crop i 3 a failure, and the wheat and root crops are poor. The drought is renewed in many parts of the south. [The Times says all the crops in England and Wales are below last year's, but in Scotland they are better. The Grand Lodge of England have resolved, by three to one, that the alleged cancelling of the warrant of the Cambrian Lodge at Sydney is in direct contravention of the terms upon which the Grand Lodge granted recognition to the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, and therefore brethren who adhere to their alliance with the Grand Lodge of England are entitled to recognition as the lodge. The value of the imports for May shows an increase of L 1,800,000, and the exports an increase of L 38.000. The Imperial Federation League has invited the various colonial Agents-general to a meeting to discuss a commercial union scheme The Bankruptcy Court has suspended the discharge of Mr James Alexander, of the firm of Messrs Redfern, Alexander, and Co., olonial merchants, who failed some time ago, for five years. Owing to the strong opposition displayed towards <hs Colonial Stock Bill introduced in the House of Commons by Mr Graham, he has decided to withdraw the mcasuve. Frozen lamb, Ggl per lb. Beef: Forequarters, 3f 3 ; hindquarters, s^d. New Zealand hemp, quiet; quotations unchanged. New Zealand long-berried wheat (ex warehouse) weaker at 303 3d. South Australian aud Victorian wheat (ex warehouse) also weaker at 32 i and 32i 61 respectively. The reduction in passage rates to New Zealand has induced 80 farmers with capital to emigrate to that colony. The French in Siam claim that a majority oE natives would welcome the overthrow of the present tyrannical rulers. Sir A. Clark (Agent-general for Victoria) intends to apply toLordHerscholl, under the Trustees Consolidation Bill, to sanction investment in colonial stocks. The Victorian Horse Artillery team secured L 52 and the New South Wales Cavalry team LlB of the priza money at the Royal military tournament. The attendance at the Chicago Exhibition is slightly better, but so far the whole thing is disappointing. Herr Wo'-If, the African traveller, urges the Germans to support England in constructing a railway to Uganda. Figaro says that Dahomey is proving a second Tonquin, and that the best thing to be done is to abandon it, as its occupation has proved a failure. Mr Hogan, M.P., has ascertained that the Admiralty is in favour of subsidising the

Pacific route for Imperial and postal purposes. June 9. It is officially announced from Cape Colony that the Swaziland conference concluded amicably, and that the convention has been signed. Sir Saul Samuel, Agent-general for New South Wales, accompanied by Messrs Cox and Geddes, of Sydney, waited upon Mr William Woodall, financial secretary to the War Office, to-day relative to the army being supplied with Australian frozen meat. Mr" Cox emphasised the quality of the Australian product and said that the colonies could supply the best meat to garrisons at Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, and India. Mr Woodall, in reply, said experimental freezing works were now in course of completion at Gibraltar, and if they proved successful the system would be extended to other military stations. The colonial cavalry have decided not to compete in the mounted events at the National Review Association at Bi&ley. The colonial artillerymen and cavalry received a perfect ovation at the close o£ the Royal military toufnameat at Islington. The National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand has declared a dividend of 5 per cent. At the statutory meeting of the Australian Joint Stock Bank the shareholders, by an overwhelming majority, approved of the reconstruction scheme. The court has sanctioned the payment of Government drafts on the Queensland National Bank, granting two days' farther grace for creditors to appeal. Mr R. H. Glyn, chairman of the Bank of New Zealand, is pushing on the colonising scheme, and founding agencies in various parts of the country. June 10. Of the seven Anarchists arrested in Leipsic on a charge of circulating papers inciting to the murder of Emperor William three were acquitted and the others found guilty and sentenced to terms of imprisonment varying from one to eight years. The petition against the return of Mr Rickett, Liberal member for Pontefract, has been upheld, and the election rendered null and void on the grounds of the corruption of Mr Rickett's agent. White, who was arrested on suspicion of being connected with the robbery of jewellery belonging to the Countess of Flanders, has been discharged from custody. Mr Geddes, of Sydney, has arranged with a syndicate to run monthly steamers, beginning in October, to convey meat and fruit from Sydney to England and Continental ports. He has. also arranged that the steamer Port Chalmers shall take 10,000 carcases of mutton from Sydney in September. Mr Geddes will shortly visit the Continent. He is armed with letters to embassies, and will seek interviews with the authorities in Germany, France, and Belgium as ta the possibility of introducing colonial products into those countries. Before Lord Onslow's commission of inquiry into the marking of colonial muttOD, the Inspector of Army Rations to-day gave evidence that New Zealand mutton used throughout the year was better than River Plate mutton. He said he preferred refrigerated beef to frozen. Thewheatmarket is slow, with a diminished (? downward) tendency. The Marquis of Ripon and Lord Knutsford have concurred that New Zealand control of Raratonga is more effective than Great Britain's, and they approve of the action of Mr F. J.Moss, British Resident there. The safety of one of Great Britain's battleships—the Hood, of 14 guns— was imperilled through the scamped riveting of the keel plates. The vessel is leaking badly. A Dundee whaler reports having discovered land in 65 S., 63 W. June 11. The total number of corpses recovered from the ruins of the Pension department buildings at Washington is 23. The Khedive has decided to visit Constantinople during July. News has been received from Siberia that a party of con riots, while oh the journey, effected their escape and killed and ate the weakest of the band. When recaptured they were found to be insane. Agitators in the province of Corunna, in Spain, are drawing up a petition asking Great Britain to proclaim a protectorate over the province. Giving evidence beEore Lord Onslow's Commission, Major Stackpool, of the War Office, said freezing did not injure frozsn mutton, but it seriously damaged beef. Mr Alexander (Liberal) and Mr Thomas (Unionist) have been nominated for the Linlitbgow seat;, reudered vacant by the resignation of Mr Peter M'Laggan. Iv the House of Lords, Lord Onslow moved a resolution rendering the residents of Cook Islands (of which group Raratonga is one of the principal) responsible directly to Great Britain. Lord Ripon, Colonial Secretary, said such an alteration might possibly offend New Zealand, whereupon Lord j Onslow withdrew his resolution. Tallow : Medium mutton, 28s ; bsef, 275. Antimony, £40. Seventy deaths from cholera were reported at Mecca on Friday. The plague is also extending in the French provinces. Great preparations are being made to meet any outbreak ia England. The medical officers have had their holidays stopped. The cavalry and artillery teams from New S Juth Wales and Victoria have had a great reception in Dublin. They are quartered with the Scots Greys and 3rd Fusileers. Jane 12. The Times, referring to affairs in Cook Islauds, says the missionaries in the group must be content with the spiritual power, aud not seek to control the temporal. The Vienna corre s pondon<; of The Times wires that the Vatican has abandoned the hope of establishiag diplomatic relations with Russia. In the sculliog race at Austin City, the capital of Texae, Gaudaur claims to have broken the record for three miles, his time being lOoiin ISssc. Tom Sullivan haj challenged Bubeav to row on the Thames course in September for L2OO a-sitle. The Waibi Gold Mining Oompaßy lias declared an interim dividend of Is per sharo. The Times congratulates Australia on the refusal to accept assistance from the Cape Government during the recent financial

crisis, and lauds the action of the Cape Government as a new departure in intercolonial policy. Wheat averages 27s 41 in the country markets. A cargo of South Australian wheat sold at 295. The return to Sofia of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria and his bride was made the occasion of a great outburst of enthusiasm on the part of the citizens. The city was gaily decorated in honour of the event. Mr and Mrs Haubner, while ascending the Buckstein, in Tyrol, fell down a cliff, a distance of 900 ft, and were killed. The pair had only been recently married, and were spending thoir honeymoon in Switzerland. Their bodies have nob been recovered. Secret societies in Corea are inciting the inhabitants to attack and eject missionaries. M. de Giers has resumed office as Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Russian Ministry. The Freush Navy Estimates include a vote for the construction of 32 new warships. June 13. Lord Herschell has virtually abandoned his Trustees Con c olidation Bill. Owing to a blunder on the part of the Treasury official? the excise duties of Ireland have been over-estimated by L 365.000. The Prince of Wales's yacht Britannia won the cup presented for competition by the commodore of the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club, defeating the Valkyrie. Replying to a question in the House of Common^, Sir W. V. Harcourt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, stated that foreign colonial dividends were liable to be taxed when they arrived, and therefore the 7d income tax would be deducted from dividends for the half-year ending Ist June. Cholera has broken out at Saratoo (in Russia), and the death rate from the epidemic iv Central and Southern France is increasing. Paris, June 7. The messenger of the Societe Generale of Paris has absconded with a quarter of a million francs (L 10.000). Fighting in Dahomey has been renewed, ani it is reported that the French troops were obliged to retire after a six hours' engagement, June 8. Eight deaths from cholera are reported from Calais, and one from Nimes. June 9. A death from cholera is reported from Toulon. The Supreme Court has dismissed M. Cottu's appeal against the sentence inflicted on him, and the appeals of MM. Lesseps, Fontaine, and Eiffel are now being heard. June 10. Mr Gordon Bennett, proprietor of the New York Herald, while driving in the city to-day, was thrown from his carriage and sustained serious injury. June 12. In the course of a speech M. Dupuy, th 6 French Premier, said the Republic had conquered the clericals and Royalists, and had won the friendship of Russia, thus securing the peace of Europe. Berlin, June 7. The German press resent the tone of Count Kalnoky's speech. The Kreutzer Zeitung says that Austria is incurably weak and is attempting to throw dust in the eyes of Europe, Seven Anarchists are being tried atLeipsig for circulating papers inciting the naurder of Emperor William. Vienna, June 11. Count Kalnoky, replying to attacks which were made by the German press on his recent address to the Hungarian Delegations, denied that Austria is plotting to bring about a secret Russian alliance, and contends that adhesion to the Triple Alliance does not prevent the existence of friendly relations with other countries. St. Petersburg, June 12. The Novoe Vremya says Count Kalnoky's recent address to the delegations and his reply to his critics go to prove that Austria is unable to act without the guidance of Germany. Rome, June 7. The Dake of Abruzzi is on board an Italian warship which will shortly visit Australia. June 11. The Negus of Abyssinia is appealing to the Cz?r of Russia to protect him against the action of the Italian Government in regard to treaties between the two countries. It is reported that France and Russia intend to open negotiations with the Negus. Cairo, June 9. Sixty deaths from cholera are reported at Mecca. June 12. A revolt occurred among 600 convicts near Cairo, and before the disturbance was quelled 39 of them were shot dead by the guards. Eleven succeeded in effecting their escape. Calcutta, Jane 9. i General Hudson, Commandgr-in-Chief of the Bombay district, was thrown from his horse and blled. Capb Town, June 8. The Transvaal Volk=raid has paid much respect to Sir 11. Loch's proposal for a settlement tf Swaziland owing to the safeguards provided for cativa rights. r Jace 9. It is officially stated that Sir Henry Loch and Mr Paul Kruger, president of the_ Transvaal, disagreed on several minor points in the propesab submitted fcr the settlement of the Swaziland question. June 10. The Transvaal Volksraad has expunged certain conditions from the Swaziland Convention on the ground that they are foreign to the question. Sir 11. Loch has settled the draft. The Government withhold approval pending receipt of details. June 12. Cape Town, June 12. Speaking at Johannesburg Sir Henry Lccli said ha hoped his visit to the Transvaal would briog the colonies and states into closer union. Washington, J" ne G - President Cleveland has announced that thero will have to bo an extra session of Ooi gross in Saptember to consider tbo financiuloondition, which ruonaoos the country's welfare. The crisis has been brought about by the compulsory purchase of large quantities oC silver, which have to remain idle, ii nd the resultant drain of gold from the national reserve, whereby other nations are beiog strengthened at iho expense of the United States.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2051, 15 June 1893, Page 36

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BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Otago Witness, Issue 2051, 15 June 1893, Page 36

BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Otago Witness, Issue 2051, 15 June 1893, Page 36