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II SsEEn&Si%& / "sTS the first and foremost of fabrics for imparting charm and dignity to its fair -(rearers. Moreover, its rich ' | JebL^bbbSb) Mss^SLh «B» «BS* ■■ ii wM£s&HS!S3Lr/7^ B. appearance, light weight, and sterling wearing qualities, proclaim it the desideratum for Promenade, I MSB^BBBBBsk^ijBB^ WW ] l^^^^^^^gg^ Visiting, and At Home Toilettes, while for Children's Dresses it is unsusjpaßsed. ( ' «Sb^W 1 NOTE WELL. — Each yard of genuine "Louis' 1 Velveteen bears the name (spelled L-0-U-I-S, I, j§| 2F < B'^j§ llP^hl*^^^ Mi^t 9 Billi? TV- RICH AND RARE NEW COLOURS FOR PRESENT WEAR. *W !; n marvellous Effect 1 1 *■* J lustrous blue black. i| Preserves and Rejuvenates the Complexion, AA'%^ IS? THB Q UEEN »y«:-" LOUIS VELVETEEN is the very best make on the market." < | £50 to be &J£ n £™ff to Residents r%|J^i 11 ■I '• |^^S3^ g^g »j* ' =g^^ I Send stamped and dixooted Envolopo for particulars to 'tegar ■1 -r «rfcTTitj eTTATTTTk "DTJ" T"D/**Tl ATT CITT'RQTTTTTTP^ i p.hayman & 00... :. - „ „ . Wellington. fp. 1 iKHII SADIES SHOULD REJECT ALL SUBSTITUTES. „ bhdwood-b hbport. I • ■ jt^aSffi H^».« , , Az , _ , , , > ■*■* JUVENIA SOAP is PERFEOTLY PURE and ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL, and I J fß^^S WBEp' /LOUIS" Velveteen can "be obtained from Drapers and Silk Mercers tnrougnout the Colonies. ', taofTHE highest quality.-t. rhdwood, ph a, p.r.c, f.c.s. ] »»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦.♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦«>♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#

iGEATBFDIf— COMFOETING. ( EPPS 1 JOCOA. | BREAKFAST. I "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws | which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of tho fine I properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has , provided our breakfast tables with a delicately. ' flavoured beverage whtch may save us many ( heavy doctors bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be < gradually built up until strong enough to resist | every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack I wherever there is a weak point. We may escape , many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well ' fortified with pure blood and a properly-nourished | frame."— See article in Civil Service Gazette. . Made Simply with Boiling Water or Milk. t Sold in Jib rackets by Grocers, labelled thus :- ( JAMES EPPS & CO., J HOMGEPATHIO CHEMISTS, ( LONDON, ENGLAND. ( I "Relief front Cough in 10 Minutes, H ( ■jTilmh ?V iliramii ■OP™™ 1 ' •j The most Safe and Speedy Remedy ;* \ INFLUENZA, COUGHS, \ COLDS, HOARSENESS, ftc < j IN THE NURSERY IT IS INVALUABLE. ( ii Immediately it is taken Coughing ' 41 Oeasos, Restlessness Is gone, and ( il Refreshing Sleep ensues. j ( II Mr. TRED. WILLIAMS, Grand Theatre, Leeds, writes: i || in my experience of fifteen yoars I have found nothing ' 1] io calculated to strengthen tho volco and alloviato , II Oongh aa j our VaUam.— January 9, 1891. ' A Sold by all Chemists at li. l)d. and 2s. 94. I Prepared only by A. llatujlh & Co., London, England. || Wholesale- Agents- sn ij | Kempthobkk, PitogsEß & Co., Auckland. • 4 OAXTTION HI j " MONTSERRAT." j^^^^L CTBADB KASX) ]| C^l LIME-FRUIT JUICE j]^^ AND CORDIALS. II She t oooett of the aboT* hss Mtued manylHlTAi\ TIOHB to tprißf *p, many ef them UTTHBLI 3 WOBTHLHSS Oeaoootions. It ta thenfore of ths I Utmott Impottene* to Vrmdws •» w«U m the Fabllo 1 toieethsttheTradsMurluoftheMONTSßßßAT ii OOUFAHT ( Limited ). >nd ths SOLB OOKii SIOHBBB, an on th« Osprala of «uh BottU. The J wor4 "MonUarra*" U alto dnlyßeilitered at a | Trad* Mm*. iMfl praoasdlnts wIU b» Inttltated ]| ugalntt all paxtonslalrinKlagttatMTnd* lbrks. JJ Immiax iiimi ]] rAVTDSOITBTft*., »sta»ioltr«st,BydM«y, I] BouOoimnsii | Xv«u, LMobar, end Wel)», Loidom. ]| LmEPOot i XVAIB, IOHB, * Co. 3 ROWLANDS U /£o^sisi^\ ///ll tJ!t> y\ SOOTHING f &4tl^BL^ S ~ <^ s h lbia warranted Frc I®^^ESSS^^ ROWLANDS' ARTH I i^%l«f^f^BraSW^k IT WILL i ?; £! / ..^^Bfl HM^l!v»uri.e fend < ;..-'- /^^ v &at-*'*^s*<w JSraBLIiIoTX B8( * "■ __Z_J?L WS.rjnßPii PHf J ?•'■■'. -#.£? 1» 6d ; 2ox, 2» W "^ Mia " 6* Eean < %^ ' J I *^ "OB3USBS

k i". „ .■ " ' '„.."■—..... . i , . ._ .... .> ) ' p.. 1""1 ' — -"" — ' ; ' > -~ ' ' — ~^ — — -— <l WULL MUSIC SI2IB AMD GUARANTEED COKIISCt. | (' No- SONGS. S /*®k 49 Gall Me Back Again. SS3 • I. sW^MIA Starlight Nell. 267 Then You'll l .• BLM9 Tim Remember Mo. 298 White ' ( , EWmrAWm Wings. 410 Who's that CeilI ' I ' m^L 4$M ins so Sweet. 411 Song that . I SbA^M Boohed My Heart. 427 A • I. If OS ma Little Peach in an Orchard B H B ■» wßt ll^ S CATAt/KJUHS Murphy's Home. | - AKB UHIVEBBALLY ADMITTED TO BE ' P> aU^ffl^^^^^^^^^ I WORTH A GUINEA A BOX '!|rSRMBI^^§ 1 For Billons and Nerroos Disorders, suoh m Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, ' , |^|| Q^ lent." 1 Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold, Chills, ( . beau eEtWAH^Hoi.Lgvy^GnguHa^ I Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costivoness, Scurvy, Blotches (' o /^,™ ct n \J£ Bl ?|X'EB S& i on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, . I EnKiisii Depot, m, f| Jul dp | % wnK 40. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have > ift^Xi'onfw" » »^a^a WlB 1 dona it in oountless caaes. Eyery luffortr ii tarnestiy invited to try one Box of these Pilla, X *«-«rn n ro. ul u. 1 i,i. 8) i«,»» n MIMMM | > and they will be acknowledged to be ( — ; A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Lunuekwi™™^ > Tor Females of all ages they art invaluable. No Female should be without them. cTHUITIuUPS U I There is not a medioine to be found to equal them for removing any obstruction d , ,' "GLOVE- FITTING" Trado Mark. I irregularity of the system. If taken acoording to the directions given with each Box, they 1 . fIAnAFI 1 will soon restore to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands of Females 'i B&gjjfej^' w f1 J *^»^BBl ilUlfuC I 1 who have tried them and found the benefits whioh result from their use. ( If§r . . . t HBy __ &(\' jfftalllraL Too roncctlon of Slmpo, Foe a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like ) W AJrp'rovodbytim^hoio".^ 1 • magic, and a few doses will bo found to work wondera upon the most important organs of . < ( T \ffl W§f 1 feioii PAiiT^nr' ' the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the lost complexion, ( tfprr<{iiKFff WA A CLOVE I Mly - To to bad of n.i ) bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into acfeion, with the rosebud of health, tho / I § jlllm j worid? , whole physical energy of the human frame. These are facts testified continually by members I a //f fflll 1 1W\ A\ M(lnllfllcturcr " : - w - s> of all eiassea of society ; and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated if their < , ft. Mi i| MS M\ t<S °Lonion* C si'« t£ft 1 vast and still increasing sale. I |^ SHI W/T MR f%floir°sos-B* azovf- . _ ». . . .. ■. . „r ■.. , , i BSBBSBBW^IW' FITTING," and beard our , YoU Directions are given with each Box. Sold by Druggists and Patent Medioine Dealers I BigEgg^- ■"ggp Trodo Mark, tuo crown. - | ! •T^STIS Boxes?* IS. lid. »nd 2.. 9<L ' (| I» **« «"»*». No others arc gonuiao. I * i ' ■—• ■■■■■' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -- ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ . BEECHAM'S PIJJ-S •! INVEOORATINGLAVEKDER SALTS. i Have the LABGBST SALE of any PATENT MEDICIIE m the WofW. < |; - ai.3 I | sSMbHST ajrreeablo deodoriser— appreI ciatcd everywhero as a most I ' I Bnß9iH^ "By leaving tho Btopper out for • I TMimBlsSUaM few momcntß a delichtful perfume I I ' HHIWIIMSj escapes, which frcßtirns and piui<jH6i QWfflMmHlHßtw fie " the alr molt «nioyably."— La I? | r^^T*r^^T^Hßs Genuine only with Crown Stopt I l(!i\SW' SHislTftilP Jier as thownhercteith. Reject dani I IfcKrfrrtrJSvfo i ft- » g trout imitations. I f fi™S?3SK^®y^*| I 300,000 Bottles sold last year. • . ' ' » * :s^SSp^bJg4?^" madb only by ► ' ' - . — ' - — ( mmmstim > the crown perfumery co., I m^^B~i~M^^^^mßi^m^m^^mKwa^^mm^^^ai*w^\imi ■■- — *«. / fetea|jjffi(fl*^^ajj " 1/7, Now Bond St., liCDdjU.

f . brown's i»js.TEwrrr ' KALYDOR. If w q ■n'^i^DERMATHISTIC CORSET. ef s eshing MiLK FOR TH] b ( aa fed V nay IMg / r^— — = ; =-^=^-^= l elegance.' comfort a durability.'!! nc?R^hV^f V ?L Fr^ leS^ T 'i U ' SUn " ' ( -rTftffa^iflffft .PATENT 1( Af^k ' ' "The actual wearing out =.— =r .nd Koughness of the Skin, Cutaneous ■ I /yfa. c ff.V^ ra M M iof such a Gorsot as this bo- i^SSlK'ifi? J I and prbduces a Soft, Fair Skin and a '| \f jt tf^^%ffliOCsT*i!k » I J«i^^» ' c . om ? 8 an a1 ? soluto impossi- T^it&jaT \ ;e from lead or mineral poisons. { SI "w^ < ****""*"*'" | | p ""/^^"""^X insuring durability. "~-Myra /'•SSv^^Tv'^^HS VMT\ni ATVAYTniA [ i^^Va ' ARE THE BEST. m I1!I 1 ! Si 7"" \\ "It seems, indeed, as /&V7 --' - ?SB| HT ! ands j odonto Jfa vrss.-i : : 1 =ss^ DLE S> of20 > Hatto g Garden S ,London ) England. j Slj! / JW ' I S.'tSS" a^^^, . __ 8 , -k . M mm>a » Bold »U SYSI BttTOMi t»4to4 ftatM ef |.1 "£ ho Registered ' Coach Spring |f^ Wf 1 IhHL#?^«B B I^lg8 v BLISTER. » I ' »J/^^^ o^,^«; h^^ fe^BfflßiyMr J nra yoat bersstomM, <a ta » looia fcM •»?•** Jai- ' ( au » (he World, Suuwa mb M*xi(, % y \\ WmSa.fW^^Y^ < Wan-onicd Unbreakable. tfc» eppUaatloa WlUurat » <K*dle of other w«fcratnt. r Anchor, oo every pub end box. A»k rojur B | f «it* >> w ! Every lady ebould try _. i I Wl£t^HAW M. It *U1 n«*e» Wemlib. Tks ) Dr«pia ot OutfitUrtoV I2OD-8 m»k«j lake | «V ' them. Order at once. ~ ' 19 D»yi. It m»y be ituod t*. a toal, howeref yoong. I nofUiwwiSiMyimgeJ thwn, t*b»dßM,ke«^ I. v^^D t *^> /j^ Caution.-Do not take a Substitute ; Beware HOT TOUCH THE HUMAN HAND. / " ° D^ "lV"^.l!^ "^^a L. < ' ■■' Ca "* X °?f Wnrthfr- TSft-t'— " ITitlouttho WrnatnrM H. 8. UMB3»nda J&MUfc £ «"»ded to "Try another Idnd. ■»« T «^ I. • lof^^%sSn^Bii^W!S[W < Swo^^rkefu^to^T^b j WIDOW "WEI-C^'S PZZ.X.S. WeUtr^ton-SOOKTi iwK^indOo -MelblfaiS ■ ? tho prindpßd Wholasalo Hounes. S «m OR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Mrs Smithers, Granddaughter of the Widow Welch, con33. Sydney, Brleba'na, «nd ikonosstoa; KHMP' S « Tl7r^T\ «»■ GfMST -*? tinues to prepare this celebrated Medicine from tbe pnly original and genuine Family Kcc'.pc'. >BBHB.BndOo., Duncan. Otago.f.nd Auckland. \r. x C Jij, AZjUil 06 O\JV* t g < Us just celebrity for all Female Complaints has obtained for it a most extensive and increasing lj oos, 6i; Jib, 3s; lib, 1«*. Advertiwd la " BcU'i / _- _>_- _ „„„«„«, rnMn « n g i 1 .'.eniand. Purchasers should therefore attend to tho i following CAUTION :— To be careful thatvamt \ 30, MILK STREET, LONDON. £| 'i they purchase is prepared by Mrs Smithers, who is the only person in possession of the original •v %r^* tr #ft •WfciiarTKHKSsa £ M..«f.nt«n< TanAnnrt n ftn «, KM Rccvio. The genuine arc wrapped in blue paper, and signed on the outside label by Mrs Smithers, iT« &Km •F^raLJ^E^fi^^, ) Manufactory, fcanaport, Bonta. » an d the names of the Wholesale Agents, " W: EDWARDS and SON, 157 Queen Victoria Street fAGTUBEB O» TKH OSIQIH.?^ As?n OWLS » \jSsß|Sl^V^'lJWlMiS^i!ffl^S^i !^^g formerly of 67 St. Paul's, London," are engraved on tho Government Stamp. Sold in boxes at 2a fid BLIStfHa," PAI3IHGDO?SI, KaESS, ESSJ.ABr>. 1 HUiMIMIIIIIMMrBmwgmMEaMEgi b^ mod t chemibts.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2009, 25 August 1892, Page 48

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Page 48 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2009, 25 August 1892, Page 48

Page 48 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2009, 25 August 1892, Page 48