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/? TS the first and foremost of fabrics for imparting charm and dignity to its fair wearers. Moreover, its rich \ hSh I Ik j^B|^H3Bß9A^^ _|_ appearance, light weight, and sterling wearing qualities, proclaim it the desideratum for Promenade, I UV I ll mSvB&S&m&S?^ Visiting, and At Home Toilettes, while for Children's Dresses it is unsurpassed. | BCiarSuH I \a NOTE WELL. — Each yard of genuine "Louis' 1 Velveteen bears the name (spelled L-O-U-I-S, (, pi JS^ 'ffl^BP *SI ■ f IHK **" RICH AND RARE NEW COLOURS FOR PRESENT WEAR. -^WS !| n Marvellous Effect ! ! g^ II j^Hß^f lustrous blue black. I Preserves and Rejuvenates the Complexion. J%m% 11l y^K^^Kß^^ THE QUEEN Bays .-«« LOUIS VELVETEEN is the very best make on the market." ( , £5 ° to be Bi ? eI V?S27iS.??J^? to Residents J^fl^fl 111 E - , H|^B^^H^^^^HHHwKv i J-H -W Jc/ W ■» BBBi afll B H^V al Ik =a * . I Send stamped and direoted Envelope for particulars ti> B If ■B LADIES SHOULD REJECT ALL SUBSTITUTES. ,[ "'~ 0D ; s "ju^T""*' I ■HfIBB^S^BBL; * ' I J-^ JUVENIA SOAP ia PERFECTLY PURE iiml ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL awl H jl «' LOUIS" Velveteen can be obtained from Drapers and Silk Mercers throughout the Colonies. ', _ "^ THE h| gh e -st quality.-t. iv : Dv/oon. p)^.^\[.q^ca alk I GRATEFUL— COMFORTING. ( » S ifii ■ J jf^ywy V HiaSSS^^ j^ t*iiUl I WV%V%• 44 I 4M 4% M k l - ' I T^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' i Ik Jj WH P / 111 11l A i ~ .—:z^Z— .TTZX^ZZ^ ( FULL MUSIC BIZE AND GUAUANTKED CORUBCT. JL JUIIO vUvU Al (' I i^^&W 1 49' Call Me Back ' Again. 253 | f {' i APi Starlight Nell. 267 Then You'll F -rz>T-»-n a T?-r-« aom S —— ' .^^^IyMWWW *u»^~ — >-—*^ >&L 3& (im Remember Me. 298 Whit* I BREAKFAST. ( o ** «jtfAV(YVYfII ■ uM IfV tt\w"**~^*^^ : S KTfr-Aill W in « 8 - 410 Who's that CaU. C "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws / £&M lllu fC KJI liv Jwi MV FLWrfflT *^*****^ & J!hJfti& r&J^lJr"* \l a.^ffissa'sewffijSKis. l^ > M^a^ ' ? orißCopl rL 8 '- K^l. ™"^ I such articles of diet that a constitution may be C >I»^» Ml^^^ mM^SM/flOg \ S catalogues Murphy's Home. « gradually built up until strong enough to resist / _^PB V ■fiT^^^^^^ fc .^ • I C «o a*i. v—lrv — Ir t, /ir j » P 2^artoT£fiSUtHKnsi < i 1 sj il ifiJ l 111 i T i Vflll I ■ W*Ji > te™^™™^"™!.* I fortified with pure blood and a properly-nourished / ! I n^i 3^l ■"111 I I M^H >Ji I H^W I \ THE i HOLBORN MUSIC STORES, 9 frame."— See article in Civil Service Gazette. 1 ' Wi a.H tat |J| IB I |»B» B |II r ■ fjf ■ ■ iVft W / 15 HOLBORN, LONDON, E.G., ENGLAND. II „ , „. , !L , r-?.. ... . , r .,, \ ' m t'M "I^l I I'M 11 I *W'^M^M<mM§ l \m [^% *%~.ffl ) Every class of Musical Instruments in Stock. L Made Simply with Boiling Water or Milk. ? j U^^OL^^^^^J^^^^H'KM^J^^^| (. "How to Learn tho Banjo in Eight Easy Lessons" If "~~~ J ' i ' "saHfifiBEHMMffIH^HBHBHHHHHHMMHBBBHH^HHI^^MBHHI^^MHBI^wB t (post freo), is. ll Sold in Jib Packets by Grocers, labelled thus :- \ { I lal J Est. 1845.] Trade Supplied. [Est. 1846 v ■ AMCC CDDC JB# I*ll i I Are universally admitted to be a marvellous antidote for Bilious and Nervous IB S .. ■ ' ' " 'If JANItO trrO A UU. y / Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddi- II ( |'T"" /^^V™"" "" "JJn" '"" T0 ust llk HOMCEPATHIC CHEMISTS, { ,1 ness, Fulness and Swelh'ng after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold ll ( ( NEVEt^ f LONDON ENGLAND \ l/ Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, \1 f ReQUIRE s^~^-s^^™|^^^^^ F ? 1/ CMrv)', Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all \bl I ( SfflrjimßapSSa^^^^^ f 1/ Nerved and Trembling Sensations, &c The first dose will give relief in 20 l^ (' &sisWß&S^l&**^^ ar " H BNRY k -Relief from Cottffh in io Minutes. | | fl minutes* This is no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Every \^ ffS^^ "J^nd Writ °* F »^4lMJMffißip»Hßng»nß|| ) #/ sufferer f , earnestly invited to try one box of these plls, and they will be \lk j ) Wk jff^j Razors excel- k Ejyy^^^|Z£££Sx»^BH g S 1/ acknowledged to be VR ,' fi&fl» mJ& H^ ET^ Zcn^." It B ' .1 HEAL BERMANHOU.OWt»SROD>It^^ f I gQ^mQl^m^^^^l^^l^pQ^HißifliHrfMßflUHH^l B i k Ji^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^v^^^^^^^^^^l^^^^H^^^^H^^^H^^^r^^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^L^v^^BHi " i From ' nil Dealers, *H^ih Jan l^r^H 9 _, , , . I jm 1 ■ fj|B Ik 'U ikl I . CJ II I IHmb. BH . ■■ m m ™JHfB& 3 i or direct from the fiyp fin >^r H■ L^ fi ; The most Safe and Speedy Remedy > - \ BJI 1 1 Z% I ■ flfi W M l l l k" 1 3TA WiV Si 1 FviH I!' EM #% BJ if I! INFLUENZA, COUGHS, < P" ***WMJLa^XJUUUgMMMM ft ram <-"-'•""" — ' g COLDS, HOARSENESS, &C. J I OT Females of all a S es the y are invaluable. No female should be without them. I (>( > EXQUISITE MODEL. PERFECT' FIT IE IM THF NIIR^FRV IT l<? INUAIIIAHIC ) I f^ ere is n °t a medicine to be found to equal them for removing any obstruction or 1 ? CUARANTFED WEAR ' \l IN THE NURSERY II 15 INVALUABLE C I of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each Box, I > «|UAKANIttU WtAK. Immediately it is taken Coughing I % ley wiU soon restore to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands I > (PATENT DIAGONAL SEAM.) \) Ceases, Restlessness is gone, and ( |» .' , . . ..■,.-, jz-jiT.i-Ci.r-i. -n r • I X y-»g^rr?ys _ . Refreshing Sleep ensues. , J II »• * Females who have tried them and found the benefits which result from their use. I J /%f\ jj^Tra Q& Sk El If ? I • For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like I < TTTE W& X! I c^n^i^Bj'ourßau^-jan^sr^i. andaUcTißto > [A &gK, and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs I { \Mwfw^ ■ I^| |[ sold by an chemists at ls.ija. and as. od. J l\\ 5 the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the lost ■ ( ®ijj Ik Pr 3 par 6 aoniyby^mwiii*a« :i Lonioii,Eii*iaiio. S fl complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the /' j ) liffff PUBSCT" I! KEMrrgomTK, pbosbeb & Co., AncMand. '^ > 1^ rosebud of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are facts IB I'm S??^ I I If "Sifgfigi »-■! i im^g— iiimiMiin C %\ testified continually by members of all class 3of society; and one of the best IM $ JlmMx^L. -p»+ »^a •„ v~i a V I %V ~. i a ii ■• -i , .1. , . , . , „, . . , JJm 'k £ J'E? l^QKnffl^i latentcd in England ana I — -^—^^^^--. A l\ gu^^iees to the nervous and debilitated is their vast and still increasing sale. /M .) Mm I OTM on the Continent. OATJTKXNr II! < Vi /M S %$m W^ — / j &&*('rS-'*i''sP&*i r </i'ii r 'A' SMF ( NJt-l K{[ $Sk /^ Will not split in the seami "~^^ > — * /v^*" '| y^F / nor tear in the fabric. a MONTSERRAT." ? In Boxes, i/li aad 2/9 eaolu ( ! the queen says~ ®J I "Admirably modelled, exquisitely neat and (TBADH 1IABK) j ( ( strong, and tho workmanship all that could be II AND CORDIALS. J I tf^ Bo^^^^^^^^^^ I !|^^^pS c T a^ S WOBTHLBBB OMiowJtIoni. It !• therefor* of ti™ ) ;. ES^V^aP^ ißSfflUm^ ( X-"^-^^^:^/ BhckaS c F nnupiwr s t imiiuvt \ >n>i Mi* RDT.ii nnn V *Mf*'*rZ^ Xs«»atz\ I Colours and shades in Italian Cloth, oatm Coutil, X SlOTßi^oX^p.S.of^h TBottta. Th. ? J^^ /.ilso in tho New Sanitary Woollen Cloth, at Prices I wor* " Montitrrat " U alto duly BegUtered as a A "^ Jto Suit all rurchasers. Vk V^AiStpuSSSi^SS^S^i^^^ ) Bold toy aL; €,: u^Ni^d Patent ModloinoDealerethronghont the Aufltraiiaa Colonies. (|( | THREE GOLD MEDALS. It — — I J Caution. — Beware of worthless imitations. Ik Bfwmxt linmi (. ;' (i Every genuine Y& N Corset is stamped "Y&N IF DAVIDSOIf BrM.i 566 Itinaz f trait. Byda»j, i' . _» . — 0~, *~-r^ . —^y — a < — . . -^ ■ ■ — ~ (' I'ATIONT DIAGONAL SEAM No. 116," in oval ll _ _ 'k _mz^ZZ^^nrrrrrr .' . — *■ I on the liumg- Ik SOU OOHSIOWtBSI / - - "- ° II Ivans, Lawher, «nd Webb, Londom. S ■' ' ' ' n / SOLD BY ALL DRAPERS AND LADIES' \i Lttkbpool ; EVAHB, SONS, ft Co. \ | OUTFITTERS IN THE UNITED KING- L Cajtaba ; XVAHI * lOM (Ltd.), KONTRKAL. * DOM AND COLONIES. 9 »»»♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦»•»♦♦»♦»♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ J ROWLANDS 9 KALYDOR j ii^Sl^ " "hUBBUCK'S COLOURS AND VARNISHEW. UVH JjAJNi/O OJJOWTO ROBBUCK'S P»l« Botled X,l»ae«a OU. I "^iHEKH X^-a-r^^A^ AVT — KUBBVCK'S CampoßSitlfln fo» Bfatpß* Bo«*O«n«. *£Ms>& P /t^^, J^SSK A NON-GRITTY TOOTH POWDER. It Whitens the £?' ?^ r- s "^ «CTRjaiarc2W!S *K.*a*ft.C!<airx>o«t-«'«a xp»£t«««. *^S3^3 I *^sPlsii«ise^M*rßlp Teeth, Prevents Decay, and Sweetens the Breath. Ask any I .',&H<leMj:~J TBLX?z&'2&T3CSX*m is»a»tor»«*.*«'« x^£^«a* s»s»t«a«is« W-WBiX&M II /3^^^w Dealer for ' V^;- ,-^ ;: J Js:<jrsa23^©'BK > © 33a»*4aeaaa awa«n 3£*Mtnt. ROWLANDS' ARTICLES, of 20, Hatton Gardens, LondOty.EiiglaiKl. e ;>: :i x .^,», 3stc?3»ssm3to2k*i3 as^^^s. aw«»»2aA«4i owu ni*K wSiai 3O: O ES S3 IBS 0* S liubbnek's Paints, Oils, and Tarnishes ar« the best, and therefor*, the cheapest. ÜBUTEMAaT JAi«EB' slsstsr. < THOMAS HUBBUCK AND SON, LIMITED, I «• flßS^k. S«u may ttira yoar boria t» «*m. er In * loot* MS •ry»ff*l«a- i II jsßs,^s^U?>«aflsSg>^»v^ H*!rßotarn§lnlODay«. It may ba nied to a foril, however young. 1 /^^^^^^k jf " ' i (&§!g&B&?3&& la i^^^»Sfn£ssW IT WILL MOT touch the human hamd. ) M^Sm !@ ATT AT? "RP A TOft T IT°UV>¥£* &*&!!$£& ATT I WB*ssolk \l P& JgTp? *' WsU3£7a?sai !^^ The How* m*y Continue tt. AseattomoJ lL«— Oatow. C (i^^|^||o^.lXjU J& XSi&jB.JM JJ Jj U JSAvX vH. £ J.J>3 U UJ.Jj| W^^M f S-A'^v^r }5 W%k Gennine Without tho Signature B. 8. JAMBS »ndJ.JAMUB / *^$MM%m I ' ST^^P^ a ify^J&^T [/~*~.**jJ %%'■?? <>•■ the Top Label of Hvery Pot (m anneied). EXTENSIVELY % « ; *Pvfi«flT>fl( 1 l ftWV«»ftflsl"ff fWv ftll Wflflfl «f Mi'O^'n W Mftjs'h^fttvw $f^WZV%gtf if " ! j" / Wellington; HOOKE.TOM&lTT.andOo., Melbourne; 1 3kgg&!sNZZ' W j&kS&g&SZ F % %J- y^*»^fl fe&^.j£^^ > irf^^kiSAlLOß BRAND PAINTS & VABNISHES.I^^I% '%x% x •^tkr XE # vr^siyr'gnigs., / teademaek. bewaee of counteefeits of their name and teade mack. teademaek. . f _-»f^C Bora MAEUP^oTUBBH o» thb ok;oih^ an* onl"? ) These Goods can 1)0 obtained from all Wholesale Ironmongers and Dealers in all the Colonies. ) » QHBUISra iJLISTBB," JABIHSDOS, BBRKS, BESVJ-ASO S J I-A.3Sr OPFICE-34 GaXTE-DBiT ST.. MIEJIuBO-CraajSrEl. I

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Otago Witness, Issue 2004, 21 July 1892, Page 48

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Page 48 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2004, 21 July 1892, Page 48

Page 48 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 2004, 21 July 1892, Page 48