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Public Notices, FIRST SHIPMENT OF 2500 COPIES NEARLY EXHAUSTED. STANLEY'S NEW BOOK. "IN DARKEST AFRICA." PRIDE 16s. Stanley's Other Works on African Travel : 1 How I Found Livingstone " (cheap edibiou), 48. " Through the Dark Continent" (cheap edition) 4s. JAMES HORSBURCH, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 97 Geobgb Stbbet, Dunedin. JOHN B A R R O N, GROCER, WINH AND SPIEIT MBBOHABY, 39 BITTAIT RUnT. DVKBDTK. Itetiri t. BPBIGHT ft OO.'t celebrated Al*l and STOUT in BQTTLE, in exoellsut condition. JOHN BARRON, Bole Bottltr, 2» Rattray ttr*«ti. NOTES AND QUERIES, Amateur.- (I) Tbe best remedy for blight in cabbage is to keep the plants In a perfectly healthy condition. When the pest appears in large numbers, depend upon it there is something faulty in your method of culture. If blight appears, water frequently with soap suds, I and give occasional waterings of weak liquid manure, keeping the hoe going conatautly between the rows, and attending to the earthing up. (2) It depends upon the method adopted. If summer pruning from now forward, removing all superfluous young growth ; if winter pruning from May to August according to circumstances. (3) Budding may be done now. Tbe following ib the process : — Budding is ohlt fly employed on young shoots or trees from one to five years old, and which have a thin, tender, and smooth bark. Having cut the bud, take out the wood without touching the inner bark ; make an incision In the branch on which the bud is to be placed, quite close to the main stem, half an inch long, with a croea cut at the upper extremity, thus T- Raise the bark without bruising it, and insert the bud, tying it well with worsted thread, giving one turn below, and two, or at tbe most three, above the eye of the bud. (4) When the sap begins to ri6ein spr'ngis the proper time to graft fruit tress. (5) It depends entirely on circumstances ; each is useful in its way, and neither can entirely supersede the other. (6) Oamaru is 72 miles from Dunedin by road. Fairplay and Oid Subsobidhr.— Yonr questions evidently have a common origin. If the motions have already been proposed by other members of the committee we do not see how you can be allowed to propose them over again. But probably this is not what you mean, though it is the rnly •meaning attached to the question as you put it. If you are members of the committee there is no reason, so far as we can see, why you should not be allowed to propose any motion or amendment to a motion so long as it is in conformity with the bye-laws. Another Old Subscriber. — You must obtain probate of the will. To do this it will be necessary for you to employ a solioitor. Fisherman.— (l) A rabbit inspector cannot fine a man who has not poisoned his land. He can only charge him with neglect, and if the defendant can prove that there are no rabbits on the land, of course the magistrate would not convict. (2) See Sporting. Nita. — No, the transfer must be registered, and the information is thus available for use in the way you ohjeet to. BusTirs.— We are afraid from the description of your symptoms that you would be a long time under treatment without much satisfaction, as the comlalnt generally gets gradually woree Instead of better However, you might try wearing an electric belt for a while, or apply the poles of an electric batter} to the lower end of the spine for a few minutes at a time every night and morning. Mr A. T. Price, chemist, has a preparation for this complaint, particulars of which will be found in our advertising columns. G.H. S., Queeustown.— Mr Beverly replies as follows to your query;— A sin pipe 90ft long with 73ft fall and 2ln nozzle will disobarge nearly one head of water with a volooityof about 65ft per second. If tbe jet be applied to a pelton wheelit will generate six or seven horse power when the circumference velocity is about half that of tbe jet. A 3ft wheel should make between three and four revolutions per second, and the breadth of the cups should be at least twice the diameter of the jet -say, 4in or sin. A 7ln pipe with 3ln nozzle would discharge two heads of water at the saute velocity and generate about 16 horse power. Subscriber. — (1) The Prince of Wales belongs to the established church, ie., the Church of England; (2) be could not ascend the throne were he a Roman Catholic. MmBR, Clyde.— lt teems to us ho duty will be payable on gold shipped after 31et March, although it may have been purohased prior to that date. Road Link asks':— (l)Can the County Council compel me to cut gorse that has spread across a road line on to my side of the road, but not quite up to my fence ? There has never been any gorae town on my fence, neither Ib this gone exactly up to ib yet, but soon will be (2) If I can't be compelled, who can ? (I and 2} If the act is interpreted literally we think you may be compelled, but we do not think a court would so Interpret it as to make it apply in such a case. The difficulty is. that if you are not liable no one is. Q. L., Clinton.— (l, 2, 3, and 5) You can recover damages without giving him any notice; (4) you cannot recover any rent, as the intending tenant never entered into possession, and there is no written agreement. A Constant Reader.— He cannot recover any wages at all unless it was understood that he was to get •wages. I Inquirer.— (l) Wo arc of opinion that he can take | the children without applying to the court. (2) No. (3) We think not. OTAGO WITNESS. Established 1851. Terms of Subscription : 1 Quarter, in advance ... £0 7 0 Six months „ ... 013 0 Twelve months „ ... 1 5 0 Postage included. ON papers sent to the Australian Colonies extra postage is chargeable. , Remittance by ohequ% money order, or postal notes. If cheques cent, Is exchange must be added. Money orders payable to GEORGE FENWICK, 9ja Manager. Mr A. C. Morris is establishing a very extensive apiary down at Kenley. He has about 100 hives in position, and expocts to have 300 by next spring. An Auckland telegram states that iha purchasers of the Aroha Silver and GoW Mining C'pmpany'a plant, &c, are Messrs H. H. Adams and Wick. They intend to start working the mines at once. The price pnid for the property was £3500. Mr Leslie Macatthur, who visited Pubipuhi in older that he might rt port on the field to certain Australian capitalists, bus relumed to Auckland from tnat locality. He conciders the field rich aud extensive, aud Gays that with proper maohinery the silver will be easijy saved,

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Otago Witness, Issue 1921, 11 December 1890, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Witness, Issue 1921, 11 December 1890, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Witness, Issue 1921, 11 December 1890, Page 22