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Wellington, May 8. The following is the value of the imports for the quarters ending 31st March this year and last :— <- 1889. 1890. Auokland... ,„ „. £439,674 £355,022 Wellington ... ... 290,676 288,589 L\ttelton ... ... 333,479 299,311 Dunedin ... „. ... 462,590 538,478 Total for colony ... £1,721,988 £1,688,797 The value of the exports for same periods was:—1889. 1890. Auckland... ... ... £293,171 £333,540 Wellington ... ... 468,276 571,616 Ljttelton „. .„ 861,421 874 421 Dunedin ... ... 371,678 403,992 Total tor colony ... £3,417,734 £3,794,162 The exports were :— 1889. 1890. Minerals ... ... ... £231,747 £221,556 Fisheries ... ... ... 3,356 1,880 Forestry ... ... ... 138,876 127,376 Animals and produoe ... 2,620,118 2,932 500 Agricultural prouuots ... 286.185 260,887 Manufactures (including fltx) ... 99,410 204.600 Mis tllaneous ... ... 2,577 6,702 Specie ... ... ... Nil 1,878 Otuer colonial. British, and foreign produce and manufactures... ... ... 38,435 «7,693 Totil ... ...£3,417, 734 £3,794,162 The number of vessels entered inwards in the colony during the quarter was. 202, with a total of 170,315 tons; as compared with fifi vessels with 159,405 tons for the corresponding quarter of 1889. The vessels outwards were 220 with 188,624 tons, against 209 vessels with 152,553 tons for the same quarter in 1889. SOUTHLAND LAND BOARD. The monthly meeting [held on Wednesday, May 7, was '.attended Jby the Chief Commisaioner (Mr J; Spence), and Messrs Denniston and Cowan. The following applications were granted ;— For onßh'seotions : Timpany Bros., seotion 1, block XIV, Ofceramika ; Mary Ferguson, seotion 49, block IV, Invercargill Hundred. Fo* deferred payment sections : J. A. Ferguson, section 48, block IV, Inveroargill Hundred ; C. G. Thurston, section 2, blook 11, Wendon.fiide. For perpetual leases : Robert Mitchell, .section 3, block 111, Campbelltown ; H, M'Dowall, section 37, block VI, New River Hundred; R, G. Riddell, sections 36 to 41, block VI, Longwood ; Louisa Faulks, seotion 34, block VII, Chatton; Stephen Watson, section 16, block VIII, Longwood ; Henry W-itson, section 15, block VIII, Longwood. To transfer: Section 300, Forest Hill, from Douald Murobison to his son ; the right to out flax on block XIX, New River Hundred, from Whealler and Valli to William Boss. To complete purchase : Martha Orilly, seotion 193, Forest HillJ; J. B. Walsh, section 8, block ll, Oteramika Hundred; Hugh Killen, section 294, Taringatura; J. O. and J. Ford, section 101, Warns. To oapitalise: James Grant, seotion 7-U Wairaki. The Pegasus High Level Tin Muring Company applied for the right to cut a water race on block VII, Pegasus, Stewart Island. — Granted, subject to prior rights. W. H, Edge applied fcr a coal area of two acres in section 14, blook IX, Ohatton.— £raated. William Todd applied for permission to depasture cattle on blook IV, Mabel, offering to keep down the rabbits by way of return.— Held oo v er for consideration. John isPLe&y requested that the ceaidsnee conditions^ connection with seotion 6, blook XIII, be suspended for two years, — Granted for one year. John Ravenseepft offered to take up Notions 18 to 21, Hodgkinson village, at the revaluation of an adjoining seOtfo©. namely, fiSper acre.— A sub-committee ooueuttng of the Chief Commissioner and Mr Kiueoss, to be assisted by Hunger Mussen, to look over the map of the locality and revalue the unoccupied seotions. Ooiin M'Gregor applied for a perpetual lease of seotion 14, block IX, Chatton. — Refused. Alexander Taylor applied for an annual grazing lease of section 10, blook X, Ohatton. — Granted. Andrew Harvey wrote and Appeared personally to ask for a revaluation of section 15, blook 11, Chatton. The Chief Commissioner explained that nothing oould be done, as the land : was taken up after the Ist January, 1888. Mary Ann Smith applied for an annual grazing lease of a municipal reserve at Limehills, bekg section 13, block 111, of, that township.—Granted, at 5s per year. Ranger Mossen reported an infringement of the Land Act by A. D. M'Gillvray, who m iad leased his deferred payment seotion in block 111, Otama, to one Thomas Cleliand, for - term of years. — Lessee to be given notice to show cause why the lection should not be forfeited. P. Sullivan applied for a grazing lease of seotion 3, "block VIII, Makarewa, o£ering Is per acre per annum.— The Chief Commissioner thought it would not be desirable to grant the application, the seotion being a bush one. — Held over for consideration. Ranger Mussen reported that the lessee of sections 88 and 90, blook I, Oteramika Hundred, had not complied with the residenoe conditions or paid the rent. — Seotion deolaved forfeited. >

The Southland County Olerk wrote, stating that as no deferred payment or perpetual leass thirds had been received by the county for several years on account of lands owned by the School Commissioners of Otago, but under the jurisdiction of the Land Board in the Waikaia rifjinp. he was 1 directed to apply for the funds acet-'wl on account of such lands, — The Chief Commissioner explaii^d tDafc on fy 2s per aore had oeen deducted from J*e price of the commisaioners' laud west of the M»tonr», co that nothing had been retained by tha.* 0 - 7 ?*? 11 * 1011 ? for road-making. In regard to the la^* o £l of the Mataura in the Wendonside distr^ however, 5s per acre had been deduoted He moved— "That the county council be informed that in the case of tbe Hokonui sections only 2s per acre had been deducted, which waß simply the cost of survey and administration, and Mlvised to apply to the commissioners in respeot of theße sections ; and that in respect to the Wendonside sections the county council's letters be forwarded to the Government with an explanation of the ciroumstances "— The motion was seconded by Mr Kinross 'and lamed. The board then proceeded to deal with the evaluations of sections in various districts.— Ranger Mua^en said it wan well known that in the Chatton, Otama, and neighbouring districts the Otago Land Board had made very jreat reductions, by forfeiting the Bections md putting them up again at very low figures. The valuators (Mr Kinross and himself) had felt that they could not increase theße valuations, which were lower than those they would have otherwise fixed, but they had not taken them as a standard or allowed them to influence the valuation of tbe other sections.— The raluations were then considered individually, a number of the settlers interested being in ittendance. Tbe lessee of a seotion in Ofaatton, $9 valuation of whioh, 80s, bad not bMO

reduced, made a strong prote«t'againßt what he j considered such an injustice, arguing ..that although the seotion was valuable now it wae the heavy expenditure of his money which had made it so, and claiming that he was therefore entitled to a reduction. The valuation wae sustained.— Others represented that their revaluations were still too high, but only-in one case was a further concession granted. Following are the lists aB finally approved :— Ohxtton.

The following note was attaohed to the valuation list for this diatriot :— The sections are feom one to four miles beyond Waikaka township. They grow better artificial grasses than sections in the interior districts, and are better suited for pastoral purposes than for afridoltural, . Oiama.

In a Bab joined note the valuators stated that these sections are about three to five miles beyond Waikaia township. They ate termed by residents in the locality "the pound of candles," from the manner in whioh they have been surveyed. The good land between the road and the river has been left out of the block, and the sections run in long narrow strips up the hills. The upper portion is nearly valueless, being covered with stunted fern and manuka scrub. WffiTDONSrDB.

These sections are from 12 bo 15 mileß from Riversdflle, and are devoted chiefly to oatgrowing Millwood Towhships.

•^ See. Blk. Licensee. Old New value, value. id. id, * VXt James Blackburn 80 0 60 0 32 -« James Meldrum 80 0 60 0 7 li- -^TO TOWNBHIP. Loan,. '-Uhiad 60 0 40 0 78 VIII Alexander * 40 0 40 0 92 VIII John Grenfeli •* 0 40 0 24 VIII Charles Colletfc »„ Kennington Township. 76 VII John Hibbs 100 0 70 0 81 VII James Kennaird 100 0 70 0 82 VII Thomas Ryder 100 0 80 0 88 VII William Haggart 100 0 70 0 Brunswick Township. 90 VII Jas Sutherland 100 0 60 0 91 VII Jas Sutherland, ir 100 0 60 0 99 VII PWDawaon 100 0 60 0 Oteramika Township. 86 I M M'Oallum 60 0 40 0 Daork Township. 4 XVII J B Scammoll 60 0 40 0 4 XVIII John Lee 60 0 40 0 Makarkwa Township. 14 IV J Gedney 120 0 80 0 20 IV BFrilay 120 0 80 0 10 V M Robinson 4 0 2 9 10 VI BPord 4 0 3 « 9 VIII DKelleher 4 0 3 9 4 IX ODrlscoll 4 0 2 9 5 IX JM'lnerney 40 2 6

jeo. BU a i 10 J v I 15 I 18 I 19 I 3 II 5 II 8 II 14 II If. Idaeasee, Robert M'Dowell John Cameron Adam Crawford W J Burke A. and D C Hall Alex M'Gi *aot Eoberl. Mi ler Francis "i ariball John Beck Duncan MacNelll Old Hew value, value. B d. g d. 10 10 50 0 28 0 60 3 35 0 16 10 60 0 30 0 10 10 70 o 30 0 62 6 28 0 a o 13 SO 0 28 0

Sec. Blk, 1 I 3 I 7 I 4 II 19 n 2 111 4 111 6 m 8 111 9 111 M 111 15 111 17 111 39 111 c. Licensee. Old value. ■ d. William M'Robio 2 John Ohisholm 80 Robert Dodda 30 D Hobertion 61 8 Robert M'Oallum 45 Bobert Walker 30 William J Oooper 30 J6hn Forbei 30 William M'o«llHm 60 William Tremiin 66 Hugh Cameron 33 8 A D M'GiUvmy 30 John M'Say 30 John Henderson 30 Hew value. B d. 1 4 60 30 SO 28 26 27 23 30 42 30 30 23 22 1 X 2 X 4 X 6 X 6 X . 8 X 9 X in -r Waikaia. Alexander Gall 1 John Gall 1 William O Turnbull 1 W F Boyer 1 1 APBlwell 1 8} Daniel Daly 1 John M'Kemmel 1 1 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 R

Seo. Bile. Licensee value. ' a d. 8 II DGllohrist 70 0 13 V D Archibald 88 8 18 VI CSfcrevener 80 0 18 VI J Anderson 30 0 6 X W Gruiokthanks 30 0 3 XI John Wilson 30 0 4 XI Gavin Dickaon 63 4 12 XI Alex Peters 106 8 7 XII ABiehardion 30 0 17 XII BM'Auley 110 0 18 XH GDawson 61' 8 2 XIII A Williamson 2 1 3 XIII E Paterson 1 0 19 XIV JohnTarnbull 1 ft 45 XIV John Turnbull 1 8 SO XIV JGallahue 90 0 39 & 40 XIV Jub Heidy 90 0 43 XIV David Lamb 90 0 44 XIV MSpratt 1 0 46 XIV OB Jones 1 0 47*48 XIV A Harvey 1 0 49 XIV JBallantyne 21 0 value, a d. 40 0 42 0 34 0 23 0 27 6 25 0 40 0 60 0 25 0 50 0 40 0 1 3 1 0 1 6 1 0 50 0 50 0 60 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 18 0 GOBB. 12 XVI Joseph Blake £3117i7d I £15 HOKOHDI. 693 & 693 W J Ward 3 0 694 & 695 W Gilmore 2 0 696 & 697 WKirker 2 0 701 * 703 W Bambaum 2 0 706 & 707 John Sheehy 3 0 703 W Bambaum 100 0 705 WBambanm 100 0 652 John Gray 113 4 653 MHeenan 61 8 655 W Watt 30 0 556 James Watt 30 0 470 & 471 J M'Kay 30 0 472 DAuld 54 0 473 WHSilmond 30 0 688 MAM'Allister 60 0 689 JohnMunro 60 0 690 RMunro 60 0 691 J M'Kay 60 0 631 MMunro 30 O 632 W Beid 30 0 lof 243 HS Jones SO 6 2of 243 JStauton 91 0 4of 243 D Davidson 142 0 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 50 0 40 0 44 0 25 0 20 0 20 0 23 0 24 0 24 0 40 0 40 0 40 0 40 0 23 0 23 0 35 0 55 0 50 0 Window. If I A Davidson S • 71 I JMoffett 1 7 3 111 WM'Kenna 81 3 5 111 DOrosß 59 6 6 111 T Graham 40 0 7 111 T Graham 1 0 1 VII E Tayles 60 0 2 D M'Kay 1 d 3 J Stevenson, jun. 73 9 6 BM'Cullooh 1 9 9 OM'Glllvray 65 6 15 W Walker 1 0 18 W Stewart 1 6 22 JJArgyle 60 0 7 X A Graham 50 0 9 G A Stevenson 1 6 10 A Beid 143 6 11 OM'Pherson 2 1 6 VIII John H'Gregor 1 7 VIII David J Smith 1 11 VIII A W Archibald 1 3 3 IX Bobert Keith 1 10 IX Thomas Henderson 1 12 IX Henry Styles 60 13 IX BH Kennedy 1 17 IX DM'Kenzte 49 18 IX JohnM'Gill 40 20 IX William M'GUI 1 ®> 0 1 0 85 0 26 0 26 0 1 0 25 0 1 0 48 0 1 9 50 0 0 10 1 0 25 0 28 0 1 4 48 0 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 35 1 23 27 1

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Otago Witness, Issue 1892, 15 May 1890, Page 10

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STATISTICAL. Otago Witness, Issue 1892, 15 May 1890, Page 10

STATISTICAL. Otago Witness, Issue 1892, 15 May 1890, Page 10