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Dress is too Important a Matter, whether as regards Personal Appearance, Good Health, or Keal Economy, to be made the subject of Random Purchase : it should be obtained where there is the Best Quality of Material, combined with Excellent Workmanship and Fair Prices, and where the Sellers have a High Reputation to maintain. All Drapery Goods of this description may be obtained at 68, 7O 9 to 72 GEORGE STREET, DTJNEBIN. Post Office Orders and Cheques to be made Payable to Pyfe and Cuming. Cash or Notes may be Sent in Registered letters. OUR Mm PARCELS FOB THE AUTUMN ARE SPLENDID VALUE. THE " WONDER " PARCEL.— I2yds ti^Sd- /^.ENTLEMEN'S 52s PARCEL sent by Par- TT> ARCEL No. 21.— A most wonderful parcel A WONDERFUL DRESS PARCEL, con- mHB PARCEL for the MILLION.— This issome pattern Liberty Muslin, 6yds fast ]JUi eel Post— l Suit any 6izo of real Colonial _IT of Three Dresses for 25s— 1 dress length j£3L tains Byds of a very superior all-wool JL one of the most Wonderful Parcels we colourwashing Print, 12yds fancy stripe dress Tweed— thd most wonderful suit you have ever of Byds fine Black or Coloured Cashmere, 42in blaok or coloured Cashmere; 12yds of a very have ever sent out ; every parcel is worth double; stuff, 2of the new Parisian Linen Collars, 6yds see" ; 1 Woollen Undershirt, 3 threefold Linen wide ; 1 dress length of 12yds all-wool Stripe nice black Grenadine or Laoe Cloth ; Byds of a Sent carriage paid to the nearest railway station strong Scotch Gingham, 1 fancy Fire Screen, Collars, 3 pair Merino or Woollen Socks, 2 nice (a warm and elegant dress); 1 dress length of very superior all-wool new bordered material, for 38s 6d. Containing : ldoz Crewdson'a whiteand 6ydß very good Twill Flannelette— sent by coloured shirts (foil size), 3 lovely Silk Scarfs, 12yds fancy stripe Costume Cloth. This parcel in cardinal, myrtle, peacock, brown, grenat, and Calico (33iu wide), ldoz heavy half-bleached ; Parcel Post or rail for.2oa. Show this parcel to and two pair of Woollen or Cotton Drawora. of three dresses sent from our warehouse for 25s navy blue; with Buttons and Linings and Calico (31in wide), ldoz yards of pretty flanyour friends ;it is rightly named the " Wonder." We want every gentleman who reads the con- by Parcel Post, thus getting them at your own Trimmings for each dress. Bent, carriage paid, nelette (fast colour), ldoz yards of good strong' tentß of the Gentleman's Parcel to send a trial door at less than Dunedin prices. for £3 10s. A very handsome parcel, and will -Melton Cloth for dresses any dark colour or THE LADIES' ULSTER PARCEL No order 'we S uaraotee satisfaction. Don't think give every lady satisfaction. blaok, syds of extra strong white Welsh Flan259 —Containing a Stylish Tweed Ulst er we , are golng to make any tbing »»* of you ; we ___. ___ _ _ ; nel, 3yds of good Scarlet Flannel (will make a in three Sizes-vS ? tms lady™ medium o°ly want your confidence, and when you are in S p?p/^ N «°'^ 2 AU F M £ Pf E S S "PARCEL No. 250.-A Family Parcel-con- warm petticoat), 3yds of Strong Holland for, Sdif'iSdSuSe'ladv? ?pLaseSm?^ Dunedin call and sen us and take back to tho IO PARCEL^-Syds of a beautiful double- _f lainsl pair extra quality all-wool aprons (36in wide;, 3yds of pretty window net ffi cmntry some of oar fitarblip g bar g ainfl - T d £ Am ,^° n n C l lo^' t" o ar w Bhaaeß ; B y dß ?f? f Whitney Blankets, full 2§yds long; 6yds splen- and 2 half-bleaohed Cotton Turkish Towrls SSriJLiA^beautiful Fur Boa for the neT T^ARCEL No 2fif) Fvf» ™A r., m - > d , ouble - w J dth Chuddah Cashmere Cloth I, ,Hd quality white double- warp Twill Sheeting, (good useful size). The above Wonderful ParSl 'Vair of wariS riove! for Se hand? The P FhSL fc?? > Z? T?g Brown or Grey, and 12yds of the nev 2yds- wide; 1 beautiful white Marcella Bed cil, which is worth double, sent carriage paid to i^s^^i^s&ois fL^^^^sss^sssi saarrifi^^sSia^ t^^^i^rzx^ , stress. fine fleecy goods, 2|rcl, long ;6ydH of fine White and linings. This splendid parcel of good u fi e- r arSo naTfor 44a T>LANKBTS SHEETS, AND QUILT ' Snxony Flannel ; 6ydß pplendid Grey Shetland ful materials, and suitable for best wear, sent, — ! : X> PARCEL, oontaining 1 pair of good SPECIAL AUTUMN DRESS PARCEL — Flannel, very wide; 7jds very superior Wool carriage paid, for £3. Ladies, you will be- Tf> LACK CASHMERE DRESS PARCEL white Witney Blankets, with very hand«omi> 12yds of a fancy Snowflake Costume Shirting Flannel. 50s tho whole lot, carriage delighted wilh this nxtraordinary parcel. -H-J> for 20s, contniiiß Byds of a very nice border; 1 large size white honeycomb Quilt» Cloth, and lyd of beautiful Plash for trimming ; P""^ - — — . — . — black Bradford Cashmere, lyd. of a very hand- very heavy make ; 1 pair of good white twillert Byds of|euperior bird,'s-eye double-width Costume CIPEOIAL No 3 AUTUMN DRESS "^HTTTINnFRTnTr, T?AMTT V PARPWT „«„ come Moiro for trimming, and 2doz of very Sheets; and 6 nice large Turkish Towels. Son fc Cloth and lyd of beautiful Plush for trimming; fe PARCEL for 25,.-12 yds of a very pfe?^ \\ tSm 2,S of a nice Mltd cfetonn" P»tjy Button,, with Lining for the Dress carriage paid, for £2. B^r a \ZfTiV dC&^Trf &Ck B ™** :ik % 9 ost « nic Oloth : 12 y^ ° f « 12yds of grc, Twilled Calico, 6yds of a heavy S_ e^ ra.l or Parcel Po.t for £1. SEASONABLE PAROEL.-W^^ill SeaSii lPlus^ Hte^ trTmrnLr This sdM e ? ecfc ' v . c S .^ e Homespun and 12yds of.a very Welsh Flannel suitable for Hen's Shirts, 12yds of A LADIES' REVERSIBLE, STYLISH, A send free by pos^ Toi^ rail, for 15™* S« f thr«« aL2? S* trfSmlnS.^ nice Black Velveteen sent, carriage paid, for a very pretty fast-coloured Chintz, and 12yds of jf3L good-quality Macintosh Cloak, any Maid's or Child'e Ulster, any size requiredbuttons^«ent^rria^«r£ .^SS'nf *S i' $? F VP len , dld P»«el for the money, fastrcolour washing Print, and a nice Damask length, sent post free for 10s 6d. The the smaller the size the better the quality-ancJ cStonvforib SS e P fuld«k«oi n r« 9 only 25s for three dresses and one of them a Table Cloth of useful size. Sent, carriage paid, Greatest Bargain we have ever had the 6yds of Astraoban trimming for dresses or Ofltony for 42. All uaeful dark colours. j rich Black Velveteen. j for £2. pleasure of sending our patrons. mantles. Send for the Seasonable Parcel.

JACOBS' GUT DEPOT, 0.1.C. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. THE DRAPERY AND ebtablibhhd ovkb 25 yeabs. 3ENERAI IMPORTING CGifIPANS VISITORS to Town ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THE STOCK, consisting of- of FANCY GOODS FOOTBALLS OPERA, FIELD, and HEW ZEALAND, LIMITED, GLASSWARE TOYS, WOOLS. SILKS OTHER GLASSES « n ftt3T?T3 A rHTTTT? OROOKERYWARE BRAIDS DESKS, WORKBOXBS VW"U* JMwlllV J* CUTLERY EMBROIDERY ALBUMS MUSICAL PATTERNS LEATHER GOODS S|2' HpHB COMPANY have now opened INSTRUMENTS BOXING GLOVES PIPES, TOBACCOS dOg. throughout every Brlnohof^theic OBIOKBTWARE OHESBMEN "WILLIAMS' RUBY D.I.C. Large Business, and Invite Inspection LAWN TJSNNIS DRAUGHTSMEN OIGARS, CIGARETTES g"}*g' Com P arsßOQ ' STERLING GOLD AND SILVER JEWELLERY, D.'lXJ.' 381-A.3WIS3E3TS WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATED WARE. D.I.C. (in Eiiglish, Scotch, and Colonial), o: D.I.C. Flannels, Counterpanes, Sheetings NEW-MOWN HAY (Celebrated Mixture). A Specialty in Cut Tobacco, EJ- 0 / Towelß, Table Cloths, Hollands, ShirtIn flb and lib Tins. gjg; mga, glannelettes. ALSO T3aCOXTSARrr>S OF NOVELTIES, D.i.G. COLONIAL DRESS TWEEDS. Both Useful and Ornamental, suitable for D.I.C. BIRTHDAY, WEDDING, AND OTHER PRESENTS. vi.d FA^vbry dbscr???^^ Country Orders receive my special attention. £r /I* M » n *leß, Costumeo, Furs, Millinery, PARCELS of the value of £2 forwarded CARRIAGE PAID. 8.I& Untadothfaft Baby Linen. _^_^ , DIC 1 ■ ■ ■ •-'-t=aw v.i.C. HOSIEBV. DIC — — OCTAGON, DUNEDIK P || &r 8 ~- "*" "* L^^ g.i.o. household FURNISHINGS. | N anticipation of a great increase in business during the Exhibition we have Manufactured a y){q[ Carpets, Floorcloths, Furniture, Bed- " S - unusually D.l'c! steads, Spring Mattresses, Crockery, LARGE STOCK OF THE BEST COLONIAL TWEED CLOTHING, gig <*»•>*<»*»*?.<**«,. For Men, Youths, and Boys, and can conßdently assert that the Variety, Quality, Fit, and Pric* P.I.C. HOUSEHOLD IRONMONGERY »io Unequalled. In addition to the regular ready-made sizes, we have Specially Cut Garmenth to D.I.C. »»»wwfcimi.w Fib all Builds, whether Tall, Shorb, Stout, or Slender, and can Fit Any Figure equal to bespoke. D.I.C. EVERY DESCRIPTION WPLEASE NOTE THE PRICES- glol earden Tools, Spades, Rakes. Hedge Men's Tweed Trousers, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6A, 13s 6d, 15s 6d, 17s 6d, first class value ; Men's D.I.C. Shears, Scythes, Lawn Mowers, Dairy Trousers and Vest, 15s 6d, 18s 6d, 22s 6d, 25s 6d, 28s 6d, 27s 6d ; Strong and Stylish Men's Twcul D.I.C. Utensils, &0., Aw., &c. t Suits, 27s 6d, 34s 6d, 37s od, 42s 6d, 47s 6d, 555. Splendid Selection Blaok and Blue Worottd D.I.C. Cotts and Vests to Match, at all prices. Mole, Serge, Dongaree, and Duck Clothing, at Fart cry D.I.C. The Company beg to draw attention prices. Every description of Clothing for Youths and Boys. Strong, Stylish, nud Cheap O<M D.I.C to their Large New Addition, where a Trousers, Odd Knickers, Odd Jackets, Odd Vests. Boys' Serge Bailor Suits, Nicely Trimmed, D.I.C. MAGNIFICENT STOfJK 8s 9d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 15s, 20s ; Boys' Tweed Suits, with Lined Knickew, 7* 6.1. 9s 6d, 12. 6d, 15s 6d, P.I.C. UIAIMUINWfIBU B±UU* JOs ; Youths' Tweed Suits, Nice New Patterns, 21s, 255, 27s 6d, 20s 6d, 32s 6d. D.1.0. PAMO y GOODS i rw»%inu D.I.C. GOODS THE BEST STOCK OF SOFT AND HARD FEIT HATS !H THE COLONY. gjg WA» T |HOOSS prices ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES g;};g; terms net cash. USB. STRAW HATS, TIES, COL^HA^^ & j^^fl gjjjjjjg^ lifc^aß^iSl I^TTAr-L^T\TAT E HALLENSTBIN, '. Manner. OCTAGON, DUJNJbiDIJN. ch^zm^oimw^*.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1891, 1 May 1890, Page 40

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Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1891, 1 May 1890, Page 40

Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1891, 1 May 1890, Page 40