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BRITISH AND FOREIGN. (Per Press Association.) London, March 19.

Another anonymous 'donation of £50,000 has been received in aid of the Hospital Convalescents' Home. The Duke of Manchester lies in a critical condition at Naples. The quantity of wheat and flour afloat for the United Kingdom is 2,600,000 quarters, and for the Continent 496,000 quarters. The American visible supply is 28,125,000 bushels. Bank of New Zealand shares are quoted at £7 10s ; National Bank of New Zealand ditto, £2. It has been discovered that the hoisting of the British flag took place outside the territory which England admits to belong to Portugal. The press of Lisbon expresses a desire that the Government should cease diplomatic relatiofis with England. Some of the papers make an attack on the Prince of Wales. The success of the Cape loan is dubious. It is probable that Newfoundland will refuse to recognise the settlement arrived at in connection with the lobster fisheries. The Australian horses Plutarch, Narellan, and Kirkham have had a gallop of over a mile at their best pace. They will probably run before the Epsom meeting. Surefoot remains a strong favourite for the Derby at 7 to 2 against. Canon Donaldson 3ays that he is not aware of the Primacy of Australia having been offered to him. The Select Committee on State-aided emigration have resumed their sittings. The Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Canada, has prohibited the sale of liquors to members of the Assembly. The delegates to the Berlin Labour Conference dined with the Emperor last night. M. Jules Simcn, of the French delegates, sat on the right of Count Yon Moltke; and Count Herbert Bismarck was present. Mr Campbell Bannerman has withdrawn his motion to make Roman Catholics eligible to hold the offices of Lord Chancellor of Ireland and Viceroy of India. Captain Pike has been appointed commander of H.M.S. Orlando. The search for the entombed miners in the Aorfa mine, Wales, has been abandoned. Herren Boetticher and Caprivi have had an audience with Emperor William. The North German Gazette (Bismarck's organ) contains no reference whatever to Prince Bismarck's resignation. The German Council of State have met. Iddison, the well-known cricketer, is dead. It is reported that Lord Wolseley has been appoinied Commander-in-chief for Ireland. •

March 20.

Mr John Morley, speaking at Stepney, denied that any compact had been entered into with the Irish party which was contrary to the traditions of the Liberal party in regard to the education question. The Dahomians are reported to be very cruel to their French captives. The Consul at Whydah attempted to commit suicide. Lord Salisbury spends the Easter recess at Cannes in search of health.

The Cape 3 per cent, loan of £1,500,000 has been subscribed. Those'tendering at the minimum get 12 per cent. The floating of the Cape loan has improved the prospects of the Queensland loan, and it is expected to be covered at 97£. It is asserted that the announcement of tho Queensland loan spoilt the Cape loan, and caused a loss of £100,000.

New Zealand mutton isat 4|d ; beef, 4£d. A portion of the cargo by the Aorangi was spotted and mouldy, and only realised 3£d. Twelve guineas per cent', have been paid to reinsure the ship Earl of Zetland, 135 days out from Glasgow to Sydney

The Trustees Liability Bill gives power to sue without offending the dignity of the colonies. The standing credit is to be either 105, or the yield per cent, not to exceed consols by more than 1 per cent. These amounts were fixed by Mr Goschen.

It is reported that the Marquis of Lothian will succeed Lord Carrington as Governor of New South Wales.

Mrs Richard Davies and her two sonsRichard (aged 20) and George (aged 16)— have been committed for trial on a charge of murdering the husband of the female prisoner, who admitted that her husband was cruel towards her, and on one occasion tried to burn her alive. She also stated that he was a bad father to the boys.

At a conference of the Conservative party the Marquia of Salisbury urged that a united and bold front be shown in supporting the Land Purchase Bill. The latter, he mentioned, imposed no burdens on England, as the purchase was voluntary. The rumours of an immediate dissolution were only gossip in the lobbies, but members ought to be prepared for any emergency. Referring to Swaziland he said the Government had no intention of surrendering it to the Boers. As to the education question it was intended to defer that for another year. Lord Randolph Churchill did not attend the meeting. Emperor William is moving in the direction of improving the condition of the working class in the employ of the Government who have been requested to form a permanent committee for the purpose of negotiating respecting the hours of labour on the works undertaken and kindred subjects.

A French Sccialist delegate to the Berlin Labour Conference has resigned owing to a disagreement with his colleagues. The Court of Queen's Bench has ordered Messrs Rothschild to disclose their relations with the Societe dcs Metaux and Comptoir d'Escompte, which failed 12 months ago. Sir Hercules Robinson denies that he has any intention of becoming a candidate for the House of Commons in the Home Rule interest.

Mr Gladstone has declined an invitation to visit Ireland, as he fears that it may exasperate the Ulster party. The disease reported from Northern Italy, during which the sufferers appear in a death-like trance, has made its appearance in London. , The managers of the Australian banks are conferring as to the advisability of placing the Victorian loan on the market.

A million and a half of the Cape loan was applied for at an average of £100 3s. The highest tendeiers were £103. The United States Congress is doubtful whether it has power to enact a revision of the tariff.

Two Frenchmen on the road to Abomey in the Dahomey Country have been placed in irons and ill-treated by the natives. Lord Salisbury stated at the conference of the Tory party that questions of colonial importance would receive the earnest attention of the Government. The French Socialist delegate to the Berlin Labour Conference decided to remain. The conference has now concluded its sittings. There is an outcry in the United States against the reduction of the sugar duties, and the matter will probably be reconsidered. England and China are settling the Sikkira difficulty. The status of the Shire Country has not been altered. The Rothschilds have undertaken a Russian conversion loan of 15 millions. March 21. It is reported that Mr Gladstone meditates an early retirement from political life. Continuing his evidence before a Parliamentary committee concerning the Western Australian Enabling Bill, Mr Bramston reiterated his belief that the granting of autonomy would not % prevent English emigration to t.hat colony, Mrs Davies and her two sons, convicted on a charge of murder, have been sentenced to death. .... I The eight hours labour agitators are still creating a disturbance in Berlin, and fighting has resulted between them and the troops who were called out. On his arrival in Berlin, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales was accorded the fullest honours. , I The Queensland loan is quoted at a premium of 1£ per cent. Private tenderers secured the majority of the loan. A syndicate offered £97 9s, but were allotted noAt a banquet in honour of the Prince of Wales' visit, Emperor William, in toasting her Majesty Queen Victoria, said he was proud to be an Admiral of the finest fleet existing. (During the Emperor's visit at the naval review at Spithead in August last he received the rank of Hon. Admiral of the British Navy.) He hoped that the armies and navies of Great Britain and Germany would co-operate to secure the peace of the world. B , TT „ , The Foreign Committee of the United States Congress report in favour of the appointment of three delegates to confer with delegates from Canada whenever the latter dominion intimates that it is desirous of a commercial union being established. Buxton, Ronald, and Co., wool brokers, have issued a circular, in which strong exception is taken to the direct purchase of wool in Australia. They state that the colonial markets yield prices which, as a rule, are under relative European values, thus seriously prejudicing the industry. They are of opinion that there is little chance of a healthier tone till colonial purchases are abolished. Australian Wheat (ex warehouse), 38s 6d ; New Zealand long-berried do (ex store), 37s 6d, and quiet. Tallow: Best mutton, 25s 6d: best beer, 245. New Zealand frozen mutton, 4|d. New Zealand hemp is unchanged. The shipment of colonial vegetables by the Lusitania has not realised enough to pay freight. Choice New Zealand butter realises 90s to 100s ; fair quality, 74s to 88s. Best Australian brings 104s to 105s. New Zealand cheese, 48s ; medium quality, 28s to 445. There have been heavy arrivals of hemp, and manila shows a decline, while New Zealand hemp is depressed. At the meeting of the New Zealand Antimony Company the shareholders refused to adopt the report of the directors, and a committee was appointed to inquire into the position of affairs. The Royal Commission on the Army and Navy advise the abolition of the post now held by the Duke of Cambridge (Commander-in-Chief), and the substitution of a general officer, commanding in Great Britain only. It condemns the depletion of military stores, which it considers highly dangerous, and suggests the appointment of a council of defence under the presidency of the Premier.

Tenders to the amount of £6,200,000 were received for the Queensland loan. Those at £97 13s Gd will receive 41 per cent. ; above that in full.

March 22.

The official statement shows that the total amount tendered for the Queensland loan was £6,221,000, the average being £97 15s 7d. Captain Almand has been appointed successor to Lieutenant-commander H.C. Heath, R.N., of the Victorian Naval forces. He leaves for Melbourne in May.

Feeling in the city is favourable to a £4,000,000 Victorian loan being placed on the market after Easter, providing an assurance is given that no further borrowing will take place for 12 months. The Archbishop of Canterbury has conferred Doctorship of Music on Mr Summers, a well-known Victorian organist. Canon Saumarez Smith has accepted the Primacy of Australia, and leaves for Sydney in three months' time.

The Duke of Manchester, from dysentery.

The steamer Virent has been wrecked at Ferrols, a seaport on the arm of the Bay of Betanzos, Spain, and 15 lives lost. Richard and George Davies, who were sentenced to death along with their mother on a charge of murder, have been recommended to mercy on the ground of their youth.

March 23

Sir Graham Berry, Agent-general for Victoria, is very sanguine that if the Victorian loan is placed on the market after Easter it will be floated successfully. Mr J. Munro, member for Geelong, is dubious' as to its success.

A meeting held at Newfoundland has denounced the modus vivendi re the fisheries dispute as an invasion of the rights of the colony, and allusions made to separation from Great Britain were applauded. The Earl of Eosebery, referring to the proposed appointment of Lord Wolseley to the position of Commander of Ireland, expressed

an opinion that the latter's threat made some time ago to fight on behalf of the Ulster party was equally disloyal to the Irish. Surprise is expressed in official naval circles at the Admiralty granting the Shah as a training ship. The Prince of Wales is better. The repairs to H.M.S. Inconstant cost Mutton, medium quality, is quoted at 24s 6d : beef do, medium quality, at 235. The English wheat market lacks animation, but the Continental market is inclined to be more buoyant. American wheat is advancing in price. For Australian cargoes of the new crop there are sellers at 34s 9d. The highest price for colonial barley is It is reported that evidence has been discovered exonerating Mrs Maybrick, now under life sentence for poisoning her husband. , Unexpected interest has been aroused in the University boat race in consequence of a wonderful trial by the Cambridge crew against a scratch crew yesterday. They did the distance from Putney to Mortlake in 19min 15seo. March 24.

A diplomatic rapture between Bulgaria and Servia is imminent. Russian intrigues are responsible. Mr Gladstone states that he does not intend to retire from political life till Home Rule has been achieved. „,,,, The Nonconformists have repudiated Mr John Morley's utterances on the education question. Archbishop Walsh has issued a pastoral letter enjoining the clergy to establish temperance societies throughout the parishes under his jurisdiction. Mr J. Chamberlain states that the success of the English occupation of Egypt justifies its continuance. President Harrison, of the United States, has issued a proclamation warning trespassers against infringing on the Behnng Straits fisheries. . M. Licht, the sugar expert, estimates that the six months' production of beet sugar has increased by 778,000 tons, and this seasons surplus at 814,000 tons. Her Majesty, accompanied by Princess Beatrice, has started for Aix les Bains, in France. „ . The betting on the University boat race has veered round to 6 to 4 on Cambridge. The Oxford crew is regarded as being overtrained. „ Negotiations for the Canadian-Atlantic mail service have been renewed, and as a strong financial backing has been secured they are likely to be successful. A Socialist candidate will oppose John Burns for Battersea. The Bank of Australasia has declared a dividend of 12£ per cent, with a bonus of 6s. Colonial stocks are rising. The Queensland loan is quoted at 2£ per cent, premium..

Paris, March 19,

The Chamber of Deputies, by a majority of 240, carried a resolution expressive of confidence in the De Freycinet Ministry.

The Comte de Paris expresses warm approval of the action of the Due d'Orleans. The spirits of the Royalist party are rising. News has been received that a French outpost on the Congo has been attacked by natives, and 11 of their number massacred. March 21.

Information has been received that the natives who massacred the French garrison on the Congo were guilty of cannibalism. Beblin, March 20.

The Prince of Wales, accompanied by Prince George, will visit this city to-morrow, and be accorded a military reception. March 20.

At a meeting of workmen in the suburbs of the city to discuss the eight hours system some disorder took place, and the gendarmes were sent for. They were received with volleys of stones, and in return charged the mob with drawn swords, injuring many men and women. Two gendarmes were beaten to death and others wounded. The rioting continues, and a regiment of troops has been sent to the rescue. The riots have been quelled.

March 22.

The Prince of Wales was received by Emperor William with marked cordiality at a banquet given in honour of the former's visit. Emperor William expressed a hope that the blood union between the two nations would continue. The Labour Conference has agreed to proMbit children under 14 years of age working in mines or performing night work, or exceeding six hours per day, and to forbid wore en working in mines, and children are to be protected from engaging in unhealthy or dangerous trades. It has also been decided to abolish Sunday labour, except in special cases. St. PETEBSBtrna, March 20. A number of Nihilist prisoners who had been banished to the Polar coast for starting a printing press at Irkatsk, barricaded themselves, and killed several of the troops who had been sent to dislodge them before they were massacred.

March 23.

Five hundred students of the University Academy of Agriculture at St. Petersburg have been sentenced to imprisonment, and will probably be expelled from the university for demanding privileges that were abolished in 1863. The agitation is spreading to Kieff and Charkoff.

March 24. Eussia has interned Ishak Khan in Saraaragand. . A Russian 4 per cent, conversion loan of 75,000,000 roubles will be issued shortly.

Vienna, March 24.

The Austrian gendarmes repulsed a band of Servian militiamen -who crossed the Bosnian frontier. Several of the Servians were killed.

Belgrade, March 25. Servia has begun fortifying the Bulgarian frontier

Cabul, March 21.

Ishak Khan is carrying out his threat, and has commenced an invasion of Afghan terriRiissia denies the rumour that she is massing troopa on the Afghan frontier.

Zanzibar, March 25.

The Portuguese at Mozambique, under orders of the Governor, refused supplies to a British man-of-war, and insulted the officers. Pbetobia, March 19.

President Kruger has succeeded in restoring order among the burghers who offered to avenge by arms the supposed insult to the Transvaal flag at the recent meeting to hear an address by the president. Most of Johannesburg residents are favourably disposed towards President Kruger, and the disturbance was created by a few drunken rowdies. March 24.

President Kruger proposes to allow settlers the right to vote after two years' residence in the Kepublic, instead of five as at first proposed.

Capetown, March 23.

The ship Vienta, bound from London to Fremantle, in Western Australia, has put into the Cape totally dismasted. New York, March 20.

The attention of the American Federation of Labour has been directed to aiding the carpenters' demand that eight hours ehall constitute a day's work. If the agitation is successful other trades will follow.

March 23,

The Court of Appeal has decided that execution by electricity is not opposed to the constitution of the State of New York. Kremer, the criminal who appealed against the sentence condemning him to death by that process, will therefore be executed by electricity.

Washington, March 20. The' Republican Committee on the tariff propose a reduction of 11 cents per lb on clothing wools; 12 cents on combing do; 3£ cents on carpet wools of the value of 12 cents or less ; and a reduction of 8 cents if their value is over 12 cents; making an increase of £ cent, after giving manufacturers a compensatory duty for the duties on wools. The total revisions of the tariff will involve reductions amounting in the aggregate to 60,000,000d01.

San Fbancisoo, March 19.

The American laundrymen of this city have combined for the purpose of driving out the Chinese who are engaged in that business.

Ottawa, March 20.

Mrs Birchall, who turned Queen's evidence and exposed the murders committed by her husband and others of English tourists, has been liberated from custody. Rio de Janeibo, March 22.

The fire on board the barque Winifred, bound from Wellington to London, has been extinguished, and it has been decided to discharge a portion of the cargo.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1988, 27 March 1890, Page 16

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CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 1988, 27 March 1890, Page 16

CABLEGRAMS. Otago Witness, Issue 1988, 27 March 1890, Page 16