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l f The 'Wesieya"t- : C6hfereric^ o recently 'held in tSydney to arrange «o» othe (J Rev.j|^ 6 i%%fii?^l (y tion|in th'^vjnf'P'^SfflJ 0 !' fP^lsk^i^^^'^S^^JbbardVa'nte.ditb£ l crfequest'i-.ftn.d tit JRpa»eysand < JQanie)<a native of New«BriJbaitt) arriteaiio 'Dun^. jedip last wSeE^TBr Rooney&Ti'o jfflfiVfcmem' been engaged in mission work in New Britain,. Vhere be .laqceeded. tbe ,Rev. v G. Brown, who landed v ttfe"*niiHMiob l WlflH/^ox'^W last ii f|w"monlaS^M( ■Koqpey.-'haV been -engaged > id ri; a#pat)iti^6 o N»orT( > '' to? Melbourne inj* 1 ' 9 here 6 "tie • '■ very l^ large •ekth'eringif'Ws ibdg reßidence.ifi f the r isrtnd8 i Vnd ■ ino'wlMe"e 6i4Sei?ust6m^ o^'^^plfe-enab^ ■ ing • h«*m V; 't6 tu6Wgfis dn ' 'P'riaa^'even jn& fi %Bf 38? missionary3 B ? missionary - mee't"^ •iiig T wit' Vel^^f'tKe'^Morning^dn-'Wesleyatf' GhdrcbV^The Revi-liewis'Hudsdr]? thW ri newiy^ APobmtM-mmister^of.^^^MoTfnirrglStiP^r^ rift," p^BiaSfl, ivmfi *\im ftim* sang some hymns iritis own language toifatnihar,ance/ l iDanieV' w hl)'se J natrve'-n«ln^is'TolnakaiV •tunes, and gave an address (also r ih' his vwb' Ja'nguage) dfispribingih.e^manners and./ppstoina^ e of the.ip§pple qif . New* B^vain-^gwtrastingn s fch*e o) ch?^tha| ( h.^jtAkfin,, E l%ca?mj§,too^ rdactioniqi ,Cbris&ißJty,an3on#& Vs^\&!»ii&r jwhp.alsp^ddrjesaeAj^hjß K§e9sgsWih,r,egarfl. i t,c J .missionary work tn Fiji and New ¥ Br]ta > in,i,jj§[§ ) .stated thai whenhe^w^pt to the^Ji^lsUuQd^ : 237'8a¥g tliere v wereOTly"6oloop of thejnativeV ton verted' ojit { 6f'a,jpdpulatton of ' He remained there ' 18 years; and daring that periQ&suofeofl change, hs^takeo^plwef that; not* "pne - native B \n? j the wlands.nTO)uJdi j confess; . to . being a heathen -j Heitia&reienrsd. great, ' ctiacge ithat ihad itakenyjplacei wutheiJiabitJiiufj ttieofiaMvei»isince^hey/abecftnied3hrJßtjanß^san:dy BaJd,/,the. coniistentfl Hvjeß)th»fednany! reiclaimed, cKnnibftls Jedipopld ipul pa, eharae \ many iof those in' qar.^cwDvi»c(lj. 7 wh« ihkd,.e^joyed .Gbristiau.. training.-: ,andy gospel prijglegeßM r ,;Before ,tb,e -meeting -broke.up.. 54; ..Roeney . and. Daniel ijvere,' f 4ccorct6d.<?. be»rty>ote of -thank!: lor 1 their adv dresses, and t collection wai taken, up Id aid ot foreign , mis^ioji? , - :,,.,.- . ... . ■ MV Rpqoey , q>bverec| an^ ajidress in the Cargill rpad W'eslev'au Church ' ori, Sunday morningi »pd ,lv the"eVe^inV ! tß,',Trjjaity. Wes,leyac: Ohur'qh. r The rev., gentleman ;gave>n, account of thedi^erent methods employed in. -.the tmssion field, 'ind\^he^Wcceßß v?bicb 'had attep'SSd \|iebV , \ * w «^«'H, tt jL« oW'6o, ypars, h^a .Baid, J «incf the'misaion'aries arr^veaL in .Polynesia,; tnd 'ther 'there were nc", wWttec'^arao^rs, jn the b&tive tongue ;One of. the^aips.timpqrtant, ihingg toe tnifeipnarj^h^don^wM the pri^ntr ing and p'ubUshjnr transl^tionß^f;th^ language c ; and ? it vfaß'^^nisbmg^with what;diligeSn,c6 the A , hativee 'had, ee,l tbimaelves to th^ task' b;f aeq>ir.; lnV» *lqftw4^^ r «fr4?*"^? MM^} where the^ misaionanes were always short j)f; ,copiee of the New Testament, and no matter 1 how4arge the lutoly/tbe dema»d:w»ialway^ii> 1 excess^bf iit«i Copies^ were alwayß^paid forgotten «t great ,»elf 'denial w the pric* was neoe*aarily heivv.iand twa 1 showed t the f natives^ earne«taif«»: lad love iv Ohristiao mktters. Tbe longer the

. speaker lived the more important it appeared to him to teach the young, and » great deal of the success of missionary work wm doe to teaohing the children, to which object the missionaries had devoted much time and attention. They, had also taken great pains in the teaming of native teachers, of whom there were in their own missions between threo and four thousand, and these were remunerated by those amoßg whom they laboured. In round numbers there were 3,000,000 converts resulting from missionary labour carried on daring the' present century. ■ The speaker related several anecdotes showing the changes brought about by the in* troduction of Christianity among the natiref, and ended by thanking God for what had been done, and expressing a sincere conviction that the adoption, of. the Christian religion would become general in the islands as time advanoed. DaDiel, the native teacher who accompanies the Rev. Mr Rboney, gave two addresses during the afternoon in the native tongue, which were interpreted by Mr Rooney. He spoke of the manners and customs of his people ( and wbat Christianity had done" for them. ~ "Mr Rooney's vtiiCwas held in Trinity Wesleyan <3hui«h"o?rMon^ay.ei:ening.-r-' — .1 On Monday night' at the Trinily, Wesleyan Qhurch^r^KoloNjfr :deliverea to 'interesting address 1 ! jQpoa'.New,BtitaiD, giving ihi3 rem&rka -of the"%wlveß. lf? Spealririg'o'f^fie' effecW of 'tbe ! recentAnnestatipn J)f ithe inland j by (Germany, hei ceaid that the Germans.had not in any way inter^ iered witnthe 1 mission work, 6n' the "contrary* •they g^ve E the Missionaries - every <Taoility.- ! He 1 'waaljOsp .thankful Lto] BajrJ .German, .authorities seemed^p^ipus, to-jdo all m Jfoeir .power to pre^erv f e the native^ Tarie. Germans' Ih'ad hot w<a"^ rule tha'^chara'cter -in* their inter'cpur.s.efwitb t n'9ti'BeSfibut jbhe, case ; of Newj Britaip, Ws, ,ap exception l toiipd with' them was l that they ; were- scarcely so fltricf •las Jbe? ; ought tp be^ r Diieqtlyia^tectbeannesa«. fire-water ww strictly prohibited. Not tbat tbo inkfivefe haWacPredV«w'te ttt Wrbng^rta^btft ;4heyufiadt seenUometjiing^ofiiLfe .evils ie the: jtrader&j4hat 0 c?Ued ffo thera lo deßctibi 8 g c ,tbe' habitSr of .the Western Polynesiap natives. . who" I 'inhabit' 'theM'^islands, ' the' sp'ealcer '^aid theyl wflreL-divAde^JittliOf'two idjgtihcfe olaiia/. ;.and^l\o PSfiPrrWWf^WJW ffffl?! 0 ? 11 .!.^"?^. 'that .there must 1 be no intermarrying among- tfie n «ame f ' ! cian?4^nlan W «fl6'iolißi'maw taß^gt >omeuxb£;ttieioib6ri.olftn.iqr,h?B;jwiffi o^ t p.ajn pt_ deaths ft was not ,pnlyJn,New Britam an^ Ne«j , Guinea thlrthft u prW B qfWWT^ be Wnae ' thing wa^ J td be" found <am6ng. -^tbe- North 1 American ./^ j Brahmin? ,</*., Jndia,, and ; among,,, some of, .the rFijians. A Estrange V provi|fo J n ' about \b, ! th6ugb, was that lj the v'^childrfcn^ belonged to the: "nio.ther^>dan,ijarldj wpre, supopsed^te .hay^e', relationship, at a^l to father, who 1 was an 'alie'b. attogetMri Faiheife fPQd ihdee'd 1 of the ; ehildren'whea^youn&!iand «cry kind to> vttiemi;bufe,whftn ; they.grew .olfler^taj M^j father'sioomponnd.^atid went to live with, their "motherß" l friends. ' The father's 1 -prbpeftyy too, descended,^'ot^this Jown children, bufetb .his/ 'sisterfft^Mdre.n.^.his nephews an^njece|.qo the, 'sisteVsiside, who of course belongea to^his own -clan?' This ' wa% 'upbnthe whdl'e'a'wiseTuleifor it prevented property p&sing /riom^ Pne olaD^ot 'that < would nave been^, entailed, :J givhsi' l9 oifie OD or^wd iinusing -examples of "the !.i;Bnrewaneßß of Jhel.natiyt?, M* R9on«y, went4>n,tp spea^: of the.spebmdiffipulttes te be 'Smoufite^llffionS^ One VasMfcealtMiiea? of 'ttb olitaa-te^ln't'thle' Bastern^kcific^heidimMS^J^ h^ by4^P?Bb<b y4^P?Bb< Aut iattiese we9tkn.isjandgT?thp;Ney^ Hebt!j?B9 t "^.ffe'vfer an^gue'Wdiother' diseas.^wer¥prev lvaTent,"apfliP.cjQasiotiedigr^losS;ampngiteach^^^^^^^ lAfad^mjflsjqnaries, -The tf tbe pebplelornleaHnQty r . «fficuftr eiceedingly hard^t6 bve'rconie'i'and anotßSfWas tne-vabsariceo of chiefe T i9;iJ i hele;hw,efl / tqrn /c^lands. £ J0.»%, Eastern , c^CaA^^^miSi^.fS^n^ 1 , 8 . /powerV were-wob ■ oveH^ould^uifisb f W3itfsTjltUn*e Iredj!toJhe(1 redj!toJhe( whole.tribe came over wth f him A> once.- to Chrls'^i%.^tnthe q Westero lj ll > acific; however, 1 f ib was"Blb#lwork vJinningfOtHe-niitives:,' over one., another \great\dWcnlty. .Almost eyf'X "land MM %W fa^S^/aWMre^ewa^dmber; of 'cfuitei'dfatinpirrl«Hgtia»s spoken -Guinea. The Preaojtenan. missionaries^., be, bSdTr&Seir Mki tfa%Blk'tecTinfo''2oyiff«. : - ent M*nfetttg4s^»id->.4bß .W.eilßWDianiwiopl rpj^i ,iri Ne;»,Be^aiD^»B. caxwe.d o^iD, 7 3ix Jangpages iVbicb bad never before beetfredtwe* W- f wrjtibg^ "When all this was considerad- it would be «d- . mitfcflj^i|fe thj|' anoceisf thftt:h?d; .•^wledjL*!} B ; wae" remarkable. When oe (Mr Rooney), WcWe'aMrrJrow^'ra cfiarge/ofHhis 'MWssido l^wa^ve^years^iaTand^r^ were^Ue'p W MWf cbnvett«; rJ aa6 ( foW^ I»ip1 »ip 6ve: f you i ri& teerf' 'prea'cKingth'e Gospel tC'tHeif^ofint'rymeßr.niToi iday th6re were 600 coDvert^SOO-'oiow bo Jria!,-? |;and' 200mbre in>the "jubior society classes j there were i also , important^ commercial! ; . - ; ; j N,o. 1 "trade was.done.}wijbh;the, islapdfliwheDp'^e mis :; ; sion^ries.wen^tiih^e.b^jbjiftwatlea^ti^O^pativpf ■were, ctothe^ \h i^apch^^^r|b^and^qaiicps t , • "andl 0,000 hgrdj^ajeand^fher 'were shmpeo frpm the islands.. When lie first -they' could seffrom tne ! Vera¥dahWW hbuse tKesnibke Bf%%iini^napo r ri ttifek^blafid,!- , wWre the natiVealwerg-e'flgSge^ fafwa-rfaVej and< <hfar the beating of the' cannibal drnro,' showing tbat-Jhuman b'odies'-weref there about to be «apri-£ ficed oißuHor sixjy jears,n'osj ears,n'os! r itbeyihad/npt,b».d.«o >% tjase,of cannJb*l»m/on iPnkea«?t'iYfl?k I6lan,d/n ( 9r, { i ifight.fpTtfiTe -yeaned Af^agiyigg^j^^rnogj "4dcoant,of r ,on? .eucpunter fbetg^pY\W^«,«ve.s,f betg^p Y \W^«,«ve.s , ! be i-onclude^w^t^au^a^rnesl WPW T & octs&io ct s&i present, alth,9ug(j r( thejrcquW op], Wgte»f «« forth and . abopi ;;»isqcng,.We "te athec. % bWp. 'th'elTßiffe. '" ; ** .if^-^'-^/'^/'Vj'i^r,!

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Otago Witness, Issue 1951, 11 April 1889, Page 2

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SOUTH SEAS. Otago Witness, Issue 1951, 11 April 1889, Page 2

SOUTH SEAS. Otago Witness, Issue 1951, 11 April 1889, Page 2