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/Ml 19 81l 8B Bill I Ffll Bbl ill i: Taial il Mrt**-WBfc""" "'"■'il ii'il'''""' i"- 1^ -'". ""S J- * >"^L"' *''""■ *™^^* v j.- - t V^*. ** \ BSSBBMI "■" ' —«L. Mn>ie_ "" * " • - • , - -'%,"• ■"?-> ■ GLYCERINE SHEEP DIP.. HAYWARD'S POWDER DIP?! " '^W*.; ;:J .. A ■ I'gSsSSSSSSSSSII'gSsSSSSSSSSSI ;. Best Wool Grower in the World. Oheftp, Safe/Reliable, and Handy. * *.. . • • V '*4jf»'i>n_'yfC l? 1 ff^Tl FF^^f^f^lf they so closely resemble, \^hilo the peculiar B GLYCERINE SHEEP DIP- - haywaritq pnwnFß nrpr""""^ Vtf^u^^"R^ _ais£K_^s_a__iß^Ja is£K_^s_a__iß^J M k£«^ •JT f rri UiPi! GRATEFUL-COMFORTING.- | 9^^^ UUd_M|j_^| sSfiSi^SS__SS!s l___X niVnrniMr Olirm nin ? Zeepa Sheep Clean to Ohp Day. o-fe-p^pjv^B^ #4_*_%Aa ;^ it is unequalled, and iniacf for aU^slsß ULlLltnlNt hnttr IIIP' liftifUf nnnin nniamrh nin !»BJaJ^?*"_? r"_n_r"lill <>' M^M^Wlm forwhich SUk Velvet may be used we specially B UkiyLIIIIIL. UJILLr BJir HAYWARM S PliWilFß ilsP¥ _^l^fr_\ _\ IbBBIiBIII ♦ 4^^-^^^^W recommend the "LOUIS" VELVSTEEtkJ ■"Destroya•all-'Ticks and-Parasitea. liniliniiu y I Uivuß.ll USI o {^g g WWvoi ♦ w^^^^^W' $ —? ■"-■»«■■■ mi i n i .r: .-'g ftVl/hrnmr mirrn nin ■ « Kills all Parasites &- Prevents Scab.. 4 ► - »^_i 4 - O x^^^^^^S^ ¥ USTROUS SILK JPINISH, B uLYuERINE SHEEP DIP HMninnnm nnumrn nin^ BREAKFAST. JJ • equal to velvet, in* '5 Cures Scab and all Skin Diseases In '- HAY W A RDS PDWDER DIP? •"%» oro«.Bl> Jaiowleage of the natural laws which "f. 'Lafl^v fIRIENT Ali BLUEJ BLACK and 1 \jures ocaD ana ail Oiun JJiseaseS in IIHI VinitLV V IVI 9 VUH.It JJl| Xgororn the .operations of digestipn and nutrition, und A #WsWM^*fexssM &mk WV? W 50 Lovely Shades. B pi wt^ttmn nm ■ . I s^rit. Grwrth * .^ oI Fithout |feH;»:SH:^sHH^ f \ Wmm-im^^&J u*s«sgaAggg«" 1 uLltltnlNt Sntcrlllr ■ ■. " ~ ''-^ o save o« many heavy doctors-bill*. It is-by tho judioious ], $Mffi3MM^JffigßW J§^P?a '^^^«4^^i} Ol OOIOUT ana i>rapery. ■ Water, and makes a Greater Returii .I. I"11 V . „ Z. ' , , j T T. Vfloating around u« ready to attack wherever there is I /^^P^§2fe*^a^^^^^^^^^^S^ AiTTTiIi/ITiT-n! -BirtT* axt «««. I - forToif r»f TJinnino tLrt anvnfl,iv; i Specially Prepared for, and Mixes fa weak point. We may CBcipo many a'fatftl Bhalt by V gUITABLB FOR ALL- OOOA- ■ •' 40f.^ 03toJ pipping than any pthet \■* readUv with Cold Water ■ •4*4 * kocpiD f on ™eh?". well fortified with pure blood and »♦!! i^^^#^^^^^^^ I^^^^^^^ -"* Bions of Wear. • I ' Dip in the World. \ .' reaauy Wlpn, OOia Water. properfy nourished frame;"-"OMl-Servka Potttte." 1<: W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' ' ' I , NOTB.-In addition to Glycerine and other Wool LNOT2.--SL NOT2.--S^ 3. expense of Fuel, cannot vary in i > f^^ on^ J ' i^^mMSSS^^SMfSB^SBm \ M *he •Adelalde Exhibition, 1887, this' 1 3rowing Properties, a large proportion of Castdr length, and boihg a highly concentrated prepare- 4f ,^'c 11^7 \i %"' JT, L"." . •♦ • Celebrated Velveteen was awarded^. I )il, a noted Lubricant to the Wool, has recently t tion and Palcted in handy Packets.and Cases to' <, J^MES BPPS & Cti.f Hwidßopathle Chemists, I '/^^^-^fIHHiHHH^HHw First Priie & Grand Dloloma- of I been added to its/composition, making it practi- .■»»* the requirements of New Zealand Farmer*; < London, England. X ,^^^T ' A « J —* i? IPJ?? ia ~ I cally Unrivalled for Wool Growing purposea? -it also affects a great gaving in transport; V r # Flrst Order of Merit," R sln Iron.Drums of 20 lba., 60 lbs., and \ Sold in Packets to make 35 <Sc 60galls. T-^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ww^^J '^^^^" BS^BSSmHSB^mBm for axceUen6G °' % iiah a? d Superioiity S LOO lbss. each. Price 4s. per gall, for -Of Solution respectively, and in Oases /y 1 rW^^^^mMW^mm^^^^^^ over aU other makes. , | quantity (10 lbs. to gall.), S reduction Containing suffloient of either size JL * a X misW^^mnm^X^^^^^^^^^m ■'">,' .. Jf . . .. -R on large orders, when 1,000 galls'; packet to make 1,000 galls, of Solution. ; . i gLia i , I BWr - a^m^S^SmSSSSBS^Bm «? ye?v.. yar? P iU ««. nutn« iear 'J^ namt 1 solution can be made for £310s. ■ ' Price on application to Agents. X Vp^l. 2 ;..«*• Jip^fra^^^^^^^^r!^^ c^o*"^ «o?il: iortTftttt'"* 1"1" f™* m I ManufaetuFers;TOMLlNSON & HAYWARD, Lincoln, England. <> ®t$^ i W(&® I ~7i\^.YJLi ,* "I •w^- iv'i ~ a a mw^ utmvAu.L ••A^mMAMM fv. AM«<%*Mm MA «» © •« T > V 9^^ 'S^^^^^^. ' Ask for " LOUIS" VELVETEEN, and do § WilOlfisale Agents:—THß NATSO^AL MOET&A&B & AO-B^TCI? 00- OF 5 e>TT<o ' X W^^^WW£_ '^^^^^^fe not be persuaded into buy-Ing inferior makes. 1 | NEW ZEALAND, Ltd., Duae&in, O^istclwircli, Timaru, 8s Invercargill. • f . - ♦ l^^W^g^w^.^^.. sl^o^ m d^ a | o ert^|^J roS' MnPleßa 1 XHE CREATES i' t "^^ ■ —i **Fitqiitftn pinyp ?> I _ _ It strikes at the .-ix " >'• Heat, Loisa of Appetite,' Shortncsaof Breath, Costive- - 1 '"'jOTwUilraL' •*- }*m!ii&mi I HOOT CIF DISEASE, improving digektidh oy V PCCOU'A BUI'C DSi I @ '' neS-S> Scurv y> Blotohea on the Skin, Disturbed -Sleep, . | , Mi/im) \M^m~ x :-- ,-^^S' J clearing away obstructions from the Stomach l, X Olaillljfyfliwi W I IbLi^l ♦ -Frightful Dreams, and all Nervqua, ahd Trembh"ng l f ' JWmfji 11 \|\bwki '"•/.'- Trade Mark I Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels, and at the.. J Sensations, &c. The First Dose will-Give Relief in ? • MW¥M'§ I y l\|i \l«m • X time "renovating the Bloodj eradicating poison- <«> ' O^S^^Li H Ol§ S 0 ' ♦ Twenty Minutes. This is no -fiction, ior: they /]* ' >^^M&WmR I Sf.-Vl^' -'3 -/ ■ B ous and fe.verish humours, cooling and oxygen^- J IjEjEll^h ifl^Ssi O I ItnLu^H * done it in thousands of gases. "Every sufferer ia ]^ • |If '|w, ' § is the , , , j I - \[ earnestly invited to try one )Box 0^ these Pills, and (> ' J'lf' *' " >* ■ P GREAT'SAFEGUARD & CUSE, for most I PPFPP^IIi^ PIIS^ * ' fchey win be acknowled«ef to be .. ..." | '• \"^|Hfflr' '* " ' 1 ;;cuma Jtosl J tos 1, 8 an n d is ™ffioSuTb'C, J <~v*2^* m a Bj-aa^ BH . -^: "" ~~~ — ~—: ~—^ — ■ I THEPERFECTIOROFSHAPE,FINISH,&DURABILITY; I Peverish- Colds Smallpox, Measles Thirst, I RpHnPMtlJl Pili^ X WfIDITITT Afi TTTTIf T\ A A DMT I AND APPROVED^ THfWHOIE POLITE WORLD. < I Headache, Sea Sickness, Vomiting, Bilious- 1 IJjfcLjl^i O 81l &*!*€?■ ♦ UV 11 K. I H /i T lv Hfl A X X " * I ness, Constipation, Indigestion, Heartburn, a" r • - ♦ II UIUIJJL il UUliliilil XL JJUAi | Over 5,000,000 already Sold. . | Peons' &b" PtiVe SkiQ C °- m PlaintS ' Blood I• '\ BFFfillAPil S PILLS I ~ , |'To'bohad"ofallJso^ V^wughout-A™rtralMla. The Rev. H. W. LITTLE, Madagascar, I ~* pp^r. . t*m&, ny la' 1 For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, |W S THfUVIa^ON J& flfl I Til i writes:'"lt is particularly suitable in re- | X r-l* I affS ft S¥S ' I*? 11 IS' ! as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, f ¥».«■ I HUIIIUUH W UUi, LI U., I "ducing the heat of the system fiom which <p j %2f &aß>a^Pß fifiTaiWi W I V'Vm&a%9tl '■ ;; open all obstruction's, and bring about all that is X London Manufacturers i " new arrivals in the Tropics-always suffer." t | . p^^rp/Rkggifitwegg/f* B^iißH^ i required. No female should be without them. There f * I Mr. YOUNG writes, under date Ooto- f I Mh h i d&I M IMI S5 i^S'S §J§ "> is »° medicine to be found to equal BEBOHAM'S iSm m\^J^^2^v I b-r 12, 1886: -"For something. Uke fifteen I j . WLtWllfllVl, W F B LLOI J; PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity | .^^S^ShSiSSIS.^ 11*811**161 I "years I have, constantly taken your;'| g^ &*s"(!% SJ I^Bll 4$ '■ of the system."' If taken according to the directions X »♦♦♦♦♦<,♦<,.».♦.***♦--♦«.***«.,. *.*♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦- | M " NEVER TAKEN ANY OTfiER MEDI- I ilEECiillm S PILLS- disord^^ttiel^iie^t^enS^^nd^few I liSllJLQjJJE^^^ffl I ■CINE nor have I had a doctor. I have also yif > \ Hifcsisjwß „ doses will be found ,to work wonders upon the most & H :-" given it to my childi en, and to it I attribute I 1 fiW SCff^l HH^O OS I1 €^ '' important organs in the human machine. They j> J^iiyj^tuJtlP 'fl mWrnrmrßW I • "the fact that I have never had to call in 'p, %\\ | a|^ff s iLslfy ftk 111 O B !!_iLo '' ■ Btren S tnen. fche whole muscular system, restore the V I"■ i '■' Bwl&'^Siyfffi i " doator for them since they were born," }%U 6«? faa Eti \i^,H «L -BSB _*# B E»B«fca%£'i «. long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of X JH^^ajl* J> 11 "^KJBWff&Wtili i "IT <JAVi:n- MV I IFF IJJ A RJQ- 9"i! W% ¥*¥*£%% %/S I^P3^ B^BS B '<'■ appetite, and arouse sinto action, with the rosebud of % rfftl^naJ«MfMWlM;ttilHl | "tahtiahpJ^LAfit&bl^, 11 iil:,itllnffeifi o rILLOi ;; SS e hi*i2o^fii^aSaly^tL^s 1 I I Esq., formerly in A bama_ - R A 1 prr^HAPi^ Dll'B© \' embrac; in S &l\ clai es oi society i an/ . of the^best I f i'l l"ra|r E ««*eVrno lIUIA/ "^rll^-1^ 11 ' • tt^ Yl) hfe rBBO t"Bfel n^ I* 11 Ps^ X guarantees to the, nervous and debilitated is, f PfPPpPPiSB MU^Utt^ ' ! MASTERS and all residing mUp Uj S^Ba-tteOßßirfißliW BS^ife»^a X BEECH AM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any t iS3BB3SE flKS^^^^Fnl coilntßy Stations, should* never bb P«i s^Ssa^,g fl ff Bl^S^ FftSE H tf"& " Patent Medicine in the World " X liSfefiMs^iTli3«:^« •'W!. ■•1 " S .with&Ut tAMiPIaOUGH'S PYRETIC J R^Pl«liSl|l^ PiliK !: Medlcine in <*c World. $ liiB^HMKl I' V il'U' I SAtINE. -It prevents the ill effects ♦jj i lLff $**&=%* h Boylli 1 il-Ba^i II = V fcm^ia^4jgagßL *A"M, IWI j of drinking- water not absolutely Yjf X ?r^fF'ir=/s^gn^Eßirat3^ mgn r a \\ PULL DIRECTIONS ARB GIVEN WITH <► p^gffglcgri MiTlt"lrlinpMpnßMßWlll| S pure, at the-same time forming aX|| | Gl^ esl ps»i |l S"I M Pi! IK I! EACH BOX. "* - 4> »-*♦.«. ,«*,*,>*«.,.^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦^^♦♦♦« | xaost refreshing drink, quenching $j! > USralis^Jg Sis ua^S 1 llUftß^i !! ; 4> "W" 11 - J|<iifß'H*_K I ti'iirst, and' adding' to the'-home $ i Bft-s5»/»nn«iBBSA bsnb ha *n <• «TJ i TJ «• . ; x 11111 i 14 -■ _Qt _La-H ■■' i cv)mforts of such secluded-life. Ask ♦!| Pfppf H*l P^l PI I I o bold by all Druggistsiand Patent Medicine Dealers in $ | |Jlg ||g flVllL _ your Merchant to send regular sup*- tj| _Jg_!__ilJ_a_ ;ilH!Jl_ %& EILLOi I Colonies, in Boxes at Is, lid, and 2s, Od, eacft. 1^ CURED XWSTATtfTXtY BY i plies with your other stores. See I - ' • X i^BHSB^Pf-Jift Prer_t» _«_y. bstm S abundant medical and other testir |i ) $ <> uUfITI-K S Extrac"ofteTSr !I hta-I mony with each bottle. ;, ( j_7. ' , ; • ~~~~ x Keu«won«ift«*ai_-iaiiN B-a RIIFISIVIEII?' 1 | Mayhe obtained of aU Patent MeditincVcndbri. ♦ j_._r-_T" -~""r^a" "•^aß —— '"" -____->* | rkeuv-sT"-!?r keuv-sT"-!? SLaSW 8 Hklf VIHCI E fr_»*<»*A^^*^<»»«^^»^^^fr^»^^&^^ £ The Physician to the Royal Chelsea Hospital pronounces JHNS GWS to be" the -—g -__, -^ «*»_ « _s_a tfek. J -„ „., IU _ _■ , m best and cheapest. ' Patients who x-eject othor Oils can take this." i "p f>Jp p*\ T% ' ii Tlrffil 9gg^ ' " | f no****.' »a-nt I i-rAljbjri. WHITE' ZINC PAINT,j p^^g3RANDA^^4^^ 01/ /I Ol^n^rTg&P 2 ■ E^h^^s White Lead, Oils mid Varnishes, HubbucKs Colza Oil, I O IjUliot 1 O I J^ 13-1-1"-3-31- 7"0121'® '^>-A.X___ _3Oi__.__l3 Xjl_STS__3_33_D OIL, P 7T1117/Y fl^TI/^ ft f\ W\ W^F¥TT^ /\ ¥¥ iif I<( • Properly Packed for Exportation. > , r\ In W\ H i\! \ 4 ill I I I »/" n r\ 111 I S^?^% BEST. | J[ ' Beware of Counterfeits of their Name and Trado Marfc. * /^^Sfe^ • i>__iii>__ii O \Jui/ Juil ■ iilk l/iiii;: a^, viSHfel ]:^»ij thomas hubbuck & son, O: This specialty Oil is made on board JENSEN'S FLOATING FACTORY, towed after J IPviilll) 1! Modical opinion rocom-S 41 >>. x? OIL, PAINT, AND COLOUR WORKS, w\ """ •&/ ' the fishing boats engaged each year in the great Norwegian Ood Fisheries, as shown in the A uf#^^^a ri Sw nA STS Tw h °o n ii- for •' *ho ° <*J?J,tyKF oa I IMC otdcct co o uiiddiioi/>p uiuinr n*Tniirp X&Tvi^'Q/ I large coloured posters" exhibited on the walls. The perfectly fresh livers obtained in thisi > i <> -_Ifc^_?. . 24 ' UME" STREET ' L°' & HUBBUC!(S WHAPF- RATCLIFF, X^.^ way make a sweet palatable oil, perfectly different to oil made fr6m _ stale Ii vere;, which Spf <► ' '^^^^W mows that they avo uusur- gl ♦TRAOfe MAfttQ LONDON. ENGLAND. TRADE MARKi I necessity is strong and nauseous. No one else gets the livers so freih, ahd no one, except^ ___|_____3_HJ passed for ■ '|| Vooo#»^4»<f <>'»»<><><t »»C>00CcI>00»0<) j>V»»»»»» !>♦♦€>♦ »»»C>»ftf I JENSENS, can, for this reason, produce oil of this high;mecUcinaH-aluc md sweet flavour. I- OOMPORT - - -,gj I TT7TTT T A MPQ'Q T»T TCITPP I .„ ....„• ii «* j.- j t T-i i •. v *- it "x 'j. v«- - r ' -i" X'^ l_fold" a_L dyer Eiivope,," United States %t *^ V n« EVERy _, You may turn yo\u* Horse to grass, or in a loose box or yard ! Because it tastes "nice. Consumptives and Invalids derive new life and- vigour from lts^ ' America Canada, India, Australia, mid tUegM ' - _-©tJS__2^&>£> • immediately after the application without a cradle^or other wonderful nourishing properties. •'' whole of the British Colonies, and through'- ffl *' > 'l^^nncAv^^^S^ restraint, AS NO HORSE WILL GNAW IT. It will never 1 ■ ' <► QUt tt j le world. Name aud Trade Mark,^ <* • j&rf%rfs^"&j&23Sl*«s£>&<. blemish. The hair turns in ten days. It may be used to a __■_? CS XT 3E& _E3 £_» __ _ST__J>,_!: €3r 3ES £3 1_e 3E O 3W- O " Andior, on. every pair and box. Ask your f§ <> >Mad^^^^^:M^U. foal, however young. ) „,,,_,.. . „ „ ,n, . „ „'. „„. , ,"' , , , $ Di-afcr or Outfitter for IZOD'S make; takoCl O IT -yyiLL JfOT TOUCH THE HUMAN HAND. | Kecommended by the Physician to the Koyal Chelsea Hospital as "The best and cheapest: J uo o\ hor ai;d Eec yougcfc thom> a3 badmalEoSfe > 4^ Hoie may continuoits Acaistfmed Labour * Patients who reject other oils can take this. ■ arc often sold for sake of extra profit. Write pi \> *$$ J^ 1/ sfWk Caution—None genuine without tho Signatures R.S.JAMES % __«__■ Kr_e^r_____s _^.__i__-^_^.-«__-£s. r JuX'^^^kiSr^e^i i;!l^p^-y a/y>^% ™* j- j^es- ™the^^ °f ™***<m«^^ ; THE LANCET quality, no taste, of much value in wasting diseases.- -f So£s£s W I*l/- /^^^^fg A EXTENSIVELY USED 54 YEAES. ' BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL :-»Children take it well.", jj the principal Wholesale Houses. y || «- -^ H^^iSE^MPsSTco. ELLIOTT ' CAUTION.—This Trade Mark (An Iceberg) is on cv(nj bottle of the "CT T"7JOT) SOU ° J&' BROS., 'Sydney, Brisbane, and Launceston; KEMPTHORNE, JBEBIk. S,inCartonCases,eachbearingtheTradeMar_: ' | OQ* MILK^EET LONDON 1 O M.f^t. ?_'.•; ?o^'^; Sf 4t£^?iruW I /BOIIKSmXk i'Pints, is., *-Pints, 25., Pints, 3s. 6d., Quarts, 6s. 6d.X «U, BULK MK&.J-l, LUftDUN. g [ **3§&s^^&> l "Bell'sLife"s4years. ' *• ' j^^^^^^^ Sold by all Chemists. > Blannfaotory; Landport, Hant^. gog o • n «4ishED vx> -^«r- _E_C- J_A.2VE2ES£_S, ' Jgg_^ B_g°B_g°;■^_ ent _ 3 ~sh A? i»and & co., Anchiand. { f SOLE MANUFACTURER OF THE ORICiNAL & ONLY " GENUINE BLISTER," STANFORD FARIKGDOH, BERK^ f

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Otago Witness, Issue 1918, 24 August 1888, Page 40

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Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1918, 24 August 1888, Page 40

Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1918, 24 August 1888, Page 40