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Busmess Notices. . Ul*.. '• ■ \ No Enterprise that has been Established of late years has been Crowned with Greater Success than the " PARCEL SYSTEM ** of PYFE ai^d OUMING, 68, 70, and 72 George Street, Dunedin, who just Twelve Months ago placed their Wonderful Parcels before the Public of New Zealand, thus saving Purchasers the ISumerous Intermediate Profits which are obtained by "Middlemen." Such has been the Appreciation of the PufrHc that FYPE and CUMING have now the Best Premises in George Street, Dunedin, recently built to their own design, to try and overtake the wonderful Leaps and Bounds their Trade has taken during the past Twelve Months. • „ PYPE & CUMIWG Are quite Supplanting the Old Fashioned Houses that Pride themselves upon having been Established so many years, but have utterly failed to keep pace with the times, and cannot depart from their Long Credit System, entailing Bad Debts, for which Cash Buyers have to Compensate. All Orders must be accompanied with either Cash, P.O. Order, Postal Notes, or Crossed Cheques payable to " PYPE and CUMING." All Parcels over 20s packed securely in canvas and sent, FREIGHT PAID, to any Railway Station or Port in New Zealand. "Where freightis demanded please communicate the fact to us. PARCEL No. 227.— 12 yards superior Melton "OA.RCEL No. 241— Everybody's Parcel—l 2T\ ARCEL No 18<V7— The Ladies' Jubilee T> AROEL No - 295— The Leading Blanket T>ARCEL No. 270-Big Lot for the Money Drees Tweed; 12 yards new Fancy Check 17 yards Flannelette; 12 yards Boucle _P i , 7 «,f Z ZTo •tv -t and Flannel Parcel-contains: 1 pair JT Parcel-12 yards of new. Stripe Dna» Dress Stuff; 6 yards wide Stripe Skirting ; 12 Cloth; 12 yards Satin Cloth; 12 yards Twill .. arcel ~ for 25s - he treat Bargam Uis- Bplendid witney Blankets, very heavy and Tweed; 12 yards very heavy Hairline Dress yards of very heavy Blue Serge, suitable for Calico ;12 yards strong Galatea ; 12 yards very tnbutorß W1 " send, carnage paid, to nearest w i,j e . j pa j r o f Unbleached Bolton Twill Mixture ;12 yards nice Tartan Dress Check ; boys' suits or riding habits ; 12 yards soft heavy Cretonne ; 12 yards Brown Holland ; 6 railway station : 1 Ladies' Ulster, or fashionable Sheets, 3 yards long ; 1 real White Honeycomb 12 yards Diagonal Serge ; 12 yards darkfinished Lining ; 6 yards nice Black Velvet ; yards of fast-colour Turkey Red Twill. Ladies Short Jacket, in atockingette cloth (sizes, very Bed Quilt, with handsome deep fringe, 8 yards coloured Cashmere, slightly damaged— 6o yards and 12 dozen Buttons. This magnificent parcel will be highly pleased with this splendid parcel, large, medium, and small women's) ; 1 pair Cor- long ; 2 White Honeycomb Toilet Covers ; 1 in all ; enough for six dresses. Sent, carriage sent, carriage paid, to nearest station or port, Sent, carriage paid for 59s 6d. gets (state size) ; 1 lovely Chemise, 1 Night- set of the new Turkish Toilet Mats. 38s 6d paid, to the. nearest railway or port, for 28s 6<i. for 52a. dress, and 1 pair Drawers, beautifully trimmed this parcel. Notice all the contents. Ladies Most extraordinary. Send for parcel, and you Pa t>nwT xt noa mi. n r> r> i — -^ » «^,v,^ „, w* tn embroidery; 2 pairs Cashmere Hose (navy, will wonder how it cau be sold for the money. will be delighted. ARCEL No. 226-The Every Day Parcel- T>ARCEL N0._230-The Extraordinary Par- B eal brown, or back} ; 1 pair Jersey Gloves ; 2 XfcAROEL No. 220-Fyfe and Cumiua's ««r.KlS'hiJ?W ! *S"nSnd t telSs £th' Ce k%7rt B i 12 y ardß . hea^ Costume pretty^Plush anc l f^CoUjuMttSi ; . and 24 -pARCEL No. 260~Fyfe and Cuming's I* Wonderful ? 2 2a ,6d HSB^SnwT^lS X-7rad B SZoS!^ C oth ; 12 yards of a very nice Black Satm yards Yak Lace thrown into the bargain. The JT Flannel and Blanket Parcel-contains : 1 yards splendid Tartan, for dresses; a dress B iotSM S ™w y sf * ve^r ful ?° mes P un i above c «efullyand securely packed in canvas, pair choice quality real Witney Blankets, fine length of 12 yards navy, brown, blue black, or fZT- iTvarS Itrnnl TvS) wfniv- fivSl" ihJ IT"- St £ pc ]xtu ' c ; 12 , ?? dB ?f? f and ■«*, carriage paid, to any railway station fleecy goods? 2| yards long; 6 yards of fine ma?oon Dress Tweed ; a short length, 4 yarda, SJIT- Pl^ St T DreS . 8 - T rf? ; and l?yards in exchange for post-office order for 255. Ladies White Sasony Flannel ; 6 yards splendid Grey splendid Oxford Shirting ; 12 yards of the n«w heavvßlue Tserel 53s the Thole lot A S forlS Sf Camehne-wrth Buttons and Linings are invited to try this parcel, as the contents Shetland Flannel, very wide ; 7 yards very supe- Hairline Tweed ; and 6 yards of Silicia Lining, heavy Blue bergc 53s tne wnole lot. A mag- for all the dresses. Sent from our Warehouse wiH fairly astonish them, and cannot fail to give rior Wool Shirting Flannel. 50s the whole lot, The lot sent from the Great Drapery Distribumticent parcel. tor 555. great satisfaction. carriage paid. tors for 22s 6d. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO TURN YOUR BACK ON THESE PARCELS. P A SLf™r^^^ TT&AROEL No. 101 -The Wonderful Dress TT>ARCEL No. 133-The Gigantic Dress TpARCEL No. 16.-The Excelsior Parcels- TERCEL No. 73-The Most Wonderful ft P3 C 20* wi?l ,pm? frPPhvS? *~ PMcel.~l2 yards of Stripe Dress Tweed ; JT Parcel-Please read the following very JL contains : 12 yards very heavy Navy Blue JT Parcel, for 20s-12 yards fast colour Ladies' RewrsiblV' MaeinToV Rform nrnnf 12 yards of splendid washwpCamelme ; 12 yards carefully, and note the contents. We will give Serge: 12 yards Shetland Flannel; 12 yards washing Print ; 6 yards splendid Unbleached Cloak anvkih ISS Braided Tpriv of a grand ' strong ' Knot J? d Tweed '• "^ 8 yards in exchan ge for 755-12 yards splendid Stripe lovely Pink Flannelettes ; 12 yards strong useful Calico ; 12 yards White Calico ; 1 pair of Ladies' V.ntfj. \ sS^ph;^ » !!1 SI of splendid Cashmere. The colours m Cashmere Dress Tweed; 12 yards of End and End Mixture; Galatea; 12 yards superior Grey Calico; 12 Spoon-busk Stays; 2 dozen Buttons to match Xr trimmed S sth ro Sv • are n^ vv » seal brown, slate, maroon, cardinal, 12 yards heavy Knockabout Tweed; 12 yards yards heavy White Twill Sheeting; and two the Dress ; 1 pair 4-button Tan Kid Gloves, any aL*dVs'X^ and black Th,s wonderful parcel, with 12 yards Dark Coloured Serge; 12 yards Faßcy Wincey; pairs men's heavy Moleskin Trousers. "We size ; 6 Linen Collars for Ladies ; 6 yards fasthrowLrv • anrt aP^nf T » f W Tilt linin X anA 12 dozen h^ toas included, sent, car- 12 yards of the new Hair-line Mixture ; 12 yards will exchange any of the above articles for other colour Dimity for bed curtains ; and 1 beautiful Drawers' rirhlv trimmpd VVp mikranfp« fS ria S e P aid » for 38s 6d. - beautiful Cashmerette, any colour ; and 12 yards goods of equal value." This wonderful parcel Lace Collarette. This wonderful Parcel sent, carvSTof this ; n«cel Til f airfv astonish voii Z^ nflT , r XT on mv „ ~ ~ ~of a g^nd All-wool Beige, with 12 yards soft sent, carriage paid, for 595. riage paid for 20s. Please notice : We give you r?ilk! .!i ..« f I y ast^ nish "O ARCEL No - 69-" Th e Popular Parcel of finish living and 12 dozen buttons to match. double the quantity that any other drapery firm S £ PwcelNoSO * ' * Men's Mercer^ and Clothing-contains : This Wonderful Parcel sent, carriage paid, T>ARCEL No. 225-The Universal Family offers. * y otner arapery nrm bend for Farcel No. 89. 1 suit of Men's Dark Tweed, any size; 3 White 755. JL DreßS Parcel-contains : 8 yards splendid — . . PARCEL No. 250— A Family Parcel— con- or Coloured Shirts ; 2 Undershirts, lambswool Cashmere, black and colours ; 12 yards heavy X>ARCEL NO. 125— Fyfe and Cuming's tains: 1 pair extra quality All-wool or cotton ; 6 pairs lambswool or merino Socks ; TT>ARCEL No. 189.— Splendid Dress Parcel Costume Cloth, in brown, maroon, navy, black, JL Wonderful 22s 6d Parcel— contains : 12 Witney Blankets, full 2| yards long; 6 yards 6 linen Collars, any shape; 3 Prince of Wales JL for 20s— containing : 12 yards of a grand and grey; 12 yards superior Melton Tweed, in yards of the new Hair-line Dress Check; a Dress esplendid quality White double- warp Twill Sheet- Scarfs, assorted patterns; 1 Silk Handerchief ; Foule Cloth, in navy and bronze; 2 yards of all colours ; and 20 yards very heavy Dress Length of 12 yards navy, myrtle, or bronze ing, 2 yards wide; 1 beautiful White Marcella 1 pair strong Bmces; and tweed Hat, any size. Velveteen for trimming ; 1 pair four-button Kid Tweed, and one Combination Dress containing Foule Cloth ; 4 yards splendid Oxford Shirting ; Bed Quilt, full size, splendid floral design ; 6 The whole lot sent, carriage paid, for 525. Un- Gloves; 1 Silk Handkerchief; 6 yards lining and 12 yards new Stripe Mixture and 2 yards Velvet a dress length of splendid Knockabout Dress White Turkish Towels, large size. The whole '. dcabtedly the be^t value cvor offered. Rend for three dozen buttons. The whole lot sent, for trimming. The whole lot sent, carriage Tweed. The lob sent from The Great Drapery lot sent, carriage paid, for 445. parcel Nu. 69. "SI^ISSS.P.??^.!.!*!,-^??' ,_., P ft j*M'g. r .*>Q s ' Distributers for 22s 6<l, carriage paid.

WE ARE NOW SELLTO THE STOCK OF J, M'DOWELL & CO ffl , Brapers, Clothiers, and Mercers* No, 1 IiAJIRTON 1 QUAY, ; . Wellington* OTAGOWITNESS.— Problems and.Ga mes are published for the amusement of ttfe Lovers of Chess.

JACOBS' GIFT DEPOT (Opposite Post Office), •PRINGEB STREET, DUNEDIH. ESTABLISHED OVER 25 YEARS. "^TISITORS to Town are invited to Inspect the Stock, consisting of — V FANCY GOODS FOOTBALLS OPERA, FIELD, and GLASSWARE TOYS, WOOLS, SILKS OTHER GLASSES CROCKERYWARE BRAIDS DESKS, WORKBOXES CUTLERY EMBROIDERY ALBUMS MUSICAL PATTERNS LEATHER &00DS INSTRUMENTS BOXING GLOVES PIPES, TOBACCOS CRICKETWARE CHESSMEN WILLIAMS' RTJBY LAWN TENNIS DRAUGHTSMEN CIGARS, CIGARETTES STERLING GOLD & SILVER JEWELLERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATED WARE. T3IEW-MOWN HAY (Celebrated Mixture), A Specialty in Cut Tobacco, In 41b and lib Tins. Also, THOUSANDS OF IVOVEI^TSES, Both Useful and Ornamental, suitable for BIRTHDAY, WEDDING, ami OTHER PRESENTS. Country Orders receive my Special Attention. Parcels of the value of £2 forwarded CARRIAGE PAID. ' MISS CLOI'GM, 44 Geobgb stebet, SHr"""" , w gAS just opened a Choice Assortment of HnfLOIlVl JOL NEW GOODS, per latest steamers, Novelties in Fancy Work, Slippers, Braces, BUSiMV&wSmr 4t»' f Ift Smoking Caps, Tablecovers, Antis, MiSiy M^tf^l Cushions, Mantle and Table-4-P4 -P ] y> r °' ld s 'P^ Fin .B erin g Chainette, Zephyr Knitting Silk, Eiswool, and Pompadur. A large variety of Ladies' and Children's UnderKABBIT^KI^S. clothing and Infants' Outfits. i Special. — On receipt of P. 0.0. for one guinea R«^ " , „,..=,, . ««» .. ■"«.-. Miss Clough will forward a Bample box of infants' OBIRK OtfitAND ft e«i, clothing, consisting of complete set of flannels, r night and day gowns, chemise, and bib. Bomb and CfcasKEOBB Sbsbsm, Country 'orders will receive special attention. BBSSBIN. ' '2m Cash boyeraaU the year Kwad«f «»S on*. RsMM>itekt»8 $ —^^ rr*r~ KliAAßkelrina IMT I*B1 * 8 GILL baa opened, et ss.^'Ssgpu, SHeepsttißS, J3JL Novelties forvtfce Wmtei Sewon in Horsehair, Ladiea' and diadren'fl-ffilliaery. = oc . &«., &«. TARGE ASSORTMB»T of , Uijtnmmed !gg_ ii Straw H«ts aad Bonaefcß,-I*teßt" shapes; Fancy Birds and Winga, every shade. ' AG. W A T S O I' -g CASE of Dress and Bvening Gaps, choice • (Late Watson and Gow), J^ selection. Just opened, several cases of ' . Dress Cashmeres, splenmd value. Princes street South, Dunediu. — - — — — ~ :—:: — : : • - XTTOME an^ Cokm»l Tweeds in great Was^nrap, Sp ,.i». s . |-^3atSKL CJ4JTI9, «SiC« - -.- : ;—; — ; Bent to any part of tha country on the shortest ~8~\ RBSSMAKIN<5 *"~ l F lliß DeP* l^ 11611 * is now uotise • JLr under th« experienced management of < ailiSS WILSON, late of Leslie, Lane, and Dobie, will find Mrs James' .ND Kirkpatrick, Glandining. Mourning V^ Private Boarding Establishment, corner /J^ orders promptly attended to. feteofYS MX GILI., 13 « ad 15 Princes Street

■ D. I. C. The Drapery & General Importing Company Op NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), CO-OPERATIVE, ARE NOW SHOWING the Largest and Best Selectfed Stock in the Colony of GENERAL DRAPERY, CLOTHING, CARPETS, FLOORCLOTHS, BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING, CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, ELECTRO • PLATEDWARE, CUTLERY. LAMPS, HOUSEHOLD IRONMONGERY, COOKING STOVES, GARDEN TOOLS, HEDGE SHEARS, &c., &&., Ik. DRESSMAKING of the Highest Class Style Done a% " The Most Reasonable Charge. Samples of Goods to order from sent by post on application. Also, prices and drawings of furniture, bedsteads, &c. >All Kinds of Fobnitobb Made to Obder. ALL GOODS AT ACTUAL WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE PRICES. Tbbms: Pbompt Net Cask. D. I. C. High ano Ratthat stheets, Dunbdin (and Oashbl stbeet, Chbistchoech). B. HALLENSTEIN. ' Chairman of Directors. P. LAING, *„ , '. Manager.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1915, 3 August 1888, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1915, 3 August 1888, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1915, 3 August 1888, Page 5