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Business Notices. Business Notices. J .- Business Jfttices. . JW »..!,.. < * Ig4 HW B WJB B R^toSS^ > nfl^ iliOna and HTer oomplalntB ' mdi S eßtioQ <' The "Federation" Holders no^onlyprevent the pen ! from O^ 'l^9^|l;ify lii f^'^a^ I pß"^"*^ 11 * B"^l^™™^!8 "^ l^™™^! _ *«* "AGENTS WANTED.'" _ '/^^g^^^^^^^^^^SJ^ 6^^; *^ (Rcci S TtR ED > J/ >\l x>ECOMMENDED by' the "most distiu _____ . "'" ' .. i ;; r . r"~r "~ ' -^=^>- , I JK> guiahed members of the medical proj^jijiMin— M j| lM b lMW |^» imimimi^^ MlM h Jii' "* " — — — — ; " "~i fession. fSwW^frfHFSfSKBRS ffoer ce G P outf C^ma«c SOH'WEIITZEII'S 1 AN ADMONITIOF?O THE PUBLIC. ! irilr !^ " ™ ll l^tm Ifflk^i J safesi and. most gentle y^J y^v /^H /~V A HTI T "TVT A Schnapps, the pnbUc will have to take specif MllfTOT™*ffiilMUltyWraM Medicine for Infants, I " I 111 1 I I /\ I I |\ : /\ care to ask for Wotra's, and accept no other. Kie Universal Remedy lor Acidity or the Stomach Children, Delioaate Pc- \J \J \^J \.S JLJL. A A Xl JIJL # . • v -^-T Headache, Heartburn,. Indigestion, Sour Eructations males, and the Sick- ' nil Iff 111 II Al F Bilious Affections. nesa of Pregnancy, AnthDySpeptlC COCOd CMd OhOCOlate POU)der. , ' XII V WHU L £ >#■/!?^fSff"^ lf?fiy!k^^ GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA. nA TTI CO PpBS ?, s™-*** ?11 kj Wm, \^JjjkjM J r 1 Consisting solely of the Finest Cocoa Beans, with the excess of fat extracted. KU I I|_ t U %/Mff C N ESI A/ BHBHRSnrtHnBnHHHHfIiI The FACULTY pronounce it, " The most, Nutritious, perfectly Digestible U W ■■ fcll-Wi Hli for Di NN «^ r «AG a N s isYr- ■ ; r/i^^^ " ■^"■"'gsau corftni; /«ss <Aa» Ons Halfpenny. &GENTS: KEMPTHOR3STE, PROSSER, and CO., Auckland and Dunedin; Sold * f c^ stß *°"7 6^ tL & mr nwTF^ D* cS l^^ BS^SPSSaIS and SHARLAND and CO Auckland OOCOATINA is the best COCOA for EXPORT to INDIA and the COLONIES Physical Depression , Ne rvous DebUity, inca. , ' " ' - " " ~~~ ~~i" pacity for Study, Loss of Energy, Sick Head* mes _.^.__ _ -jutu t rtm ache, Dyspepsia, Female Complaints, Premature Zx? ~fisrx*> ~" ' " °"~°™~~"^' -*— i -^"-~ — •«•" " ' 5 £^;^^?^v^^s^F?'cr^^:r?^^^^ Decline, and is a marvellous medicine for- reno« '' ite«^^^ '7«9 "«"•« v -^i *?S a pr\r\M TO QtIFTrFRFRS 1 J *' vating impaired and broken-down constitutions. ii^^PPiSj |^i;7£^l^D'«r 17 Y%jT& AICA 1C 1^ V H^l'/>TI/I Ql^ < A i>UL/lM IV/ aurr an^R. . _^^^^ l^rfflk It operates on the system without exciting care |l||iil§ia JO4 Vw£ y £jIIH. JjLOUW Mlil CHll . > XJSE ONLY A or thought upon the individual as to the process. i^P;^^^ " " ' " ' a ■%■ nilTt"(aC^f>^l'O gg^^^^^^ Wfttt X It moves the lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, am) M« 5^ ar*"''i li"\ * 5 1 T R L rA I tno!]il O - W^* jß^^ intestine? with a harmony, vigour, yet mildness i lipu M Wj|j liPIYIPmSIPi 12 ■ V mmmm^^MmM f^k\^\. ikSm*^^** % unparalleled in medicine. Sold in cases at 6s 6c y*L**'[ tJ ' *•--'-* vJJLiAif\?A ( « n %J si by all Medicine Vendors. Agents: Kempthonu;, l E^ -#_ il I siSSiS8 * i **^ l^ AI.EXVXOKIt HAMILTON M^^^S^^, ' "" l VETERINARY SURGEON, H^Vl^ •**';/ __ J^ 5 - Ji^ ft . rf^.fi^.rfWaS^in th© P OTITr,T?TSON'S X>EGS to notify his Customers and the JHn£*V'i£&i IrfeTi Tnl" x^w±jxjx^xkj^xi *._. . x>' Publio generally that he ha 3 RBMO yED J^^^^^^g W>#: Old Country /-^ -«—^ TT-v rr^ A'TXT/^ TT X 3 T7 11 O to BATH STREET (near Octagon), Dunedb zL-^.m^-^ua I7Hj X1 A IJN wLJ Jl\.jllj^!? where he maybe conßulfced daily - '^^^^^^g^ kOt WasniUgj trieailing' i^^m^^lS^^^ I v „— Advice and Medicine for Horses, Cattle, ; ■? & Scouring Everything. BP^'^p^M KEEP THEM BY YOU IN THE HOUSE. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. ' Sbeep< ;Dogß> &c " from jL ßd - ,- egL\ —^ — - ' For reference apply i^DrCoughtrey. 25a } '" U " ar> °* >itki " ' V " L f }aoli f/ l ' OM None genuine unless bearing the Registered Trade Mark and Signature on Capsule and Bottle. inmiTfl 11 iiitii iiinwiifc 7^^^^»! P*{ i'lvii} $ioreKesfj<^ w the Coinrnt U' ftWi; y>S**AaLßilg>^ asa*i| . wuag a-bUJLLg. HAIJTHAWAY S .^ ««• ASK KOR IT. iuhx^xwm* / -• RtCraTERED, > S -' • QLD BELI&BLE XlMßSiWWi.lMftMtßiMat J» JMaWliW i^S^lliWWir/ L'iVGUEMTlJlfl— For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Skia Diseases, and Wounds of all g| M,lffig»ggl pOIISHBS L&DJBS 18l y. „ «-v ■ - >^, w .. descriptions. ' gj^ESsgtfl Hhilrirnn'« Rnnfa T iniTRI>AIAfM4^AT\KT\/l?U AlT* /; " KXTR«VPIJI.iniB-Forlllani«^D3F«mt^ l «M. • SHI^KIi «l ■ul "l illt>il l"Dij" a" 1 » VvJfl/ ill VJJ l\ V/l U fi .^ fiS^A REOW— For Diphtheria, Hooping Cough, and aU affections of the Throat. | ■" M j^^Wi SHOBS, HUDDSrS' Ul AL PUEE, NATUEALLY PALATABLE, AND EXTRAORD^Z^ jY EFFICACIOUS : WILLIAM ROBERTSON, WOODITS/sWhLAND, NEW ZEALAND. g '! ■'.^ffl|l JJ 8 ** 1 * J fl U*l IN CONSUMPTION, THfIOAT AFFECTIONS, AND DEBILITY OF ADULTS /AND CHILDREN. T.f, . . f . Mr . ff. _ ... ..M . . ... I -^ J3| 'KQNjB B P in & & Wilfl in uuiiuumi nun, umvini i Tn , n fc rn( ] a ,, 1I1 j ? tho above Medicines to the Public, ptwuni.ary benefit is not my sole objecp ; -" jmn E^^^gE CIVBS S&tisfilCf IQIL Dr. SINCLAIR COGHIIiIt, f "In Tubercular Disease, p« >ssessea greater the- bnl I fet-1 it. i\ duty, knowing the blessing 1 ? they will prove to suffering htynanity. ', m fim>a wailalttwUUlfc Phm waii, Hospitalfor Oonsuniiption, Ventnor. <\ rapeutic efficacy than any 0 bher Cod Liver Oil." Ido nob po as far as sotnc, and promiie they will cur« everything and anything; but Ido "3 BOSTON 1889 IS COnGSuOQ t8 09 s-p r' DUNCAN GrIBB, Bart., ' M.D., f "Areniedy of great powej -in the treatment of promisu thai if applied in reasonable time, and according to inßtructions, they will cure the several •<* VIENNA* 1873*«TUC C>TKlininn II Ph'wician to the Westminster Hospital. ( many Affections of the Ihx oat and Larynx." complaint- for which Thoy arp in.tendeO, without fail. ' • FHILA. 1870* IHt 515 1 Allllßlllh tq^jt *fl J> POPE, Esq., M.R.C.S., f "In all debilitated Btat* ss of the system, a In country di>tricts eKpooially, where medical aid is Dot to be obtained, hundreds of cases prove _ _ u»M»u»*liiiW»6Aiift "" Li \te Staff-Surgeon, Army, India. \ reliable and valuable remw ly." fatal, simply for the want of h proper remedy. To meet this want, I place thee« medicines in the V« ■«• HAU THAW A ■ otSONog D r g' eorgb SAUNDBRS, C.8., / " A valuable remedy, espe cially in the Wasting vimi k«t with the greatest; confidence. No one knows how soon he or she may be afiSicted with SBl 6 288 Congress Street. BOitQSk Late bepu ty-Inspector-Gencral, Army Hospitals.\ Diseases of Children." eif.her of the many complaints these medicines are certain to cure; it-is, therefore, the duty of . qnnMLYta eamuled Imperial Half-Pints, Pints, and Quarts, by all Chemis its and Storekeepers. everyone to prepare for snch an emergency and keep the.remedies on hand The price is within m^mmSS^^SBSBSSBSBBBSSi Sold ONLY. moapsuieaiMi.i.KiAuxii*u jrmuo, xuiUß,«,« , j the reach of all. The neel«ct of any chance to save life becomes a sin ; let neae rturthe risk of y^jft^gSPSwjJ*WaßPgß^lWg^ffiS|gW Sole CoiASignees-ANSAB, HARPORD & CO., 210, High H» >lborn, London. having this laid to thoir charge. „. | §Mm ® WiMi fi I*J fjfli lwn£!^l CAUTION-—R esist mercenary attempts to recommend or substitute it if&rior kinds. The above rpmndies are free from any ingredient that would prov&nrjotious to the human I Si wj^ikj il^ L®J»^^®l system, thus rendering them perfectly safe for old or young; and have been known to my family, iu^^JK^^^J^£^^^^^^HSStra^^^^i t — — — — — — — ' in a modified form, for a number of years. After 17 years of personal research and study of the .^^j^^^^^^K^wfe^^^^^Sßi^^HMßM nT - MMn . Mg », T , inmiiiin ■niiiin mn— wpp— — sevpral complaints, I have brought the medicines to perfection. This is no mere boast, but the —«■««■» wo* m'■ w^. mrmßvam}™*™™-^ '•--" ' " - ■ • ~ ictual truth, as vouched for by the several testimonials published; these speak for themselves, and \7 | P^T W^ m^ /\ *^r GOLD MEDALS, 1884-86. Used in the Royal Nurseries, - p*™^!^^^^*^,^,! * ' W fi \Ji\ fl Bmgj MP&k tf^ f fffe trust, for my own benefit, that I have determined to give everyone a chance of using these Commands B> preference i^S .^^k SI wESi SnlßlH UNGUBNTUM— Woe glass jar, with screw metal top, price lsSd, ahovfi all others. W* JHjS m Hr Wjr mi mJS BNTERA PULVI&-2oz cardboard bos, pride Is 6d. aDOVe <iU OtUtJfH, BBS uM Wt mBO GAEGAREON-^4oz glass bottle with square edges, price Is 6d. — — IS^HBff HB^HmPßtf^ They can be obtained retail of all respectable chemists and storekeeper, &c., and wholesale JiIST ARXjISHED OVER Hftß W^ JBf^ HMH H '^bk rom tha following merchants : — Walter Guthrie and Co., Joseph Hatch and Co,, and Whitting- ortn VTT 1 ATfQ HW Ppß AA MfH H 3^L nm Bros, and Instone, Invetenrgill; Proctor, Jones, and Co., Messrs Eeiapthorne, Prwser, and -4 <M > x xLj AxtO» B«H H — M HWH B B Co., Mfssrs Sargood, Soa, and Ewen, Buae&n ; and from Wm. Robertson, Woodlands, Southland, ■■■■■ -rmB ™.T Bfli !7ot Zealand. ' ___JL_- - ' IWSURANCB. SAVORY&MOOItE,Li)NDOM «^^r Br T" 'ssss^xsp™ In TinS IS., 25., SS. and lOS. each. Obtainable everywhere. j^ Mr Alexander Wilson. ■»»*«««»«««»« (Fire, Marine, jad Guarantee). * _______q ■ ■■■■■ i i ' ITr t i•* a^» w^l JW&^j^Jjei^^^nfc^lSW. ( ana prepared to accept ,&&, Marine, and — „ -■■■■!■ ■■■■■■■'■■'■ ■■■■——- ;; m ™*rt^J^ 3fOT^^ ba^ BS^2SSO^^8 S^2SSo^^ Quarinterßiaka at Lowest SrentßateaT — — two days m heahng after apgiyigg yoor oinfane^Hmnld' wark w*h Rafter fige &M Say. You Loa** Momotlv n»id in nnW«Kn -^•^ r-^r% .ki^i, r-o-V-l^Kl should make your remedy pabCaßJt.w^TOtfiiK^worWßg.ißeD. TOien Rtook the P h ! THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION, t &t *« &«dku Nj'h D t' ffH^ti^B MARiC- JVwnMrWm.Frew. , Money! M<wftey! Mmiey't TRADE IPiUK ■ \Jl\ 9Mafemmßl IViAKBVa Woodfeads^ Jtme 2, 18&7. — — H— ziliiEri:^^^^^^^^^*^^B Jam glad *° ** aWe to'inform'yoa that thfrpowders you gave «w had tibe desired effect. I mHB BQUITABLB INVBSTMBNT CJO lhl*YrftM'> J r '*' "^ib'agy tras very bad with Byseatery for some days ; one dose of your powder cars* me completely, and X OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITBB} «rt >? fts-nTLffTT 7? 'PTTiTiR are confidently recommended as » simple Remedy * 'ST 6 not been troubled with the same complaint since, imak you sbodd make youc cure Dißcount Bills. , /oT™»;S is the LseJ nearly ftU diseases* M™ •*-• I wß'S^£liw B 'S^£liJ < Si£U or. v,hirri Idna a medicine so uniformly grateful and beneficial, that *t &<™ * Shaw Crostana. Beware. Honey on Deposit, ■ , . >r^ . the "Natural Strengthen* oftUEuman Stomach." !„.«««*»■«**, to h 6TO^««*.ia. 1-jJIfeSSJaSS.S cltt^^Se^Sf^H^ t « WnTf^nTP ,<? PTLLS' 3 act as a powerful tome ana gentle aperient ; are care for open sores. Mrs Crosland had a bad foot'for over three months and tried everything, Undertakes fee Valnation of Property, , miMoperation, safe under any Hroumstance*, and thousands of tSSSSSi^S^S.'U&A I wmns eannOW bear testimony to the benefits to be derived from thew use, m. using the nlm, and it is giving every Mtbfaction. Having derived »aoh good elects from X^h SSSmU^STi SS^J I Family Eriend fir upwards of 50 year,. £tt<ttMiJZX m t I/- HflWi.. at 1 * liot 2s 9(2. <S* 11». « Ach i *V a** Medictftfl Vendor* i?wo«sr7»ottt *ftfl JfarW, various. so-called remedies without their deriving any benefit ; your gargle was 'simply wonderful ja»K DAVIS. S*U mgOWWOi^Aio., . y _ — _ its eteota, easing the cough at once and loosening the phlegm, thefcfoy enabling them to obtain ' *****" mJ7.^> CAUTION. tAeeiPi w * lich P revionsl y UR<l been out of the question. My testimonial may eeem eomqwha! nttm*, ■■"■» ■•

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Otago Witness, Issue 1905, 25 May 1888, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1905, 25 May 1888, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1905, 25 May 1888, Page 5