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%*4Hk'4HR JHR\ 4HR^ 'JMMk MK^MM^fSMkJSKUh.AU&.Jtok.MBKkMW^jS^.jJtob.^MMkMM^. OUk. MU^. MM\ MM\ MU\ Mm\. ifl^ oHk. MmU\mUm Mm\ mMmL AWL mmm mm\ > THE t( LOU IS" VELVETEEN. | fj[| MVt \\ IP S ffl IjS |— l|iS fl^*% -'-i £he strictt-.&c exmniner may try every test of touch and ( 1 II Si IB li kf I if I I Kj I 9f II H Wi I {? (J W A "\i f^ Bight without discovering thnfc fthc»o"are other than the ( * m - M aa ' nM J^* FW *• *^ m "vy vm^ v tf- /\T ¥¥^f' 1 fnn Ff^TlV^f^&T Genoa Velvets which they so closely resemble, whip Iho c •»«»,■■■»■«■■■ «%ii^>"i% mi% > • .'-•»*•■> >-^a*/J^ilJl VJ il/^LJ 1/ L Jlf Lint peculiar arrangement s resulting in the fast woven pile enable, C Ol VeTrEißlnlEi VUJffcD Ilio U A \I\AS h flf\lO Dft^AIFIFD BIQ , ■ 'WSimtMw\ Ofi^l Wulfirljl ' them to stand interminable and rough wear, which would .. ( ' BJL I ULfIIFUL uSILLI 0111 HAflrallKllN rrlWllcJi O»> ' WF®s&ffl*Jfffl}M *>,J(MMf#HftilMvp\ty ruin real velvets at four times the price. For Costumeß and < Best Wool Grower in the World. ■ ■** ■ ■■•sllUfV ■ **';■■ "r™. ' " .'•"^ J|agg§f|g|gfeF* >;iWfc*iiiiTiyrnffiWsrftßSMj • Trimminga it is unequalled, and in fact for all purposes for ■ Ai Unimiisr AIIITPn PIIO ' Cheap, Safe, Reliable, and "Handy. 'WBmm ' " we '' Mi ' ii?recommadthe i GLYCERINE SHEEP DIP, „ u*vwAßmQ phwrfr rip I xtrsiEotrs silk j,„i b h, .j ft , ufti'ni»ip e %i S irrn ce * n niiT^ P y nAIWAnU'd rUWUttt Wf "^^^^K.fv'' ' ' equal to VELVET," In " ' < R! YRFRISIIF .KHrFP illP Kfep« Sheep Clean to Clip D»y. k IJIIIIIPPV ■ QBIENTAL BLDE BLACK a»d 50 Lovely < Ut ' UL!IH "% M 's?.!'s nil Tick^'" Parantes. UAVWAQn'Q DgltJUltEß IMP f WSm*&)tM ," nimuq. ». SS» * o*» - < GLYCERINE SHEEP DIP lifl '™ 11 « v**™?\ mr I i^S^Sli iSmil^inf'' ! ' Drapery. " ( ( UL I UiLISlGwh \9IIS-L>l Wll . Kills all P-.rns-.tes ft nd Prevents Scab. I SUITABLE FOR AIL OCCASIONS OF WEAR. | fij YPFRIWF QUFFP FIYP' lIAIWASISJ& 8 UWSJE.!! Ull I /^^^^^^Bn^^9^ » ( ULlULnrllL Onttr Ull ■ Improve GrowUmf Wool without Staining it. f r i//^^^^Stt^^^^SmmWß^^^^ 'Ml the Adelaide Exhibition, 1887, this Celebrated c • . Water,°and makes aGreater Return ij AVWARfJ PRiWRFR (IIP I Wmm^SW^^^S^^^m^m ■ VELVETEEN was awarded- \ " for Cost of Dipping than any other nHIWWHiIUO fUf?BJtE.n tllfi I \ •^^FMfflplßlCT^^^^l FIRST PRIZE & GRAND DIPLOMA OF ( Dip in the World. Specially prepared for, and Mixes readily with, MmU^^i^E^^^S^B^&^^m "FIBBT ORDEB OF HEBIT," { NOTB.-In addition toGlycerine and other Wool Growing « Cold Water. - - .. /, i iff !««§« Tr nr pxrplipnrft of Finish nnrJ .Snnprinri<;w nupr nil c Propertlea/a large proportion of Castor Oil , a notpd Lubri- NOTB.— Saves expenses of Fuel, cannot vary in Strength, I m^^^krWm^WHßmmWk Wmm exceuence ot irinisn and feupenonty over all ( can f to the Wool, has recently been added to its composition, and being a highly concentrated preparation, and -BackeaTn f m2£&&v&C SmFwm i^Bß^&ai^Pl Wm ' ocoer maKes. , < making it *, practically Unrivalled for Wool Growing handy Packets and Caste to suit the requirements of New k WSMmaßHHWtffirfxSpM ' t. "? j>li •' i „ T/1rr1 .,, , ' purpo*es. Zealand Fiirmera, it also affects a great saving in transport. I ■P^&BB^i iJiK^il^?J3 ' In Iron Drmna of 201b, 501b, and 1001b each. Price .Soldin Packets to m ake p 25 and 50.gallons of Solu- f i||r ni|H MBBKmmSB^^^M T+u f * guaranteed jrom the cheapest quality ( llon for a Uftn £it y , lblb to gallon, a reduct ion respectively, and in Cases containing sufficient of - ! ( tion on large orders, when 1000 gallons' Solution either size packet to make 1000 gallons of Solution. \ y^^SiA Ask for "LOUIS" VELVETEEN, and do n ot be [ can be made for £3 10a TnMTTWQnTJ . TTAVwI^ o Ti^°lf t^p- " ?/l|t^^^^!MP^r^^Tm|m^ persuaded into, buying inferior makes. Request your - Manufacturers: TOMLINSGHT «& HAYWAED, Lincoln, England. I^W^^^MsJL ' Draper to procure Samples if "LOUIS" is not kept in < Whob-bsaih Agekts:-THB NATIONAL MOUTGAOB- & AGKNCY Co. OF NEW ZKALAJS'D (LIMITED). i ♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»»» »»»♦»♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦»♦♦»♦♦ »»»»»»»»^»^»»»»» < »»»»< »♦»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦ »»♦»♦♦»»»»»»»»»♦ »»»»»»4>^< ♦»<>♦♦♦♦♦»»»»♦♦ »»»»»»»4 ToHORSEKEEPERS,&c. | . f s^^^^^!!!!!!^^ I P (nHV OH^I £ UnMBTP^ I > Ifti ■ ***MA y# ly far^ | RELIEF from COUGH in 10 MINUTES b UAY, OUW, & ntWII IO I I WP^^^ 88 * s****5 **** "~~^ BB^^Sif?^Jr I The m o S tcertain a nd sp eedvr em edyf 0 r ' II M «ABEOIJM FLUID" J! ll^^m^ II COUGHS ' CoL^s,^ hoarseness, | Cures Deb?mj in Colt's ancflleifers. ' ♦ ) tea^----^ W iff fc- MPißfclfctew 1 DISORDERS OF THE CHEST & LUN^S. k DAY SOM 3c HEWITT'S ! 1 ill 1 N i M ll mmU 1 1 12f I "J^^-ST-K^-SK I UHI, OUiy, €A IILIWI I 1 O 4 i®J H m^l I IjBB 11 1 LP-JHIH'H^ *&*M t %L are food of it. immediately f "Red Condition Powders" X mMmsm&mJ^h!^ ♦ IT IS TAKEN coughing k Cure. Cou K hs. Colds. Staring Coat. ♦ I A I grHo'r&t^^^^^ t | Are universally admitted to be a marveUous antidote for BiHous and Nervous § ♦ Z> .^S^^J^^^ 6 4 Curei Grease. Humours, Hide Bound, &c. v Ul Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddi- II y y^f w^ V^C w 1 h h I f I/ ness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold \I o v /% A J^A^J lo^ 7rW v riAY- QOHI i^ Hp tralTT 1/ Cllills » u shings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, lm <► <AfjT j/ -?*j\ j* a^v wouldaffccr - I Unlj Oylffly <X nLwWi I I W<► Bl ."-tirvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all \1 J fj i\ be' I «' CHEMICAL EXTRACT" I w/ Norw*** and Trembhng Sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in 20 \1 ♦ >C <J&o* ' %^T. 1 i Cures Swollen Hocks, Kicks, Cuts. \ |/minuteS» This is no fiction, for they have d6ne it in countless cases. Every \I ' ♦ p %. 1 Cure* Relaxed Sinews and Tendons. T [ 31 sufferer r, earnestly invited to try one box of these pills, and they will be \m X only by xvSr JL&> vj W 1 Cures Saddle Galla, Strains, Swellings. V \ til i arknnwlpdfrpd tn hp \» I A HAYMAN **JT j^h JBvf J Cures all Horse, Cattle, and Sheep Injuries. £ 2 5 #/ acmowieagea to De J A. haima « X^< 9 00 nnPSSTFT QT TO'WnniSr W V JfaH'^p^^snypU^llii il^^i6ySti>iffli|Mo J^ffi l ' l JP|y'SrE'TH"'l^ Csnop Obtained from C/^^W I 22 DORSET ST.^ LONDON, W. | j %7 ?flll •JS "WaWM I1 } i^i .M ll TA ♦ any ■■eapectab.e Chemist. M> 4 THE I,A««EST HORSE AND CATTI.E | I Mi^MlLlll^«msLL 111 "f £W A« g/k^Kg /k^K ♦ vcuWiSk PRfIWR A P,iK.</ I medicine manufacturers X ♦ KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO., x^o^ 9 IN THE IVORIiD. V I f «mfi iiii^seaMmwHnflM^Ha^m«»BaßßßMHMßßMß«MSM^BM»i^BßMi»»m«Mi^M«*HM^«*"»»*iH ♦ Auckland and Dunedin, 1 $ ! V •' or Females of all ages they are invaluable. No female should be without them, li } NEW ZEALAND. X. 1^ N.B.— Agents wanted in unrepresented Districts. | I (bvee is not a medicine to be found to equal them for removing any obstruction or li 1 Price ls lsd, 2s 9il, 4s (id, Us per Bottle a \ I Regularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each Box, IB ♦ " _, TTPT ,_ _ .p.Prices and full particulars to above address, or of V I.' .. ley wiU soon restore to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands I ♦ Df , h 7«« .n, our Agents. ▼ 5 i. . ■> . r j usouu:> I ■ Please see that the words " Hayman's Balsam — - V JJ 1 , « Females who have tried them and found the benefits which result from their use. II +o f Houhound " are printed in white letters on the LATJNCESTON : Fairthorn & Sons- V j r>' r.,,, , nmA , , . „ „ „ ,„ „ , c,, .. . ffl ♦ Government Stamv, as spurious imitations are MELBOUBNE: Felton, Grimwade. & 00. % \\ For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like ji \ being substituted. £ocke, Tompsitt, & Co. ♦ 1 1 10 ' and a few doses be found to work wonders upon the most important organs IB 1 Tin IB- r A (TfT Anckland-langford &' McCutcheon ; Stone Bros. ; ♦ l\ € the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular sj^stem, restore the lost IM % A POSITII/E FACT •' ' Kampthorae, Prosser, & Co.;, Sharland & Co, Drug- £ l\ somplexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the IB ♦ " I UUIIIIb Inui ■■■ " "^ f- \\ » osebud of hea ; th » whole phyr,ical energy of the human frame. These are facts § %s&^ ~ ~~ y \ Vl testified continually by members of all classes of society ; and one of the best /JSff < > GRATEFUL— COMFOETIHG. guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is their vast and still increasing sale. /£& ° ' . ■ Bln la &_ ■"SnSnii Un 4 ) AtaWw * Liiu u_uUuufi. ;; 2tt ßos@Sj llu m^ s/g eaea - ii rfTrTKnTiKHffll i i tii r*j /~V- xa -t? xxO x • i . "'Tgrgirt^p^^ O InR [■ I , H ■ M■• - 1 IvH IK^^^fl^VV9V9lH!s ■ •' By a thorough knowledge of the natural lawt . | |^» ■ >'' |Hpaiß|Bjß|nA|MUißMH|fcf«vAlMM| ■ which govern the operations o't digestion and nntri | BB *S^^^^ S^^*^ -*^^^ a ***^ M , ?i > |Uiiiltiiiiia3^^^^^i^r«rTs\| Fjt' *i ■* l uy^a Lion, and by a careful application of the fini 1 pronw > '■*»*««^ I^^w UU4wSSt^U t<B fl ■ HHrV^^^^tSH 11 les of well-selected coco&i Mr Bpps has provided ow > c' >? ' 4s^ "*sT ! s o IIUUW&MB BH I ■ !■.■ BHWSftfrWf^^Wl breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured bevera};< v W' ''§»fe Kfio<% i jßjL©*©^^. //J» O WiMilWi<m "m% l- 3 »'''l ■"■WWHWHISH which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It ls <► > , V^^ 1 w**«»S ©2>2'^'hi> B **»r<-^^"^ /W * J^ : ■**k'*^ MW „ • IBIB^SHDBm«^^W^»»AJ«iBJYT*¥'T3r!ITOTvjI ny tho judicious use of such articles of diet that, n < ► J '\v "^*Ul & n ««4 ..magniiimmi >mffl» ' F (Pl9wHP^WßlvSSKSl^^S^iir^^%nlHßy| cottstjtutiion may be gradually built up until Btronj: > WA, «K^"B 11^*5 t\ mWWmVMmWV^ wM '- W »' PhSjl -nough to resist every tendency to disease. Hun A > -'o W^S\'#^ lIA MmMmmlmr^^ I Rw(^jPj(w^A//7?aa M1 ■ treds of subtle maladies are floating around us i reaay \ -t)£m><' \jm^\ WiMMlFlkJM@£r t WMfflWMNMxBak W * I I T^KRU 1,0 attack wherever there is n weak point. We nw V { '-^WW'^ 5^ WmlO/FfiT^ <> BtMUM^^3JWP^M--g « 1 I lEWBI <' fßCniie many a iatal shaft by keeping ourse.vee »ci ] Jj®*^*??*™*^ ' —^^W' &M. <► BWKWXyfWSHBifsPBsIBBBBWfIEHH^ tortiUed with pure blood and api operly nourished ▼ Jtf%££ i * <> 1 Fil »1 H-i t*^*lp3jWr r »^iy «H ' ,Tfl nanib."- See article in the Civil Service Gazette.- <> ' JlC^ o MWlitwmvflnmTmißi.*^ fl I.V B ■ .Vlado simply with Boiling Water or Milk.— Sold iv > ' ■ ■ r 'v ■ X jWltw^. " OTFCfflrfci 811 1| |Hfi| ft A jib packet by Grocers, labelled thus:— Goitiliya-'l C-'i'sti.'s* 5 ' iVifldicijae Dealers throughout ttic Australian Colonies. < o l^^lLVA'TllUjlmllittl ~JL Jl M 18^! I i JAMES EPPS & CO., I ! - — — : ~zz~. ~~~JI 1> \VUi^^£!^7itiWitti^^^^^^hma^\ I " HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMIST, % I _. . ' o ".''-^i" , 1 j HUBBUCK'S I horses. H Me-*. jw» flß^iaa aean £BSE3ft o@fil ne most durable and beautiful paint known. In ___ — j _ * ! 1 I llll> *^i.*.w*iM-n»-^ j LIEUT .1 AMES'S BLISTER I A I li N I M pe,ior fot pt.rpo.e. to .be pePDiciou, Whita Le»d | a_iA4-101l O M-i k> k> LUjlkJlUii, >^i w i^iff Sly Ml Paint, *nd equally adapted for all climates. £ .=. = j:=;;j := ; ; ■> . ;..»/.;> : . 4 an cn^ no <na^ SBB SB 6&ES • ' You may tnro your horse to grass, or in a lose box, or yard iim». «1. l *Sfw"sr %TW M 8H - Wnß a• mB il i O*_sY!Eisy A»«i Rtely after the application; without a cradle or other restraint, A£ XU BiUa S^ fl ■&" It ' M B P^l H" ' <f>' :: -'f& S^ SS £££Ck> HORSE WILL GNAW IT. It mil never blemish. The hair turu- ». fi HHf H H fi H^ O fl |^H Hfl ten days It may be used to » foal, however young. f , . , ■ 1W B& m& U ■■ ■■ ■■• W > - . IT WILL NOTJ TOUCH THE HUMAN HAND. A . . „. • M .« «»»! ' £$C^> y />? ' >/»% The florae may continue its Accustomed Labour. 6 Ir, whiteness is unaffected by bilge water, boiling sugar, oc WHS » BR ||l |^| > i% /&?< cSaSW*" W CAUT ION. -None genuine without ,the Signatures." R. S. JAML'.r 1 noxious gase». It is free from any poisonous ingredient, and MM BSA M «^» { m^ 0 l*^>u u*~*~^ W^ and J - JAME B are on the top label of every pot (as" aunesed). fl Muted i ii all respects to the use of the painter. Bach cask of WJHI ' W 1 | \ »^—l-^-— ■*$£ EXTENSIVELY USED 54 YEARS. J Furu White Zinc is stamped, "Hobbock's Pa tbnt, London." Hi fflßl ■"■ W& & v >^ ffl* AGENTS.— FELTOn] GRIMWADE, & Co., Melbourne and UVi. A ..„ „., — .„- „.m , ,n , .«..nn.,n».n «.,. nun C lington j ROCKE, TOMPSITT, & Co., Melbourne, BLIOTT 'BHOa. HUBBUCK'S WHITE LEAD, OIL, AND VARNISHES, HUBBUCK S COZA OILS, > 1 Sydney, Brisbane, and La^ceston ; KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER A (%.. j __ __ _. _. T r r Dunedin (Otago) and Auckland, loz, Is6d; 2oz, 2s 9d; 4oz, 6s; i>-. B HUBBUOK'S PALE BOILED LINSEED OIL \ lib, 16s, Advertised in Bell's Life 54 years. % PROPERLY PACKED FOB EXPORTATION. ' • | p. J •^SX?C 5^ L BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF THEIR MAME AND TRADE MARK. 4$&P'C± i ' I "DCT" IT T A 'TLf l^ 1 Q 1 /fc^i THOMAS HUBBUCK AND SON,.* m*L \ w# "■• JA M fe f " . i W'^ 0JL ' rAINT > AND 00L0VR WOJiKS ' ty*i l ££ \ MANUFACTURER OF THE ORIGINAL! ONLY " GENUINE BLISTER," . 1 I^¥d& 24 LKMESTREET. E.C AND HUBBUGK'SLWHARF. RATCLIFF, *$%& t . L i TRADEMARK. London, England. ' TRADE MAKic < ; STANFORD, FARINGJ DON, ,BERKS % n{ " Dowlin«

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Otago Witness, Issue 1905, 25 May 1888, Page 40

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Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1905, 25 May 1888, Page 40

Page 40 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1905, 25 May 1888, Page 40