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Waikouaiti County Council. The annual statutory meeting of the Waikouaiti County Council was held at Waikouaiti on Friday, the whole of the members being present. ELECTION OP CHAIRMAN. . On the motion of Or Dunoan, seconded by Cr Chickmoee, Mr James Green, M.H.R., was re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year. ORDINARY MEETING. DEPUTATION. Mr Souter, of Flag Swamp, appeared again with reference to a question of drainage adjoining his property, which had been discussed at last meeting. — Mr Jeffreys, who represented the Flag Swamp School Committee, appeared in opposition to Mr Souter, whose wish was to have a certain drain cleaned out. A report upon the matter from Messrs Green and Orbell was read. After a very long discussion, Cr Orbell moved — "That Mr Souter be allowed at his own cost to clean out the ditch on the west side of the main road from Flag Swamp Bridge to the gate leading to Mr Souter's proporty, if said cleaning is carried out in accordance with the approval of the county inspector and the work dove to his satisfaction." — Seconded by Cr Cbickmore, and carried. ■ PETITION. Messrs Alex. Semple and others, of Blueskin, petitioned the Council to have some work done on the road from Main road, Blueskin to Double Hill. — The inspector was instructed to report. Messrs John Henderson and others, Port Chalmers, called the attention of the Council to the bad state of the road and water tables adjoining sections 32, 33, 34, and 35, block VI, North Harbour and Blueskin district, — The inspector was instructed to report. Messrs P. apd G. White, Mertan, asked the Council to interfere with Mr Brunton removing certain fencing and bridging. — Received. — The inspector was ordered to report as to how the interest of the Council will be affected by complying with the request of Messrs P. and G. White, or otherwise. FINANOR. Accounts amouuting to £337 12s lid were passed for payment — £108 18s for work on the Wakari-Waitati road, and £70 for the Purakai nui road, under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act, were included in the amount. TENDERS. The tender of Messrs Hounton and Kendall, No. 139 contract, Clark's road, Hawksbury Riding, was accepted. The tender of Mr W Brooks, contract 140, forming and metalling Henry street, Mansford Town (£18) was accepted. Tho tender of Mr Rochford, contract No. 1, Lower Harbour road, was accepted. i The tender of Mr Bradley, contract No. 141, painting and repairing county buildings (£l9 Ion) was accepted. Progress Payments.— The following progress payments were granted :— £70 to Mr Morris on contract No. 1, Purakanui road ; and £70 to Messrs Adams and Co., No. 2, Wakari-Wai-tati road, I

DAMAGE BY FLOOD. The application of Mr Cutherwood for assistance in repairing damage done to contract No. 2, Humtnoeksirie road, by tho recent flood, wns referred to the chiof surveyor for his favourable consideration. MISCEI.IANEODS. Mr Hammond wioto to the Finance Committee btating that he had made a mistake in his c.UonUtious, aiid had to throw up the contract on thsi Wakari-Waitati road granted to him at la-,1 meeting. lie applied for a refund, iv part at least, of deposit money. — The application was declined. JJ J !im ll'll Tiond.-Tho Council rp.sxlvnd to send lho \urth-East, Valley Council a cheque for £10, lifing their share for work done on contract So. .">, Tine Hill road, nuch being a boundary kuhL INSPJXTOII'S REPORTS. Tiif J nnpocLof repented that he had avamined the i oiid lending' from Blucher track towards block VI II, and recommended that arranscmontri sh'-nlrl be lnadn it' possible with Mr Orbell. Tno sum of £23 would then bo Mifficicul to make a track for all the traffic theie is likely t,o l>o Ihuie. — li was resolved -"That the cloik he instructed to apply to Mr M. C. Oriiell for permission to carry out the ipcoin niendiitiim." Il(> reports also, in reference to road to Oouhle Hill, filneskin, that to form about 15 cliainy would cost £<">"> or thereabouts. — It was agreed that tendern .should ha called for the work. He reported aho in reference to the floods :—: — '" In tho Noith-Jiaali Valley .Riding sovoral landslips ha\e occurred on both sides of the road, which will roquiio immediate attention. The bridge on Reservoir road, Sawyer's li&y, has been damaged in ono of tho walls, which j will have to be rebuilt ; and a culvert will have to be renewed. " Blueskin Riding. — The small bridge near the sclioolhouse will have to be rebuilt and pitched. Waitati bridge is so much damaged that it will hiwe to be robuilfc. | " Merton Riding. — Heveral culverts will have to be rebuilt and a wall of the Merton bridge ; on Hannnocksirle several landslips. " Hawksbury Riding. — Sundry repairs required to culverts alid bridges." The Inspector suggested that steps should be taken to secure money under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act. As for Sloan's, Souter'p, and Cou'Us' bridges, the cost (probably £250) would fn.ll on the Waikouaiti and Waiiienio counties. The following wiw the schedule and estimate of cost: — North-East Valloy Riding, £i<> ss; Blueskin (Waitati bridge), £400 ; School Cieek bridge, £25 ; Merton, £105 ; HnwkHbury, £205; bridges at Sloan's, Souter's, and ConttV, £2000 1 for renewal. The discussion on this report was agreed to be taken on Monday. LOWER HARBOUR. A report was read from the Chairman as to the road near Mr Smith's property at Lower Harbour. — The Council carried a resolution that tho Council regret this vexed question is not nearer solution than it appears to be. BREAKWATER AT WAIKOUAITI. A letter was read from Mr A. 11. Gill, clerk to the Town Council, Hawksbury, a&king if the County Council would subsidise pound for pound to the extent of £25, raised by public subscription, towards defraying the expenses of estimating the coat of a breakwater by Mr 1 M'Gregw, C.E., of Oamaru, on a reduced scale, tor Waikouaiti Harbour. Resolved — "That the Council regret they cannot legally devote any county funds to the purpose, but will co-operate in asking the Minister of Marine to submit the question of modifying the plans, and thereby reducing the cost of constructing the Waikouaiti breakwater, keeping in view tho desirability of adapting the Waikouaiti Harbour to the future shipping requirements of the Provincial District of Otago. :> The Council then adjourned till Monday. Monday, 3rd December. The Waikouaiti County Council continued its meeting on Monday, all the members being present. DEPUTATION. Mr D. Brunton appeared and gave his explanation as to the matter between himself and Messrs P. and G. White, brought forward at the meeting held on Friday. — The resolution of Friday was adhered to, and a copy of the report ordeied to be sent to Mr Brunton before any action is taken by Council. CORRESPONDENCE. Mr J. H. Lowe, engineer of working railways, Dunedin, wrote in reference to a resolution passed by the Council on October 30 re road near railway-station, Waikouaiti, that the matter complained of rested by agreement with the Hawksbury Road Board to remedy. Cr Orbell moved— "That the letter be received, and the clerk instructed to reply that the. Council is not aware that the Hawksbury Road Boaid could legally enter into any agreement to expend its funds within tho railway reservo, but as there is no such body in existence there is nothing to be gained by further argument ; and as the Council consider the matter complained of a public nuisance, and one that should be abated, and cannot expend its funds in abating it (as the road is within the railway reserve), it respectfully but firmly urges the Railway Department to have at least the stagnant water carried off." — Seconded by Cr Duncan and carried. Under date November 5, Mr G. S. Cooper, Colonial Secretary's Office, acknowledged receipt of letter forwarding copy of resolution of Couucil in reference to increasing the number of members for the Hawksbury and Palmerston Ridings. Cr Okbell moved— " That the letter be received, the Council regretting that no action has been taken by the Government to enable this Council to fill up the two vacant seats, again urging the Colonial Secretary to advise his Excellency to exercise his power under sub-section 2 of clause 7 of ' The Counties Act Amendment Act 1883.'" — Seconded by Cr Crickjiore and carried. Mr C. Reid, Flag Swamp, wrote requesting the Council to take steps to have a culvert, or pipes, put across the Flag Swamp road.— The inspector was instructed to report. Mr C. Crump, clerk of Waihemo County Council, enclosed cheque (with memo.) for £32 15s 3d, in payment of balance on severance of counties. ■ Mr M. C. Orbeil, Waikouaiti, drew the attention of the Council to the slow progress being made by Mr Catherwood with his road contract through part of his land in Blueskin and Waikouaiti district, and requested that Mr Catherwood should be compelled to take more active measures. — It wAs agreed to request Mr Catherwood to use greater expedition in carrying on the work, Mr Tompkins, Duuedin, wished to know when Cr Ciickmore and the chairman would meet him respecting road between sections 15 and 16, block VI, North Harbour and Blueskin district. — It was resolved — " That the clerk acknowledge the receipt of the letter, and repeat that the Council has been informed by the chief surveyor that no road-line exists between sections 15 and 16, Lower Harbour West ; further, the Council are of opinion that

no road can be obtained there excepting at a heavy cost for compensation, and by putting in force power under the Public Works Act." The Clerk to the Maori Hill Borough Council intimated that he was directed'by the Borough Council to ask what works the County Council intended carrying out in that district out of the Government grant, and what amount was agreed to be spent in the borough out of that grant. — The clerk was instructed to reply that the works now in progress arc being carried out in accoi'dance with plans frosn the Public Works Department, supervised by the Council ; that; the money had not boon handed over to thn Council for expenditmo as they ploa^od, tho works having to bo coinpli Lp<l t» the. tatisfiicti»tn of the engineer in charge of the Middle j Ulsind, and a oortifipate furnWiud to the .■•ii i-;nr of Public Works, boforc any money ih j;..t<i. I Ah 1 Arthur, chief surveyor, Dunedin, staled tiuit tho Government had agrcpd d> Q eml a stall" surveyor to survey the deviation <>■ mid-line through Mr Douglas' property, to give access to inns 171 and 171 a. Mr J. M'Kerrow, General Survey Office, Wellington, wrote informing the Council that Lho Government consented to the Council at onco proceeding with the work of extending fcho road to the north end of block in runs 171 and 171 a, for which £000 bad been sanctioned, provided no claims are l/iade on the Government for payments prior to April 1, ISS4. Mr R. A. Scott wrote re damage from floods, — The cleric was instructed to reply that the Council sympathised with him, but could not admit; any liability. Mr George Daniels, Mount Cargill, wrote regarding damage to his property in con&oquence of the rain on 17th hist. , claiming to be compensated to the extent of £50. — The clerk was instructed to reply that the Council regret Mr Daniels has been such a sufferer by the late •flood, and assure him that no effort has been spared by the Council to keep the roads and watercourses in a proper state of repair ; but that the Council, while sympathising, cannot recognise any liability. inspector's report. In regard to No. 2 report, referring to necessary repairs required at Sawyers' Bay to culvert and bridge, Cr Criokmork moved — "•That tho inspector prepare plans and specifications for enlarged culvert and bridge, tenders for both to be called before next meeting.'"—Seconded by Cr Oiusell and carried. The report upon the damage by recent floods was considered.— The inspector was instructed to get all slips removed, and earthwork done to repair damages. It was further resolved — " That as the extraordinary damage done to the Main Trunk road and bridges thereon has been at least £277S ss, and as it is work which properly can bo dove under clauses 31 and 32 of 'The Roads* and Bridges Construction Act 1882,' it is hereby resolved to apply to the Hon. Minister of Public "Works for £3000 to enable the Council to effect the necessary repairs, the application to be made under the 18th clause of the Act." It was also further resolved— " That the clerk be instructed to write to the chairman of the Waihemo County Council, advising him of the damage done to the bridges in Pleasant Valley— viz., Coutts', Sloan's, and Souter's—which are under the joint control of the two counties, the cost of reconstruction 'being estimated at at least £2000 ; and this Council being of opinion the cost should be borne under the Roads and Bridges Act, that application has been ordered, and it is hoped the Waihemo County Council will approve of the steps taken." MISCELLANEOUS. Tenders wore ordered to be called for the | first three sections on Mount Watkins road, and if the lowest in each case is within the inspector's estimate, the chairman was authorised to accept on behalf of the Council. Cr Orbell moved — "The inspector having reported that much damage has been done to the road known as Malloch's road owing to the Domain Board having dammed tho water back into a much smaller space than was formerly opijn to receive flood-water, the Council desires to draw the attention of the Board to this matter, and oxpresses the hope that the Board will in its wisdom take immediate steps to prevent any future damage." — Seconded by Cr Criokmors and carried. Bruce County Council. The oidinrry meeting of this body was held at Milton on Tuesday. There were present — Messrs IT, Clark (chairman), Duff, Smith, Calrlßr, Wilson, Murray, Darling, Petrie, and M/fcLay. CORRESPONDENCE. The Minister of Public Works wroto informing the Council that a grant of £833 would be given for the construction of the road Stirling to Benhar coal-pit, provided the Roads and Bridges Act was complied with. — It was resolved that a poll of the ratepayers be taken on the proposal to levy a special rate to repay the portion of the grant, as required by the Act. The various owners through whose land the road will pass sent in claims for compensation as follows ;-Wm. Smith, £20 per acre for land ; substantial fence to be erected and kept in repair, as done by the railway authorities at present, Edward Boyd (lessee), 12s (id rent per year during lease of seven and a-half years, for land ; £4 10s per acre for wheat crop. James Raitt (lesnee), 15s per acre rent for three years' A. Anderson, land for nothing, Council to erect substantial sheepproof fence. John Nelson, £14 per acre for land ; £1 per chain for fencing.— lt was resolved to postpone consideration of the above claims till after the poll is taken. John Irving, Kaitangata, wrote applying for a lease of a portion of the reserve on the edge of the Kaitangata Creek at the second bend above the bridge for one year, or a number of years, as might be agreed on. — The Chairman mentioned that the land referred to had been vested in the Council some time ago for the improvement of tho creek. — It was resolved to grant a lease from year to year at a rent of JSI per annum.

Tb.e Inspector reported that tho cost of raising and metalling 10 chains of road between Messrs Hood and Gilroy's properties would be about £80, and that the cost of metalling that portion of the road near the Clarendon rail-way-crossing from tho road to the township would be £2-i 10;*, or with metal from the quarry £UO. The metal had been partly laid across' tho road at Riverbank, and several parties had complained of it as an obstruction. Mr M'lnuea, who was driving on the road with bullocks, had removed the stones from the position they were placed in by the surfacemen. — It was resolved to ask the Waihola Road Board if they have any objection to the works at Clarendon being proceeded with, and it was resolved to call for tenders for the first-men-tioned work (earthwork), also for deepening ditch on railway-line if the Railway Goro,pany would pay one-half the cost. Ifc was resolved to remove the obstruction complained of at Riverbank.

ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. The annual elegtion for the election of c.han>

man was held immediately after the transaction of the ordinary business. Cr Darling said he had much pleasure in proposing that their present chairman (Mr H. Clark) be re-elected. He being one of the new members of the Council, had been asked to propose the re-election of Mr Clark. As he had not beon long in the Council, be of course could not speak much of the business capacity of Mr Clark, though from what he had seen, he judged that they could not find a more suitable person for the office of Chairman.

Cr Duff seconded the motion. He had known their present Chairman for 35 years, and judging by his conduct in the past, he was certain they could not find a better man. Cr Wilson said it was with some diffidence, he rose to propose an amendment. No om\ could be more impressed with the fitness of Mr Clark for the ofiico than he was, but at tint same time he thought it was hardly right t< > thrust the chairmanship year after year into one man's hands without a contest. On theHn grounds ho would move that Cr Murray be ap pointed Chairman for the ensuing 12 months. Cr Smith supported the motion, and referred in flattering terms to the past services rendered by Mr Clark. He would be very glad to second the amendment if he thought the change would be for the better, but at the present time he could not see that a change would be to their advantage. Mr Clark was quite handy to the Council, and had not much else to do. He (Cr Smith) did not know whether Mr Clark would regard that as a compliment or otherwise, but he would say this, that Mr Clark had always been unremitting in his attention to their business, and he had no doubt he would continue to be as attentive in the future.

There being no seconder for Cr Wilson's amendment, the motion was put, and carried without dissent.

Cr Clark briefly returned thanks, and the meeting terminated.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1672, 8 December 1883, Page 11

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COUNTY COUNCILS. Otago Witness, Issue 1672, 8 December 1883, Page 11

COUNTY COUNCILS. Otago Witness, Issue 1672, 8 December 1883, Page 11