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i BUSINESS BFQfXCmSv ' BY ROYAL 4^^^^^ LETTERS PATENT. LfiTTIiJE'S €IIEII €A Ii FLUID. THE • MEW SHEEP DIP AND NCABS SPS«:CIFIC. (Nu,-: POISONOUS) AfU-r f. jU r years' trial. Ihu NEW NON-POI.SONOU3 DIPPING FLUID In now universally ftdsf.i'ted to l.p. fthe !< y'u aver in'rodiiwo. hn «rent puperiotity over othfr tj;>?.feriftlp. c-.n» ! atf. i« itn fiijc.ttjnfoj (<:npUcg lam 'hun £<l p r p'hwi ) ; ).h uuttonbled effio.w:y in destroy in r r nil lickd, 1 : CH. aud evpj v Ft-. > '■■'- > ;i:fcii« t.U" skhm < t »<., ep or domestic animolrf, and ia it'j cUanlinoss and "b^o]:i'^ h <r!''»i<-««ort'K to tliT© r. mcerni^ i« \'t~ n- e> Iho»«JMi»'hi>ti»MM.,f I.ITTLK'3 SHE IS I* DIP ha* 0 iacr^a^i lho strength of t,h«ir V r* paration 2C t'KK OES'l' thia addition absolutely euaures the destruction oi till irstct life, ihe o^siat hk/us-h 'mn mo i> p. to furfh^r pro mots and "Improve the f{ro7»<;h of fche wool, find the propriol Tri I nvo n > i i rtita' i>>n iix »h!<« rt^y 'hat sheep clip-. B r l wil.h thin Fluid will nofc only yield hpavfei' fl (.c-f. Ur.r, v c wool i' will n ahnp qnM.e n half-yi-u-jy per pound more thjba if »;;} other prt-pttrntivj h*J heeo v* a .d. A'l iiifl fi Ad wo are now sellinct <« <>* ' xf.ra s'r-^vr^'b, nrA ehor.lri you give ifc a trial, you will tiad tliri ra uls as siui-facrory as wo *)iu-'5 I'l-Rcribcd it. IT MIXE^ READILY WITH COLD WATER ONE GALLteN WILL MAKE 100 GALLONS OF MILK-WHITE WASH, (T.u.;o the qoaiitity m>ule by B'.y other Non-Poiuouons Dip), SUFFICIENT TO DIP 200 SHEEP. lleuip of an oily cVaraoi.or, ifc ia highly beneficial to the growth of tbe Wool, whicb ii; leaves soft, clean and bright, wit'oou"; robbing it of the yc>lk — it* natural nourishment — or J:3vi«g it harf-h ar.d dry, ua is tbe c-tse wbeu ftlKaline mixtures, n»jch as lim«, Bulphur, or areeriicftl prepftrAtions, are n-ed. T ■ those who dip its full rlssce, this fluid will bo found invaluable, for b£ik.,< of a warm and protecting character, bheep will not catch cold, tbengh dipped in the dep'h of winter. The following testimonials fully attest the value of LITTLE'S CHEMICAL FLUID, for destroying Ticks, Lice, &o. : — DuDedin, 22nd September, 1879 Gentl^MßN, — I have much plonnur-o in ftatin? that I have thoroughly tested " Little's Non PoiaououH Dip," and fo.ini it U> be n tborougli care for lice and tick*. As it can be mixed arid applied with cold .va),er, ii. is of spcei-4 ad rantage where fuel ia scarce. For oheapnGSS and efficacy I consider thin one of the boat, if not tbo bjst., Dip I have 6ver used. — I am, &c, BENJAMIN P. BAYLEY, Chief Inspector of Sheep, Otago. Elderatfo, 7th November, 1881. Messrs Murray, Itoberts, & Co,, Dunadin. Gentlemen, — I beg to say that I ased " Little's Chemical Fluid" as a dip for^ ticks daring the past season, and found it most effectual in destroying them. lam also of opinion that it ia better for the wool than any Dip which I forraaxly used. I shall again use LHtJe' Fluid thi W .-l a m,&e. (e . gnea) JOHNREm> ! Tapui, Oamaru, 3rd November, 1881, Messrs Murray, R-'berts, & Co., Dunedin. Dear Siks,— l have used "Little'a Chemical Fluid" as a dip for ticks for the last two years, and am so convinced of its efficacy, that I intend dipping all my sheep in it this year.^ I consider it the best and cheapest dressing for ticks, and have no hesitation in recommending t. — Yours truly, WILLIAM GARDINER. Lawrence, 12th January,- 1883. Messrs Murray, Roberts, & Co. Duneclin. Gentlemen, — IV -day I received your circular icfornuDg me of the additional strength of " Little's Suet'p Dip" this Benson, which will no doubt bo a great advantage to its numerous coneumers ; bu'., irrespective of ifc * now h creased strength, I am fully satisfied of its advantages, as yon are aware that I dipped my sheep with it l&Bt April, and from that time till now I never observed a single aheop pull its wool, and during shearing there were only two ticks seßn_ on 3500 sheep, In fuiure I will dip every sheep, no mat ter whether for stores or for fattening ; it would be alike satisfactory in butb canea. (Signed) PETEE ROBERTSON, piilCE ... ... .7. 7s PER GALLON. In C&sks of 40 gallons, sufficient to dip 8000 sheep ; and 7a 6J por gallon in? or I gallon iron drums. Orderß under 5 Gallons 13 per Gallon extra. For full Particulars, Local Testimonials, &c, apply to 9IUI&UAY, ROIBEBTS, & CO., Iftuuecliii Or to Sole Colonial Agents : E, DOMBEAIN & SONS CHRISTCHURCH AND MELBOURNE.

WRIGHT'S old-esfrftbliatied INQUIRY MISSING FRIENDS and NjjIXT of KIN OFFICE, 44 Collins street Webt, Melbourne, Vie orii. Genera, agency undertaken. Advances muoe on legari< s. Agents ail ports of the world. RsfereiiCt sif required. 23.1 ftfe,^ THECREAT FOB Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No preparation on earth rqnals St. Jacobs Oil, os a Safe. Surp, Rimplp, ar.d Cheap Eternal Rt-tnc^y. A (ml en(»'ls bnfc a com-i-A'ative'y trifling outlay, and every on** 1 ■i ffering with pam c»n Lave cheap and ■ Ofitive proof cf its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DBUROISTR AND DEALERS IN MEDJCJKE. Price Tlßß'ec Shilling* Wbolesble by Messiis P. HAYMAN & CO. NEW ZEALAND DRUG CO. Mesbrk SAINSI3U7IY <& BIiLISDONJ

i ft* ILLWRIGHTS, BLACKSMITHS, & j3f]L MACHINE MAKERS, Crawford street T)unedin, THRESHING MACHINES Wi ? ,Ji3j2, , «nd 4 horse-powers, capable of thrashing 100 to 400 bushels a day. REAPING MACHINES With Bamlett's' Steal Faced Fiagera. WINNOWING MACHINES, CHEESE PRESSES, Various sizea DRILL SOWING MACHINES, or cowing Turnip, Mar-golds, CarEota, Beet, etc., etc. BRICK & TILE MACHINES Made to order. Contractors' Iron Work for Bridges, executed with despatch at Lowest Rates. QCOTTISH AND NEW ZEALAND COMPANY (LIMD.) This Compßoy ADVANCES MONEY on MORTGAGE, security of freehold or leasehold lands, in any suma from £100 upwards, at the ion eat current rates of interest. Application forma and full particulars from au CONNT3LL & MOODIE, Agentn. FIIUS BSFSURAWCE. IPEE AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE ASJL SURANOE COMPANY. (Eire, Marine, and Guarantee). Not being bound by any tariff, we are prepared to accept Fibe Risks at exceptionally Low Ratjis. L0b303 prompsly paid in Dunefiin. BAS^NGS, LBARY, & CO., Agents iov Otago. Spectacles ! Spectacles ! Spectacles ! O ''■ AFfiiD, tho We«k.Blffli6aa to ham j-^ "^adftpteA feo euife thehf eiglafej, &% I J 'M&° Oi 7 AL'ft, OBfeioSsSc sad Bpeotode-^Akoi? £f> Sho Duiacdila Hospital, Ho. S, G«orgo si-yeas j Puxs Btansilm Psbbl&as, highly vesom* moaded for def&otive vJ&fons. Aho on issdo Bykfs'w HydrosEstar^,, Qtlms do c Soceiiaroaa. toff, TJ?.9ffaioi!xe"iei'3, AsioroSd Bftromete?B Bairtanfe, Qucukiciita, Bkipa' Corop«avieo. Sail ncmftt-oiTB, LaoJonae&ors, Mathcmafck'al Insfisa raerato, Field Glasses, Telesoopaa, &o. N.B.— All MMa of Optlonl »nd Mfttlicoift" oal Ingtyumenfes bonghi, {

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Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 3