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Stock and Station Reports.

Mr Donald Stronaoh (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited), reports for the week ending 25th April as folows:—

Fat Cattle. — 2T2 were yarded, nearly all of medium quality. The market being glutted for the lasc two or three weeks, and the large number forward to-day, cauHcd prices to be extiemely low. Competition wa,d.ill all ihroutrh. Bullocks sold at £5 10s to £9 ss ; cows, £1 17s 6d to £6 17^ 6<i. We sold on account. <f Mr William Shand (Greytown), bullocks, £5 10a to £7 15s 6d, and cows £3 17b 6d to -C 6 17-> 6d. We quote prime beef 20a ; medium, 15s to 17s 6d pet lOolb. Fat Calves.— Sixteen were forward. Competition was dull tor ths class also. We sold a pen on account of Mr Wm. Stiand »t up to 20a. Fat sheep.- 2804 were penned ; of thes" 1085 were merinos. For medium weights bah croßsbieds and merinos values were rather better than lasc week, but for heavy, large-framt d sheep prices were not quitr BO good, ('rossbreds (medium) fetched from 10j 3d to 12s fed ; primu d.', 14n 9d to 16s 9d ; m> rinoß, 9< to 90 Bd. We sold on account of Mr E. B Atkinson (Oamaru). 191 crossbreds at 10s 3d to 13s 9J ; Mr William Shand (Gre.\t wn), 69 crossbieds at 14s 9d to 16a 6d ; Mr W. H Humphrey (Pukemu), 17 do at Ha ; Mr William Telford (Oianomomo). 133 do at 13a; Messrs Wilson Bros., 38 do at lla 6d ; the New Zealand Agricultural Company, 174 merinos at 9j 3d. We quote mutton at %x to 2Jd per lb. F«t Lambs. — 295 were penned. Notwithstanding this small number competition was very sluggish, and last week's prices were not ob'ained, except for a few extra heavy weights, which fotched 12s 9d ; the others •old at from 6a 6d to 9s 6d. We sold 101 at 8s to 9b cd. Fat Pigs. -200 were penned, only a few prime porkers in the lot, for which there was a good demand, the nnite being 17s to 68e. Store Cattle.— We have no transactions to report.

Store Bheep. — Crossoreds, with good sound mouths, ate in dwmand, but the i -rices asked for such r< strict business. We offered 2600 merino ewes and withers, full and broken mouthed, at Burnside to-day, but vendors' values not being obtained they were passed Id.

Wool.— We sold several parcels on Monday at prices on a level with those of late sales, aggregating equal to 44 bales. Greasy crossbred fetched BJd ;do merino, 9sd ; scoured crossbred, ln£d ; do merino, 17Jd- The following are particulars :— G over bar, 1 bog greasy fleece, 7}d ; DS, 7do do do, 6Jd ; B, 1 fadge do do, 8d ; TAIERI L^KE, 7 bales do merino, 9gd ; 2 do do pieces, 6|d ; 1 do do locks, part half, bred, 3sd ; LL, 2do do fleece, 6d ;4do do lambs, 8d ; bar in circle, 4do do fleece, 7£d ; Ido do locks, part fleece, SJd;'3'dodo locka, lid; C over WT, 6 do do locka, 6td; WAIWBRA over WT, 3 do and 1 bag do crossbred. BJd ; S bags do pieces, 4d ; Ido do locks, Sid ; HJR, l bale greasy fleece, 7fcd ; Ido do pieces, 3sd ; NB, 1 do, scoured merino, 17M ; 1 do do halfbred, Isid ; Ido do crossbred, 11JU : 2do do lambs, Hid. Sheepskins.— We cleared a large catalogue at our u'-ual weekly sale on Mondtiy under spirited competition, and prices showed some advance on those of last week. - l>ry crossbreds fetched Is lOd to 4a 2d ; do merino, 2a to 6s 6d ; skins in bales, 6d to 7d per lb ; green crossbreds, Is 6d to 2d 8d ; do merino, Is 3d to Is 7d ; lambs, Is 4d to 2a 4d.

Rabbitskins.— We did not offer any this week. Hides continue in good demand. We placed all to hand at 3d to 4d fur light and medium weights, and 4Jd for extra heavy in good clean condition. J allow-— The demand continues equal to the supply, .and every lot offered sold at 24a to 27s for inferior, 27s 6d to 30s for medium, and up to 33s Gd for fairly-well rendered ; rough fat sold at 23s 6d to 21s per cwt. Grain.— .Wheat : Prime milling samples are saleable at ''priceß about equal to those ruling lost week — 4s 3d to : 4s 4d for choice samples ; medium, its 9d to 4s 2d ; inferior, 2s -3d to Sa 6d. Oats are in moderate demand, and prices a shade easier. Tho large bupplies coming forward and placed on the market make it difficult to maintain late latos. We quote: Piime milling, Is lOi ; short, bright foed, Is 9d ; diseoleured.and inferior, Is 7d to Is Bd. Well-grown, clean, long Tartarian oats for seed are inquired for. Ba'rloy-: We have no sales to report, but we are in receipt of samples repiesenting 10,000 bushels, which will be offered for sale by auction at Studholin&'s Junction on May 7th.

Messrs Wright, Stbphsnson, and Co. report for the week ending 25th April as follows :—

Pat Cattle.— The number forward— 272 head— far exceeded the trade's requirements. Prices consequently dropped to about store rates for all cattle o! medium quality, but for a few pens of really good beef last week's quotations were obtained. We sold 102 as follows:— For Mr William Sawers (Mosgiel), 19 bullocks at from £7 17s 6d to £ll Izs6d, and two heifers' at £5 17s 6d ; for Mr James Parr (Timaru), 21 bullockß at from £6 12s 6d to £8 7s 0d ; for Messrs Bradßeld' Bros (Catiin's Biver), 14 bullocks at frum £1-105 to £6 2s tid ; for Mr David Grant (Granton), 12 cows at £5 ; on account of Mr Alex. Fleming (Shaudfleld), 16 cattle at from £4 17s 0d to£0; on account of f Messrs. John Gray, ,W. Berwick, and others, 19 head, chiefly- cows, at up to £6 10s per head. We qtfofct: really prime beef at a shade over zOs per 1001b ; medium, 17s 6d. ' '

Fat Sheep. — A full supply came to hand, 2084 being penned. Ot this number fully one-half were merinos, the balance crossbruds of fair to really piime quality. On the merinos' a reduction of fully Is per Lead on last week's quotations had to be submitted to, but for crossbieds ajbuut similar rates to thuse of list weetc were obtained. We told 1351 sheep aa follows :— For Meesra James Smith and -Sons (Greenfield), 499 prime merino ewes at from 63 6d to 7s ; on account of W. H. TeschemakeryEsq (Taipo Hill), 204 merino wethers at 7s Sd ; for Messrs Rosa tiros. (Meadow batik) 319 crossbred ewes at 11s 6d ; for Messrs Rei i and Duncans (Monte Chrieto), 105 crossbred wethers at .3s 9.1 ; and tor Mr v\ illiam pellow (Woipahil, 69 prime crussbreds at fta'6d We quote prime croßsbrtd mutton at 2d per lb ;-m'e"rino mutton, J jd. Fat,Lambs,— B9s penned, and sold at frem 7s to 9s MJ Pigs,— 2oo came to hand. Of these we sold 22 'ayotkera at from 35s to 40s each. Store Cattle.— The inquiry- which existed for bullocko for turnip feeding has now slackened off, and prices are In consequence easier At Buruaide to-day w© sold 42 tear and five-year-old bullocks at £5 10s. Store Bheep.— We have buyers for crossbred sheep, also for from 6000 to 10,000 young meriuo wethers. On Monday next, at .Burnside, we shail sell about 2000 young crossbreds. Privately, this week, we have sold 4000 two and four tooth merino wethers and 100J tour and six tooth crossbred wethers.

Pure Stock. — On account of John Douglas, Esq. (Mount Royal), we have Bold privately 34 two-tooth merino rams. -

Horses.— Good heavy young draughts are in demand, but light-harness horses are very much neglected. We quote first-class draughts at fiotn £30 to £40 ; medium, £20 to £26 ; light do, £15 to £18; go.d hacks and light-harness hon-eg, tili to £25 ; medium, £10 to £15 ; light and iuferior, £3 to £8.

Sheepskins.— On Monday we offered a large catalogue at our weekly salp. There was a capital attendance of the trade, and an improvement of fully 6d per skin on last week's prices took place. Butchers' green skins— crossbreds sold at fr«m 2s to 2s 6d ; merinos up to 1b 7d ; lambr kins up to 2s ed ; skins in pales, at from 2Jd to GJd per lb. Rides.— On Monday we sold 117 at from 3d to 4Jd pr lb, according to weight and condition. The demand is rery brisk. Tallow is in easier request. We sold all our conBignments of rough fat at up to £23 per ton. We did not place any rendered tallpw, however. Grain.— Wheat : Samples of prime milling wheat

are inquired for, and can be rtadity placed at quotations. During the week we have sold 4800 bushols. We quote prime Tuscan (free from eprout) at 4s 4d ; velvet and red straw, 4s 2d to 4s 3d ; ordinary qualities, 3s 9d to 4s ; fowls' wheat, 2s Cd to ;!b 3d. Oats : Prime milling and good short bright feed oats are in active demand ; prices, however, give no indication of improvement. Danish oata and any lots at all off colour are quite neglected. Since onr last ieporb we havo placed 10.000 busholb. We quote chjicest milling la lOd to Is lOJd ; bright, short feed, Is 9d to Is lOd ; Danish, Is 8d to la 9d. Barley : Wo have buyers for prime maltine, but. discoloured hamples (except at milling prices) we quote neglected. Quotations are without change.

Messrs Maclban and Co. report for the week ending 25th April as follows :- Fat Cattle.— To-day there was again a large supply at the Burnside "Yards, tho number being 272 head. As re cards the quality, not moro than about 50 head were primp, for several pens of which there wm fair competition, but, unless in one or two iiiHtances, not moro than 20s per 1001b was obtained, while for tho remainder 17s 6d per 1001b was the ruling quotation, and with only moderato competition. In several ca?es lots not reaching vendors' expectations were passed in. Prime bullocks brought from £7 to £11 12s 6d ; fair to good, £3 12s 6d to £6 15s ; cows, from £3 10a to £7 10s We yarded 93, and Bold them as follows :— On account of John Suiherland, Ksq. (Moairiel), 14 head bullocks (light-weights) at from £4 17h Od to £7 108 ; on account of Mr Grorge M* Donald (Stirling;, seven head bullocks at from £6 to £6 10-> : on account of "»3r John Bruce (Brighton), six head bullocks at from £5 It's to £0 ; on account <^f Mr R. Thomson, nine head bullock* at from £3 12s 6 i to £5 12s 6d; on account of W. Blackie, E-q. (Edit Taion), VI head at up to £3 17s 6d ; on account of Mr I. Wyber (Milton), hix head steera and heifers (lightweights), £4 ; and on account of Messrs Freeman, Heron nd Sinclair, Frasor, Farnie, and others, 40 head at quotations. We quote primo beef 20a per 100 b ; medium, 17s 6d per 1001b. Fat Calves.— Sixteen were yarded, of which we sold 9 ar, from 10s to 28s e.ich.

Fat Sheen. — The liumber of sheep penned to-da\ »a* 2801, of which 1085 were merinos. ' his number proved rather in excess of trade requirements, and Che result was that a reduction had to bu submitted to. The quality of about one-third of the crocs >reds was piime, while the remainder was fair to good. CrosHbred-i brought from 9a 6d to 16s 9d ; merinos 9a to 9s 9d. We sold, on account of James Rutherford, Ksq. (Summerhill), 68 ero sbreda at from 14s 9d to 15s ;on account. of Moswrs Royse, Stead, and Co., from their Edendale Estate, I^6 at from 11s 6d to 18s ; on account of Messrs Milne and Gordon, 100 crosßbredd at from 13a to 13-t 9d ; on account of J. Bruce, Ksq (Brighton), 121 do at 16a ; on account of D Coraan,. Esq. (Tokomairiro), 80 do at 13s 3d ; on account of Walter Mrll. r, Esq. (Tokomairiro), 68 do at 13s fld ; and on account of David Andrew, Esq., 9 do at 10? 9d. We quote prime mutton IJ-1 per lb. Fat Lambs.— 29s wero penned, of which we sold 80 on aec unt of Mr Geo. M'Donald (Stirling), at from 7s 9d to 8s 3d.

Kat Pigs. - 200 were yarded. We sold 25 on account of M. studholrae, Esq., at from £1 12s 6d to £2 8s ; on Kccount of Mr Green, 16 at fro a 14s to -208.

Country Sales.— We held a clearing sale at. Green rsland on Thursday last, which was one of the mjst satisfactory sales we have held for some time past Everything submitted brought first-class price-. W« ateo held a sale at tho North-East Valley on Monday last, when everything submitted was sold at satisfactory prices.

Horses. — We held our usual sale on Saturday last at Dunedin Tattersalls, when wo offered and sold a coiihideiable number of horses of ail descriptions. We quote first-claw draughts from £30 to £40 ; medium, £20 to £25 : good backs ami liuht-harnesa horses, £18 to £25 ; medium, £10 to £25 ; inferior, £3 to £7 6s. Sheepskins.— We offered and sold a fair catalogue of all descriptions at our eal) on Monday l»et There was the u>ual attendance .A the trade, and with fair competition the various lots were sold, which comprised principally butchers' skins, at for crossbreds, from Is lOd to 2s 8 J ; merinos, Is 7d to Is 9d : lambs, Is to Is lOd. lUbbitskins. — We did not sell any this week. Hides, with a fair demand, are readily placed at recent quoift.ions.

Tallow. — A good demand, and recent quotations are well maintained.

Grain.— Wheat : Wo cannot notify any material alteration in this cereal. Valuos remain unchanged. We quoto prime milling, 4-< 4d ; fair to tcood, 3s 9 i to 4s ; fowl feed, 2a 9d to 3a Sd. Oats : The mavket has been very changeable during the week ; at times a demand for shipment has occurred— but without any advance in price. We quota prime milling, Is lOd to Is lid ; feed. Is 8d to Is 9£d. Barley : No transactions to report. Potatoes.— Quotations, £2 7s Cd to £2 12s Gd. Grass Seed. — No demand.

Messrs Donald Reid and Co. ieport for tho week endiug 25th April as follows :—: —

Fat Cattle.— 3s3 yarded, which included 81 stores. Tha bulk of to-day's supply consisted of medium quality, with a few pens of piime. The sale throughout was exceedingly dull, priceß again receding a shade. Bullocks 6Old at £4 7s 6d to £9 10a ; cows, £1 178 6d to £6 17s 6d. We yarded 86 head, and sold for Mr John A lan (Taurima), 9 bullocks at £5 12s (td to £9 ss, and 7 cows at £3 6s to £4 17s 6d for Mr James Allan (Lakefield), 4 bullocks at £7 10s to £9 2-s 6d, and 2 cowti at £4 15d ; for Messrs T. Golden and Co. (Wyndham), 18 bullocks, averaging £7 8s 6d ; for Mr James Oughton, 5 at £4 10s ; for Mr T. Domsly, 2 cows at £7 7a 6d ; for Mr T. Gallagher, 9 cows (stores) at £2 ; for Mr James Brown (Eat-t Taieri), 11 bullocks at £7 to £8 15s ; and for others, 11 head at £2 7s 6d to £7 7s 6J. We quote best beef 20a; medium, 17s to 18< per 1001b. Fat Calves. — bixteen yarded. These were all good quality, and Bold at 14s to 20s. We sold 2 for Mr J. Allan at 20s.

Fat sheep. — 2804 were penned, consisting of 1080 merinos 'of medium quality, and 1724 crossbreds, mostly good to prime. There was a brisk demand, but prices were somewhat irregular, and for some lots higher f han last week. We ; enned 492, and sold, for Mr J Wallace, 208 merino wethers, "9a to 9s Cd ; for Mr Edward Heenan (Maungatua), 31 crossbreds at 12s 9d ; for Mr K. Finnic (East Taieii), 10 crossbreds at Ids 9d ; for Mr John Fiuch (Waihola Gorge), 30 crossbreds at 15s ; for Mr J. G. Grey (Waihola Gorge). 14 crossbreds at 16.i 6d ; for Messrs J. and T. Kell (Waitaliuna), 79 crossbred-* at 12* 6d ; for Mr Peter Williamson (Clarendon.), 21 crossbreds at 15a 6d. We quote mutton 2d per lb. Fat Lambs were in full supply, 295 being penned. These were more than enough for trade requirements, prices ruling low. We sold for Mr J. Wj llie, tO at 7s ; for Mr E eenan, 53 at 8s ; for Mr J. Kins;, 14 at 8> Od ; for Mr Jas Ross (Maungatuii), 30 at 6s 9d ; and for Mr Peter Williamson (The Gorge,', 12 at J2i 9d. Pig-*.— 200 in to day, nearly all good useful porkers. We sold for Mr W. L. Siddell , sat 31s ; tor Mr Wm. Qray (Edendale), 78 at 19s t ■ 39a each. Store Sheep. — Piivately we sold several lots, and at auction on Thursday latt, at Kaihiku, on account of W. Arthur, E-q., 206 merino ewes at 10s, 465 merino ewes and wethers at 6s 6d to 0* (Jd, 190 merino lambs at 7s 9d ; and for Meners G. Blacklock, J J. Hay, J. Farnie, J. Edwards, G Johnstou, J. W. Newson, and others, 900 merinos and crotsbreds at satisfactory prices. Siock Rams.— During the week we sold, on account of various vendors, 97 merino rams at full pricta. Sheepskina. — This week we offered a catalogue of considerable length, mode up by local butchers' lots. There was a brisk demand, and better prices. Green crossbiedu sold at Is lid to 2s 8d ; do merino, Is 3d to 2a Id ; lambskins, 2a to 3s ; dry crossbred and merino, Is 8d to 4s 4d. Kabbit«kins —We cleared out all lots forward, but as they were only very medium summer skins, prices ruled low— viz ,8d to lOJd per lb. Tallow.— No sales this week. Rough fat sells at 19s to 23a 6d per cwt. Hides —There is brisk demand for any coming in at fully recent quotations. Country Clearing Sales.— On Thursday last we held a clearing sale at Albert Downs Estate, Kailiiku. Thtrt was a larjce attendance of buyers, who bid with spirit for everything ottered excepting horbes, which were almost unsaleable. Grain.— Wheat : This market continues steady, all lots comintr to hand in go d condition fin.ling a ready sale at 4b 2d to 4s 3d for Tuscan and velvet, 4s to 4s 2d for other sorts. Medium is not much inqniied for. Chick feed is more plentiful, and sells at 2s 8d to 3a 2d. Out' week's tales are 6172 bushels at quotations. Oats : The paßt week has been a busy one, exporters taking all briaht lots at Is 9d to Is lO.i, a few extra good making Is lO.Vd to Is lid. J,ong Tartarian are in pood request, aad if fit for seed soil at is lOd to $■>. Our week's sales are 30,792 bushels. Barley • A few saleß have been made at 3a lid to 4a lOd. Potatoes are in fair supply, and quoted at £2 10.', hags extra, Ryegrass,— We havo sold Bomo small lota at 8s 6d to 4s Id (or best samples,

Messrs Sthpiibnson and Co. ropovt for the week ending 25fch April as follows :— Fat CatHo.— Tho large supply of 272 head penned to-day. Tho quality of the greater portion was very middling, while about 50 head were prime. For those latter there was fair competition, but for inferior quniit'es poor prices \ve*o obtainable Prime bullocks fetched from €7 to fil 1 l"s 6d ; fair f o good, &'\ Vli fid to£01os: co.\s, from &i 10s to £7 10s. We yarded ,51 head, aiui sold on a-uount; of Messrs Allan, M'Giil, and others at quotations Wo quote prime, 20s per 1001b ; inferior 17s Cd per 1001b. Fat mlves. — Sixacn yarded, and sold at from 10s to 2-a. Fat Sheep.— 2Bo4 penned, of which 1085 were merino?. The number proved excessive, and a reduction had to bo submitted to. Some pens of cwssb ed wero really pritno. Crossbreda brought f . om fls Od to 16* 9d ; merinos, 7fl to &» 9d. Wo penned 144, and sold, on account of Sir G. Anderson (Stirling), 74 at from 12s 9d to 13s ; on account of Mr Robt. Charters, 40 at 12s ; and on account of Mr J. Macandrew, 30 merinos at 9s. ~\Yo quote prime mutton at lifd to 2d per Ib.

Fat Lamb".— 2os penned, and we sold 50 on account of Mr J. Macandrew at 9q.

Fat Pij;B. -2uO yarded, and sold at prices fully eqml to last week's quotation. Sheepskins. — We ofFeied a medium catalogue on Monday last. Tho usual representatives of tho trade were present, and all lots were sold under fiir competition. Butchers' crossbreds sold at from la lid to 2s fed: merinos, Is Sd to Is Od ; lambskins, 1-j Id to 2a. Rabbitskins. — No sale".

Hide" Fair demand for all lots offoring, at recent quotations Tallow. — Good demand for we'l-rendered lots, at recent priuos ; butchers' rouuh fat at up to 245. Grain — Wheat: Recant quotations remain unchanged, but we notice more freedom among local buyers to i-urchase, paaioulirly for well-pre;-ared samples. We quote for prime milling (vt Ivet or Tnscau), 4s 4d per bushel ; medium, 3s Jtd to 4s ; fowl food, 2.s 9d to 3s 3d. Outs : Unless in ea-es whoa oate a>» required f< r shipment, the demand is slack, and prices remain unchanged We quoe for prime milllnir, 18 lOd to Is lid ; bright feed at up to Is 9d. Barley : No traiitactions Potatoes. -Up to £2 12s 6d per ton.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 15

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Stock and Station Reports. Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 15

Stock and Station Reports. Otago Witness, Issue 1640, 28 April 1883, Page 15