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A Kilmoro telegram in the Melbourne Argua of Apiil 10th is as follows: — "Mr James Crouch's woll-known racehorse Theuge, by Tim Whiffler — Lapwing, was sold to day for £300 to go to New Zealand, wheie he will be entered for the Dunediu Handicap (? Cup), and in the event of his winning the purchasemoney will bo increased by £100. Theuge was the winner of several of tho principal ev«nts at the race meetings throughout the Kilmore district."

Concerning the preceding paragraph I have turned up Theuge'a doings, aud tiuU that he \vit>> bred by Mr VV. .Brown. He is a four-year-old brown horse by English Tim Whiflier, out of the Mavibyrnong mare Lapwing. At two yearn he ran only once, aud then unplaced, iv tile Wyudham Handicap oi. 50 soya ((s&fc), won by Camerine (Gat 91b). At three years he won the Malmsbury Handicap of 30 boys (7st 51b), beating Blantyre (Bat 41b), Daylight (7&fc 711b), Bray brook (7st 71b), aud x\ Ko»e (Gst 121b). At Sheppartou he ran second in the Handicap of 75 boys (7fat Gib), won by Fair Nell (6»t 101b) ; and becond in the JTlyiug Handicap of 30 soys (7sfc 121b), won by Artful Joe (Bst). At Colac he ran third in the Numurkha Handicap of 35 sovb t7afc 91b), won by Jack yprat (7st 21b), with Artful Joe (Bat 101b) second ; and second in the Railway S akes of 15 soys (Bafc 9lb), won by Jack Sprat (7st 101b). At Lancen'eld he ran unplaced in the District Handicap of 20 soys (B(>t 7lb), won by Bashful Rose (Bst 41b) ; also unplaced in the Laneefield Handicap of 25 soys (Bsfc), won by Beadsman (Ssfc 91b). At Wyndham he ran third in the Werribeo Park Handicap ot 50 soys (6st 71b), won by Larpent (9»t 71b), with Mulatto (9st 41b). I have not had time to turn up all his performances of the present seas>on and see what sort of races they were that he is btated to have won in the Kilmore chstiict, but on the 17th of la«c month he won tho Kyu ton Handicap of 75 soys (&t 01b), boatiny llariy V end's iialLhuzar (Bst), and h\ outliers. Tho time fur the mile and u-half was 2 miv. -IG+ tec. Theuge was landed in Dunediu on Tuesday, having come over in the Te Anau. He will, 1 believe, run in the interests of Messrs Little Bros., of Mount ■Stewart, who sent Mr Farquharson and Tommy Allan over to Victoiia on purpose to buy a house tor them, and the horse they selected was riieugo. JNouiinatious for the Dunedin winter meeting have beeu sent iv as under :—: —

HANDICAP fIUUDLE RACE, Of 50 STVti. Mr T Jounuaux' g g Steel Dust, 6 yrs M , J Dun ijabij Mi o, aged W- G Kob itsou 1 . bg W Mhoy, age 1 Mr SI .S'ili-v.iii'- h jj M..kur>kuiu, (5 yrs Mi aO'i n'-i eh m I'unkeiitM, 6 > n Mi W A lon' b a v ut Po'iy 5 \rtj Air W Tajyan'o b k Uobin Hood, aged Air • bch £ Ganj; Aw a, ugt.u Sir A Kiuilu gi{ il irk-.tna!i. ai;ud Air Uil (^uairie's b y L,ir.tlri<Yau<J,.iocd Mi X it Hart's, b g Little John, aired. BIIvTUDW HANDICAP, Of 100 f,CA 8. Mr J Cotton's eh h ula nant, 6 yra Me D Kirb\ 'd b in Git'Uia, i yrs Mr J hU'ijlwiiron's i'U o Taurua, 3 yrs Mr r M"i timer's b h Atlantic, aged Air D Aliluu'- b in Aurora, 4 yrt) Mr II (Joodintui't. eh g Violin, i yrs Mr G O'isK'W s blk c Coupon, H yrd Air V UiuloiV cli m Luna, <%'od Mr U'Evoj'd ti h Trumpeter, 4 .^rs Mr C M'Q arno's rh g Co'ilbtT' am, aged. HANDICAP TROTTING UACE, Of 75 soys. hit John ForJe's r m (Jollet-n Bawn, 5 yrs Mi- X Barr's b v. Taieri, 0 yra JVIr \i P 'L'horaiiß-jn'n b sr Jaokaon, aged Mi T (JoarjV g m Wait-i-\vhil(J Mr .r H Loiulon a ix m Diappointmout, agod Mr V P, ffV O.'iii cillor Mr J I aiil' y'a b in 13 Ha., s^'od Mr W Alia <V> b tr IXct'T, ajed Mr A CuuoH.n'a 'n it Ivaijiinll 4 :>rs Mr <• U llar.lnm'B b ra Polly, agod Mr J LunesKall inn.' < b % l.uimtic, aged Mr A EmpbonV br m Miruui, ajud •ir .1 .1 \V ll.v 't br ir K.unroil, i J'H All T Willa- u'i . <rSbollnb, Mr h G Sm, tl> h in No'ly Kine, aged Mr M Frac % b in Nollie, inject Mr llnuh Orui-!*^ blk m ALioii, ivged Mr M M'utiron h by,"b y," rt a> runa, ag«d Mr G M'Lm-eS b v: U'analu, sigeil Mi G Oiii-lov.V b X M tuh'oro, agvd Mr G On->1"«'>» P'ayioy, iti;eil Mi ]i LitJo'u bi; Ace pf ( lut h, aged Mr I' 1 fchear«.r'fa bf — , I ra NOVEL RACE, Ol hi) bO\:?. Mr J Pooley'-J br sr M In, airi d Mr M KiiT)V's b }f Fi-'-t M «, 3 yrs Mr M Shui-.vii'i b g Moka iiliaia 6 yrs Mr .1 Stephens n'- b m i u^cnie, 4 yrs Mr J Ktophojihou's b c. Captain Wobater, 2 yra Mr T Mortimet'a eh h Amulet, 4 yre Mr A o\\ ea'D eh m Cliakerina, 5 yra

Mr A Smith's b g Don Jose, 5 yrn Mr A Aitkenhead'u b ir M wician, agod M> A M Kay's * tc Blu< Petor, a«ed Air H G.roJinnn's eh g Vi Im, 4 its Mr A Smith's eh % Gan« Awo.', agud Mr A Smith's c g Mai ki-man, a*ed llr H Drlvei'a eh g t'ropero, 5 yrs Mr <■; Onslow'- folk c Coupon, 8 yra Mr T H DoJaon'a b f Miss King filly, 8 yrs. TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP, O; «0 -ovs. Mr J Oof-ton's eh h Adamant, 6 yrg Mr D Kirby's b n> Gitana lyrs Jlr J Stephens*) 's eh c T^iaroa, 3 yrs Mr T Mortimer 1 !) b h Atlantic, aged Sir T Morticuui'a eh £ Pathfli der, 6 yrs Mr 1) Milne's b m Aurora, i yra Mr H Goodman's eh % Violin, I yrs Mr H Driver's eh g Pr'ibpero, 6 yM Mr Cl Onslow'a blk c Coupon 3 yrs Mr P Butler's eh in Luna, afjed Mr M'Kvoi'a b h Trumpeter, 1 yrs Mr 0 itl'Quame's chg Coldstream, aged. The above show a falling off from last year's entries, especially in the Trotting Race. The quality is, however, about up to the average of our winter gatherings. A writer in the Advocate has the following: — "The forthcoming Taieri races were made the theme of a discourse delivered in one of the Taieri churches last Sunday. Of course ministers will not look with a favourable eye ujion a racecourse. lam not surprised at it. One cannot but confess that there are some frightful rapscallions to be mot vith on a racecourse, tho very scum of the earth manage to gravitate to race-meetings ; and such people it is who bring such meetings into bad odour. However, it would be very unwise to entirely condemn races merely because bad people frequent them. I havo seen men in broadcloth at church who would be in a more appropriate place were they in gaol with a moleskin suit on, but there were many good people there also. However, lam wandering from my point. The minister I speak of was very liberal iv his views to a certain extent. He would not condemn races in a sweeping manner. There might be some enjoyment in them that he did not know of ; but what exercised and troubled him was the fact that in all probability a ' totalisator ' would be on tho ground. Now this is the very instrument that has been approved of in high places and protected by the law of the land, but afc the same time I object to these gambling machines also, but only on these grounds : If the law won't allow me to indulge in a ' half-crown sweep ' I say down with the machino that allows other people to gamble merely because they can afford to risk £1 while I can only spare a half-crown. Who sayß that there is only one law for the rich and poor ? Bunkum ! Lord Fitzf oodle can gamble thouxands ot pounds on a totalisator, while humble Jack Tompkins is liable to be ' jugged ' if he draws a shilling sweep from his friend's billycock hat." The Taieri meeting should have come -off last Saturday, but owing to the inclement weather which then set in it was postponed till the 21st. when it is to bo hoped that the Club v/ill havo a pleasant day. The acceptances are as under : — HURDLE HANDICAP. Bt lb sUb Robin Hood ..11 0 Mist Motion .. 9 6 Jj-ap Yuar ..10 2 R >manco .. 9 8 Moili'Bty .. 10 0 Kuriß-y .. 0 0 Murkbtuan .. 9 8 MAIDEN PLATE. First King Don Joso Tho Pot Angler goldinjf Little Jim Flossie. TROTTING HANDICAP. Master Rowe „ Scratch B acUboy .. 15 sec Trtiuri.. ..Scratch Niyger .. 20 nee El;>a .. .. 15 tuc Kejjulatioa .. 80 sec TAIEBI HANDICAP. at lb Bt lb Adamant ..9 0 Coupon ..7 0 Violin . . ..82 Gistanetto filly . . 67 LADIES' PURSE. st lb stlb Don Joac . . 10 9 Romanco . . 9 2 Leap Year .. 10 4 T-mboy ..9 0 Augler galding ..10 0 batanella (late Polly) 812 FiißtKing ..0 5 The Club purpose adding a Selling Stseplechase to the foregoing should sufficient entries be sent in. The Hurdle Race should, I think, be won by Robin Hood or Marksman. For the Maiden Plate I like Pirst King and Don Jose. The Trot should be won by Master Rowe ; and in the Taieri Handicap 1 expect to see Adamant returned the winner. "For the Ladies' Puise I prefer the Alaiden Platers First King and Don Jose. Of tho late Mr G. Lee the Press has the following notice ;— " In years gone by this gentleman was one of the chief supporters of the tuif in Canterbury, and although he has rarely of late been seen on our racecourse, he was formerly seldom without one or more representatives at our meetings, and he may be said to have died in harness, owning Emir Bey at the time of his death. He was successful, too, on the turf in those early days, and will be remembered by old identities as the owner of Tamerlane, a winner of many races, whom he always trained, and generally rode himself, and thus acquired the name of Jockey Lee. The first race rim on the present Riccarton course was a match for 500 soys a side between Tamerlane, ridden by his owner, and the late Mr J. W. Mallock's Mario Paulo, with Mr Tommy M Donald in the saddle, i here was groat excitement over this event, and all Chiistchurch turned out to see the race, which was won easily by Tamerlane. Mr Lee was a breeder of thoroughbred stock as well as a racing man, and imported several first-class horses to New Zealand, amongst which we may name Sleight-of-Hand, Junior, the sire of Emmeline and Futurity, who have both distinguished themselves as stud matrons, the former beiug the dam of Fancy, Hatred, and Detractor, aud the latter of Defamation. Mr Lee also imported Peter Flat and Mountain Nymph, and it was the union of these two that produced Miss Flat, the dara of that excellent horse Welcome Jack. Mr Leo's name may die out of racing history, but it will always be preserved in the annals of our ' New Zealand Stud-book.' "

Nominations for the N.Z. Grand National Steeplechase of 200 boys, Maiden Plate of 100 soys, and Hunt Club Cup of 100 soys close on the 24th inst.

At the Brighton races on Friday the Hurdle Handicap, ot 20 soys, was won by Mr H. Wansey's Larry, beating two others. The Maiden Plate, of 10 soys, went to Mr J. Craig's Floss, who defeated Mr Henderson's Barnaby (late Robinson and Lance's colt) and seven others. Mr Iverr's Touchil won a hurdle race ; and Mr Lunn's Rebecca secured the Cup, of 20 soys, beating five opponents easily. The Trotting Handicap was comfortably won by our old friend Cock Robin (10 sec.) ; and the Publicans' Purse, of 10 soys, by Larry. The Consolation was secured by Mi 1 J. Evans Maid of Honour. About £800 was put through the tot»lisator.

The adjourned meeting of the Ohoka and Evreton Jockey Club was held last Tuesday. The secretary brought up a statement of the finances of tlio Club, which, on being discussed at length, caused the members to alter their intention of holding an Autumn meeting, and a rrsolution was adopted agreeing to abandon it, Tho question of the matter iv dispute between Jdesefrs Y. Butch and H. Murfifcl wac also con-

sidered, and it was decided to disqualify the latter under sections 47 and 48 of the Jockey Club's .Rules, pending a settlement of the claim made by Mr Busch. Heathcote Winter races will be held on May 24th, when £165 will be provided in stakes, including tho Birthday Cup, of 40 both, and Steeplechase Handicap, of 40 soys. Mr S. (jrardiner's unsold yearlings and other horses are to be re-shipped to Melbourne this week. The prices offered for them here did not corns up to the bids made for them in Melbourne months ago. Mr "Horaford has resumed possession of the horses he let to Messrs Mason and Vallance for the season now closing, and he notifies by advertisement in the Press that tenders will be received up to May sth for the lease of them for next season. The lot are Siesta, Holderness, Nonpareil, Murat, Leopold, Leodsgran, Helena, Deceit, and Scalpel. La. Mode and Nonsense are not offered, the former having gone to the stud, while the latter hag bean turned out in consequence of the lameness which affected her when down at the Dunedin meeting. The following nominations for future events of the Wairarapa Jockey ClHb have been received :—: —


Mr P P Tancred's c f Misdeal, by King of ClubsGossip Mi P F Tancred'a r f Princesa Royal, by The Premier

Princess Mary

Mr X Herne'a b f, by Mangle— Zetland's dam Mr T Carswell's c c Royal Grey, by The Premier— Minnie Grey

Mr A W Dillon's g- or c c Starboard, by Starboard Watch— Silver, by Potentate

Mf iN Grace'B b g Lihputian, by Danebury — Banbhee

Mr N Grace's c c Tawera, by Danebury— Queen of Krno, by Ttaducer Mr J Druuimond'a c c, by Danebury— Undine

Mr J Drummond'B b 1, by Tattler— Coquette MrJ Urummond'u b g Skittlesharper, by Tattler — Skittles Air 3 C Vallance'B b c, by Mute— Ro»e d'Amour Mr W O Williams' br t Waiterataha, by Danebury -Madeline M» jaiaud Macara's b c, by D*nebury — Sweetheart Mr T Hay'a b c Korara, by Ananias -Naintal Mr G B' ntley's b c Victory, Mangle — Minnie Clyde Mr It R A'imtrong's c t Stolen Uomeitf, by The Premier — Willowholrne

Mr J A '« b f Pompadour, by Ananias, Jan.— Queen of the Taueru Mr Manaiua's b t, by Mangle— Tauia.


Mr T Carswell's b or br c Dingo, by TattUr- Flirt, by Southern Chief. Mr T oarawell'a c or b c Fritz, by Mangle— The Gem.

to r G M Dmmmond'a b f, by Tattler- Timina. Mr J Skeet'a blk or br c Daj br«ak, by Mangle— Lady i lien, by Nunakia. Mr G Bentle/a b f Lady Hilda, b Mangle— Minnie Clyde, xdr 1' Ray's b or br Comet, b Mangle— Taratahi, by Bay «ifidieton. Mr Jaß Maaira's br f, by Tattler- Sweetheart. Mr W L Nix's c c Tnuhi renikau, by Wangle— Zilla. Mr H W Vallance's b c Totopai, by Mangle— Maud, by Clymeniiß. Mr H W Vallance's g c Awatoto, by Mangle— Linda, by Clymenus. Mr E Ueme's b f, by Mange—. Southern Chief mare. Mr J O Vftllance'a br f, by Tattler -Roue d'Amour. Mr J C Vallanco's c, by Tattler— Tarantella. Mr P F Tancred's c f, by The Premier— Qoaiip. Mr P F Tanotd's c f, by The Premier— Ruby. Mr J Drummoud's b f, by Tattler— Skittles Mr J Drummond's b f , by Tattler — O quetto. DISTRICT PRODUCE STAKES OP 1886.

Mr John Grant's b f. by Nanakia— Ladybird (Gentle Annie's darn). Mr R R Armstrong's b c Chaucu, by Manglo coUDuche*B Grey. Mr J A Renall's blk or g f Satanella, by KingfisherQueen of the Taueru. Mr W Hautena's blk f, by Mangle -dam'a pedigree unknown.

Mr W J Nix's g £ Miss Emily, by Manjrle— Genfcl* Annie, by Clymenus. Mr if Grace's b f Narina, by Danebury — Fortuneteller.

Mr F W Shaw'a c c Mazourka, by Foresfc Leo-r La Venture. Mr V F Tancred's c t by the Premier— Ruby. Mr P F Tanered s c f by the Premier— Goasip. Mrß Hernes b f by Mangle -Southern Chief mure. Mr T Caisweli's c or b c Frite. by Mangla-The Gem Mr T Cavswell'a c f Ngawini, by Duke of Edinburgh — Stockings. Mr J Drummond's b f by Tattler— Coquette. Mr J Druminond's b f by Tattler-- Skittles. Mr J C Vdllance'd b or c c by Tattler — Tarantella. Mr J O Valiance's br f by Tattler—Rose d' Amour. llr H W Vallanco'a b c Totopai, by Manffle— Maud, by Chmenua. Mr H W Vallanco'a g c Awatoto, by Mangle— Linda, by Clymenus. Mr W J Nix'B c c Tauherenikau, by Mangle — ZilU. Mr Jas Macara's b f by Tattler— Sweetheart. Mr T RayM b or b c Comet, by Mangle — Taratahi, by Bay Middleton. Mr G Bentley's b f Lady Hilda, by Mangle— Minnie Clyde. Mr J Skeot's blk or br c Daybreak, by Mangle— Lady Ellen, by Nanakia Mr G M Drummond'a b f by Tattler— Timina.

Mr H M'Mastei's b c by Danebury — Funny Grey.

The latest novelty in nomenclature appears in the entries for the Wanganui Derby of 1886, which include Mr H. Crawley's "colt" The Dowager. Marfcon - Rangitikei Steeplechases are set down for May 17th. The sum of £135 will be divided among five Btakes, the best being the Steeplechase Handicap of 60 sovb. The Poverty Bay Turf Club have established a race to be called the Guineas, and another race to be called the Mares' Produce Stakea, both events to be first run for in 1886.

Races will be held at Russell on May 24th. Nine events compose the programme for Te Awamutu Races on May 24th. The added money amounts to £155, the beat Btakes being the Cup of 40 soys and Hurdle Handicap of 25 BOYS.

Auckland Autumn races will be held on Saturday and Monday, and the programme is as follows : — First Day.— Saturday. TRADESMEN'S PLATE HANDICAP, Of 100 soys. et. Ib. Billingsgate ..9 4 Kingask .. .. 7 » Merlin .. .. 812 Faramena .. 7 6 TimWhifnor .. 810 Maori .. ..7 6 Libeller • • 8 7 Buzeard . . ..TO Sießta .. ..8 0 Kalo .. ..7 0 Minerva ..8 6 Mystery .. „7 0 Hippodamia .. 712 Lady „ ..7 0 Fishwoman .. 710 Lyric .. ..7 0 Jack .. ..7 8 Nigger .. .. 610 Kenilworth •• 7 7 Satoria .. .. fl T Normanby ..7 6 Cadet .. .. 6 T MAUES' PRODUCE STAKES, OI 100 bOVB. (Closed with 21 Entries.) HURDLB RACE. OI 80 SOVB. St. lb. Lode Hand . . 12 1 PmsMmo . . 10 10 Harka>vay •• 11 8 Woodpecker .. 10 8 Loch Lomond . . 11 8 Rawenata . . 910 Christmas .. 11 5 Cock itotitn .. 9 0 Reform .. .. 11 4 Miss Walton .. 9 0 Chandler ..HO Tatters .. 9 0 Tao Mount ..110 Tasrnan . . 90 Lady Bab . . 10 10 EASTKR HANDICAP. OI 200 BOve. Bt. lb. of;, lb. TimWhiffler .. 812 Larry .. ..7 7 Leonora .. ..8 2 Kenilworth ..7 6 The Poet.. .. 8 0 Siesta .. . . 7 o Libeller .. ..8 0 Maori .. ..7 4 Merlin .. .. 712 Buzzard .. ..7 2 Hippodftinla . . 710 Winnie . . . . fl 10 LoneHaud .. 7 8 Moonstone .. 6 7 Fisjhwomam ..7 8 Taupiri, .. .. 6 t Nbrmanby ..7 7

SELLING RACE, Ot SO BOVB. Yatapa Oadet La* Kingasfc Harkaway Hipporin» Punuaona Mv«terv Tuba Bill Jack PUBLICANS 1 POR8», 01 80 aors (w.f.a,). Leonora BuMori Miiierr* Bllm.gigafci W° ttshwoma* Tina Wifflar Batorla Bubina Bi<et*. Sboond Day.— Monday. JLYING STAKES, Of 7S »ots (w.f.a.). Leonora Biuutard MinerTa Billingepvt* Lady Tiihwoman Tim Wiffler Bat«ria Kingaslc Mystery Konilwortk SiMta BTfiBPLECHASB HANDICAP, OflOOiori. „ . »*lb. •». tk Monnt .. .. 12 1 Pastime .. It • Christmas. . . Hio Cook Kobia ... 1» • Ke'orm .. . . 11 7 Tatters „ .. 10 • Chandler .. 11 0 Lady Bab ..WO Sportsman „ no AUTUMN HANDICAP, O( 200 sots. (Clewed with 31 entries.) ELLEKSLIE PLATE, Of 100 buts Mitrailleuse Victory Fuhgirl Victoria Mdaicstter gnidar Uubiua. SHORTS HANDICAP. QtMtQT*. Leonora cadet Winnie xj^ W bim* Minerva Ktngask The Poet Xomaaby Woodpecker Lyrio ' J f» l 0 KenilwarHi Yat»pa Mootiitoat « M»;lin Buuardl ▼ Lftfl r Loth,Lomo»4 • X»ud BilUngsgat* Harkawaj Fishwoma* Libeller Hippodamla P»r,imen* Larry Niggar flatoria Mis» Walton Taupiri Bieita. * It being impossible to Moertaht tUwa haw anything as to the condition of the rarioM horses, or as to what an likely to start is th« rarious events, I shall not Juvo much to m* about probable winners. The Tradesmen Plate would be a good thing for Billingsgate if the horse he used to be. Acceptance foe the Mares' Produce Stakes do not olose till the morning of the race, so I shall not touch o» that. Fot the Hurdle Race I like Reform. Christmas, and Chandler in the order named! The Easter Handicap appears to be looked cm as almost reduced to a match between Leoaom and Siesta ; if such prove to be th* oase I shall give my vote for Siesta. Jack should be abort in the Selling Race ; while in the Publicans* Purse I prefer Sießta, Billingsgate, and Leonora. On the second day comet an almotfc exactly similar race, the Plying Stakes', tfc« only difference being that it in a mile initial of a rcile and a-quarter, and that then art penalties for winners of weight-for-age face* since August last. This I shall expeot t* sea won by Siesta, Leonora, or Minerva. la th« Steeplechase I like the same horses as in tb« Hurdle Race— namely. Reform, Christina*, and Chandler. The remaining events will depend on the first day's running. The following acceptances were teeeived *a Wednesday for the undermentioned eraafes by the Auckland Racing Clvb :— , TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP. Billingsgate Tim Whifllee Siesta Minervm. Hippodamla Tithfromaa J»uk Normanby r - , Kingaak Parauien* ' Maori Bustard Kalo Hysterr Lady Lyric Nigger Sator. HANDICAP HURDLB RACE. Lone Han* Karkaway Inch Lomond Chr^tmM Reform Chandler Pastime Woodpecker liawenata Cook Robin Tatters Tiamaa „ Miss Walton. In the betting market to-day business iav proved a little, but the wager* written wer» for the moßt part for small amounts. A commission in favour of Merlin was effected on Tuesday, the chestnut being backed foi the Easter Handicap to win close on £400 at 100 to 10. This has had the effect 'of shortening his price, and 6 to 1 is now the best price' offered against him. On the strength of his gallop to-day Maori was inquired after, but, no wager of any note was written in his favour. For the Steeplechase Chandler still rules first favourite, and 60 to 20 was eagerly snapped up about him to-day, and 100 to 6 was also accepted that he winß the two jumping raoea. For the Easter Handicap Leonora and Siesta are equal favourites at 4 to 1. The Governor has visited the Auckland Stu4 Company's establishment, and expressed himself highly pleased with the racing stock.


At these races yesterday the Hurdl* lUw •€ 40 bovb was won by by Mr P. Butler's Qtwmbjr (llßt 91b), with Yovma Diomede* (Bat Tib) second. The District Welter Handicap fell to Mr J. Bright'a Nimrod. The following ns the principal event : —

ASHBURTON AUTUMH HANDIOAf, Of 75 toys, added to a sweep of 3 sots each lor litceyto^s; second hotsa to hato his tt«k«. Oh mite and three-quarters. Mr E. Cutt»' eh o Sou- Wester, 8 yrt, Sit .. 1 Mr M'Evod/s b g Trumpeter, i ys, Bst fib '„ jj Hr G. Lawson's eh f MarchioneH Niel, 8 yrt, firtKV I

Only the three started, Scra'-Wester warn a strong favourite, and yon the iim twCy, Tims, S mm. IS l-sth aeo. j^

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Otago Witness, Issue 1639, 21 April 1883, Page 20

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NOTES BY BEACOS. Otago Witness, Issue 1639, 21 April 1883, Page 20

NOTES BY BEACOS. Otago Witness, Issue 1639, 21 April 1883, Page 20