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Multum in Parvo.

Clinton, lowa, claims to manufacture more lumber than any other point on the Missis sippi river, sawing 113,437.000 feet. Lyons, its neighbour, saws 30^550,000 feet. , Tb.3 Christians of England and Wales hear 80 000 sermons. every Sunday, or 4,000,000 a year. The cost of Christian worship and benevolent enterprises is estimated <at 16,000,000 yearly. . General Sherman, the American Com-wander-in-Chief, has found it necessary to rcaki> an earnest appeal for the impartial treatment of ooloarftd officers and privates in tbonervioe Tb« v>opuiafctou of Viunna, according to the last census, is, 1,106,155. That of Berlin is 1, 122,385 Up to the last census the population of VieDna was the larger of the two. ' . , Household Words will shortly be revived by Mr Charles Dickens in a different form, though without* interfering in any way with All the Year .Round, which will be continued M heretofore. , Mark Firth a wealthy manufacturer, who died recently at Sheffield, England, had given that place a public park, at an expense of $100 000, provided alms houses at an expHns^ of $150 000 and also founded' and liberally endowed Frith college in Sheffield. ESear O*r'ni*TV(in there is a hamlet called Glynnog, which at tho p esent imoment boasts of possessing 19 inhabitants whose united ages amount to 1705 years, being an average of 89 all round. - Bogus chteae-making has now become one of the reoognistd manufactures of America j the adulterations ustd are melted suet or beef fat, lard, and buttermilk, with some "extraot whioh changes the latter substance irom sour to Bweet," Mr John Pender, M.P., in presiding at the half-yearly meeting of the Eastern Telegraph Company, mentioned recently that £10,000 had been bpent in poking up one of their cables at a depth of 2000 fathoms, whioh had bern 10 years in the water, There in considerable exoitement in Chile, near the town of < anete, on account of larg« quantities of gold found by miners in old abandoned mines known as the Lefu mines * Gold is foand in noggeta, some of which, have weighed four, five and, six ounces. A heartless scoundrel named Oldham, liying atßoohdale, England, pushed hiß Bon, lOyears old, into the river to drown him. The. boy on rising to the surface clung to a floating log, and was saved. Oldham wbb. ■entenoed to 25 years' penal servitude. « .. ,' John Francis will Bhortly enter upon his fiftieth year as publisher of the London Athenaeum,' a fact unprecedented in periodical literature It is believed that only oho of the original staff of writers now survives. • An old Highland woman, named Catherine M'Pheraon, who olaims to have been born in 1777, has been arreßted at Hamilton as a vagrant, and sent' to the local hospital, where she will be kept during the remainder, of her life.' „ ','' ,r, r The Bishop of Roohester was hissed and howled at after service at St. Paul> church, Walworth, London, the other, day, because he told the .congregation, that some of its hlgb-atepping rituals would have to be abolished. > :■■'■. . „ ' The paintings of E. Delacroix in the library of the Palais Bourbon are threatened with destruction owing to< the cracking of the wall on which they exist. A commission of experts, architects, painters, and critic* has been appointed to inquire into, the matter, and, if possible, fiecure the'pictureg from further injuries. ; ;jj The Wabasb road has inaugurated a new thing in railroad management by organising a surgical department under the direction of Dr J, T. Woods,, and with local surgeons Boattered along its lines. Employ in and Other injured are treated free of expense. The Princess Louise (Marchioness of Lome) has completed a water-colour sketch of Mr William Lee, the hero of the .novel '.A Sailor's Sweetheart/ lashed, aB he represents himself, in the top of the waterlogged brig in the South Pacific. , . The editor of the New York Christian Aovocate. a few weeks ago, received a subscription irom Mr G J Heney of $240,000 towards tb« building of a hospital, 'to be open to all etots, which the journal in question had <dvpuated in a previous issue. The largest lathe in the world has just been erected at the St diamond Steel wp leu, in the department of the Loire. It is , destined for the turning of 100-ton guns Thin. fine pieoe of machinery was supplied by Sir Joseph Whitworth and Co., of Man cheater, for no Frenoh mak^r could be found to supply it at anything like the price, or time of delivery, offered by that firm. There are now six cardinal bishops, 50 cardinal priests, and 14 cardinal deaoons in th Sacred College at.Rome, only.onej living member of which, the Archbishop.of Prague, , owes his scarlet cap to Pope Gregory XVI. ; . 50 Btill live who were raise 1 to thecardinate by his successor, Pius IX; and' 13, more have been, created and proclaimed by. Leo XIII. A third volume of the letters of Charleß Diokensia being prepared by Miss.DickeDs , and , Miss, Hogarth, .and, will probably be published early in the autumn. „I$ wity con tain an interesting literary correspondence • .between Dickens and Lord Lytton, besides ■ many letters from the former to Sir A. H. Layard. , 4 Canada imported $50,000 worth of cheepe , 12 years ago, but now she exports $10,000,000 Worth a year, and her exports of butter and cheese are $4,000,000 larger than those of wheat. The quality of the cheese has also greatly Improved, and this is ascribed to the factory system. Canadian cheese carried off tha first prize at the Centennial Exhibition against the world, and also at the International dairy fair in New York in 1879.

The earthquake statistics of the quarter o' a century beginning with 1850 and ending with 1875 are said by Dr Julius Stride to reoord no Itsa than 4620 earthquake?. Most ef the 4620 earthquakes of 1850 75 consisted of a series of shocks ; an isolated chock eeemß to have been rare. Nearly one-fourth of these recorded earthquakes, no lesa than. 1,004, occurred on 582 different days along the Alps westward of the Rhine ; while 81 shocks were recorded on 68 different days in Eastern Alps.

The man-of-war Pyramue, captured by Nelson from the Danes in 1801, was sold not long ago in Halifax, N. S. She had served for some time as a training-ship, and was, not reported as at all unseaworthy. The ship which brought General Wolfe to Canada in 1758 is said to be still in active service, and it is only a few years ago that the vessel which brought over the Prince of Orange, afterwards William 111., in 1688, was broken up. A trial at Frelghtberg, in Baden, has brou out the fact that Durlacher Bros , of Kippenheim, in five,months bought sufficient spirits of wine for the manufacture of 653,000 gallons of their wine,' and enough tartanc acid for bhe fabrication of 49.4^000 gallons. The court sentenced each of the prisoners to five mouths' imprisonment and to pay a fine

of $250. ,• Harriet Beecher Stowe has lost all the oranges in her Florida groves, about 100,000, by cold. Her • Uncle Tom ' has been lecturing in Chicago, although he is so old that he can no longer, tr-uoh b{s head with his hands ; though some say t'ois is due to a blow from his master during his 40 years of slave life—, which is his subject. The papers of Chicago say he kept his audience under perfect contrql, .alternately moving it to laughter and tears. • Every night before James Gordon Bennett goe'sto.bed he- ; receives, no matter! in what p^rt of the globe be may be, a resumt of the contents of the New York Herald for the next day, with the headings of the principal articles. If no answer is received from him by 2 3U a.m. ifc is supposed that he has'no suggestions to make, and the, paper goes to pVesa. When he is in Europe these cable dispatches often cost $100 for one night's btidget. Bennett's instructions ' are never to save money. " . • A very' young Ohuroh of England preapaer ■in! Melbourne has succeeded in making a name for" Himself.' He has been denouncing as heathe's all who do not keep Easter according to the letter' of the canon. Some of his congregation have demurred to, his diotum, and these he has "further denounced as " jelly,fiah ChristianH,". ."stating that any Christian who neglects to, obey^he church's direction partake of the saorament of the holy oommuuion upon Easter Day iB no .better than an 'infidel ; because Christ said," "HVthat obtyeth not the church let him be unto you as, an heathen man and a publican." About twenty-two miles , south-weßt of Albuquerque, New Mexico, the ruinß of an anoumt oity have been discovered, whioh, it is claimed, waß one of the cities' of Cibola The xuins of a large church or temple have been discovered whioh measures over two hundred feet square. Some hanvmers have also been unearthed, but nothing in the shape of .sharp edged or Bteel tools has been found. >> ' ' '• ■•' Mr T. E. Marshall, ' harbour master of Madras, ia advocating a Boheme for a canal across the Malayan Peninsula, whichrhe believes would enable the English mails for Hong K< ng to be delivered in 29 days; and a half, or a savlng.of six days anda«half on the present route. > -' St. Gall papers tell a strange story of a married couple, of the name of Gossau,' who : lately left the canton for New -York, via, Havre. During s the voyage the wife poisoned her husband, and tried to" throw his body < overboard. This led to her arrest and the, discovery of the crime. At New York she; was handed over to the police, tried, convic- \ ted, and sentenoed to death. ( She then con»{ festfed to 1 having 'also poisoned her first hus-| band in St Gall, her second hußband being her accomplice. v> A writer in The Times predidts the ap- ; -oearance this year of two immense comets, j which will be visible from Ist April to June 12. He says that they will stretch across one.fourth of the> heavens, that they occupy 2025f years in their revolution, and that 1 they eclipse the brilliancy of. the midday sun, •' and form the original light of creation, the light with which the genesis > of the, world opened, thus fulfilling all prophecy, and settling Biblical chronology beyond dispute." 1 A good opening Is presenting itself to English enterprise in ItUy. The admlnla-l tratipn of the railways, of Upper Italy has decided to obtain the sanction' of the Ministry "of Public Works for inviting tende'S for all the material required for 1881 and 1882 This includes, for 1881, 24 locomotive*, 50 ' passenger carriage?,' and 1040, go. ds trucks'; for 1882, 25 locomotives, 70 psHsmger carriages, and 720 goods trucks. 1 Professor Boyesen estimates that there are 800,000 Scandinavians, mostly Norwegian, in the United States. The Norwegian inimi-' gration began in 1825, when- a company of 53 adventurers came over in a sloop, after haviog been 10 weeks on the ocean They, settled in Orleans and Otsego counties, New York, and soon prospered. The great native banking and trading firm of Yokohama, Mitsiu and 'Co., established three centuries ago, and entrusted with the ohief management of the Japanese Government's: finanoiali business, 1 has opened a i branch house at Leipaic for the direct exportation of German manufactures to Japan and importation of Japanese wares to all parts of the German Empire. One of the chief objects of Mitsiu and Cd.' is' stated to be the introduction upon a large scale of Japanese tea into the' Fatherland, as well as of raw silk. ; Jtvespeoting the origin of the name jEndymlon,' ■as used, ,by Lord , Beaoonafield, the remarks.:— "Endymion himself says thatit.was a family name by Endymion C*ry in the time of Charles I. This 1b another ,of Lord "Beaconstield's little mystifi cations, for he blends in one Luoius Gary (the great Lord Falkland) and Endymion Porter. Now Endymion Porter was the ancestor of Lord Beaboußfield'soldfrietid GeorgeSmy the, afterwards seventh Viscount Strangford, and the name of the third Viscount 'Strangford was also Endymion." . , The London and North-Weßtern'Company maintain the astonishing amount of no less tban 10,000 miles of rail. The oapital embarked in this vast aggregate amounts to no leß3 a Hum than £100,000,000, while its average weekly receipts tall little short of £200, COO. The company annually carry nearly 50.000,000 pßsseni»erß and batween 30,000,000 and. 40,000, 000 tons of merchandiee and minerals, in the conveyance cf whioh their trains mn 25,000 000 miles, while there are employed an army of 40,000 men.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1540, 14 May 1881, Page 6

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Multum in Parvo. Otago Witness, Issue 1540, 14 May 1881, Page 6

Multum in Parvo. Otago Witness, Issue 1540, 14 May 1881, Page 6