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Taylor Brothers' Maravilla Cocoa.-Taylor Blotters, London, having the exclusive supply ol this unrivalled Cooca, invite comparison with any other Cocoa for Purity, fine Aroma, Sanative, Nutritive, and Sustaining Power. One trial will establish it as a favourite beverage for breakfast, luncheon, and a soothing refreshment after a late evening. For favourable opinions, vide Standard, Morning Post, British Medical Journal, &c. , &c. Taylor Brothers' Homoeopathic Cocoa.— This original preparation, whiuh has attained Buch a world-wide reputation, ia manufactured by Taylor Brothers, under the ablest homcceopathic advice, aided by the skill and experience of the inventors, and will be found to combine in an eminent degree the purity, fine aroma, and nutri. tiou» property of the fresh nut. Taylor Brothbrs Soluble chocolate is made in one minute without boiling. Taylor Brothers' Maravilla Cocoa Essbnob or Pure Solublk Cocoa.— This exquisite production will supply a want long felt by cocoa drinkers, namely kind, nourishing, refreshing, and grateful to the palate. In i-lb Tins. Taylor Brothkbs' Chicory.— M»nuf*ctnreci from the finest Belgian Roet. In 28 and i 66-lbtins. Steam Mills, Brick Lane, London. Export Chicory Mills, Bruges, Belgium. Valtjablb Diboovbry tor ihb HAIR.-H your hair turning grey or white, or falling off, use « The Mexioau flair Renewer. ' for it trig poMvely restor in every case Grey orV.tUe Hair to its original co our without leaving the disagreeable smell of most "ReBtorerfl." It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, a well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald soots where the glands are not decayed. Aak your Ciste for "Thb Mbxican Hair Bbnbwbr," prepared by Hbnry O. Gallup, 498 Oxford Btneet, LonSon and sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 8a 6d per bottle.— [Advt.l Fw>bilinb!-For thb Tbbth asd Brbath.-A few drops of the liquid "Fioriline" sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather, whioh thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tart»r, stops decay, eives to the teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, and a delightiul fragrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth or tobacco amoke. "The fragrant Plorlline," being ompesedl in part of honey and sweet herbs, ia dell clous to the taste, and the greatest toilet disoovery of the we. Price 2s 6d, of all Chemists and Perfumers Prepared by Hbnry 0. Gallup, 493 Oxford street, London.— [Adyt.] PUBLIC NOTICES. PUYOR'S GENUINE SEEDS forwarded post free orders over ss. Orders over 10a receive six packets ohoice »nua flgratis. Send Post-offioe order or stamps. Peas pc lb. 6a to 9d Broad Beans per lb. 6d French Beans „ lb Is Runners per lb. Is 6d Onions per oz. 9d Radish per oz. 4d Lettuce „ 9d Turnip „ 4d Cabbages „ 9d Cress „ 4d Beet ii 6d Celery „ la Carrot „ 6d Rhubarb „ Is Parsnip „ 6d OauUflower „2s 6d Field Turnips, Is 6d per lb ; Swede, 2s per lbj Carrots (sorts), 4s per lb j Mangold, Is 6d per lb ; Finest Mixed Lawn Grasses, Is 6d per lb; Perennial Ryegrass; Cocksfoot; Red, White, Alsyke Clovers. Calender of Gardening operations and Price Catalogues free on application, JAMES J. PRYOR, Wholesale and Retail Seedsman, 193, George street, Dunedin. SADDLES I SADDLES ! I HARNESS HARNESS ! ! HENRY RICHARDSON, Saddle and Harness Mantjfactubeb, 58 George street, Dunedin, Has now on view the Largest, Best, and Cheapest stock of Saddlery ever exhibited in New Zealand. A Bavlng of fully 50 per cent is effected by making your purchases at this Establishment. Prices of all kinds of SADDLERY Goods forwarded to any part of the country, F N.B.— Note the address, opposite A and T. Inglis, drapers. •"DHARMACIE DOREE OF THE X let CLASS. F. Lemaire, Director, 14, Rue de Gram* mont, Paris. Prize Medal awarded to Lemaire (Exhibition of Leamington. England, 1877). Depot in all the principal pharmacies of the world. Lemaire's DBNTftmcE Liquor has^ obtained a bronze medal at the Paris Exposition of 1878. ' Its superiority is of such a nature that it preserves the teeth indefinitely ; it gives them at the same time the brilliant whiteness whioh is so much recherchd); it also fortifies the gams, and perfumes the mouth all the day long. Lhhaire's Apozem of Health is now recommended by all physicians to combat constipation, piles, flick headache, with the greatest succbbs. It is also very digestive, and cures the stomach rapidly. Lbmaire's Infallible Injection, cures In three days the most obstinate cases ; it Is of great benefit to old diseases which never have succumbed to any other treatment. Complete cure from Epilepsy, Asthma, Sick Headache, Hysterics, Convulsions, Oppression, and Whooping Cough by the anti-spasmodic granules of Valerianata of Abroplne, approved by the Medical Academy of Paris, and prepared by Lemaire. TOILET POWDER Impalpable, adherent, and Invisible. CH. FAY, Keplaceß with advantage all other powders de viz, and paints; 0, Rue de la Paix, A slight application ia sufficient to give to the face the softness PARIS. and freshness of youth. Dep6t In all the principal perfumer*,

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Otago Witness, Issue 1500, 14 August 1880, Page 28

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Page 28 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1500, 14 August 1880, Page 28

Page 28 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 1500, 14 August 1880, Page 28