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CUSTOMS REVENUE. The following revenue waa received at the Custom house, Dunedln, during the week ending January

THE WEEK'S BUSINESS. Witness Office, Wednesday Kvening. A fair demand for goods has existed during the past week, but there is little of interest to report, as the business done has not passed the limit of ordinary trade requirements. At the moment, teas, after a long lull, are in brisk demand, and importers' stocks of the'present season's are rapidly running down. In sugars there is nothing fresh to report ; yellows continue to be much wanted, and £39 per ton is freely given for fine quality ; whites are quiet, and rule up to £41 apd £41 10s for finest. There is not much business passing in dried fruits, but currants are firm at Gd, and elemes at 7Jd ; sultanas are more plentiful, and do not command over 7d to 7Jd. There is bettor inquiry for, fish, and best brands of salmon move off at 8s 9d to 9s ; lobsters, 10s ; oysters, 5s Gd to 5s 9d ; sardines are worth for halves 8s 6d, quarters 4s 9d to ss. Ales and porter are dull of sale, and quotations are unaltered. Spirits are coming into active inquiry, and all cheap brands of whisky at up to 5s per gallon are in brisk demand. The high price and scarcitj' of Hennessy'a causes second brands of brandies to receive more attention, and small parcels of these are being taken up at list prices. Galvanised iron has been in better inquiry during the wdck, and sales have passed at equal to £30 per ton for known brands. Fencing wire is firm at £17 and £17 10s per ton for No. S. Oornsacks have been affected by the arrival of the Altair, aud prices are lower, although the depression is only looked upon as temporary and uncalled-for. Quotations arc nominally Ss Gd, but parcels arc offering at considerably less money. The grain market continues in' the same dull state. Wheat is only selling in small quantities at up to 3s lid for best' milling. Oats are bring shipped very freely, and stocks arc working off in this way, bO that wo may htill see prices improve. We quote feed at Is 3d to Is 4d ; milling, Is 3d. Barley itsdiill of sale, and worth nominally foi' prime malting 3s Gd to "m Oil.

From Ohrihtehurch we learn that transactions locally have not been excessive, f-alus arc being made at 3s Gd to 3s 7d, while for an extra fine wimple a trifle over that figure io obtainable. In rj mpalliy with English rates, prices help arc recodim> to kucli an extent that busiiic&s would bo poiniib-

sible if freight were reduced. In tho Austra Han ports the sharp falls in wheat were at ones followed by a corresponding drop in freights, and the impression is gaining ground here that with present values freights should and will come down to a comparison with Australian rates. There can be no question that such a course would stimulate operations here considerably. Oats : Considerable sales have been made dining the week at the old prices— good stout oats at Is 2d to Is 3d ; and for best descriptions, Is 4d to Is 4Jd. Tartars are slow of sale unless of seed quality. Barley : The few transactions that have come under notice have been chiefly in feed kinds. The market is still remarkably depressed, and disposing of any sorts other than really good almost impossible. Potatoes are offering freely, and are quoted at 25s to 27s (id. Grass seed : There is no change either in ryograss or cocksfoot, and business in both lines is of the most restricted nature. Dairy produce : Butter, B}d to 9d ; cheese, 4d to 5d ; hams and bacon scarce

We learn from Tiinaru that stocks of wheat for direct Home shipment are rapidly increasing, and although three or four largo vessels arc daily expected, they will be quite unable to meet the demand for freight. The grain market shows a weaker tendency, and 3s for prime milling wheat is the highest quotation obtainable. Oats are nominally at Is, but no transactions are taking place, and producers are at their wits' end what to do with the enormous stocks accumulated in this district. WHOLESALE PRICKS. ' DRIKD FRUITS. Currants 6|d; Sultanas 8d |Elemes,Bd; Musette, la 6d ALES. M'Ewau's, Us | Tcnnent'sorYounger's, porter (duty paid). Blood's, lla 9d I Pig brand, 12a 6d Quiness's, 12s 6d I tba (duty paid). Common, Is 10d to Is lid I Boxes, 20=) to 303 dood med'm, 2a 3d to 2s4'i ( Orantje pekoe, 2a Superior kinds, 2e 9d to 3b 3d | Gunpowdtr, 2s 6d to saaAR (duty paid). Fino whitoa, £49 to £60 i Rations, £40 to £42 Grey crystals, £48 <o 447 I Victorian whites, £46 to bellow do, £4£> to £<6 I £49 Second jrollow, £13 to £44 | Cru.shed loaf — Am'n-54 RIOB. Patnarice, £27 ; dres»> .1 < ic*. £29 per ton. brandy: nsaociated V'd, 8s Gd to 24. i u». in case 41s HentieHSj's 12=i 6d per gal | Bisquit's bs 6d and 24s Martell'a, 12a 6d per gal. WHISKT. Dunville's, 17s and 183 lilenury, 6s 6d Glonlivet, 9s Scotch and Irian, 6s to 7s Rob Hoy, in ca=e, 19a .Lonprjohn's.ln case, 18a 6d Old Highland, 10< Hazelburn whisky.b'if, 6s M'G-regor's Balmenach M'Gregora's Pine Old Whisky, 6s 6d Highlaud whisky Lome, bulk, 6s 6d, case 1 | RUM. In bulk, 4s 6d to Bs 6d | GHNKVA. JDKZ, per case, 16a I Old Tom, per case, Bur<waiu's Boord's, 13s | nett's, 14s Key, 15s KEROSENR. Noonday, 2s 2d I Noupareil, 2s 2d Astral, 2s 2d I Calcium Light 2s 2d THE MARKETS. GROCERIES. Retail prices only :— Presh I butter,la2dto l»6i Bread, over the counter, per Ib. 6d ; do. delivered, s£d. Salt, Is 2d per lb. Oatmeal, 251bs, Si 6d Fresh eggs, 23 Od per doz. Dri«dapples,6dtoBdperlb Bacon, Is per lb. Jam, Ho tin, 8d to 9d Ham, Is to Is 2d, scarce. ! American salmon, lOdto 1b Cheese, 8d to lOd. Potatoes, 28 lbs Is ; lla Milk, 4d to 5d per quart. per cwt, Honey, 8d per lb. I MBit. The City Company reports, under] date the 19th inßtant :— Roasting beel, 3d to 8d Mutton, ljdjto 5d per lb. Pork, Bd. •Ueaks, 6d to Bd. Veal, 4d to 7d. Boiling, 2d to 3d Lamb, 2s to 3 i 6d. To hotels and boarding-housea the charge all round is 4d to sd. GREBN GROCERIES. Me-srs Lamer and Landorf report, under date the 19 h instant :— \pplos— enting, 3d 41 and Cooking Pean, 41 per lb. 6J per pound ['cars, 4d 64 and 8d per lb. Vpples— baking, 4d Lemons, 2a 6d to 4a per doz flhe- touts, 4 per lb. Grapes, bothouss 3s par OrmgcH.6 and 8 for Is lb. New Walnuts, 3d per doz. Quinces, 4d per pound VEGETABLES. Cabbages, 3d each Potatoes, 16lb to 20lb, Is ; Do per dozen, 2s Cauliflowers, 4dto6deach | Carrots and turnips, Is 6d Onions, 14lbs 1b per dozen POULTRT. Fowls, 5i to 7s uer pair I Ducks, 8s to 10s per pair Geese, 103 to 18s per pair | Turkeys, 83 to 20s each FISH. Mr Melville reports, under date the 19th instant :— There is a plentiful supply of cod iv the market at present. Qus>UtionB :— Flounders, 2s to 6s per doz I Blue cod, 6d to Is 3d each vfullot, 28 per doz I Soles, 6s to 10s par doz Girflsh, Is to 23 per doz Oysters, Is per doz, in the Crayfish, from 3s per doz shell. Red cod, 6d to 9d each Groper, 3d to 4d per lb. SEEDS Meafirs NJmmo and Blair report under date 19th ult :— Prices below are nominal, little or no business heina; transacted :— White Clover, Is 2d per lb Rihgrass, f 6d'por pound Red Clover, 9d per lb Sheep's PaMey, 9 1 per lb Cowgras I*,1 *, Is per pound Gors«, 2s per pound Alsiko, Is 2<i per pound Ryo Grain, 6s per bushel Trc-foll, 61 per pound Perennial Sye Grss<» Seed Lucerne, Is par pound Machine cleaned, 4s 6d Timothy, 6 1 per oound per bushel. Cocksfoot, 4id per pound | Rapo, 4d per pound WHOHSULE PRODUCE RBPORTS. Mr T Fleming, Princes stroet south/reports, under date the 19th instant : - Good Sample Mill. Wheat, Straw. £2 per ton 3i ]ofl to 4f» ppr bushel Bran. £3 per ton Fowls' wheat, 3s to S3 3d Podard, £4 per ton Oats, per bushel, Is 3 1 Flour, £10 6i to £10 103 to Is 4tJ per ton, large sacks Malt Barley. 3s lOd to 4s 8d Oatmeal, £9 10s per ton per bushel. Pearl Barley, £18 per ton Fed, 2s fid t" 3s perbshl. Onions, 7s per cwt Potatoes,£2 los New Oheeße, 6d per lb. Old Hay, £4 per ton Bacon, rolled, lOd per lb. New Oaten Hay, £3 Haras, Is per lb. Chaff, £3 per ton Sides Bacon, lid per lb Messrs Ajiderson and Co., millers, report, under date the 19th instant :— Flour, £10, £10 10 a, per ton f Pearl Barley, £30 per ton Outmeai, £10 per ton I Fowl's wheat, 3s 6d to 4 Pollard, £4 per ton ' par oushel Brim, £2 10s ror ton I Oats, Is 4d to Is 6d per Barley dust £3 10s per ton [ bushel. Messrs Bastings, Luary, and Co. have to report having sold by auction, in the township of Waikaia, Switzcrs, section 1, block XVIII, £71 ; section 2, block XVIII, £32 ; section 3, block XAIII, £35 ; section 1, block XIII, £37 3s ; section IS, block XIII, £15 ; section 19, block XIII, £IG. Messrs Bastings, Lkary, and Co. on Monday sold part of allotment 30, township of Kensington, having a frontage to Orosvenor street of 26 feet (i inches, by a depth of 105 feet, with buildings erected thereon, for £270. Mr Donald Stronach (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited) roports for the week ending 10th May as follows :— Fat Cattle were again in good supply at Burnsido to-day, 230 head having been yarded (of which 30 wore stores). Fat bullocks realised from £7 to £Ll los, and cows up to £0 12s 0d per head. We disposed of another draff, on account of Mr Samuel Garforth (of Canterbury), consisting of prime wcll-comlilioiipil bullocks, at from CO 30s to £11 10s, or equal to fully 25!) per 30011). Quotations generally ruled about wvnio as last week, say 22s (id to 2.">s for prime and 18s to 21 h per 1001b for indifferent lieef. Fat Calves. - Twelve head wore sold at 32s to 355. Fal Shuo)>. Two thousand two hundred and sixtytwo head \\ei<> penned, anil sold at li !)d for merino ; and from 30 . Oil to 12s (id for crossbreds. We cleared, on behalf of Mi John Duncan, of Cherry Farm, 101 head al, JOy Oil 'tnil l()-> 0d ; and ulao a draft on account of Alr.l. U. (iic'V, at lO.d Oil. The demand we.-, fair, i luil piiiv-, wore luivl.v ii)> to Uio->o of lasA markot. I (iuoLition for benl mill ton about ?rt jier lb. > Fat Liuubii.— I 1 illy head wore sold al Su (id.

Wool.— Telegrams from London during tho past week have not been encouraging as to the state of the market there, which by latest" advices was reported quiet with downward tendency. We wait anxiously in hopes of a return of confidence at the renewal of the sales this evening, after tho Whitsuntide holidays. Shecpikins.— Supplies forward at tho auctions this week have been small. Our catalogue on Monday was cleared at some improvement on last week's rates. Prices obtained were as follow :— Butchers' crossbred skins, 2s 8d to 3s 4d ; merinos, up to 2s 6d ; station skins up to 3s lOd.

Hides are unchanged at last week's quotations, at which wo are placing all coming forward, say 20s each for butchers' green hides, and 3^d per lb for wetsalted.

Tallow.— We quote as before, 25s for well-rendered tallow, and 16s per cwfc. for rough fat. Grain. — Wheat : Beyond pales of a few small parcels for shipment transactions have been almost nit, and last week's prices are (scarcely maintained, except for the very best parcels. Such descriptions might be placed at about 4s ; but for inferior qualities there is no inquiry. Fowl's feed is nominally as before, 2s 6d to 'is, but the supply is in excess of the demand. Oats : The demand docs not improve, and considerable stocks arc being held in hopes of a better market. At present Is 4d is the top price for feed oats. Barley : Demand very slack, and our last week's quotations could scarcely be secured. We quoto, nominally, 3s (3d for first-class malting.

Messrs Wright, Stepiienson, and Co. report for the week ending 19th May as follows : —

Fat Cattle. — We have again to report a full supply 236 head being yarded, fully two-thirds of which were only of medium quality, tho rest really prime. Prices obtained ruled about equal to last week's quotations. Wo sold 125 head as follows :— From Granton Estate, 8 he ad bullocks and cows, at up to £9 12s Gd for former, and £7 10s for the latter ; on account of James Shand, Esq., 20 bullocks, at from £6 15s to £9 ; on account of Messrs M'Leod Brothers (Woodlands), 11 cattle, at from £4 10s to £0 12s Cd ; on account of the Henley proprietors, 31 steers and heifers at up to £7 17s Gd for the former, and up to £6 10s for the latter ; on account of Messrs D. M'Donald, W. Young, and others, 35 head bullocks and cows at fair rates. We quote extra prime beef at 25s per 1001b ; ordinary, 20s.

Fat Calves.— Twelve penned, which we sold at from 34s to 40s each.

Fat Sheep. — To-day's supply — 2262 — was considerably in excess of the trade's requirements, about onefourth having to be held over for next week's market. We sold on account of Mr Malcolm M'lntyre 301 crossbred wethers at from 9s 3d to 9s 9d ; on account of Messrs Ross Bros, 45 crossbred wethers at lls 6d, and 302 crossbred ewes at from 9s 6d to 9s 9d ; on account of E. Menlove, Esq., 51 crossbred ewes at lls Gd ; on account of Messrs Murray, Roberts, and Co. , Gladbrook, 347 crossbred wethers at from lls to 12s 9d, and 115 crossbred ewes at from 9s 3d to lls ; on account of Mr Ralph Spraggon, 240 crossbred wethers, at from Ss 6d to i)s 9d. We quote prime mutton at 2d per lb. Privately we have sold 250 crossbreds at quotations.

Fat Lambs. — Only 50 penned. These we sold, on account of Mr Smith, at 8s Gd each.

Store Cattle and Store Sheep.— We have no sales to report.

Country Sales.— Wo desire to call attention to tho following sales :— At Otepopo, on Tuesday, 25th inst., we shall sell, on account of Mr W. A. Todd, the whole of his superior draught stock, dairy cattle, &c; at the Elbow Farm, near Otakia, on Friday, 28lh inst., wo shall sell, on account of Mr W. F. Christie, the whole of his heavy draught stock, dairy cattle, farming implements, &c. (See advertisement.) Sheepskins.— We held our weekly sale on Monday last. There was tho usual attendance of buyers, and tho competition for each lot was fairly animated. Butchers' crossbreds brought from 2s lOd to 3s 3d ; merinos, from 2s Id to 2s sd ; f ull-woolled skins, ss.

Hides are in good demand. During the week we have sold 97 at qnotations. We quote sound wetsalted at 3|d per lb. Tallow is in better inquiry. This week we sold at auction several tons of prime mutton at £28 per ton ; rough fat, £16. Grain. — Wheat is in full supply, but the demand is very slack, millers only buying sufficient to supply immediate requirements. We quote prime milling samples, nominally, at 3s lid per bushel ; ordinary, 3s 9d to 3s lOd ; fowl's wheat, 2s 6d to 3s. Oats are in fair request. We quote prime milling at Is 5d to Is Cd per bushel ; good feed, Is 4d. Barley, very difficult to quit.

Maclean and Co. report for tho week ending 19th May as follows :—

Fat Cattle.— A full supply of 236 was yarded to-day, about 25 of which were stores, the balance being fair to good quality. Bidding was very languid, consequently several pens had to bo turned out unsold, the trade having full supplies on hand. Bullocks realised from £7 2s Gd to £11, and cows from £5 15s to £6 10s, for prime quality. We yarded 35 head, but several lots not coming up to owners' limits, had to bo passed. We quote prime beef at 20s to 22s Gd ; medium, 17s Cd, per 1001b.

Fat Sheep. — Of these there was also a large supply, 22G2 boine; penned, nearly all being good-quality crossbreds. The demand was less active than for weeks past, and a decline of about Is per head had to be submitted to, and several lots were turned out unsold. Crossbreds ranged from 10s to 12s Od per head. We sold 505 crossbreds at quotations, on account of Messrs James Wilson and James Gall ; 05 merino owes on account of Mr P. M'Leod, Shag Valley, at 4s 9d ; and a few Southdowns at 14s Cd each. We quote prime mutton l]d per lb.

Fat LamlH.— Only about 50 were penned, which sold at 8s 6d each

Fat Calves. — Twelve camo forward. We sold seven at from 12s to 355, aacording to size and quality. Fat Pigs.— A largo supply of about 150 came forward, for which there was a very good demand, the whole lot being cleared. Our sales consisted of 54, on aaceount of various vendors, which realised from £2 13s to £3 18s for prime quality ; ordinary, from 20s to 455. We quote prime porkers at s^d per lb. Store Cattle and Sheep. —For tho week wo have no transactions, although both descriptions arc inquired for. Wool, — The following cablegram has been received from the Home market, dated 14th instant:— "At the wool sales, merino fleece and merino lambs' wools are unchanged, but crossbreds are 2id to 3d lower compared with previous sales." In tlie local market there are no transactions to report.

Sheepskins. — At our weekly sale on Monday last wo offered a moderate catalogue, disposing of same at satisfactory prices. Butchers' crossbreds brought up to 3s sd ; merinos (heavy), up to 3s lid ; lambskins (ordinary), Is lOd. Hides.— We have no sales to report. Tallow. — During the week we have placed several tons of tallow at prices from 22s to 25s Gd per cwt. Grain.— Wheat has been dull of sale during the week, and prices recently ruling are barely maintained. , Prime Samples are now selling at 3s lid ; fowl feed, 2s r 9d to 3s. Oats have been in slightly better inquiry during the week, but without any improvement in prices. Good feed may be quoted at Is 3d to Is 4£d ; milling, Is sd. Barley : At present no sales to report.

Messrs Donald Rkid and Co. report for week ending- Wednesday, May 19th, as follows :—

Fat Cattle.— 2oG yarded. This number consisted of about 40 stores, tho balance comprising medium quality. A few pens were prime. All found buyers at fully last week's rates. Best bullocks brought'£8 10s to ,ClO 15s ; others, £5 10s to £7 15s ; cows from £5 7s Gd to £B— or equal to 22s Gd per 100 lb for prime, 18s to 20s medium quality. We hold, on account of Mill Muir, 13 bullocks, at £7 15s ; on account of Mr George Wallace, 10 head, to £9 15s ; on account of Mr A Barnett, five head, to £8 15s ; on account of Mr Smith and others, 14 head, to £9 15s.

Fat Calves.— Twelve yarded, and sold at ISs to 50s each.

Fat Sheep.— 22G2 penned, chiefly crossbred of good to prime quality. Prices show no advance. Best crossbred brouyht lls M to 12s Gd ; others, 9s 9dtolos Od ; merino wethers., 8s Od to 9s ;do ewes, 4s 9d. We quote prime mutton 2)d per lb. Fat Lambs. — The season being now nearly over, only f>o c amc forward, and brought 9s 3d.

tf'loro Slock.— No transactions to report.

Sheepskins.™ Monday's .sales were well attended. Competition being keen, prices made an advance on mloi ruling sit last week's sales. JJutehor-s' crosbbred hroiiKhliShSil to 3s 3d; lambs, 3s 3d; station skins,

1 1 IdoH continuo to meet with ready sale at full rate;. Sluci) our last report wo .sold 231 at B|d per lb for wi i-Miilh'il, '20', huti'heis' green hides.

Tillow.— The limited quantil;, coming foiwnnl Ins i 1 IriHod Inuincs'j. Demand in execo-i of supply. M\< •mill ii tew '■mall lors at — prime nun ion, to'2(is; 'mixed, H'.'t to ; .i, ; buLcherb' fat, 10s per owl. County yak'!.— Wo bey to direct fitloni.ion to (.ho !',uiu'mi! cUuiiuy wile to l.c hold \\t Jlr ,i,\s WhiltM latin, CrosJiill," North Taieri, on Tuesda;, , tho :>sf,h iuoUnl, when we will oiicr the wholool' iiiy uliubly

farm stock, horses, dairy cows, fat cattle, implement^ harness, &c, for positive sale. Grain.— Wheat: A fair supply has come forward! during the week. Notwithstanding 1 that prices arc easier, buyers show no disposition to increase stocks ; sales have therefore been confined to supply of export orders and some small parcels for milling. Holders do not readily accept the reduced rates ruling, and in some cases prefer to ship on their own account, or to store in the expectation that prices will improve. Oats : There is a full supply, with rather better inquiry. Values are without any noticeable change. Barley is neglected, with prices in favour of buyers. Quotations nominal. We quote— Wheat : prime milling, 3s 9d to' 3s lid; medium do, 3s 7d to 3s 9d; inferior and fowl's feed, 2s 8d to 3s 3d. Oats : Bcsb milling, Is 5d to Is Gd ; feed do, Is id to Is sd. Barley : Malting, nominal, 2slod to 3s 3d ; milling do, 2s 7d to 3s. Grass seed,[2s Gd to 3s Gd ; bran, £3 por ton ; potatoes, best Dements, £2 12s to £3. THE WOOL SALES. Messrs Oaroills, Gmus, and Co. received tho following telegram from Messrs Helmuth Sehwartee and Co. London, dated Hth instant :—" During the last week tendency has been downwards. Prices for all merino wools are equal to lowest of last series. Crossbreds, 2d to 2^d lower."

We extract tho following from tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company's London Circular of 26th March :—


The advancing tendency in tho value of money, referred to in our Circular of the 27th ult., continued throughout the first fortnight of the past month, under the influence chiefly of a further restriction in tho supply of available capital. Rates for three months' best bills rose to fully the Bank minimum, and caused that institution to receive a large accession of business from outside sources. Recently, however, the discount market lias become weaker, and rates for 90 days' bank paper have eased to 2$ to 2$ per cent., which may be considered to-day's quotation ; six months' similar bills are only fractionally higher, tho nearest rate being about 2$ per cent. The payment of the dividends on the sth prox. will throw large sums upon the market, and discounts will then probably fall to a yet lower level. The bill-brokers, in view of this, are readily paying 2J per cent, for loans of seven to 14 days, in order that they may obtain the benefit of to-day's quotations for bills. A considerable business has been done in loans for Stock Exchange purposes, and in connection with the settlement concluded on the 17th inst., the charge from account to account on Foreign and Colonial Government stocks ruled about 4 per cent. Loans at call on English Govei'nnieni securities are obtainable at 2J per cent. Four weekly returns of the Bank of England havo been published since our issue of the 26th ult. Chiefly through the heavy increase in the Government deposits, caused by the revenue collections, the liabilities have risen during the month from £33,313,631 to £38,588,364, while the reserve in the same period has advanced from £16,617,381 to £17,681,336. The proportion of the latter account to the former has accordingly fallen from 49§ to 45g per cent. On the other hand, the slock of coin and bullion has increased to the extent of nearly £700,000, the sum now in the vaults of the Bank being £28,970,521. The active circulation marks a contraction of some £400,000, and at present stands at £26,289,185. The external movements of gold, according to tho returns published in the London Gazette, show that in the four weeks last ended the total import amounted to £378,011, and the export to £536,815.


With the exception of New Zealand stocks the movements of Colonial Government securities, although generally-tending upwards, have not been important New Zealand issues on the other hand mark a distinct advance. Holders of the scrip of the last new loan are already availing themselves of the option to convert the same into 4 per cent, inscribed stock at tho rate of £120 of said stock for every £100 of the 5 per cent, scrip. As evidence of the favour shown to this option of conversion the scrip of the recent issue has risen to ll£ premium. The 4 per cent, inscribed stock is to-day quoted at 90^ to 91. The principal changes to note in Colonial stocks for the month are :— New South Wales aud Queensland securities remain without alteration. South Australian 4 per cents, have fallen L Victorian 5 and 4^ per cents, have risen £, while the 4 per cents, are } lower. New Zealand stocks generally have advanced about 2 per cent., but tho scrip of the new loan has improved fully 4 per cent. For to-day's general quotations we refer to the usual table on page 3, and further direct the attention of our readers to the following recent announcements :— Oamaru (N.Z.) Waterworks Seven per Cent. Debentures for £50,000. — The above loan represents the balance of a total authorised issue of £110,000. Subscriptions were invited under date the 28th ultimo by Messrs Cargills, Joachim, and Co., at the rate of £104 per £100 debenture, payable 5 per cent, on application and the remainder on the 17th instant. The list was opened on the 2nd, and closed on the 4th instant, the aggregate amount applied for being £61,100.

Bank of Australasia.— lncluding £2200 brought forward, the net profit for the year ended in October last was £174,625. Out of this sum £6000 has been appropriated to the reduction of Bank premises account, £17,000 added to the reserve, and £75,000 applied to the payment of a half-year's dividend at the rate of 12£ per cent, per annum free of incomo tax, leaving £76,625 to be carried forward for future appropriation. The Bank has obtained the necessary powers to increase the nominal capital to £2,000,000. THE SHARE MARKET. Mr J. B, Bradsiiaw reports for week ending: Saturday, 15th May : — Bank of New Zealand shares, at £19 15s to £20; Colonial Bank, 455 ; National Bank, 60s ; New Zealand Insurance, 50s ; National Insurance, 21s Gd (ouiii div.); Union Insurance, l(is to 16s 6d; South British Insurance, 445; Standard Insurance, 9s Cd; Colonial Irisurance, 7s 6d (cum div.); Otago and Southland Investment, 30s ; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, 90s ; National Mortgage and Agency, 245 ; Scottish and New Zealand Investment, 21s ; Colonial Investment and Agency, 21s; New Zealand Shipping, 70s ; Union Steam .Ship, 1755 ; Gladstone Gold-mining 1 Company, 10s 6d to 13s (cum div.) Money secured on freehold property, 8 and 9 per cent, per annum. COMMERCIAL TELEGRAMS. CmusTciiimcii, May 17th. The stock market this week was very satisfactory, and the quality of the sheep yarded was exceptionally good. Mutton, 2d per lb ; beef, however , was slow; and pigs, though more numerous than usual, were not up to curers' requirements. Matson and Co. sold some 800 bank and insurauco shares on Saturday. 500 Colonial Insurance shares fetched 6s 6d each ; 225 Standard, 9s each ; and 10 Union, 16s 6d each. MINING NOTES. Mr J. F. Watson reports for the week ending 19th May :— Reef ton. — The Keep-it-Dark Co.'s amalgam for tho week was 2170z. from 192 tons of quartz, tho yield for the three weeks being 2230z. retorted gold. Tho Golden Treasure Company have increased their crushing power, and expect a good result. The Golden Fleece is looking well, and another good cake may bo expected. Macotown. — Tho Gladstone Company returned 3G7oz. from 94 tons of quartz. The Tipperavy returned 4170z. from 550 tons of stone, and the Maryborough Company CSoz. from 58 tons of stone. The'lloiiiowanlBound Company are still going on crushing. Bendigo Gully.— The Cromwell Company are driving on the new reel", which shows good stone. Ilimlon. — The Ilindon Company are crushing" con btautly, and also the New Caledonia Company. Keep-it-Dark Company, 13s (id to 14 s; Woloome, 30s ; Tipperary, ,£IS ; Cromwell, 32s Od ; Homeward Bound, Cs ; Gladstone, 10s to 12s (M. THE LABOUR MARKET. May lilth. Mr Skunk reports :—: — A slightly better tono in tho murkol. There are fewer unemployed about (own. A grout manj luwc taken to the country, and elmuoo it. liut (here is no need for trained ploughmen, oouplos, and dairy people taking such a step : for thovo is a fair ilonuuui always for such, although wagos ;uv Itaok, tluou>>h the tow pricu of farm jmidiu-o. Tho iniiUlinu Inuio is move aolivo ; hut tln-re ii s >v lot of broken time. Well ti. lined ghl' in all iloimrtnuuit-i «iv w.uiiod. Females ,uo nuisft \\anlo,l for holoK at. pio out. \Y;i !><■>< : Couple, f«5 to l\S0; '.hophoiil:, >vo ; dn labour, (*,-, Vs, ,\M ,ss • ploui'limiMi, Cf>2 ; milKoi . bo,\ •» aiul ;;ii 1~, UK <o t&j mid Ifis ; nioii, SOs jiiul i:.!., ; oiwkrf, wn<<>M i, boot 1 , \o •JOs to .'iO mud (10 1 ; f,r<>o'i\,, ivuilonor., ,md '^nUoi'v -\\ sonani >, &v to .<o» ; upper oltv«s fomnlo 'own'ls *><h to 'IDs; onllntiry fouwlo wrvanls, 10=, 325, ond im* n»«;;o bo f \H, bis to lOy '

Stay lilth,


liiThursday .. Friday Saturday .. Monday Tuesday . . Wednesday „ £ s. d. 1026 19 1 824 17 4 636 18 7 820 J6 0 594 11 3 1161 17 9 Total £5355 15 0

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Otago Witness, Issue 1488, 22 May 1880, Page 15

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Commercial. Otago Witness, Issue 1488, 22 May 1880, Page 15

Commercial. Otago Witness, Issue 1488, 22 May 1880, Page 15