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(Reuteu's Special to Press Association.) London, February 17th. ' The San Francisco mail has been delivered. The Acoucanga has arrived via Suez. Wheat ia Is higher. February 18th. The German Tariff Commission have resolved t > admit raw wool duty free. Consols, %^ The wool sal^s have opened, There is a good demand, and prices are firm. February 19bh. The President of the Council of Ministers of Egypt advitiea that, consequent on the difficulties of retrenchment, threatening demonstrations have been made by disbanded officers of Egypt. The New Zealand loan is 1 per cent, higher. A British column was atbacked by 4000 Zulus. The British gained a complete vie tory, with trifling losa. The first portion of the reinforcements has left England. Mr Berry has seen the associated banks. There is a difference of opinion. He thinks the Victorian loan should be floated at par. The opinion on the Stock Exchange ia in favour of 95 per cent. The Peninsular and Oriental Company have sent in a tender ottering a fortnightly mail for £85,000. 1 February 22nd. The total reserve in notes and bullion in the Bank of England is £18,000,000. Australian tallow— best beef, 6i lower ; best mutton, Is lower. February 23rd, Colonel Stanley, Secretary of State for War, has been authorised to express to General Lord Chelmsford, Commander.inChief at Natal, the sympathy and confidence of the Queen. The Army Estimates are £15,025,000, being a decrease of £2,156,250. February 24th. 1 The death of the Duko of Newcastle is announced. Constantinople, February 23rd. The Bulgarian Legislative Assembly has been opened at Tirnova. St. Petersburg, February 23rd. The Russian Governor General of the Province of Kharker has been shot by an assassin, and is severely wounded. Berlin, February 23rd. | The death of Field- Marshal Yon Roon ia announced to-day. Vienna, February 22nd. The report of the Committee of the Lower House of the Austro- Hungarian Empire approves of the proposal to apportion amongst Austrian firms the Government grant of 100,000 florins for Austriau representation at the Sydney Exhibition. Bombay, February 2 1st. General Roberta' headquarters have baen transferred to Thull. The Coinmander-in-Chief of India has gone to Jellalabad. February 23-d. A large meeting of Mollahs ha* been held at Cabul, and declared that Shere AH had sought Russian help, and that therefore a religious demonstration in his favour has been unlawful. Cape Town, February 4fch. The British forces are acting on the defensive, bub the Zulus aro not attacking. Colonel Peai son's British column ia entrtmched at Akowi. The commanilfr-in-c'uef ami staff are going to join him there, The Native contingent was co b". disbanded on the 28fch. (Special to Pr-ess Association.) London, February 16th. Latest Cape news s bates that the force und-ir Colonel Peason 13 safely established at Ekope. Ther* are now no hostile Zulus in the Colony of Natal. February 17th. A Home Rule candidate was elected by a large majority for Cork ia the room of a deceased member, Lord Napier of Magdala, summoned Home from Gibraltar, arrived in London to* day,

j February 18th. Lord Napier of Magdala has been recalled i from Gibraltar, and appointed commanderin- chief against the Zulus. Sir Chas. Dilke has given notice in the House of Commons of a resolution condemning the Zulu war. The new German tariff allows the free importation of wool, and taxes copper. A serious riot occurred at Cairo. The mob insulted the Khedive, and tbrew missiles at the Ministers. Sir Alexander Malet (?) is appointed Ambassador at Constantinople. Anarchy reigns in Thessaly, and the military and police have conflicted. For the Tyne Champion Cup Elliott defeated Higgins easily. The wool sales opened with 25,000 bale 3, and they were largely attended by Home and foreign buyers. Cape wool preponderated. Prices were similar to the last, inferior fleeces being lower. February 19fch, Roumania has apologised to the Czar for collision at Galatz. Riots have occurred in Cairo. The Ministers were seriously wounded. It is suggested that Thessaly should be divided into eight provinces, for better government. General Kaufmaun received Shere Ali's embassy with honour, but distinctly refused to assist him with troops or money against England. February 20th. The Zulus have been often defeated. The British are on the defensive, waiting English reinforcements. It is proposed to send Indian troops to j Africa. February 21st. Later Cape news states that the British column under Colonel Wood, which successfully repulsed the attack by 5000 Zulus, has since fallen back upon Utrecht, in Natal. Shere AH is still at Nazir Sharif, in North Afghanistan. February 22nd. Tha Bank reserve is stronger. The fctock markets present no new feature. Government debentures are quiet. Victorian are lower. The wool market shows symptoms of weakness, and prices aro 10 per cent, lower than at last February's sales. The corn market is unchanged. February 23rd. _ A Greek archbishop was murdered in the streets of Adrianople by Bulgarian refugees. Mr Isaac Butfc, M.P., the Home Ruler, is seriously ill. Shere Ali is reported dying at Gaugien, The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency report, üßder date London, 19th February : — "The wool sales opened yesterday at the level of last sales, and will comprise about 250,000 bales. 20,000 bales have been sent to the manufacturing districts direct. The opening catalogue contained 19,000 bales. The Continental demind is good, but the Home trade is purchasing sparingly. Superior greasy is firmer, crossbreds easier. Trade in the manufacturing districts is unchanged. The sales closed on tbe 17th of March. Tho Army estimates amount to £15, 625, 000, beiDg a decrease of £2,156,250. London, undated. The Queen sympathised with the sufferers at the Cipe, and applauded the valour of the British troops, The Ameer of Cabul is dying of gangrene from an old wound. The Homo Ruler Butt is moribund. Vienna, February 22nd. A committee of tho Lower House of the Austro- Hungary. Empire approves of the proposal to apportion amongst Austrian firms the Government grant of 100,000 florins for Austrian representation at the Sydney Exhibition. St. Petersburg, February 15th. The Czar has issued a manifesto ratifying the definitive Russo - Turkish Treaty of Peace, which was signed at Constantinople on the SA. The withdrawal of Ruisian troops from Turkish tenitory has commenced. (Special to the Melbourne Argus.) London, February 15th. The Victorian Embassy arrived Home all well. The Bank minimum is unchanged. Money is becoming scarce in the open market. The accumulation of gold in the Bank continues. The reserve ia 15J millions. Stocks and markets are unsettled. Consols are being affected by the African disaster. Australian securities have suffered somewhat by sympathy with other descriptions of stock. The New Zaaland Agricultural Company, promoted by Sir J. Vogel and Mr Larnach, has been floated with difficulty, and despite the opposition of the Times. The first issue of shares, to the amount of £800,000, has been subacribed. February 22nd. The Victorian Embassy are to meet the Secretary for the Colonies (Sir Michael Hicks-Beach) on Wednesday ntxb. The Bank reserve ia stronger. The wool sales are showing symptoms of weakness, and prices now are ruling 10 per cent lower than at the last February sales. The corn imrket is unchanged. Tho winner of the Waterloo Cup was Miller's Mustulon, Carruthers' Commerce beiug runner-up. The Waterloo Purse was won by Dear Erin, and the Waterloo Plate by Musical Box. (Special to the Timaru Herald.) London, February 19tb. The despatch of Lord Napier to Natal h regarded with general favour, and as being a sign that it is intendtd to entirely crush the Zulus. j News from Sfc. Peterburg leads to the belief that a war between Russia and China is almost unavoidable. It is rumoured that troops aro being hastily withdrawn from Turkey in order to meet the Chinese. . o INTERCOLONIAL. (Reuter's Special to Press Association.) Melbourne, February 21sfc. A deputation interviewed the Deputy Postmaster.General to-day, regarding the prohibition of the uae of a code of figures ia ,

cable messages to Europe, urging that it was inconvenient to the mercantile community of the Colonies. The Deputy- Postmaster promised to take steps to insure the representation of the Colonies at the International Cable Conference to be held in July next. . , Communication with. Port Darwin is >restored. The Adelaide lines are working badly. February 22nd. Governor Bowen and family left to-day by the Suez mail steamer, for Mauritius. His Excellency was accorded the usual honours. Cahill swam 15 miles in the Yarra in six hours to-day. February 26fch. The Hon. W. J. Clarke, president of the Exhibition Commission, gave a dinner laßt night in the Town Hall. The Governor and about 400 guests were present. The weather is very warm. Rain, which is much wanted, has fallen in some parts of the country. The Ringarooma, with the Marquis of Normanby on board, arrived at Hobart Town last night. She is expected here at 4 p.m. The inauguration will take place immediately on the Governor's arrival. Ministers have left in the Government steamer Victoria to meet him. Sydney, February 20th. Mr Roberts, the Mayor, gave a fancy dress ball last night to 2000 guests. February 21st. The Assembly has passed an Outlawry Bill through all its stages. It gives the power of outlawry for crimes committed across the border. In consequence of the Bank refusing further advances, the Sydney Corporation has no funds to pay its labourers. It has applied to the Government for an instant loan. February 25th. _ A public holiday is observed to dxy in consequence of the ceremony of unveiling the statue of Captain Cook in Hyde Park. The Governor performed the ceremony in the presence of the Ministry, military and naval forces, and various public bodies. Upwards of 20,000 spectators were present. February 26th. The Executive Commissioner b of the Sydney International Exhibition have in* vited the Ministry to meet Governor Robinson at a farewell banquet on March 10th. Brisbane, February 20th. The Government have sent instructions to the Agent- General to stop all emigration from the Continent of Europe, and to reduce British emigration by one- third. The blacks continue troublesome in Queensland. News has jast been received of the murder of four Europeans on Bourke River. (Special to Press Association.) , Sydney, February 20th. The Mayor's ball was unsurpassable. The Governor appeared as Captain Cook, and Lady Robinson as Britannia. Tiie Torres Straits mail has arrived. The ewner, master, and five of the crew of the brig Raymond, to Timaru, were saved. Three were drowned. [The Raymond was from Newcastle, and a message on Wednesday gave news of her wreck.] February 21st. A cablegram from the Cape dated 4th February states that in an engagement with the English the Zulus were defeated. Natal is quite secure. February 22nd. No reply having been received from the Government regarding assistance, the Corporation have been compelled to discharge all j their employes except the scavengers. February 24 th. The Corporation has received a bank advance sufficient to pay wages. The Mayor has convened a meeting to adopt an address to Governor Robinson previous to his departure for New Zealand. Bushrangers robbed a store at Balranald. A vagrant arrested up-country, and committed to the Sydney training-ship, was discovered to be a female of 15, in boy's attire. Eight destructive fires occurred near Bathurst. February 25th. The Corporation cannot employ labour owing to impecuniosity. February 26th. Noumean news states that tho last important insurgent chief has surrendered with several inferiors, and has been sent to the Isle of Pines. The rebels are surrendering in hundreds in all quarters. Melbourne, February 20th. An accident happened to the Hothana train through striking a trolly. One man was killed. February 22nd.^ The Gazette cautions the public to disbelieve the Argus reports— official inform ition being denied to that journal in come* quence of its efforts to depreciate Victoria's credit. It is officially announced that the P. and O. Company has tendered for the Victoria mail service at £85,000. There are no other tenders. February 25th. There was no intelligence of tho ardval of the Ringnroorua at Hobart Town up to the closing of the Tafmanian cable. Adelaide, February 20th. Wheat is dull. Twenty thousand bushels sold at 4s sd. Flour, £10 2s 6d.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1423, 1 March 1879, Page 17

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Cablegrams. Otago Witness, Issue 1423, 1 March 1879, Page 17

Cablegrams. Otago Witness, Issue 1423, 1 March 1879, Page 17