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Sporting Intelligence.

Raging Fixtures, 1879. February 27, 28. and March I— Dunedin Annual; March 11, 12— Timaru (Canterbury) Annual. March 13, 14— Wanganui (Wellington) Summer. March 17— Palmerston (OUg ) Annual. March 17— Greymouth (Westland) Summer. March 17— Hokitika (Westland) Summer. March'2o, 21— Napier (Hawke's Bay) AnnuaL April 14, 15— Canterbury Autumn.

Answkks to Correspondents.

J. W., Dunedin,— MrEedwood declared to win with Longlands in the last Dunedin Cup. X , Timaru.— Maritana is a near relation, being by Traducer— Hypatia. Subscribbr, Inverc&rgill.— Templeton, in 3mln 59sec. L. J., Oamaru.— The same gentleman, commonly known as " Ready-money" Robinson. Backer, Timaru.— You will soon learn that ninelynine times out of a hundred it is foolish to back a patched-up cripple.

The annual races at Tapauui passed off very well, but they do not call for much comment, the report in another column speaking for itself. The great surprise of the meeting was the poor form shown by Atlantic, who succumbed to such

cattle as Foam, Sapphira, and Tom King. This says very little for Atlantic's chance of securing a win at our meeting. Mr D. O'Brien has lost his stallion Blondin, which has been located at Temuka in charge of Mr Barrett. It appears that the horse wag being led through the town when it suddenly fell down, rolled into a deep drain, and died. The local paper pathetically adds that the animal was allowed to remain in the ditch. Blondin was bred in Australia and was by Leotard out of Miss Cox, by Yatterdon. Luna has been turned out, in order to give her an opportunity of recovering from the slight lameness which affected her in the earlier part of the season. I am glad to see the Ofcago horseg, Chancellor, York, Cloth of Gold, and Dead Heat entered for the Timaru Handicap, and hope that Mr Logan will at that meeting experience some of the good fortune that favoured him there two seasons ago. Ellesmere races will be held on April 4th. and the stakes offered for competition will amount to £107. Nearly £300 will be run for at the Taranaki Club Autumn Meeting, to be held on Marct 31st. The Dunedin Jockey Club is to be congratulated on the splendid entries received for the approaching Annual Meeting. They are far surpassing in number and quality those of any previous season. As this will be the last issue of the Witness before the races, I must endeavour to give its readers an idea of what horses are likely to prove victorious thereat ; though I am placed in the embarrassing position of having to write about horses, many of which are not yet i in Dunedin, and some of which may not come afc all. In the Daily Times I shall however be enabled next i^eek to give impressions more to be relied on, because some few horses are sure to drop out of all the events. Of the ten Maiden Platers, I prefer Dundee, King Quail, and Sir Jarvis, in the order named. In the Dunedin Cup, Bob Ray shows up strongly with his four representatives, and whichever he selects on the day, should go very near winning. Fishhook ought also to run into a place. Of the rest, I prefer Chancellor, with Vampire^ for an outside chance. At present, however, if I had to select three, they would be Fishhook, Chancellor, and Templeton. The Champagne Stakes should be carried off by Marie Antoinette, with Adamant and Ferella in close attendance. Some of the Ladies' Purse candidates must be quite out of such a race, but in Fishhook I expect to see the winner. Numa looks a good thing for the Selling Race. An interesting contest may be anticipated in the St. Leger ; but I fully rely on York and Nemo first and second, for Dundee is not very fit, and Atlantic is not good enough. In the Hurdle Race Kildare is so greatly favoured that he ought to run Te Whetumarama close ; but I still prefer the speedy northerner. The Railway Plate Bhould lie between Templeton, Adamant, and Fishhook, whom I like as placed. The Steeplechase looks much like the Hurdle Race, the horses engaged being much the same, and with similarly apportioned weights. For the Queen's Plate there will not be many starters ; but an interesting struggle may be looked for probably between Nemo, Maritana, and Mata, and of the three I prefer the son of No Name. The latest betting on the Cup, up to the time of going to press, is a3 follows :— s"to 1 agst Templeton 5 — 1 Chancellor 8 — 1 Mata 8 — 1 Titania 7 — 1 Fishhook 10—1 Camballo 100 — 8 Nemo 100 — 6 Maritana 100 — 6 Sinking Fund 100 — 6 Maroro 100 - 6 Cloth of Gold 100 — 5 KiDg Philip 100 — 5 — Vampire 100 —4 Fallacy. 100 — 4 York i 100 — 3 any other. The Hon. W. Robinson's colt Natator waa scratched for all his Dunedin engagements on Wednesday morning. Beacon.


Mild weather prevailed on Tuesday morning, and all the horses that had then arrived were out at the Forbury. Ray commenced proceedings by sending Sinking Fund, Titania, and Templeton a canter once round. The trio appeared very fresh, but Titania was not quite herself. Maritana was confined to walking exercise. Tommy and Numa went twice round together a strong gallop, but Numa and Boadicea did nothing. Te Kooti was given two miles on the course slow. Duntroon and Minnie went twice round at a rattling pace. Goodman sent Playboy and Chancellor a short spin together, but York and Lampooner merely walked. Five of Arthur Smith's lot did good work. First Dead Head, Benjiroo, and Vampire were sent, strioped, the Cup distance. Benjiroo lay about 50 yards behind the other pair for half a mile, but then overhauled them rapidly, and finished in company. .The time was very poor, being 4 mm. 18 sec. Cloth of Gold was then sent a similar distance, Sir James joining in at the back of the course, and going the last mile and a half with him. This gallop occupied 4 mm. 27 sec. , which will have to be considerably improved upon to give the son of Sweetbriar the slightest show in the Cup. King Philip and the cross-country horse Kildare were out, but did nothing beyond walking. French gave the Slander colt and Venus Transit a flutter on the beach, his favourite training-place. Fishhook, Natator. and Te Whetumarama arrived by last evening's train from Christchurch, and proceeded to Porter's stables at Caversham.

But little work was done at the Forbury on Wednesday, good gallops having been the order of the previous day. Macgregor sent Boadicea a two-mile spin, but Numa and Blue Peter did not work. Ray gave all his four two rounds of the course, Maritana leading off, followed at a few hundred yards' distance by Titania, Templeton, and Sinking Fund. Cotton took Kildare three times round the tan and over the hurdles. York went twp miles, accompanied for the last half of the distance by Chancellor. O'Brien brought out Fishhook, Te Whetumarama, and Fenella, and gave them a quiet canter. Venus Transit and the Slander colt worked on the beach. Arthur Smith's team did not work, having done the Cup distance on the previous morning.

Mr R. Mason arrived by Wednesday night's train with Camballo only, he being obliged to leave Huntingdon behind for a day or two, owing to the scarcity of horse-boxes on the line. Mr Webb brought down Dundee, Eversley, and Adamant. The Northern horses are nowpouring in fast, and a morning visit to the trainingground will repay anyone who takes an interest in the approaching races.

The Hon. W. Robinson, on Wednesday morning, scratched his colt Natatpr for all engagements at the Dunedin meeting. This created a great sensation, and there was an immediate rush to get on his Rtable companion Fishhook, who rapidly rose in the betting market until b.O was quoted at (5 to 1,

DTJNEDIN J.C. RACES. The following general entries and final acceptances were made on the evening of Tim. s <lay, the 12th : — 31aidev Vlatb, of 80 sr.vs. The second horse to receive 10 sots from the stakes, f'ptranco, 3 soys. One ruile and a half. For horses that have . ever won an advertised prize exceeding £25. Weight tor^ e - fi t lb. Mr A C Mackay's 1» m Minnie, 6 yrs or aged . . 0 5 Mr W Sheepshanks' br g snlo (late Horseloe), syrs .. .. •• * 2 ? Mr A Smith's bh Sir James, 3yra .. .. 7 9 Mr S rlorsiaU's eta c Randwick, 3yrs ..79 jlrSH'i'sfali'.sbrhKing^uail, 3yrs .. 7 9 Sir W C Wibb's b c Dundee, Sj in . . . . 7 !) Mr W Smuisoii's eh f Boadicea, ly Casaivellaunus—Sorceress, 3 yra.. .. ..7 6 MrH Goodman's be Plajboy, by Yattendon— Fro c, 2yrs .. .. .. 5 0 3lr R J Mason's Huntingdon tis A Pa teraon's eh c, by Ham -Little Lady The Champagne Stakes, for two-year olds ; a sweepshiues of 10 bi.vs each, with 100 soya added. Colts, 8-t 101b ; fillies, B*t 71b ; no allowance for ut\ 'ings The second horse to receive 20 soys from the stikes. Six furlongs. St. lb. Mr W Walters', b c, !>? Izaak Walton-Slander, 2 \T9 . . . • ■ * 3£r H Gontlnavi's brc Lampooner by Traduces - 'fltaUfi^rs .. •• •• 810 airW^Tlob'i chc Adamant, by Traducer— Ada •: tj .. .. •• „ 810 Mr J Cli'iwfe'a b f Dione, b/ Traducer Gilda, 2 vrs • • • ■ ' 8 7 3frD O'fSrien's'b f Fenella, by Flying Dutch-min-Novice 2yrs .. .. ..8 7 Mr H P Lanca's b f, by Traducer- Maria Thcwsa, 2yrs .. •• •• ..8 7 "Haz Duskdin Cup, a handicap of 600 fov.% with a sweepstukes of 10 roys ejeh. The second horse to receivu 60 soy«, and the third 20 soys from tbe stakes Two miles and a. distance. The winner of hut handicap rscs of the value of 200 boys atfir dec'nration of weights to carry 71b extra ; of two or more such ra-es>, 101b extra. Of any such h»nvltaap r-iceof the value of 100 soys, to carry 51b «xtra # of two or more such rices, 81b extra; <f one or more such raceb if the value of 100 snvs, together with one of the value of 200 i-ovs, 9lbextra - stlfc Mr R Ray's br h Templeton, asred .. •• 9 9 Mr W F Jfeilson'a b g Fishhook, aged .. « b 3<lrß Ray's t>m Maiitana, aged (including 101U penalty* . .. •• " %]£ 3lr t» Praser's eh c Maroro. 5 yra .. " L\h Mr R Rav'u b m Titania, 6 yrs . . • • i ,„ IMr JWi li> ms br m Fallacy, sjrs . . . . 710 Mr G Frai-et'H b g Mata, 4 yrs .. - • » Hon W Robinson's eh c Aatator, 3 yrs ..74 3lr H G -odman's br h Chancellor. 4 yrs .. 7 2 Mr W "Welters' eh f Venus Transit, 4 yrs .. 7 0 Mr JBeim'shh King Philip, agfid.. .. 7 0 Mr H P Lance's b c Nemo, 3 yrs .. .. 7 0 Jlr T Logrin'H'ch h Cloch of Gold, <5 yra .. 6 13 Mr WSw nson's gg Blue Peter, aged .. 010 Hr A Sraith'd br h Berjiroo, ased . . . . 610 Mr R Bai 'a eh g Sinking Fund, 6 yrs . . bl« Air TLoaan'abrhDead beat, s yrs.. .. 6 9 Mr R J Mason's br g Camballo, 4 jrs, . . o « Mr H Goodman's eh c York, 3 yrs .. .. 6 8 Mr JStephenson'sbrK Vampire, 6 yrs .. 6 7 iMr S HorhfaUV b c King Quail, 3 yrs .. 6 4 Mr T H Dodt on's eh f Sapphira. 4 yrs ..58 Mr O Coomtje'd br c Boiardo, by Batwon— Swindle. 3 yrs .- •• ..5 7 &ADIBS' Pobsb. of 60 sovff, Ent'ance, 3 eovs. One mile and a d stance. Welter weight for ago. Gentltmeß riders. St. lb. 31r T Loenn'a eh h Cloth of Gold, 6 yrs . . 9 6 Mr R Ka> '* br h Templeton, oged . . . . 9 6 Mr H Prince's eh g fivereley, aged .. .. 9 3 Jtfr W F J«Mson's b g Fifhbqok, »fffd ..9 3 afrSßorsMl'sbh Ratcatcher, 4 yrs ..9 0 Jflr H P L*r,ce'« br c Foul Play, 4 yra . . 9 0 Mr H Goocman'd eh o York, 3 yrs . . . . 7 H "Son W. Hobinson's eh c Natator, 3 yra .. 7 U air S Horf f til's eh c Bar d wick, 3 yrs . . 711 air W S wanson'8 chfßoadicta,2jr< .. 7 a 3£r A Patterson's eh c by Ham - Little Lidy. jSklli»g BAce, of 50 sovß. Entrance 2 boys. One mile and o-h*if. Weight for age. The winner to be sold for ASO. Jf entered to bs sAd tor £40, allowed 71b; «30, 141b; £20. 5:11b; £10, 23ib. The winner to be sold t y auction, with his engagements, and any surplus to go to the funds. St. lb. Mr TTh mpaon's br m Rosemary, 5 jr*, £30 ..83 ilr J LouKhlan'n b m foam, ry Scud, »v;ed, £20 712 Mr W Swamoh's b g Numa aged, £10 . . 7 5 TMr F IN a imann's g g Tommy, ao ed, £10 ..76 JULr J Rfcany's br m MeliM, aged, £10 . . 7 o lVlr J Anrirtw's chgKxile, a^erl, £10 ..7 5 Mr JReany'abrgOtakaia, 6jr<», £10 ..7 3 31r R J Maton's Huntingdon. 'J^ib DuiSKDJS Legbr, a sweepstakes of 10 soys racli with 50 so' s added; for three-year olda. Colt-, Sat 101b : flllUs, Bst 71b. The seuund horse to receive 50 soys Srom the stake?. One mile a>>d threv -num ters and 132 yards. Mr J Chaaf fc's b c Atlantic, 3 yrs . . . . 8 IJ> 3lr HG-iOdnian'uchc York, 3yr3 .. ..8 10 Bon W R'.toinsoD's eh c Natator, 3 yrs ..8 I<> SIrHPI anct'a b c Nemo, 3 yrs . . ..8 1" 3lr W C Webb's b c Dundee, 3 yrs .. . . 810 Handicap Hubdib Race, of SO bovb ; the Becond h use to receive 10 soys from tho siaties. Nominaiion, 2 bo\s ; acceftance^, 2 fovs. Two mUf-s and a distance, over 10 fitgLts of hurdles, 3ft, 6m high. i-t. lb. "Mr W F NeilFon'a eh gTe Whetu, aged . . 12 7 3i£r P Butit-'i '« eh g Aurent. 5 yr-ty r-t . . • • 12 3 Mr H Pnnce'B oh g EversWy, «ged . . l (l 10 Mr R Frastr'B b§ Loyaltj (late ehillelagh), aged 9 7 MrHGourey'soiiitKildaie. sged .. .. 9 4 Mr W H '( aggait'rt br g Half smaa, ag. a ..87 Mr J St«p'icnsoi»'d eh g Larrikin, aged ..8 0 IXhe RAibWAW PliMB, i-i 100 soys, the gift of David • Proudtoot, usq Entrance, 4 bove. Three-quarters •of a mile. Weight for age. f Mr G Fraoer's eh c Maroro, 5 yrs .. ..9 4 Mr R Kay's br h Templeton, aged .. .. 9 4 Mr WHw >\mwi'* ggß v- Ptte--, aged . . !> 1'rt br h Dead Heat, 5 yrs ..9 1 Mr R R-yV h m Muritana, aged .. ..9 1 -Mr W F NnKon's b g bishhook, aged ..9 1 -Mr H P Lance's br c Foul Play, 4 yra ..9 0 JWH Woodman's b>-h Chanc-l ! or, 4 yrs .. 9 0 Mr R J Ma -on's br g Cambatlo, 4 yra ..8 11 yMjfi Hoi«rairß eh c RanJwicV, 3 yra ..80 .i!Kw Wallet's be by Izaak W«*itou-Slander, & yrs .. •■ ** ..5 13 Mr tf Go- dman's b c Playboy, by Yattend inFrolic. 2 yts .. .. •• •• 513 Sir W C Webb's eh c Adamant, 2 yrs ..610 &lr U P Lince's b t Marie Automet c, 2 yrs . . 510 QEandicaJ' e TEEPi.ECiiABB, of 100 s >vs. Nomination, 3 boys ; acceptance, 3 «*vs ; the eecoi d hon-e to receive 20 so'h fiom the stakes About three mileo. over tuih fences a 8 the stewards may a - PjiKt ' "Mr WF Ke lson'a eh «Te Whetu, aged . . lii 10 Mr P Butler's eh g Agent, 5 yrs . . . . 12 1 0 Mr HPi iuceV en g Eversley, aged . . 11 0 Mr R Fraw r*is b g Loyalty (l*te shillelagh), aged 10 0 Mr H Gouriey 'd eh g Ki]d->i c, aged . . . . 910 Wrt> J Mercei'sbrgTeKooti, aged .. 9 7 Mr WH I aggart's br g Dalesman, aged ..90 Sue Qohbn's Plate, <f 100 soys.. with a, sweepstakes oi 5 bov^ tach, to be paid before 8 o'clock the nieh b fore the ; the second hoise to receive the amount accming from the sweepstakes Entrance 4 aovs. Two miles and a distance. W«Unt for age. Mr J Chaafc's b c Atlantic, 3 yrs Mr H Goidti an's th c York, 3 yrs Mr Gl Kiaser's b jr Mata, 4 yrs Mr R Ray's b m Sla/ittna, aged Ron W Robinson's eh c Naiator, 3 y s Mr W F Neilaon'a b g Fishhook, a^tid Mr H P lance's b c Nemo, 3 yrs. The general acceptances, &a, for the years 187.8 and 1879 are as follows: — arai^en Pate 2 10 Chamva ne Sta'ies .. ..4 6 *)unedinCup.. .- ..14 23 •Xadiei-' Purse.. .. •• — 11 iSeUinsßace 7 8 Hurdle ßwe .. .. ..10 7 Dunedin Leger .. .. — 5 Hailway Plate .. .. 10 14 Steeplechase .. •• ..9 7 f^ueeu's Plato.. .. «• * 1 It lias beendeoided th the ofitt«l privileges

be sold at auction on the 22nd inst., and that tenders be called for the right of catering for the Grand Stand reserves. A resolution was passed some time ago by the Club that the two-year-olds entered to run during the month of February, in cases where weight is not stated, should carry March weights for age. TAPANUI RACES. Tapanot, February 14th. The second day's races was very successful. The weather was glorious, and the attendance large. Every event was closely contested. Hurdi.e Race. Mr Ayson'a Stella .. •• " * Mr Howarth's Tambourine .. ..2 Mr Pollock.'^ Little Dan .. ..3 llomance was distanced. This was a splendid race throughout, and was won by a length, with the second and third horses a length apart. llack SrIjUXG Race. Mr Dwyer's Maaiototo . . . . 1 Jockkv Club Hanmcai*. Captain DavidHou's Tom King .. .. 1 Mr Loufjhnan'd Koam .. •• 2 Mr Kitching'a Atlantic . . . . 3 Grand race. Won by four lengths, half a length separating: second and third hor<se3. SOVKti RACE. Miss King .. .. ..1 The Consolation was won by Fenian, and the Hospital Kace by Native. This closed one of the most successful meets ever held in Tapanui. TIMARU RACES. TiMAItU, February 13th. The following nominations for the undermentioned Timnru Races were received tonight :—: — South Canterbury J.C. Handicap. Chancellor York Oloih of Gold Dead Heat Dundee Templaton T.Unia M<iruaua Fishhook Nata Camballo Laertes. Flying Handicap. Chancellor York De-'iHeat Baicitcher 'J\ mo eton Maritana Fishhook Moose Camballo Huntingdon. Laertes Tim Ann Cup. Chancellor Yok M)lo ('ate Horseshoe) Cloth of Gold DisjflHeat King Quail Dundee Temploton Titania Maritana Fishhook Mat* Camballo Laertes. Handicap Hurdlb Raob Milo jweraley Loyalty Moose Te Whetmnarama Ag°-nt. Pakeha WAIRARAPA RACES. Featherston, February 13fch. The following are the results of today's races :— Produce Stakes, of 50 soys ; one and a-half mile. Orphan .. .. .. •• 1 Mischief .. .. .. •• 2 Lady Ellen and Sunset also ran. The race was won easily. Time, 2 mm. 47 see. Ladies' Pursb, of 35 soys ; one mile. Agent .. .. .. .. ■• 1 Diver .. .. - .- --2 Ada, Bribpry, Bversley, and Merlin were scratched. Won easily. Time, 2 mm. Second Day— l4th: February. Handicap Hurdle Rack, SO aovs. Two miles and a j distance. Roebuck .. .. .. •• 1 Ada .. .. .. •- 2 Agent .. .. .. .. 3 Blue Jacket, Harkaway, and Kangaroo also ran. The two latter fell Roebuck won by a head. It was a grand race. Time, 4 mio. 26 sec. WAtRARAPA Jockey Cmjb Handicap Laertes .. .. •• ..1 Lady Ellen .. .. ..2 ! Ika bolted, and threw his jockey. They l could not get Bribery to start. Danebury, Lara, Mufti, Diver, Ada, and Black Prince were scratched. District Handicap, 50 eovs. One and a-half mile. Diver .. .. .. •• 1 Lnra .. .. .. •- 2 Orphan .. .. .. .3 Pretty Girl and Barbelle also ran. Time, 2 mm. 56 sec. Consolation Hakdicap. lUa .. .. -- ..1 BlueJaket .. . -.2 GREYMOUTH RACES. Greymouth, February 15th. The following are the nominations for the Grey Jockey Club Handicap :—: — Lidy Grey Doncnster Bazinc&tar Corinthian Elfi i King Miss Bushel Native Doctor. Banker Greymouth, February 18th. The following weights have been declared for the Greymouth Handicap :—: — st. Ib. at lb. Elfin King ..8 4 Doctor.. ..7 2 Banker .- 7 12 Corniehmau .. 6 12 B'szirg- Star ..7 7 Lady Grey -- 6 9 Miss Bransey ..7 7 Doncaiter ..6 2 Native.. .. 7 4

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Otago Witness, Issue 1422, 22 February 1879, Page 18

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Sporting Intelligence. Otago Witness, Issue 1422, 22 February 1879, Page 18

Sporting Intelligence. Otago Witness, Issue 1422, 22 February 1879, Page 18