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LA.NDS T\KEN VOR A UO^D IN THE CLARENDON SURVEY DISTRICT, COUWTY OF BRUCE, (li.S) NORMANBY, GOVERNOR, A PROCLAMATION. WHERE IS by section twenty-one of "Thu Public Works Act, 1876" (herein iof. rreii to us " the siid Act "), it U enacted ihit whenever lands ate required to bo tnkon tor public work] the Hoa-J Boaid, in the cite of district works, shall cause a i-utvey to be ma« c and pirns to Ik- prep-red showing uuieralJy tho nature of the works Koprscci to be execire.l and tho Ijihls n q <ire<! to bo taken fur tl>u saoie, together v\iih ti e names of tho owners nnd o'cupierb of fctiuh laiuli so far ps they cm 1-e a^cetUined, aiiii f-hail cause a cojy of such plans to he depos ted in tome pi <cc in fie ioal ihbtrict in which such lands arc: A d by ><ccti'>n twenty- two of tho .said Act it in farther <narted th.i the saiil Ko*rl Uoa'd shall ca,aa? a notice to be gazetted, diul to be tw co i üblicly noiifl d, s iilmg the ]>la'-e where such plans am open for iubpection, a do ciiption of the works proposed to be exccutorl and of thft land icquired to ba taknn, and in bn^li notice slull (nil upon all persons affected to set forth in writing any weli-founded objections to the execution of such works, or to tbo tauin:,' of such lands, and to send such writing within fo'ty tlays ftom the first publication of such notice to the said Road Board : And by sections twenty-three and twenty-four of tho *akl Act it ia fuithcr enacted thnt the Roarl Boaid shall cau-c a copy of such notica and description to bo Sbrvcd upon th»siid owners and occupiers so far as they can be ascertained ; and that tin said Iload ho*rd sh'li. upon receiving any obj.ctioi), appoint a time and placj within tho Colony, with n which tho objuctor may appear befoie the s^id Roai lioarJ, and support, the objection by such eudenco as the otijdjtor thinks flt; and by section twenty-five of thu said Act it is e'lactecl that, if within tho sud forty da.> a no such objection is nude, or iJ after due consideration of such objections the said Kad Board is of opini m thaD it is ext e Jient that the proposed woiks sbeuld be executed and that co private injury will bo dono thsreby for wuichtluo compensation is wi t provided fur by the s->id Act, tho land proposed to be taken shall be takon in the followiug m-mnpr, tnat is to Bay: Ths sad Road Board shstll Uy before the Go-vtrnor a, rnemirial contaimnpf an accurate drscriptiou of the land ptopostd to be taken, together with a map thereof, sicned by the Suiveyor-Oeueial or some certificated surveyor as evidence of the a ■< umcy thtreof ; a.-d the Governor in Cjunril may thereui on, if be think fit, by gazaitid and publicly notified, dec are tbat the s&id lands are taken for the uf c of a raihvav, rosd, or other public work, as the cibb may be ; and ff otn and -*i ier a date t> bd named in tho fcaidFioc'amaiio'i the 'and tbeceinspetnflfdsh'iUbeC' mv absolutely veatod in fee-s tuple in her Mi.jes.ty, discharged from nil mort^age'^, charges, claims, estates, or in'eirestsof \vhnt kind .soever, for the public use named in the faid Proclaraition ; And whertai the lands descibed in the Si-hedule hereto are required to ba taken under the aaid Act for a certain woik, to wit, tho construction of a road in block 11, Claiendon Survey District, County of Biucc ; And where-vs the Wftihola Road Bovd has laid before the Governor the memori ii niv) m >p rneatioued in and sifriifd and certified aa rtquii\.d hy tho twentyfifth .section of the taid Act ; And whereas all the requirements and conditions prescribed by the e&id Act have been duly | erformed and fulfilled, and all things have happened and all t'nies elapsed to lawfully authorise this Proclamation to be issued : Now, therefore, I, O.orgo Augustus Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, Governor of tho Colony of New Zealand, I y and with tho advice and consent of tho Executive Council of the said Colojiy, in exei\iie and pursuance of the powers and authorities in mo vested by the hrrcinlxfoie in part recited Act, .mj uf any oihnr power and authority enabling mv in that behalf, ilo heri'liy proclaim and d«ciu*o that tho lands duscribe.l in tho Schedule hereto an>. hereby taken for tho purpose of a road ; and f at, from and »f tor tho ninth day of Janu.iry u'Stant, the ),ind>. so desoribed shall become absolutely vested in fee-simple in htr Majesty, dibcb*ij,'ed f ran all )»oriir«j,'c-i, charges, claims, estates, ana intore-ts of what Liud soever, for use as a roat\. f CHEunLE. All that area in Iho Provincial District ot Ot'go, Colony of New Zaalnnd, eouiaiutD^ by iidmoißuicmsnt four (4) acres tlneo (3) roois Mid thveo (3) poles, moie or Us-, and HiUiato in block T I, Claiondon Snivey Distiiot. Bouudary linis aa foltowu: Commoncing at a point duo notlh from the Kmth-eaal cernor of f-ection niiinbered 2 of 2, ( f sa-d block and disUnt from the s,aid cornc- vcif i»ine hnndnd and ninety and Ihrco-tonths (yOO"3J linlc, th t ;nco dtu north one thousand ci«ht hmUrcJ anil s>ix tnul seventeiiths (1800 7) linl.s tiunci bsninir inSdfjr Jdm tbu-o hundied ana thuty-iliive :ukl four icnihs (335-1) Inks, t hence braiiuy USileu &5m me limHreri :v <J forty-seven ar.d eij ht-teuthh (MT'ts) links, bv.ivinjr J37fle{f 22m four hundied ami a tenth (ICO 1) 'inka, thonco beating ISOdeg five hundred and tbn.o and four-tunthb (603 i) linka^ tjiongo bo.'i-ju^ 17njo»j

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Otago Witness, Issue 1419, 1 February 1879, Page 23

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Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 1419, 1 February 1879, Page 23

Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 1419, 1 February 1879, Page 23