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Wednesday Fvenincr. The demand for money continues active, but the supply is still short of requirements, and rates do not show any signs of giving w i.v. Telegrams from Home are, however, more hopeful, npjrtuig money there plentiful for mercantile necessities, and advising a reduction in the bank rate to 4 per cent The fuller news that we have by tho mail of the alarming f*l that took place in tank shares when the position of the City of Glasgow Bank was made public, accounts to a considerable extent for the cessation in the remittances of money to this Colony for investment. So great % fall as from £47 per share, as in the c-t»e uf the old-ettablL-hed Bank of Scotland, to £120 per share, as in the case rf the Clydesdale Bank, was too rare a chance of speculating for a riso to bo let slip, and doubtless many who possessed tho available funds, and hid confidence in the recovery of bank stocks, invested money in theio securities that under other circumstances would have been sent abroad. The present pt»to of bfMrs at Home has drawn public a', ention to the terrible liabilities to wbich shareholders in unlimited institutions are exposed, and there can be no d tubt that layisktion is very necessary for tho protection of those unfortunates whoso solvtmcv miiiht b ar tho strain of their proportionate liability, but who are begearod when having tr> bear the brunt of anothei's indebtedness. We hope good r<s<iltß will follow, aud we notice that the t^ystem of defining the iiabilicy ol bank shareholders in vogue with us mecti with considerable approval at Home. The Directors of the Colonial Bank have published the lulf yearly leport to bo submitted to the shareholders at the coining meeting on the 29i.h inst, and have some re. sou to con^ratu ate themselves on the progress made by this institution during its compar.ituely ehort existence After deducting inteiost on fixtd deposits, expenfes of management, and provision for bad and doubtful debts, the net profit for the half-\ ear amounts to £20,171 9i 3d, wh eh, with tho bil nces on piofltand Joss account carried ovir f>om list settlement, and of premiums on shares "lotted, makes av-tilable for distribution a total if £2i,95l 4s Out of this tne directois propose pajing a dividend of 8 per cent., adding £6000 to tho reaoive fund, and carrying ov«r the balance to tho now account. Mr Hknry Driver, (on behalf of the N.Z.L. and M.A. Co , limited) reports for the week ending January 22ud, 1879, as follows :- Fat Tattle —175 w ro yarded for to-day's market, fin I proved quite f>u(licient fur the requirements of tho trade. Ab mt half tho number forwird were i;ood quality, tho balance little better t,b;m store?. Bullocks brought from .CO 10a to.Ctu iss ; c<nvb, t.7 7« 0d to £9 Wo q«uU> bouf ai fioiu 27a 04 to \)% vot iOOJb '

for prime, and 23s to 25s for medium. We sold 26 head at the yards on account of Mess sW. S. Sh»ud and George Wallace. i Fat Calves.— 24 penned, and were sold at from 10s to 23i each- according to size hnd qua itv. Fat Sheep- —The medium supply of 1663 came forwa. d -all cioss-breds— som-s of whiih were very pr^e ond heavy we'phts, and brought up to lls 9d per head— equal to ljl per lb, at which v,n quote mutton at the yards to-day Fat Lambs - 670 penned, and were sold nt from 5s 6d to 10s each We disposed of 276 at from 63 to Bs. Store Cattle.— At Mosgiel, on the 16th instant we sold, on acceuat of Messrs Watt and «y>on, 234 head of store c.ittle. Bullocks, three years old, brought £ c > 15s to £6 per head ; do, four to six do, £6 10s to £7 7.s 6d; cow j , fiom£3 15s to £4 12s 61 per head. Tomorrow at the same place we sba'l cell thu b4mee of their ciitle, conH ming of 173 head of really first-class stores, princ pally quiet, we 1-condHione'l bullo.ks. Store bheep. — Wo have no tran-actious to repoit. S-he-pskins.— We hildour usiul «etkly auction 01 Monday The supp y was small, and. prices inogular and in favour of buyers Best cross-bred«, in wool, 4s to 4s lOd ; lambs, le to Is 2d ; pelts, 2d to 3d each ; station tkins, 5$ 1 per lb Hides.— A very small supply c»me to hand this week, which were placed at 3d per lb Tallow.— A few lots of inferior came to hand, which sold at 23s to 23a 6d 1 er cwt. Grain. -Wheat is not inquired for, nvl'ers b ing sufficiently stocked until new whottanho. Prices are nominal. Oats: Tneie is a tsmall lucaU emand, which absorbs an tqual y small supply at easier rates —feed, 3s 6d to 3s 8d ; milling, 3s 9J. New corn is reported to have been told at 2s 6d to 2s 9J, for delivery next month. Barley : Nil. Wool.— By the San Francisco mail to hand this week we have received further files of ou 1 London catalogue, the priceß of which fully confirm the gloomy cablegrams we received the beginniug of last month. We notice that long-wools, even to threo-quarter-breUs, are much depre>std. quite 50 percent, lower than tne same description obtained in November and Dtc.mber, 1876, whereas merinei or finer cross-breds havo n»<t declined more than 20 to 30 per cent. We held our second sale of tbii season at the Company's Wool Stores, Raitiay strtet Jetty, jesterday afternoon, which was fully attended by buyers, who competed actively for all descriptions, excepting the strong coarse wools previously described as having declined so seriously in the London market. On these we had to submit to a reduction of fully Jd per lb on our opening rates on greaty, and Id for washed aorts. Other descriptions worn fully up to former rates, crosabreds in grease sold from 6Jd to 9d. Among these ots were 230 bales well got up half-breda, from the j Kyeburn Station, the straight fleece of which brought 8J 1 ; merino in grease, 6f Ito 9£d ; washed cross-bred, I2jd per lb. We append our prlee catalogue: — BA, 1 bag greasy fleece, 4Jd ; JM conjoined in square, 1 bale greasy cross-bred, 8d ; 1 bag greasy pieces, 3i ; I X, £ bale greasy merino, 7sd ; 1 bale I bag greasy crossbred, Id ; 2 bags greasy pieces, 3Jd ; a 2, 2 biles greasy cross-bred, BJd ; do, 1 b*g g easy pieces, Id ; AR, 2 bales greasy merino, 9Jd ; do, 1 big greasy locks, If J ; W and JO over O, 4 bales gre»sy merino, 8d; do, 1 bag greasy locks, IJd: AW coi. joined, 3 bales greasy croßs-bred, Bfd ; do, 1 bag greasy pieces, 3i ; DB conjoined, 2 bale« greaßy cross-bred, Sjd ; do, Xi bile greasy [merino. &§1; do, 2 b9gs greasy locks and pieces, 3Jd; JC, 6 b*les greasy cross-bred, Bsd: JO, 3 bags greasy locks and pieces, 2$ I ; W over X, 1 bale greasy meiino, 91; do, 2 bags greasy locks and pieces, 4f d ; TM, 3 b"»g8 greasy locks r art fleece, 2d ; Q\ 12 bales greasy three-quarter bred, 73 ; do, 1 bile greasy pieces, 4Jd ; do, 1 bale greasy licks, 2&1 ; OY, IS bales greasy cross bred, 73<i ] do, 1 Da 'e greasy pieces, 4sd; do, 1 r>a'e rreasy locks, 2£d; PP, 3 bale* greaiy fleece, B|d; Kyonurn, 101 bales grt-a^y half-bred, first and second c mbing and clo'hiag, 8J i ; do, 33 bales greasy dingy half-bred, 7fd ; do, 39 baie< greasy sandy, 6jd; do, 4 bales greasy second p'eces, 4^ I ; do, 65 bales greasy pieces, 4Jd ; do, 17 I a'es greasy sandy, 6|d; DO, 29 bales washed croas-bied, 12 jd ;JS coßJoined, 2 bales greasy c oss-brtd, BJd; do 1 bale washed dinpy,|BJd ; do, 2 bales washed locKB, 8d ; GF, 6 bales washad crosa-bred Bd. Wrioht, Stbphbnson and Co, report for the week ending 22nd January, as follows :— \F*t Cattle.— The market continues well supplied) 175 bti^g yatded to-day. Prices on the whole show a sliijh- decline. About one-half of those yarded were c t from fair to good quality, we sold 79 head on account of the New Zealand and Australian land Co., Messrs Synnott Brothers, and Robirt Gnodison. Bullocks brought from £9 to £15 7s 6d ; cow^from £7 5s to £10— or f qual to 3os per 100 lbs for good quality, and 22s 6d to 25s for medium do. Fat Calves.— Twenty-four head yarded. We sold 13 at from 12s to 25s each. Fat Sheep. - A fair supply came forward, 1700 being penned, all cross-breds, about two-thirds of which were of good quality, the rest being little better than stores. We sold 800 on account of Messrs W Gell brand and Co, "W H. Teschemaker, Esq (Taipo Hill), Messrs P and D Grant, A M'Kerrow, Robert johnstono, and F Schaw, at from 8s to 10s Gd— prices equivalent to 2d perlb. Fat Lambs — The number penned (670) was con siderably in excess of tbo demand ; consequently pi ices foil a little, and sales wero difficult to effic^, We sold 206 on account of Messrs George Wilson, Joseph Parker, and Robert Johnstono, at from 6'j GJ to 7s 6d each. Store Cattle.— The deimnd has atoterl somewhat, and prices are rather easier. During tiie week, privately and at auction, we have sold 176 head at satisfactory prices. Store Sheep. —We have no transactions to roport. Country Sales. -At Popotnnoa, on Friday, 17th instant, we held a eleai ing sale by auction on account of Pollock, Kiq , at which we offeied the whole of hia draught and Uioroiißhbred horses, dairy cattle, sheep, implements, &c. Thero was a-i excellent attendance, and bidding* were v>ry spirited. Draught stock brought from £40 t > £70 ; d>>, two and three years od, £20 to £34 ; light harness horses, £5 to £12; dairy cows from £5 to £8 10s ; bullock-, three-year-olds, £6 to £8 2s Gd; two-year-olds, £3 10s to £4 Ca ; yearlings, £2 10a; store sheep, crosa-bieds, from 8s to 10s 6d ; lauibs, 5s 6d ; m jrioo ewes, 4s 6d Farming implements, &c., brought good prices. O.i Tuesday ,~2lHt, at Maciindrew's Bay, wo held a clearing s»le of dairy stock, &c , on account of Messrs Brothers. | Draught horsos brought from £18 to £22 ;, from £7 to £12. We wieh to call special attention to our sale at Jaiet'd Peak, tear Palmerston, on Friday, 24th instant, when we shall oiler for absolute sale the whole of Messrs Coskery and Reid'a live stock and growing crops of wheat nnd oats; aftrr which, we nhall offer at ' Bushy Park, 300 acres splendid ci op growing wheat and oats. Horses are cot in such good demand at present For sale on Saturday l'Bt there only a small sup ply, and not very many changed hands. VVe quote first-class draughts at trom £50 to £55 ; medium, £40 to £45 ; lisht, £25 to £35 ; good hacks sn4 light haineßS ho ses, £25 to £30; medium, £15 to £10 ; light and inferior, £3 to £10 Wool.— We held our second wool SBle for this reason at our stores this aftenio m. The attendance of buyers was gcod, but tho bidding lacked tho spirit displayed at our sale last week This is to be accounted for, no doubt, by the very unsatisfactory prices realised for wool at thn bsj-inniuo 1 of the November and December sales, catalogues cf which have just been received by th Sun Francisco mail Wo observe that the groatcr portion of tho clips reported are wools thvt have boen held over from former sales, and contfcqaeutly buyers would not compete with the same degree of spirit as they would for frnsh lots. Greasy half-bred and merino of good quality and light in condition sold at f cbory prices, buo inferior greasy and washed wools were neglected. We catalogued 1167 biles and 9 bags, and sold 457 and 0 respectively, aa per subjoined list of brands and prces:-MK, 1 bale ureasy crossbred, 7J«.i ; WH, 1 bale grwy crossbred, 7d ; do, 1 bae greasy meiino, Ggd; horseshoos over FSSI, 1 bale greasy merino and rams, 6 1 ; do, 1 bile greasy pieces 3}d ; do, 1 b->le groi>>y crossbred looks, fi& i ; DS over W in red, 2 bats greasy cross-bred locks, 9J I ; B, 2 balea grea y combing merino, 9d ; GO over M, 1 bale g'easy half-bred, 7J-d : do, 1 bale greasy merino 7J'l ; half circle over L, 6 bales greasy cross-bred, 7.} I ; X, 1 bale greasy merino, 2 bales greasy cross-bred and merino, 7J'l ; C, 2 lul^a greasy cross-bred, 7Jd ; do, 1 balo greasy merino, 7JH : JG, 3 ba os 1 b g greasy cross-bred, 1 bile £ re asy Leicester, 7si ; JG, 1 bag grea»y merino. 7£d ; ML, 7 bales (jressy cross-bred, 9}i ; do, 1 bale greasy muii/10, g-Jd ; 117 1 bale greaiy merino, Bgd ; do, 1 fadge gieasy rross-bred, 7d ; AVMK, 1 bale greasy cioss-bred 7Jjd; i)ll, 2 tales greasy crots-bred, gj I ; Jtt conjjmed, 2 bales greasy cross-brod hogirots ; do, i bale gre isy cross-bred owes, 7Jd ; JD over L, 1 fadge greasy crosß-bred, 6&d ; DL, 1 fadgo greasy cro^s-brcd, 6Jd ; RO over X, 1 fadgo greisy cross-bred, C§d ; GHc>, 3 biles greasy ctos«-bred, 7id; S, 3 bales greasy cross-bied, 9d; NS, 2 bales washed c -oss-bred, 12Jd ; D 3, 2 bales greasy merino, 9Jd; do, 1 b«lo greasy crosa-hved, B[d; AJtf, 2 balej grcaty croea-bred, 7.' £ d ; DB, 7 biles greasy Ist combing halfbred hoggets, 3 bales greasy and combing half-bred hoggets, (3 bale? greasy Ist combing half-bred wothois, 1 balo greasy Ist combing lialMued wotlicr.i and r.uns, 5 bales groasy rfiidcoinbiug half-brod v/athpio, 13 bales greasy Ist bombing Uai.f-b,red owos, 3 b,alep

I greasy 2nd combiDjr half-bed ewe», 1 bale greasy Ist clothing combing half-bred hoggets, 2 b les grea y 2nd clothing half-bred hogtrets, 4 bales greasy Is cloth-ng haf-biert ewes, 1 bale grevy 2nd clothing half bred o «'ed, 81; do, 5 bales gres-sy haf-bnd pieces, s&d ; do, 4 bales incasy lit combing m rino ewes, 1 Dale greasy Ist clothing moiinoWeth -is 11 bales grrasy Ist clothing rut rino ewes, 8 bales 1 grei'y 2nd clothing meiino ewes, BJd ; 2 bales greasy meriuo pieces, 5 5-12 d; Dtf, 3 b\ es greasy locks, 2sd ; do, 1 bile greasy white and black, 6g:J ; McS, 9 bales greasy cross-bred ewea, 8d; JJ, a bales greasy merino, 8d ; D, 1 bale greasy crosnbred, 7^l ; 5, 1 bile greasy half-bred, BJd ; JH c -njoineii, 1 bale greasy crosb-b r ed and meriuo, 7§cl ; RB 13 bales greasy thr^e-quirter-bred hogtets, 7^l ; di, 1 bale gre sy thrce-qnarter-brcd pieces, 4JI ; JOH, 18 bales greasy cross-ure'l, 8J I ; do, 1 bale washed lofk-i, 2d ; JF over Warepa, 2 bales creaky cross-bred. 10J1 ; do, 2 bags greasy mi rino, 7Jd ;IE 7 bales greasy Imf-brrd, 8d ; 18, 2 bales measy merit o, Bijd ; EC, 1 bale greasy merino acd 12 half-bred fleeces washed, BJd : BB over anchor, 12 balei gicasy Ist combing half-bred hoggets, 2 bales greasy 2- d combing half-brtd ho.-geta, 1 bale greasy Ist combing do hoggeisand rams, 1 ba'e greasy 2nd combing half-btei hoggets and rums 7 bales greasy ltt combing h*)fbred wethers, 3 ba'es greasy a cond combing lulf-rreii wethers, 2 bales -^rea-y Ist combing half-bred ewe, 2 bales greasy i-econd combing hsuf-bred twes, 1 Lale gre sy 2nd clothing half-bred and merino, 1 t>ale creasy 2m«i combing haf-bied and merino, 9j' ; do, 6 bales greasy Ist combing merino hoi/gets, 4 b le3 greasy 2nd combing nifiiuo hoggets, 2 bales greasy Ist combing merino wethers, 2 bnies gi c isy 2nd combing merino wethers, 4 bales gTea^y ltt combing m> rino ewes, 11 bales greasy 2nd com'.ii'g merino ewts, 13 I a'es gr< asy Ist clothing merino ewes, 2 bales grtasy Ist clothing merino hoggets, 2 bales greasy Ist clothing merino wethers, 1 bale greasy Ist clothinvr merin-> wethers and ewes, 9J i ; do, 5 I aleb greasy Ist pieces half bred, 2 bales greasy 2 d pieces half-bted, 1 bale gna*y stained pieces, fsd ; 4 bales greasy Ist pieces mu'iuo, 1 bale grea-y 2nd pieces merino, 1 bile greas/ merino belly piece.*, 6$J ; 3 bales greasy locks, 4% I ; 1 bale greasy duifry half-bred, 1 bale greasy dingy hall-bred and meriuo, t%l ; 3 bales greasy half-bred bellies, 2 bales ejre.isy ine;ino belles, 5Jd ; star comp' sed of A's 2 bales greasy cro.-s-lred bandy, 4|d ; do, 2 bales greasy loolis, Id ; Prt over L, in tnangld, 24 bars greasy half-brod hoggets, 7 ba'es do half-bred hoggets, 9d ; do, 7 balen greasy merino, 9|>t ; do, 2 bate^ do 1 cks aid pieces, 3gl ; bli over W, 11 bales aud 4 bags greasy cross-bred, 3 biles preasy cross-bred hoggets, 9d; do, 2 'bales greasy do broken rlcects. 7JI ; do, 3 bales greasy merino, 9|J ; do, 1 fadge merino rams and 5 fidsjes Leicester pieces, Gfd ; HC, 2 bales greasy crwssbied, 9Jd ; Abbotaford, 23 bales greasy half-bred, 1 bale greasy h*if-bred nnd I'heviot, 8f 1 ; do, 3 ba'es grehsy pieces s|t ; do, 30 baies greasy merino, tg I ; do, 3 bales greasy piecrs, s^l ; do, 2 bales greasy locks, 4 5-16 d ; DOR, 5 bales scoured croßa-hred, 3 baled bcoured merino, ICd ; IS over W over KB, 3 bales 1 bag washed crusi-bred, 12Jd ; AS, 1 ba c greasy half-brod combing, 7|d ; do, 2 bales greasy merino 0 >mbing, 7Jd ; do, 1 bale gre^y locks and pieces, SJJ ; liC over 'I, 2 bales greasy merino, 9d ; TVV", 2 bales greasy c oss-bred 7gJ; OF, 2 bales greasy half-bred, 1 bale trreasy half-bred and merino, B jd ; WT over W, 1 bale and I fadge g ea-y cosa bred, yjd ; WG, 1 bile gieasy cross-bred wether, 2 bales greasy cross-brod ewe, 1 bale greasy crosß-bred hogget, Bgd ; ItG, 1 b>le greasy cross-breu ewe, Bjd. bheepskinp, Hides, and Tallow.— Wo did not fffer any this week, but shall held our next sale on Monday, 27th instant, at 3 o'clock Grain.— Wheat is very little sought after, millors prtfernng to hold on for the new crop. Quotations are nominal, tay, for prime samples, Si 9d per bushel ; ordinary, 3s 6 i to 3< 9d ; fowlb' feed, 2s fli to 3s 3d. O4s are in very limited inquiry. Primo milling are worth 3s 8d per hushel ; good teed, Sa 7d. Barley : No demand ; nono offering, Maolban Bbotiibrs report for the week ending January 22nd, as follows : - Fat Cattle.— Tie mirket t--day was fairly supplied, 175 head of medium to good quality being yarded, all of which ch'invtd hands at a .-nude under last week's rat s. Medium sized cattle of good quality brought about 30s por 100 lbs, while heu\y weiuhts were sliglnly under urdinary quality brought from 22s Cd to 255. At ihejuids we sold on ai-coutit of Messrs Palmer, Petnc, I'odd, Sutherland, and others, 73 head. Best bullocK?, heavy weights, brought from £11 to £15 ; medium, £8 10s to £10 10 1 ; cowp, from £5 10a to £!) 10j. according to weight aad quality Fat Ca ves.— 2t wercjpenned : we sold six at from 185 to 55s each. Fat Sheep.— l66B wero penned, chiefly good to prime quality. Although a sm 11 supply, competition wa-i only moderately active, consequently prices were ea-iy, and tho demand fully supplied. Wo sold, on account of the New Zealand ana Australian Land Coinrany, from tho Totaia Jistate, a pnmu draft of 530, »t from 10* to 12s 3d; o.i acuou;.t <>f Messrs JJrown, Beattic, andotlicrs, 330 at from Ss 6d to 9d 6d— or tqu.ii to 2d pur lb for prime quality. F^t ijamb--. — A fall supply of 670 was jjennul, all good to prime quality Bidding was, in conscqucuco, rithor dull, aiid pi ices were rot up to the expectations of vendors. 1- ferior and medium sola at 4j 3d t<> 8< ; srood to primo ni 9i to 10s Cd, the latt. r bbitu obtained for a realty [firt>t-cla«s draft of 40, scld by us on account of Peter Aitch son, K6q,, A'vamoko, ilia best quality lambs w« have seen penned in the market, and which were pui chased by Mr U'orsyth, Port ChalmciP. Store Cattle— Wo have no tules to icport, but hive placed a large mob under offar. Tlu demand in the north of th'H province aud South Umterbu-y is not quite what we expected at this seison, owing doubtless to toe scarcity of feed ; but in our own immediate neighbourhood veil grown ia'.tle in forward condition commaud fair prices. Q ictationa saiiio as last week. Store Hheep ai - e without alteration as regards dermnd or value, and no tr^ns'iotions of any importance have transpired. We have several choice lots for offer. Country Salea.— Wo would direct attention to our sales of growing crops at Mosgiel to-morrow (Thursday) at 12 o'clock, and of dairy bkek at Ilalfwjy Dujh on 24th instant. Wool.— On P'ridiy, 17th, we held our first pale of the eason, tho particulars of wh'di, with prices obtiined, have been fully reported On Jlond.iy we soUl aUrge number of small lots, which broueht very sjAtt,factory prices. Li\t of these is lu-reto annexed. Yesterday and to-day siles havo bcou hold, but, pieaumably on account of the unsatisfactory nature cf the catalogues of tho Home sales to hand by this mail, prices have ruled considerably easier. Our hext sale will be held ci Friday, 3Ut instant, when w* 'hall ('ffer several choice clips :— JU cor joinc I, 10 bags greasy croas-bred, CJd ; snield, 2 bags greasy l.eicu&ter. 7Jd ," do, 3 bags tjrea-y pitcei and locks, 5d ; T, 2 bags tcoui>d locks, 7jJ ; do, 2 big* scoii'ed mixed, sJil ; RS, 3 bags greasy pi>Con, 4fl; do, 2 bags grexav locks, ; do, 1 bag greasy fleece, 6Jd ; WS over W, 2 i,ags wa hud pieces, 4d ; do, 1 bai? greasy locks., 2^l ; B', 1 bag greasy locks, 3d ; WO, 1 b;'g washed piece?, 61 ; horiieshoe, 2 bags groisy pitceH, 3|il ; do, 2 bags gre>sy locks, ljd ; UK, 2 bags greasy ci oss-bred, *£l ; do, 2 bigs washed cross-bred, lid; do, 1 bag 4 washed p'ecex, 7d: T, 1 ba.r greasy pieces and flueco, ljd; WN, ? bags greasy croi-s-bred, 7Jd ; do, 2 bags g c<jsy locks, 3d ; GS over W, 1 bag washed locks, 4JI ; do, 1 bag mixed crosß-bred, 7|d ; RT, 3 baga grca y croß3-bred, 7Jd; .\B, 1 b+g greasy pieces, :fd ; MX. conjoined, 1 bn«r greasy locks, 2d ; do, 2 bigs greasy pieces, 4d ; MF, 1 bag greasy Jocks, 3a ; CN', 1 bag greasy locks, id; do, a bags grtaay cross-bred, <S.Jtt; scissors, 1 bag greasy locks, £d; 1 tear greasy locks and pieces 3sd ; JN, 1 bag locks, l£.l ; T. •£ ba>.s greasy pitcei, 4jji ; WO, 1 ba>; greasy locks, 2d ; do, 1 bag jjioasy ) ieceß, 4Jd ; JD, 2 bags greasy p'.ooes nnd kcliß. ?J1 ; do, 1 b.ig grea-y mixed fleece, 6d ; Jtl conjoincil, 1 bagfrreasy pieces, 61; JIIP conjjbieii, 1 bag greasy Jocks, Jd ; lilt, 1 bag washed pieces, 3^l ; Heart, 2 bags greasy locks, 2Jd ; WJA, 2 bags gr^sy Jocks, 3d ; 'I'J, 1 bag greasy piece?, 3JJ ; WO, 1 bdg greasy merino, 8.1 ; do, 1 Lag greasy locks and pieoos, 4jfil; PA. 2 bigs gieasy locks, 2M ; WC, 1 bacr washed pieces, 3£d; do, 1 bi^ irreasy'locks, 8(1: Ml', 1 bag gromy locks, 3Jd ; Hcurt, 1 bag greasy locks, JJ ; do, 2 bigs greasy ]hcts, 3§il. Sheepskins.— Our uaual pale on Monday List was well attended, and competition was active. Prices obtained weie about on the level of those of tho previous w. ek tor dry station skins ; green pelts sold at 5d to 9 i eiich ; and limb bkms from OJ to It 4J each, according to qiulity. Hives and Tullow. — None offered. Tho demand for hides is still slack, and the value is nominally 3d perlb «.Jrain. — Wheat: Iho market has been stagnant during the past week, and quotations are without change Oats havo boen inquired for, but tbo quantity offoring is very trifling, aud sxles havo bica quite unimportant Oocd to fine feed and milling may be quoted at 3s 8 1 to 3s lOd. B.rl->y iB quite out of the utarket. JVfesMy Donald Elid and Co. report for the woek omling 22nd January, 1879, as follows : — Fat Cuttle — This weok's market was supplied with 17t> licid, only a amall proportion of which were jirimo, tl)o b^langu buiug little bot^or thqn stot'oa. Pnceu

showed a slight dccl ne on laac weeb'a quotation. Be* bullock", heavr weights from £10 to £16 s^ ; m diwcOj. £7 to £10 ; enm, from £6 to £0 10s— or a bhide uudex 30 < per 100 bf >r piime, meilium. Fat Calves.- 24 yarded, and sold at from 15s to 30r. Fat Sheep.— lo-i8 panned, which wee all take by the trade at about la3t week's prices. Beit, fi\,m 101 to l-2s 0d; medium, from 7a 6d to 10a— or eqial to 21 perlb. , . . , Fat Lambs.— 67o were penned, ths supply being in excenß of requirements. Prices were scarcely up 10 laßt week's quotations. They were all sold, however, ai fiom 6s od to 04, according toquality. fctore Cattle.— Th re is fair demand for well-grown,, quiet, store cattle for paddock f tttoning, and, if ia lorward eonditi' n, they command higher* uiices. _ Store bheep.— We hw a hrge number of merino and h tff-bred sheep for private sale The deman 1 Icr sound (-heop of all classes h active; of ihese.hoAever, there is only a 1 mited number offering Full-mouthed sheep are not 8 > mu> h inqui ed for We quote limbs, 5s tn 6< 6d ; two-to "th, 6i 6d to 7s 6' ; four and sxtjoth, 7i to 8s OJ ; full-mouthed, Ss 9d to Cs 6d. We 60ld 5000 during the week a', quotations. Wo»l —On J-ridsy last we held our first salo of the season, at ou>- w 0 (4 Stores, Princi s street south, when we catalogued 851 biles- There wSs a large attendance of buyers and others interested in th« sale. The c was fdir competition for small lots, aud such so d at i-atitfactory prue% considering tuo depressed ami unsettled sta'e of the Home ma k-t. Our uualogue consisted principa ly of lartfe enp J , in reßpect to wh c 1 it vhm evident ih t bu>ers were not disposed to meit the viewa of vendors as to value, and cy.t&tquni'tly all the la ge clips were passed in. We disposed of several »tnall lots at— greasy, HB, from 7id t ) 9§ I ; merino, 7Jd to lOd. W e have had inquiries for tne clips not dispos d of, and anticipate being abe to plac^ some of them privately. Skins.— We held nur usual weekly sale on Monday last, when we disposed of dried skins at s|d per lb ; mixed skins, at 1- 9d to 3) 3d. tn p*Tt es.— We held a sale of city freeholds on 'uosclay last. Seotion 31, block X"J, Dunedin, sold for £80-1 ; section 26, block XXI, £800 ; Sfciion 27, blocV XXC, £8.0. We would direct attention to our sale t>. be held at Watson's Hotel, Dunedi", on Saturday, 25ih instant, when we will offer sections in the township of fcher^ood, Waipahi, and other townships. Grain. — Wheat is exceedingly du'l of Bile, and prices are only nomin il. We quote be-<t millinc;, 3< 9J to 4s ; medium, 3< 61 to 3s 9d ; fowlb' feed, 2i 9d to 3a 3 1. O its i aye a downward tendeuey. We quote test feed, 3s 8d to 3s lOd. Mr M. Ptm reports havine sold on the 18th part of section 31, block XIV, on which stands a 10-roomed house, in Moray place, for £1500. Also, 45 sections in the totfiifhip uf Bayviow, at prices rangi g from £10 up to£l9d. WuiTEiiAW and Co. report a Bale by auction this day, on tbe Kuttray strret Wharf, ex Seashe 1, of 39 000 feet hardwood, at lls 6d ; and 7000 flve.foot box pilings, at 11b GJ. Mr J. B. Bradshaw reports as follows for the weeU ending Saturday, 18t>ti inst., viz. :— National Bank of New Zealand thares, £3 103 Colonial Bank of Now Zealand shares, £2 10a; National Insurance Co shares, £1 6s ; Stand «d Insup* ance Co shares, 193 ; Union InmraTjo Co fhares, 12a 6d ; Colonial Insurance Co shares, 3a fll; JNow Zealand l^oan and Merointile Agency Co sl)nro«, 50s paid up, £5 15a ; Walton Park Coal Co shares, 30* ; National Mortgage and Agency Co shares, £151 5 Scot' tiuh and New Zealand Investment Co shares, 18s. Money secured on freehold property, 9 »nd 10 por oent,. per annum. WhitbliAW and CO. roport sales of shares during tho past week as follows '.— Insurance.— National, 25s 6d ; Kew Zealand, 80* South British, 655 ; Standard, 18s 6d ; Union, 18* 3d Colonial, 3b 6J. Banks— Colonial, 60s 3d, cum div ; National, 70s. Other Companies— Mount Ida Pastoral Investment;, £9; New Zealand shipping Co., 85s ; Union Steamship Co., £8 fis ; Walton Park Coal, 15a od ; National Mortgage and Agency Co., Limited, 21s ; Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company, 68s ; KaiUngfata Railway and t'oal Company, £8 Money secured on freehold proper y, 0 and 10 per cent. Mr J. A. Mackenzie reports for Ihe week ended 18th January, as foll&ws :— Co'onial Bank of New Zealand, £2 10s ; National Insurance U< mpany, £1 53 6'l ; Standard In&uniuco Company, 18s ; Uiiion Insurance Co, 13s ; Colon-al I»suianco Co, 3< 3J ; Mosgiel Woollen Factory Co, £3 9a ; Now Zealand Shipping Company, £4 5s ; Cromwell Quartz-mining Co, £2 5s ; Keep-it-uark GoJd-mii.inj,' C)(Ketfton), 18s Cd ; Uuioi) Gold-mininp Co (aeetfon), Bj.

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Otago Witness, Issue 1418, 25 January 1879, Page 13

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MONEY MARKET. Otago Witness, Issue 1418, 25 January 1879, Page 13

MONEY MARKET. Otago Witness, Issue 1418, 25 January 1879, Page 13